Valkyrie Storm

Blood is not cold

Blood is not cold
"You're looking for death! In front of Tianmangyu, Beast Mountain is just a bastard, how dare you challenge him openly?" Huo Qilin was very annoyed, this little guy had such a big tone, he directly regarded Tianmangyu as an enemy The opponent, even wanting to declare war openly, simply didn't pay attention to Tianmangyu, and didn't pay attention to the Holy Emperor.

Tang Yan ignored Huo Qilin's clamor, and continued to exhort or remind them: "Tianpengling subdued the Dark Night Wolf Clan, and its strength increased greatly. Donghuangyue subdued the Blood Wolf Clan, and its strength also jumped. If Tianmang Domain subdues the Wolf Royal Clan , Tianmangyu's strength has also jumped, and the level of the jump is even greater than yours.

Although Yaoyu has been a three-legged rivalry for tens of thousands of years, in fact Tianmangyu has been steadily suppressing Donghuangyue and Tianpengling. Now, you two finally have a chance to catch up with Tianmangyu. Why give up in vain?

The most important thing you should do now is not continue to assist Tianmangyu, but to withdraw immediately, let Beast Mountain consume Tianmangyu's strength and weaken his power.What you should do is to immediately change direction and raid the Night Forest. The two clans join forces to attack the Wolf Royal Clan, and try to weaken their power as much as possible, so as not to be restrained in the future.

Otherwise, when this incident is over, Mo Qilin will easily subdue the prosperous wolf royal family. With the strength and number of the wolf royal family, the strength of the Tianmang domain will definitely skyrocket, and once again firmly suppress your Tianpengling and Donghuangyue .

One more thing to add, I'm not provoking, I'm just reminding you.

If you help Tianmangyu, you will not benefit, and Mo Qilin will not be grateful.Now that the wolf royal family does not belong to the Tianmang domain, your attack on the wolf royal family is not a challenge to the Tianmang domain.Whether what I said makes sense, you can judge for yourself. "

Some verbal reminders, the posture is peaceful, neither fierce nor radical, but also reasonable. It seems that there is no provocation, but in fact every word and sentence is provocative, and the key is not to attract people's resistance.

Tang Yan's words pinched the hidden disadvantages in the three-legged confrontation of the demon domain, alluding to the strength of the Tianmang domain, which may not be enough to affect the blood wolf king and the night wolf king, but it is enough to give the leaders of Tianpengling and Donghuangyue Bring impact and trigger thinking.

"The little guy is really eloquent, no wonder he can hold the Thunder Wolf King." The Blood Wolf King and the Night Wolf King snorted coldly, and frowned indistinctly.As wolf kings, they are smart and self-evident, and they have a sense of the overall situation. They know that Tang Yan is actually provoking, but the problem is that what Tang Yan said is actually very reasonable.

The two wolf kings didn't consider the strength of the Tianmang Realm. They don't know the specific structure of the Yao Realm for the time being. The concern they got from Tang Yan's words was - the wolf royal family!

Now that I have led the group to seek refuge with the Demon King of the Demon Realm, I will take root in the Demon Realm in the future, and the entire Demon Realm will become the primary battlefield for the major wolf clans to fight, and it will also be a permanent battlefield. It is inevitable that the wolves will fight each other.

The various performances of each wolf clan in the future will be compared and measured. The strengths and weaknesses of each wolf clan will directly affect the image of each wolf clan in the eyes of the demon emperor to which it belongs, and even affect the status of the race.

They have lived in the Night Forest all year round, and they are most aware of the horror of the wolf royal family. Not only are they the largest in number, but they are also more powerful than other wolf clans at all levels.

This made them fearful, and they would definitely be suppressed in a face-to-face confrontation in the future.

Instead of suffering grievances and defeats in the future and affecting the status of your own group around the new emperor, it is better to weaken this threat now. Even if you don't expect to directly destroy the wolf royal family, at least let them lose their vitality and be helpless.

The demon saints of Tianpeng Ridge and Donghuangyue also understood the provocative meaning in Tang Yan's words, but as the top leaders of their respective organizations, they knew best their own emperor's desire to get rid of Mo Qilin's oppression, and they knew more clearly the significance of weakening Tianmang Domain .

They managed to regain the wolves, giving the organization the strength to challenge Tianmangyu head-on, but... if Tianmangyu subdues the stronger and larger wolf royal family, in the end, they will still be suppressed by Tianmangyu, or The pressure is stronger.

Looking at today's battle, if the Beast Mountain troops really come, it seems that there is really no point in their persistence, just like what Tang Yan said, "nothing", not only will they not get any benefits, but they will not be thanked by Tianmangyu .

What if we just sit back and watch Beast Mountain and Tianmang Territory consume?

Tianmang domain is fully mobilized, and Beast Mountain is also fully mobilized. The strength of the two sides is not much different. If a fierce battle breaks out, both sides will be seriously exhausted. Yu Yu was hurt so much that it affected the power of the entire Yao Yu.

So... withdraw now?

Hand over the battlefield to Tianmangyu, and they immediately return to attack the wolf royal family in Youye Forest?
It seems to be a reasonable choice, and it serves multiple purposes.

But... what about Jin Jie's black coffin?They still haven't found Jin Jie's black coffin! !

"Are you fools?! Tang Yan is obviously trying to sow discord, and even delaying time!" Lei Qilin roared loudly, hoping to wake up Tianpengling and Donghuangyue.

Their two coalition forces have more than 100 million troops, which is enough to play a pivotal role, and even determine whether the battlefield can continue to be fixed in this territory, so as to attract more monster troops to gather here until they are completely wiped out.

However, Tang Yan said such a clever and weird thing, so that the senior management of Tianmangyu couldn't find the right words to refute. At this time, they thought of Shui Qilin again. If she is here now, maybe Tang Yan can refute it. I was speechless.

"Whether it's a provocation or a reminder, whether my words make sense, and what are the pros and cons of you staying and retreating, I believe everyone has a judgment in their hearts.

Some things cannot be influenced by talking about them. I, Tang Yan, do not have that much ability. I can influence everyone's decisions with a few words.Your Excellency Lei Qilin doesn't need to be angry, Tianpengling and Donghuangyue will not submit to your Tianmang domain just because of your roar.They have their own judgment, and they will make the most reasonable decision. "

Tang Yan was provoking. Without more than 100 million troops from Tianpengling and Donghuangyue, the Leiwolves would be able to break through the encirclement more easily, reducing resistance for Beast Mountain's pick-up operation, and even taking this opportunity to completely damage the Tianmang Region .

Tang Yan was delaying the time even more. The Leiwolf Clan and the others had consumed too much, and it would be perfect to have a little buffer, and the longer the time dragged on, the faster the Beast Mountain troops would come.

Tang Yan has never commanded such a huge battlefield, but he knows that Ma Yanwang, Ke Zunshan and others are watching him and observing his every move. Not only will it make the already chaotic war even more chaotic, but it will also make it difficult to win, and it will make your own side pay a more painful bloody price.

Therefore, even though the bloody battlefield stimulated his blood and fighting spirit, and he wished to fight immediately, his rationality kept his emotions under control, allowing him to control the battlefield as much as possible.

"Don't be fooled by him! Tang Yan's ultimate goal is to weaken the demon realm!" Mu Qilin yelled at the two demon saints.

King Ma Yan straightened his mask, and hummed lukewarmly: "Millions of wolves have been injected into the demon domain, and the overall power of the demon domain has doubled. Do you still care about this consumption? You can't stand such a random fight." ?joke!!"

"You all save yourself! Millions of wolves are poured into Beast Mountain, and your strength will be doubled as a whole!!"

Tang Yan snorted coldly: "If you are not smart, don't pretend to be smart. The beast mountain is so big, can it affect you? What you should worry about is the sea area, the corpse emperor clan, the Asura clan, and the Pangu clan. From the beginning to the end, it is not your turn to be in the monster realm." ! Beast Mountain sits big, and to a certain extent, it will contain the Pangu Clan and make your Monster Realm more stable."

"You... don't destroy your Beast Mountain, Tianmang Realm pretends to be the overlord of the Monster Realm!!" Mu Qilin was furious. No one in his life had dared to provoke him, but today he was teased by a doll.

Huo Qilin suddenly roared: "Stop talking nonsense!! Fight!! The longer they delay, the more it shows that the large army is far away! So what if the Beast Mountain army is here? Tianmang Domain has never been afraid of anyone! East of Tianpeng Ridge So what if Huangyue doesn’t provide reinforcements? How has the Tianmang Region been reduced to relying on other clans’ assistance! Little Beast Mountain, a new organization, how can it shake our Tianmang Region’s eternal majesty!

Tianmangyu listened to the order and started a full-scale war!Let Beast Mountain, who is overwhelmed by his own strength, appreciate the power of an overlord!war! ! "

The agitation of passionate blood and fervent shouts ignited the blood before Beast Mountain, and more than 380 million beasts in the Tianmang Domain collectively shouted, and the sound waves rolled, roaring mountains and rivers, and awakening the human body.

The blood is not cold, the battle is still raging, fight! !
"The way home is right in front of you. Heroes of the wolf clan, would you like to fight for the last time?!" Tang Yan raised his arm and raised his knife, roaring loudly, which also shook the sky and trembled the endless wilderness battlefield.

"Roar!" The teams of the Thunder Wolf Clan and the Giant Wolf Clan became angry again, raising their heads and letting out their voices, venting their wolf nature, rekindling their passion and blood, their fangs exposed again, their sharp claws clasped tightly again, their bodies tensed up again, Wait... "Fight!!" The commanders of both sides roared, and the vast battlefield exploded in an instant, and the bloody land was rekindled.

(End of this chapter)

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