Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 22 Tracking Tang Yan

Chapter 22 Tracking Tang Yan
"Wu Wang Tang Qiong, you have lived up to your title of butcher in the Northern Territory, not bad, not bad!" Uncle Hua stood in the void, and the piercing icy air filled the air, as if the temperature of the sky and the earth had dropped a little.

Pacing in the void, a powerful skill that can only be possessed by reaching the level of Martial King!
Tang Qiong's slightly red eyes scanned the surroundings, stepped forward, and a strong vibration ripple spread rapidly to the surroundings. In an instant, there were roars in the depths of the ground, as if there were several rivers rushing.

For everyone who has experienced the fierce battle just now, this situation could not be more clear.

magma!There is magma surging underground!
Zhou Linglu and the others changed their expressions slightly, but quickly stabilized their minds. Everyone exerted their strength together, and the icy air dissipated one after another, and quickly connected into a whole, forming a huge icy circle, ready to be called at any time.

Uncle Hua stood proudly in mid-air, and the dense ice crystals around his body were accumulating more and more, like clouds that had accumulated a torrential rain, which might pour down at any time and combine with the ice cover below.

"Arnuo and the others were you killed? You also captured the students of the Giant Elephant Academy?" Tang Qiong slowly floated up, facing Uncle Hua across the air, the air around him was slightly disturbed and distorted, and the underground magma was also being pulled, and its activities became more frequent stand up.

Uncle Hua was noncommittal, and said coldly: "Since when did the Giant Elephant Academy become so close to the Tang family? Losing a few students, can you still alarm Tang Qiong?"

"So you really did it?"

"So what if it is, so what if it's not, Tang Qiong, I'll give you a piece of advice, it's best not to meddle in your own business."

"I'm really in charge of today's business! Is Tang Yan in your hands? Hand it over immediately!"

Um?Tang Yan?not here?Uncle Hua's heart moved slightly, and he said indifferently: "What Tang Yan, we don't know each other."

"I don't know? You have been chasing for a long time, how could you not know each other!" Tang Qiong asked deliberately, feeling a little helpless in her heart. She knew best what kind of guy her young master was. Care about the young master's half-finished product that is nothing, as for the name, I really might not know it.

"Unfortunately, we don't know Tang Yan. But today, you can sell Tang Yanshan's face. You can take away your lady and the boy, but this female tutor must stay."

Tang Qiong frowned slightly, and after a while, said sneeringly: "What the hell are you guys doing? You are spending so much money just to rob people's daughters? You are still a Martial King!"

"We don't need you to take care of what we do. Although you are strong, you can't kill me in a short time, but my subordinates can kill all the people around you in a short time. After that, you can still resist Stop our joint attack?" Uncle Hua silently felt the two auras that were approaching quickly in the distance, and felt a little anxious in his heart, but he didn't show any impatience. "If you take her away, we only want her alone. It's a fair deal. It's like selling face to your Tang family, how about it?"

Tang Qiong was a little moved. What the other party said was correct. The two could not tell the winner in a short period of time, but the many Wuzong and Wuling around were enough to kill Alinda, Rachel and Tang Yan, Du Yang.

The order I received was to save Tang Yan and Tang Ying, especially Tang Yan, and other things had nothing to do with me.

Rachel's complexion changed slightly, and she shouted anxiously: "Tang Qiong, don't listen to their nonsense, there is a lot of movement here, and it will definitely attract the attention of other tutors, and they will come over soon, we promise, before that , protect Tang Ying!"

He knew Tang Qiong's role. This guy was not human at all, he was a complete murderer. Once Tang Qiong felt that the deal was reasonable, he might leave. What would he and Ailinda do then?
Uncle Hua said coldly: "It's up to you? With an injured first-rank Martial Ancestor, can you resist their attack? Self-protection is a problem, but can you protect others? What a joke!"

Rachel shouted again: "They must have a plan, don't be deceived by them. If they could kill, they would have done it long ago. It is impossible to waste so many words. They have scruples!"

Uncle Hua frowned slightly, and said coldly, "I'll give you three seconds at the end, go or die."

Tang Ying shouted: "Uncle Tang Qiong, don't give up on Mentor Alinda! We know where Tang Yan is!"

Um?Tang Qiong glanced at Tang Ying.

Tang Ying nodded affirmatively: "If Tang Yan is not in their hands, he must still be in the original place, and we can get it back!"

Tang Qiongluo returned in front of Tang Ying and the others, looking down at the sky, "I'm right here, who dares to take a step forward!"

"Do you really think we can't kill you?" Uncle Hua's face turned cold.

"Try!" Tang Qiong's aura tumbling violently, cracks spread rapidly centering on the soles of the feet, the ground rumbled and trembled, and there was a faint roar in the depths of the ground, as if some kind of wild beast was roaring.

"Master, may we know where Tang Yan is?" In the dense forest, two men in white suddenly came to Zhou Linglu's side and lowered their voices.

"Huh? Where?"

"When we were in the valley before, we vaguely felt life fluctuations under the waterfall. When we were about to check, you found the target here, and felt that it might be some kind of monster, so we didn't remind you." The two bite the bullet. road.

"Why didn't you say it earlier! I'll deal with you when I get back!" Zhou Linglu gave them a hard look, then quickly took a few steps forward, and gestured towards Uncle Hua who was in mid-air.

Uncle Hua, who was about to launch an offensive, paused slightly, glanced at Zhou Linglu out of the corner of his eye, and Zhou Linglu nodded affirmatively.

"Tang Qiong, you can keep her for a while, but you can't keep her out of the psychedelic forest. We will never let this woman go! Let's stop here for now, and be careful in the future." Uncle Hua made a gesture and quickly turned to the distance The forest disappeared, and Zhou Linglu and the others moved in the same direction while guarding.

"How did you offend them?" After everyone left, Rachel looked at Alinda strangely.Listening to the tone of this group of people, it seems that they have some deep hatred with Alinda.

"I don't know." Elinda understood a little bit, but didn't show it.After all, if he hadn't misjudged the girl's identity, this hijacking incident must have been extraordinary. It's not that he, a new tutor in a small college, can 'speech nonsense', he needs to report directly to the dean.

"Where is Tang Yan? Take me to find it!" Tang Qiong looked directly at Ailinda. He didn't care about the woman's life or death. He only cared about where Tang Yan was now and what was going on.

"We got separated from him in a valley. He once said before that he might go back again." The clever Tang Ying said it for Alinda. After all, this sentence has a little ambiguity. Once Tang Qiong gets angry, maybe it can be canceled. her.

Sure enough, Tang Qiong's eyes were slightly cold, but he didn't attack after all, and said coldly: "Lead the way!"

Somewhere in the forest, Zhou Linglu explained what had happened, and said, "Tang Yan is probably still near the valley, and with his strength, he can't escape very far."

Uncle Hua pondered: "The problem is Tang Qiong, he seems to be very worried about Tang Yan."

"I have a suggestion. Uncle Hua, you bring someone to stay to interfere with Tang Qiong. I will take someone to search for Tang Yan. As long as you activate the water curtain Tianhua, you should be able to find it soon."

"That's the only way. I'll give you three Wu Zongs. You must find Tang Yan as soon as possible. Don't talk nonsense with him. Kill him immediately! I'll try to stop Tang Qiong for three hours."

In order to activate the Water Curtain Tianhua, at least four Wuzong-level powerhouses must work together without strong interference.There are only 24 people left in their team. Besides him, the Martial King, there are six Martial Sects, and the rest are all Martial Spirits.If he wanted to interfere with Tang Qiong and keep the kidnapped students, Uncle Hua could only give Zhou Linglu three.

However, Tang Yan is just a small martial artist, facing the joint roundup of the four major martial sects, the result can be imagined.

Tang Yan left the valley far away with the help of the impact of the water flow, and walked cautiously along the way, clinging to the bottom of the lake. He would not come out of the water until he couldn't hold back, but even sneaking at the bottom of the lake was also dangerous. In case of encountering any monsters, Leaking whereabouts is a small matter, and it would be terrible to be swallowed in one bite, so Tang Yan was tense and tried his best to be cautious.

After four full hours, Tang Yan swam into a tributary and landed in a shallow place. After confirming that there was no danger, he rushed into the dense forest in the darkness of dawn and found a relatively secret place to hide carefully.

Roar!Beast roars echoed in the forest, roaring and howling. At dawn, the predation of many nocturnal monsters came to an end, and many daytime monsters woke up one after another.

At the darkest hour of dawn, the psychedelic forest becomes the most dangerous.

Time passed minute by minute. Occasionally, terrifying monsters walked slowly past the place where Tang Yan was hiding. There were pale spiders the size of a millstone, giant golden centipedes, and crocodiles covered in hard scales. There is also a blue wolf wrapped around Lei Mang, and even a big tree with its eyes open and its branches stretched out.

Tang Yan hid in the depths of the canopy, trying his best to conceal himself, looking at the monsters that occasionally passed by here in horror, danger and tension submerged him like a tide.

During this period, the aura of some monsters was not dangerous, but Tang Yan still didn't dare to reveal it easily. Once a fierce battle broke out, it was likely to attract other monsters. This was the most dangerous situation.

It wasn't until the sun rose in the east that the bright sunlight shone on the psychedelic mountains and forests, and the thick danger was slightly relieved.

Tang Yan went to the river to wipe some fish and shrimp to fill his stomach, and returned to the messy dense forest.

There are two problems that I am facing now. One is that I have lost my bearings and directions, and I don’t know where the baptismal altar is; the other is that the danger of the dense forest is gradually revealed.

"Killing monsters, practicing exercises!" Tang Yan secretly made up his mind. Hunting monsters can not only obtain spiritual source liquid, but also obtain their evil thoughts to enhance the power of the eyes of silence. Familiarize yourself with and use spiritual power in order to consolidate your cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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