Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1845 Breaking Dawn

Chapter 1845 Breaking Dawn
In the eighth year of the Era, on January 28, night fell!

The huge battlefield that had been suspended for a short time was unveiled again. Tang Yan and other eleven holy realms replaced Wu Niangniang and other black coffin powerhouses. Forcibly boosting blood energy, he united with Tang Yan and others to attack more than ten great holy realms in Tianmang Region.

From the top to the wolf pack, they all deliberately avoided the troops of Tianpengling and Donghuangyue, and avoided the two major wolf clans of the blood wolf clan and the dark night wolf clan.The two forces did not rush to attack immediately, and retreated to the edge of the battlefield without haste, observing the battlefield with the attitude of a bystander, and waiting for the commander's decision at the same time.

The arrival of Tang Yan and others, although not enough to ease the tension on the battlefield, let alone make up for the serious lack of high-level power, but at least brought hope, brought new vitality, and temporarily contained Tianpengling and Donghuangyue More than 100 million troops.

The fierce battle broke out again, and quickly boiled to the extreme.

Intense blood was smeared on the devastated mountains and rivers, and the high-pitched fighting spirit was unbridled on the vast battlefield.

The high-pitched fighting spirit and momentum of the wolf tribe even brought excitement to Tang Yan and others. It would definitely be a blessing for Beast Mountain to have such a huge group of war beasts.The strength of the wolves does not lie solely in their strength, but in their innate ability to coordinate with their troops, their talents in troop coordination, and their complete and coordinated hunting system. These are all crucial factors in the law of wolf nature. The key to the wolf clan's proud foothold in the world of monsters and beasts.

The larger the number of wolves, the more terrifying the teamwork ability, and the more terrifying the strength they display, the scene where the number and strength are almost in a straight line.

So... When the blood was rekindled, when the war was re-opened, the wolves were adjusting, integrating, and adapting at an extremely fast speed. They did not completely relax their vigilance against the blood wolves, and concentrated their forces to storm the Tianmang domain. force.

The Tianmangyu army is also not lacking in blood, let alone cooperation. They can dominate the Yaoyu and the Eastern Continent not only because of Mo Qilin's strength, but more importantly, because of their comprehensive tyranny from top to bottom.

Instigated by Lei Qilin and others, and under the performance of various demon saints, they also adjusted their tactics and launched a fierce attack on the wolves, crushing the will of the exhausted wolves with strength and secret methods.

After the fierce battle reopened Yue Yixiang's time.

The demon saint leader of Tianpeng Ridge made a decisive decision and ordered all to retreat, leave the huge battlefield directly, and return to the depths of the demon domain. They will join forces with the rest of the millions of Dark Night Wolves and the Tianpeng Ridge team to attack the Youye Forest.

Tianpeng Ridge's retreat helped the hesitant Donghuangyue make a decision. Hundreds of thousands of troops quickly left the battlefield and rushed towards Youye Forest. They will join forces with Tianpeng Ridge to attack the Wolf Royal Clan.

Let Beast Mountain and Tianmang Realm fight to the death, they are going to attack the wolf royal family, and try to kill this potential threat as much as possible.

The withdrawal of the two organizations greatly encouraged Tang Yan and others, and the offensive became more violent and unscrupulous.But the Tianmang Region is still fearless, and they continue to attack continuously, because...their troops in the Tianmang Region are not limited to the monsters hoarded inside and outside the territory of the 'Tianmang Region', but the monsters scattered in the vast western territory. It is Mo Qilin's family property.

As early as Lei Qilin and the others received the order to rush to the southern border to set up an ambush, they had already issued a rallying call to the entire west halfway.They believed that it would not be long before new hordes of beasts would arrive on the battlefield one after another, until they completely surrounded the wolves.

This is the demon domain, the territory of the three major demon emperors. The monsters in the entire western region are the subjects of Mo Qilin. Competing in the number of troops in the demon domain is purely asking for trouble, let alone a million, even a thousand. Tens of thousands of beasts can appear!

In the eighth year of the Era, January 28, late at night!

After the fierce battle lasted for an hour, the wolves who stayed in place for half a day successfully realized the overall large-scale movement under the repeated instigation of Thunder Wolf King and Giant Wolf King, and the huge wolf pack troop embarked on the journey of impact again.

The wolves fought fiercely, counterattacked, and went south at the same time. Due to the fierce offensive in Tianmang Region, the speed of the wolves was relatively slow, and they stopped and went, but it was better than staying in place.

The wolves are not defensive monsters. They will not be satisfied with waiting and defending, and they are not good at defending and attacking. They can only have greater strength when they run wildly. Only when they attack and sprint can they exert greater strength. Strength.

What's more, if the wolves go south for one mile, the Beast Mountain troops rushing to help will rush one mile less, and if they go ten miles south, the Beast Mountain troops will rush ten miles less, and the contact time between the two sides will be shortened.

Now, time is life, and they are all fighting, even more competing.

Tianmangyu noticed the intention of the wolves and was more aware of the power of the wolves' movement. After finally trapping them here, the wolves must not be allowed to move again, so... the offensive wave is higher than the wave, and the blow is fierce. hit.

The vast and huge battlefield, like bloody mud, trapped the galloping wolves.Every time the wolves moved forward, they paid the price of life and death, and trampled on the corpses of their companions.

The wolves are roaring, the wolves are roaring, they are venting their anger, inspiring their blood, and they are mourning for their comrades who died tragically.This farewell will be forever, and the former partners will forever be buried in the ruins of this demon realm, turning into food and nourishment.

In the eighth year of the Era, January 29, midnight!

For the first time in the Western Wilderness, there was a large-scale animal movement, but it was not the beast mountain, but the beast army that responded to Qilin's call, including [-] giant-billed flamingoes and [-] black-eyed bulls.

The strength and quantity of this reinforcement may not be enough to turn things around, but it finally brought hope to Tianmangyu. The first batch has come, will the others be far behind?
Thirty thousand giant-billed flamingoes, twenty thousand black-eyed mad bulls, and fifty thousand wild beasts, the moment they arrived at the battlefield, they were like two waves, blasting towards the wolves from the sky and the ground, immediately arousing blood all over the sky. cause violent chaos.

Year eight, January 29th.

From midnight to the eve of dawn, the tide of wolves continued to go south in the bloody slaughter, struggling to get rid of the entanglement of Tianmangyu's pursuit, but Tianmangyu's reinforcements continued to appear, as small as a few thousand, as large as several Wan, some galloping on the ground, some suddenly swooping down, each time will bring a tragic baptism to the wolves, bring the test of life and death, and cause serious chaos in some areas.

When the dawn came, the reinforcement beast horde had reached nearly a million people, and the speed and frequency of their arrival became faster and faster, which had a serious and fatal impact on the wolves.

The speed of the wolves going south is getting slower and slower, just like getting stuck in a quagmire is getting harder and harder.

Tang Yan and others are also fighting hard. The overall quality of the monsters already surpasses that of humans, and their enthusiasm and enthusiasm are gradually restricted by the gap in strength in the continuous fierce battle. His strength was still a long way from the peak, so that he quickly fell into a disadvantage, forcing the killer Nangong Prison to frequently assist and jointly check and balance.

In the eighth year of the Era, on January 29, the hour of dawn.

When a new force of "[-] hunting foxes" from the Tianmang Region arrived on the battlefield, when the wolf clan team finally stopped galloping and fell into a heavy encirclement, when the eyes of the southern continent finally focused on the Monster Realm, they galloped at full speed. The beast tide army finally reached the border of the demon domain. They turned into more than ten attacking phalanxes, like more than ten violent hammers, blasting towards the encirclement of Tianmang domain with a wild attitude.

Yaoye, Abyss Demon Dragon, Old Man, Harpy, One-horned Golden Immortal, etc., the top ten holy realms were all-out crit attacks, and the offensive that had been suppressed for three days was all unleashed, like a violent storm fighting against a powerful enemy.

In the eighth year of the Era, January 29, noon!

After a period of time, the Beast Mountain and the wolves' allied forces broke through the encirclement of the Tianmang Domain and quickly went south. At Maoshi, they successfully broke out of the vast rainforest of the Monster Domain and rushed into the endless wilderness.

"Roar!!" The mighty howling of wolves reverberated across the world, excited, excited, and shrill, the excitement of rebirth after a catastrophe, the excitement of rushing towards hope, and the shriek of mourning for the dead.

At this moment, the chaotic beast horde shook the mountains and rivers, the galloping pack of wolves trampled the wasteland, the murderous aura broke through the clouds, and thick blood smeared the ground.

At this moment, the entire Southern Continent trembled in turmoil, and all eyes focused on the Demon Realm.

At this moment, the silent overlords of all walks of life cast shocking gazes, focusing on the demon realm, and even more on Beast Mountain.

At this moment, it was officially announced to the world that Southeast Beast Mountain was facing Tianmang Region.With a new identity, confront the peak overlord.

At this moment, it is officially announced that the pack is full of heroes, and 400 million wolves have settled in Southeast Beast Mountain.At this moment, it is officially announced that Bafang, Southeast Beast Mountain... has officially risen...

(End of this chapter)

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