Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 21 Martial King Tang Qiong

Chapter 21 Martial King Tang Qiong
The mountains at midnight are quiet and cold, only the occasional roar of beasts echoes in the forest.Alinda sat cross-legged in the secret place at the entrance of the cave, paying attention to the movement, while silently running her spiritual power to dissolve the remaining ice crystals in her body.

With the help of the magical energy liquid given by Tang Yan, about [-]% of the ice crystals in her body have been broken, but the remaining [-]% are still invading her body and affecting the operation of spiritual power. Alinda must eliminate it as soon as possible in order to deal with it. Danger that may arise at any time.

Tang Ying and Du Yang seized the time and worked hard to recover their spiritual power. They had never been so eager for strength, and they had never been so eager to break through the martial spirit barrier.

"The fog has thickened." When the last ice crystal in her body was dissolved, Elinda let out a sigh of relief, but the scene in front of her was like a stone weighing on her heart.There has always been a guess that there is always something wrong with these shadowy fogs.

"The fog is weird. It hasn't dissipated since the moment we walked into the dense forest. When we were attacked by white-eyed wolves, the fog became particularly thick. It seems to be the same tonight." Du Yang woke up and stared at the forest. Under the thin mist under the night, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

Alinda looked dignified, and slowly raised her right hand, the slender fingertips lingered with a trace of cold air, as if "imprisoning" part of the white mist, a moment later, Liu Mei frowned slightly: "We guessed right, these There is very subtle spiritual power in the mist."

Du Yang's face changed slightly: "No wonder we have been attacked by monsters since the first day we entered the psychedelic forest. It turns out that the mist is at work."

"It's likely that the fog has some sort of perceived potency."

"The instructor means that our whereabouts have been leaked?" Tang Ying woke up from her practice.

"I hope it's not too late for us to find out. Pack up your things and get out of here quickly." Alinda became more and more uneasy as she thought about it, and rushed out of the cave with her blue long sword tightly grasped. Du Yang and Tang Ying followed closely behind with their packages on their backs.

But the mist that filled the mountainside suddenly became thicker, like rolling waves, and soon surrounded them.It was like being in an illusion, surrounded by thick fog, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

"Be careful!" Alinda was vigilant, and the two quickly approached, forming a triangle back to back for vigilance.

"Teacher Alinda, I'm glad we met again." A cold female voice came out from the mist, erratic and unable to distinguish the direction.

"It's a pity that you escaped the wrath of the four-winged scale python." Alinda's face was serious, and she was very familiar with this voice!

There was a little silence in the mist, and the woman's voice became even colder: "Although I don't know what method you used to eliminate the ice crystals, no one will come to rescue you this time."

"I won't be careless this time, let's go!" Alinda's eyes turned cold, she twitched and shot, her whole body surged with spiritual power, and a bright blue brilliance burst out instantly: "Cold crystal storm, disperse!"

The blue brilliance swept across like a whirlwind, and quickly scattered towards the surroundings. Each light point was an extremely small ice butterfly, containing a strong ice atmosphere. At the moment of scattering, the temperature in the middle of the mountain dropped rapidly, and even the fog It condenses into frost and falls silently.

The ice scattered in all directions.

In an instant, all the white-clothed men lurking in the dark were hit by the tiny ice butterfly. In this instant, the colorful butterfly turned into a sharp cone, which ruthlessly pierced their protective spiritual power and muscles.

The muffled groans and screams resounded halfway up the mountain.

"Get out!" Elinda screamed, and the thousands of ice butterflies lingering around her body instantly condensed on the long sword. Following the full-speed shooting and slashing, the Zong-level strength was unreserved, bursting out with terrifying killing power.Du Yang and Tang Ying followed closely behind, urging their spiritual power to protect their bodies with all their strength.In the face of this level of fierce battle, their strength can't be used at all. All they can do is keep up with the pace and not let themselves be hindered.

"Do you really think you can escape?" Zhou Linglu snorted coldly, and the four Martial Ancestor-level powerhouses guarding the four directions immediately urged their martial skills, misty snowflakes fell from the sky, seemingly slow and light, but covered the entire space.

"I'm sorry, this place is blocked!" Ten third-tier martial spirits all intercepted their impact trajectory, and a series of ice blades swept and slashed them, immediately blasting them back.

Misty falling snow fell silently, densely packed, and landed on them unstoppably.

"Use spiritual power to protect the body! Don't let the ice crystals enter the body!" Alinda shouted hurriedly while charging, urging the ice energy with all her strength to dissolve the 'snowflakes' falling on her body.As a Martial Ancestor, she has experienced this kind of crisis, so she can naturally resist the attack of "Luoxue", but Du Yang and Tang Ying are only third-tier martial artists, and the difference in strength is too great. At that moment, they let out a shrill scream, fell to the ground in embarrassment, dense snowflakes fell from the sky, and quickly wrapped them up.

"Tang Ying! Du Yang! Run your spiritual power at full speed, don't give up!" Alinda exclaimed, and immediately pulled back, but the ten martial spirits stepped forward in unison, and the dense blade storm slashed wildly.

"Give up resistance, you won't be able to kill at all." Zhou Linglu appeared in the mist, under the mask of fangs, her black jade-like eyes flashed a little cold.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, make a quick decision and kill her!" An old voice came from the mist.

The offensive of the top ten martial spirits suddenly skyrocketed, and three more Wuzong joined in!

Threats from "Luoxue" were coming from all directions, and there were these powerful killers besieging her. Alinda was powerless to answer her, her cold and glamorous face was full of fierceness, and she tried her best to resist the ice blade's slashing.However, the difference in strength was too great. In just a short moment, a large number of ice crystals covered the body, and dense wounds spread all over the body, almost at the end of the battle.

Alinda's tenacious counterattack failed to resist the gap in strength after all.

Seeing that he was about to reach the limit, a ruthless light flashed in his deep blue eyes: "Crystal"

"Who dares to kill my members of the Tang family!" Before Elinda's final blow full of despair was released, a thick and tyrannical roar resounded like a thunderbolt in the sky, and in an instant, a dazzling giant flame rolled from the sky , the scorching high temperature evaporated all the icy air around.

Amid the horrified gazes of everyone, a huge Flaming Eagle roared towards it, and blasted towards the mountainside in an instant.

"Wu Wang Tang Qiong?? You came fast enough!" An old voice sounded, the air of ice surged, and the dense ice crystals shot into the sky, and instantly condensed into a huge ice shield.

boom!The huge flame eagle hit head-on, and the violent flame instantly covered the entire ice shield, but after only two seconds of persistence, cracks filled the ice shield, and the ice shield shattered, hundreds of huge fireballs and meteorites densely bombarded down.

Ahhh!The shrill screams resounded through the mountainside, and three third-rank martial spirits were burned to ashes on the spot.

Everyone's faces were colorless at this moment.

"Tang Qiong" Ailinda suddenly raised her head, her shaking eyes fixed on the night sky.

Under the pale night, a strong figure stepped into the air like crazy, covered in thick flames, like a ball of fireballs rushing, and a violent roar exploded again: "Shadow Wingspan!"

The boiling flames spread out loudly, and quickly condensed into a falcon-like Hokage, soaring into the sky with piercing screams, rushing straight for hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, then turned sharply, swooped down, and ruthlessly charged towards This mountainside.

"Get out of the way!" Uncle Hua sternly roared, his eyes were as serious as water, his old body soared into the sky, and a piercing icy air suddenly spread out, turning into five ice cones several meters away, like a bow and a sharp arrow. Shoot into the sky.

boom!There were bursts of landslides and ground cracks again, and the ice cone pierced through the eagle's fire shadow, as if trying to nail it to the sky.

"Where's the old dog, I'm tired of living?" Tang Qiong came through the air in an instant, and at the moment of the sudden stop, a strong sense of oppression suddenly formed in the void under his feet, and he slammed to the ground fiercely, rumbling, the whole body The mountain trembled violently, and the cracks spread like the fangs of a giant beast.

"Get out of the way!" Zhou Linglu and the others screamed in horror, and fled in all directions like crazy.

"Tang Qiong, Miss Tang is here!" Alinda screamed at the sky, picked up Du Yang and Tang Ying who were frozen, and quickly fled to the distance.Martial King Tang Qiong and even the famous butchers in Giant Elephant City would ignore everything once they got mad.

Rumble!Cracks in the mountain were vertical and horizontal, six fountains of magma shot up into the sky, the fiery light shone in the air, and the scorching temperature seemed to burn the entire mountain.

"Mountains and rivers are forever silent!" Uncle Hua's expression was as serious as if water was dripping out. With a roar, the terrifying icy air rolled over and overwhelmed the sky. In an instant, all the trees within a few miles were covered with a layer of crystal clear ice, freezing. Still, a cocoon-like huge ice cone formed in the area around him, tenaciously resisting the invasion of magma.

Then the violent sky slowly quieted down.


"What about people?"

Everyone was still in shock, and their eyes were shaking with deep horror. In front of King Wu, they looked so vulnerable!
Uncle Hua's breath was heavy, and his eyes were dignified with a bit of horror. No wonder he was one of Tang Yanshan's top five butchers, this guy was really scary.

"Where did everyone else go?" In the dense forest not far away, Tang Qiong, who heard the shout, found Alinda, put her hands on Du Yang and Tang Ying's shoulders, and a warm breath quickly melted away from them. of ice crystals.

"I don't know, we got separated." Irene didn't let out a sigh of relief until now.

"I mean, where's my young master?" Tang Qiong's face was covered with scars, and his expression was indescribably cold.

"I'm sorry, we were together before, but we got separated later."


"About seven kilometers to the west, there is a waterfall. We got separated there, but I just don't know if Tang Yan was caught by them." Feeling the sharpness behind Tang Qiong's cold gaze, Alinda dared not have the slightest feeling. hesitate.

"Uncle Tang Qiong?" Tang Ying woke up from the coma and hugged Tang Qiong, her petite body trembling uncontrollably.

"Help me take care of them." Tang Qiong gently comforted Tang Ying, and looked at the burly man who rushed over. It was Rachel, the third-rank Wuzong, the mentor of the Giant Elephant Academy who was looking for with him!
"You can't leave now, unless you want Tang Ying to die and us all to die." Rachel glanced at Uncle Hua who was in the air, and the other party had already noticed this place, and other men in white who had recovered from their senses gathered here one after another .

(End of this chapter)

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