Chapter 20
Tang Yan was immersed in the cultivation method of "Phantom Spiritual Truth", and was secretly amazed at the mystery of this martial art. This is only a part of the whole martial art, and the first part only records the cultivation method of the elementary martial art "Shadow Step".

The so-called 'Shadow Step', as the name suggests, is to give the warrior light body skills and fast speed. When fighting, this flickering step can not only disturb the enemy, but also increase the success rate of the surprise attack. It can burst into amazing effects like teleportation.

In Tang Yan's opinion, 'Miyingbu' and 'Ji Mie Yan' are a match made in heaven!The two cooperate with each other, and the power will inevitably be multiplied, and the effect of Yin Ren is not much weaker than that of the spell card.

However, there is a point of fan step that requires the control and use of spiritual power to a very detailed level. The more proficient and meticulous, the lighter and nimbler the fan step is. It is more suitable for girls, not so suitable for men. For Tang Yan For a rookie who has just practiced, it is simply incomparable.

Um?Tang Yan, who was silently comprehending, was suddenly awakened by a strong energy fluctuation.

The waterfall rushing straight down is like a galloping horse. You can neither see the outside situation nor hear any sound when you are in it, but you can clearly detect the changes in the power of heaven and earth.

The more he felt, the more surprised he was. This situation was too abnormal. Tang Yan leaned forward slightly, approaching the edge of the waterfall, staring at the situation outside.

In the next second, his expression changed, and he quickly sat back in the waterfall.

It's them?How did they get here?Tang Yan's eyes changed from cloudy to cloudy, and he hesitated for a moment, then leaned forward again, carefully staring out through the waterline.

A fine line of rain covered the valley, and it fell from the sky sparsely. There were more than 20 people sitting cross-legged on the grass in the valley, as if they were meditating, as if they were recuperating, but they obviously interfered with the energy fluctuations of the sky and the earth.

There are more than a dozen students of the Giant Elephant Academy near the cave in the valley, and they all seem to have passed out. The distance is too far, and the environment is too dim, so Tang Yan can't see who they are.

Tang Yan didn't dare to act rashly, and sat obediently in the waterfall, waiting in full force but people?escape?I'm afraid that as long as you show your head a little, you will be caught without any suspense.

How to do?
All the people in white are immersed in self-awareness, observing the dense forest through the white mist, and carefully filtering all suspicious areas. The farther the white mist extends, the thinner it becomes, so that the clarity of their feelings is greatly improved. decrease.

The too large scope began to increase the burden on their perception, and they had to be more careful and prudent.

The two white-clothed men near the lake frowned slightly, opened their eyes one after another, and stared at the rushing waterfall.One can vaguely feel life fluctuations inside, but the water flow is too turbulent, and the condensed droplets cannot penetrate into it.

With the movement of the mind, the 'rain curtain' covering the waterfall area suddenly became larger and denser. Many water droplets penetrated the waterfall as if they were alive, spreading like Tang Yan's area.

not good!Tang Yan was always paying attention to the movement outside. When the eyes of the two of them turned here, they felt something was wrong. Without too much hesitation, they quickly sat back to the innermost part of the waterfall, and quickly descended with the help of the waterfall's impact. Dive deep into the lake.

Someone and two men in white were alert at the same time, and it was obvious that a living body avoided the water and rushed towards the bottom of the lake.

"Due east, find the target!" Zhou Linglu suddenly uttered a voice, forcing the attention of some people in white to converge towards the due east, and the fog there became thicker.

"Due east, move north five kilometers, find the target! Move west six kilometers, find the target." Uncle Hua slowly opened his eyes, his brows furrowed undetectably.

Zhou Linglu discovered that the targets were Ailinda and Tang Ying who had fled, as well as Du Yang.

Uncle Hua discovered that the targets were two groups of special characters. The closest ones were Tang Qiong and a burly man, whose strength was at the second rank of Wu Zong!The farthest are two middle-aged women, one is a third-tier Wuzong, and the other is a second-tier Wuzong.

Shuimu Tianhua can not only spot the target, but also feel the strength of the enemy, provided that he is not stronger than himself.

"Everyone stop!" Uncle Hua took the lead to disperse the water curtain Tianhua, Zhou Linglu and others got up one after another, probably due to too much consumption, everyone's face was pale and their breath was even more messy.

Uncle Hua rearranged his cloak: "According to Tang Qiong's current movement trajectory, it is very likely that it will coincide with the hiding place of Alinda and the others. The distance between the two sides is about five kilometers. If we act quickly, we may be able to intercept Tang Qiong before Tang Qiong." kill the target."

Zhou Linglu said: "But Alinda is seven kilometers away from us, farther than Tang Qiong. Although the trajectory of the other two women will not reconcile with Aileinda, once a fight breaks out, they are likely to be attracted. .”

"That's right, but Tang Qiong doesn't know where Alinda is, and will move forward while looking for it. It is only possible for the two sides to meet, and we are moving in a straight line!"

"There is another problem. Tang Yan doesn't seem to be around Ailinda." Zhou Linglu was very cautious.

"Maybe they went hunting, and they should be back soon. Let's go, we can't waste any more time, get rid of them first."

Zhou Linglu no longer hesitated: "Take these students and act!"

The two white-clothed men on the edge looked at each other, and looked at the rushing waterfall again, with some hesitation, but they didn't bring it up after all, and quickly followed the leaving team.

"You guys have a good rest, I'm in charge of vigilance."

After fleeing all the way, Alinda found an abandoned cave at the foot of a mountain.

Tang Ying kept staring at the direction she came from, her pretty face was full of worry: "Mr. Alinda, are we really not going back to look for it again? Tang Yan told me to wait for him. He might just get lost temporarily, saying Maybe he’s back in the valley now. It’s getting dark, and it’s definitely dangerous for him to be alone.”

Alinda sighed secretly in her heart, and said, "Do you think I don't want to look for him? We have been looking for him for half an hour, but we haven't found anything. Now that area is full of enemies, we have to leave. If we go back now, wouldn't we Throw yourself into a trap."

"Don't worry, Tang Yan is so cunning, she won't be in danger." Alinda doesn't want to give up on anyone, let alone Tang Yan who saved her, but as a mentor, she needs to be responsible for the two students around her first , Two people cannot be sacrificed for one person.

This is not the time to be emotional, the responsibility is the greatest.

"We can leave a mark, otherwise it will be difficult for him to get out of the psychedelic forest." One of the characteristics of the psychedelic forest is that the terrain of the mountains is basically the same. People without a map will always feel like they are turning in circles when they walk in it, and they may lose their way. , and finally buried under the fangs of monsters.

"I really hope to find or help Tang Yan, but we are now facing the pursuit of the enemy, so we must always be careful." Alinda refused in disguise, leaving a mark?Is this guiding Tang Yan?Or guide the enemy?

Elinda secretly sighed, at this moment, she was inexplicably disturbed, and for her usual calm heart, this feeling was a bit strange and even a little uncomfortable.

Tang Ying opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Du Yang leaned against the rock wall and looked at Tang Ying: "I have a question, I don't know if I should ask it or not."


"I have a feeling that Tang Yan is very different from the previous Tang Yan, at least different from the Tang Yan I know. Is he the trump card of your Tang family? He has been pretending all this time?"

"I don't know, I really don't know." Tang Ying shook her head, let alone Du Yang felt weird, she herself felt incredible.But if it's a 'hole card', it's unlikely.If Tang Yan was really hidden, he must have amazing talent and be taken care of by the old man. In that case, he must not be just a second-level martial artist.

A second-tier martial artist, no matter how special he is, can't be called a 'hole card'.

Du Yang shrugged and stopped asking too much.But in his heart, Tang Ying should know something, but he didn't want to say it in front of outsiders.

Alinda asked Du Yang: "Where did you get this white robe? And the frozen spell cards, where did you get them?"

"I picked it up in the woods. When I was fleeing, I accidentally saw the four-winged scale python go crazy. I waited for about half an hour. After the place calmed down, I went to have a look. I wanted to pick up a treasure, but I didn't expect to see two There are two corpses, one is torn and tattered, and the other is not bad, so I got this outfit."

"Only two corpses?"

"Maybe, I didn't dare to stay too long. Why, you saw it too?"

Tang Ying said: "We escaped from inside. The four-winged scale python seemed to be attracted by Tang Yan."

"Tang Yan? Attracted?" Du Yang was slightly stunned.

"Tang Ying, I have a question, I hope you can answer me seriously." Alinda suddenly turned serious, and looked at Tang Ying seriously: "What did Tang Yan give me?"

She never forgot the pure energies that Tang Yan pushed into her mouth, they were easily transformed into a part of the spiritual power in the meridians without any special effort to refine them.This kind of miraculous thing was unheard of, not even spar or demon core had this kind of effect, it almost overturned my cognition.

Remembering Tang Yan's reminder, Tang Ying pretended to be dazed and said, "What is what?"

"You really don't know?" Alinda stared at Tang Ying burningly.

Tang Ying felt guilty after being stared at by her, but she never let go. She shook her head, expressing that she didn't know anything.

"It's okay, you guys rest quickly, I'll be on guard." Alinda no longer insisted, but at this moment, she felt the same as Du Yang, the Tang family must have done something to Tang Yan, that little girl The guy is not as simple as a dude!
(End of this chapter)

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