Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 19 Water Curtain Tianhua

Chapter 19 Water Curtain Tianhua
A round of crescent moon hangs obliquely high in the sky, sprinkled a little pale towards the valley.The waterfall flew straight down, and the deafening roar broke out on the impact of the lake, which echoed in the valley for a long time and lasted for a long time.

The loneliness is accompanied by the coldness, the magnificence is accompanied by the noise, playing together the unique chapter of the valley moon night.

Tang Yan hid under the waterfall, resisting the heavy impact with difficulty, and continued to temper his body.

I don't know how long it took, a warm feeling came from the abdomen suddenly, Tang Yan's heart moved, he stretched his hand into his bosom with difficulty, touched a wooden sign that was almost forgotten, and slowly injected spiritual power into it. The card glowed brilliantly, and a series of densely packed characters appeared in Tang Yan's mind.

The Phantom is real!

It is the practice method of the Yang family's martial art 'Phantom Spirit'.

In the valley far away from the waterfall, white figures flew over and stopped at the place where Alinda and the others had fought during the day.

An old man in a white cloak, a graceful girl, 25 men in white with fang masks, and [-] comatose teenagers and girls.

It is the mysterious organization that hunts the mammoth academy.

Zhou Linglu took off the fang mask, revealing a flawless and delicate face of white jade, beautiful under the moonlight, but no one dared to take a second look, and all lowered their heads in awe.

"Giant Elephant City has already intervened in this incident and sent eight powerful warriors, including two difficult characters, Tang Qiong enshrined by the Tang family, and Wei Hongchen, the elder of the Giant Elephant Academy."

Tang Qiong?Wei Hongchen?Two Martial Kings of Giant Elephant City!The complexions of all the men in white changed, and a little horror appeared in their hearts.

These two big characters alone are enough to contend with their hunting team.

The old man's face also became very serious: "The news has been confirmed?"

"The news just came from the organization was confirmed through the eyeliner of the Giant Elephant City. Uncle Hua, should we terminate the mission? Although there was an accident in the operation, we finally caught [-], and the other teams should have gained something too. It feels like it's over."

Zhou Linglu took the initiative to propose a retreat. Although she was reluctant in every way, who would have expected that the Giant Elephant Academy would be so quick, and even more so, that it would directly send out a Martial King, the Six Great Martial Sects, and even alarmed the Tang family.

Tang Qiong is one of Tang Yanshan's confidantes, and one of the Tang family's famous five murderers. He is cruel and powerful by nature, and he is loyal to Tang Yanshan. He is a very difficult thing to deal with.Once the two sides meet, with Wei Hongchen entangled with Uncle Hua, the butcher Tang Qiong has enough strength to slaughter them all.

Things have come to this, it is not time to show off, they really need to seriously consider whether to go or stay.

"Why did Tang Qiong get involved? Just because of Tang Ying from the Tang family? A girl from the Tang family is worthy of Tang Yanshan's big fight?"

"It's because of Tang Yan, the second young master of the Tang family! He's also in the team this time." When Zhou Linglu said this, her face was a little weird and even colder.

"Tang Yan? Is that the bastard you mentioned?"

Zhou Linglu gritted her teeth and said, "That's right, it's confirmed that it's him! The main reason for our failure in this mission is his repeated interference, which almost killed me. This guy is not strong, but he is very treacherous." Cunning, even to the point of shamelessness."

Uncle Hua frowned slightly: "The second young master of the Tang family is a well-known playboy in Giant Elephant City, and he is also a well-known semi-finished product. Are you sure it's him?"

"Uncle Hua can torture these students, that bastard is Tang Yan."

Uncle Hua's brows became tighter and tighter, and he muttered: "A small martial artist can make our well-thought-out plans fail frequently. This can't be done by 'insidious and treacherous' alone. This little guy is not simple. It seems that we It is necessary to re-investigate the Tang family."

Zhou Linglu reminded again: "Uncle Hua, many students have already been rescued by the instructors of the Giant Elephant City, and some of them were eaten by monsters in the dense forest. The rest are Tang Yan and the others. Whether it can survive in the depths is unknown. I propose"

"No!" Uncle Hua directly raised his hand to interrupt, his old face was full of determination: "You should be clear that this action was ordered by the top, and repeated orders must not reveal our true identity. But according to what you said , that female instructor may have recognized you, this is not too serious, the most serious thing is that that bastard snatched the package again. Once they meet Wei Hongchen and others, things will become very troublesome. Not only will we be Punishment is more likely to arouse the vigilance of the royal family, which in turn affects "

"Uncle Hua, what's your idea?"

"This matter is no small matter. I guess the female instructor dare not speak nonsense. Even if it is a report, she will have to wait until she returns to the Giant Elephant Academy to find their principal. As for the little ghost of the Tang family, although I don't know why Tang Yanshan loves him. , but when it comes to the survival of the family, Tang Yanshan needs to make some necessary sacrifices."

Zhou Linglu is smart and shrewd, and she knows everything: "Uncle Hua means to put pressure on the Tang family and the Giant Elephant Academy?"

"Three-handed preparations can be made. First, we will continue to search for these fish that slipped through the net in the forest. Once we find them, we will kill them immediately; The possibility of the female mentor and Tang Yan reporting to them, and then find a suitable opportunity to get rid of Tang Yan and the female mentor; third, arrange for the organization to send more powerful people over, on the way Tang Qiong and Wei Hongchen return to the Giant Elephant City Start, kill everyone, and completely cover up this matter.

The second and third items are dangerous, and more detailed plans are required, and they should be reported to the organization for discussion and decision. If they really feel that the matter is serious, they may treat it with caution.Our current focus is still on the first one, and we will try our best to hunt them down, and we must solve them before Tang Qiong and others find out. "

"Just do what Uncle Hua said. I will arrange for someone to pass the news back to the organization. I believe they will choose to accept it."

Uncle Hua stared at the distant mountains under the night: "The psychedelic forest has undulating terrain, ancient trees cover the sky, and the landforms and trees are very similar. The deeper you move, the easier it is to lose your way. They fled aimlessly, and we tracked them down. more difficult."

"I have a proposal."


"Activate the water curtain Tianhua with all my strength, and expand the search area."

Uncle Hua frowned slightly, hesitantly, but finally chose to accept.

Five minutes later, the old man Uncle Hua sat cross-legged in the middle of the valley, Zhou Linglu and other seven Martial Ancestors surrounded him ten meters away, and the other nineteen third-tier Martial Spirits were scattered 5 meters away, sitting cross-legged in a specific position, invisible Form a strange formation.

"Water curtain Tianhua" Uncle Hua closed his eyes and focused his attention, circulating the spiritual power of his meridians, and white mist lingered around his body. Zhou Linglu and others also stimulated their spiritual power to form the same mist around them.

With the full force of the 27 people, a cloud of white mist was formed, as if the eyes of the formation were activated one by one, and the energy of the heavens and the earth in the valley converged towards them as if being drawn, a small part of the nineteen martial spirits scattered at the outermost edge Most of the energy gathered on Zhou Linglu and the other seven people, and [-]% of the energy gathered on Uncle Hua.

The energy in the body was slowly filled, and the speed of everyone's urging was getting faster and faster, and the mist lingering around began to spread rapidly.

After a moment of calm, the spiritual power in the body suddenly surged wildly, and everyone's faces turned pale, and their brows were tightly frowned, as if they were enduring some kind of pain.

The energies of the heavens and the earth converged at an accelerated rate, rushing into their bodies crazily, and the white mist radiated filled the entire valley, and then spread at an accelerated speed. in the spread.

Within the area shrouded in white mist, every plant, tree, rock, and object, as well as resting or hunting monsters, were all transmitted back to the valley like images, clearly imprinted in the minds of Uncle Hua and the others.

I saw the ancient trees intertwined with each other, I saw the flowing rivers, I saw the monsters fighting, I saw the mercenaries lurking on guard, and I saw some terrifying monsters awakening.

It's just that I still haven't found the shadow I want.

With Uncle Hua's thought, all warriors in the valley urged their spiritual power with all their strength, and their speed doubled. The mist lingering in the forest continued to expand, extending from three kilometers to four kilometers, and then extending to five kilometers. .

The energy of heaven and earth around the valley accelerated accordingly, pouring into everyone's bodies with the momentum of a shock, and some powerful third-tier martial spirits couldn't hold the momentum, blood oozed from the seven orifices, and their expressions were very painful.

As the fog spread, the fog in the valley area was so thick that you couldn't see your fingers, and then
The mist turned into droplets and turned into waterlines, covering the entire valley like a rain curtain.

Water curtain Tianhua is just starting!

The spreading range of the fog in the dense forest immediately increased by three points!

All the warriors in white are feeling and searching carefully, not letting go of any grass or tree, not letting go of any clues, the white mist is as light as a trace, and can penetrate anywhere without any scruples.

Um?and many more!

Uncle Hua's expression suddenly changed, and the white mist due east gathered towards a certain area.There, a man in black with a paper figurine on his back was brutally slaughtering several mercenaries. When the fog filled the air, it was the moment when this man killed the last mercenary, with extremely brutal methods.

Also at this moment, the pale paper figurine behind the man suddenly opened his eyes, a screaming sound wave suddenly spread like a ghost baby, and the mist within a radius of [-] meters instantly evaporated.

The lock on there ensued into darkness.

"That's it..." Uncle Hua frowned like a pimple, and his eyes were a little dignified.

That paper figurine seems to be alive?It was a dark breath!
It's him?Ren Tianzang!How did he come to the Great Zhou Empire? How did he appear in the Northern Wilderness Psychedelic Forest?

(End of this chapter)

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