Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 23 Ghost Green Fire

Chapter 23 Ghost Green Fire
In the depths of the dense forest, the fierce fighting startled forest birds, and a thin figure darted about, roaring again and again, and crazily bumped into a golden-haired monkey at the peak of the second level!

Roar!The golden-haired violent monkey fell into a frenzy, let out an angry roar, its sharp fangs flickered coldly, ran wildly, waved its two hammer-like fists indulgently, and smashed the little thing in front of it like a storm that irritated itself.

Tang Yan's face was as sinking as water, and he used the surge of spiritual power to indulge in Bajiquan. In this magical world, few people purely practice melee combat, or don't know what melee combat, martial skills and spiritual power are. Indulgence is the foundation of their victory.But for Tang Yan, he always believed that the body was the most terrifying weapon.

This is a head-on confrontation with the golden-haired violent monkey, and it is also training fighting skills, tempering the body, and secretly groping for the "Phantom Shadow" in "Phantom Spiritual Reality"!
Boom boom boom!Fist bumps, body collisions, dust flying, sawdust splashing, two figures, one big and one small, were colliding wildly, ruthlessly destroying the ancient wood and gravel that passed along the way.

In the intense and chaotic battle, Tang Yan was suddenly thrown violently, and rolled eight or nine meters in succession before he could barely stop.

"Roar!" The golden-haired monkey charged in anger, and its huge three-meter-high body suddenly stood upright, and its tightly clenched golden fists slammed down towards Tang Yan.

Tang Yan's body, which had just stopped, writhed violently, his hands propped on the ground, and he hung upside down, his tense feet went straight to the golden-haired monkey's strong chest like thunder.

Clean and neat!Fast and violent!
At this moment, blue flames ignited on both feet.

bang bang bang!Tang Yan bounced vigorously, stomping with his feet staggered, the wild force sent the golden fur monkey flying out on the spot, and every time he stomped, he left a blazing flame on his chest.

The golden fur monkey tossed up, slapped its chest indiscriminately, and let out a violent roar. With scarlet eyes, ferocious fangs, and huge body, it looked extremely terrifying.

"I don't have time to play with you!" Tang Yan rolled up, but no matter how ferocious or not, terrifying or not, the rapid tumbling in the air, the wanton smashing of iron legs, and the rotating iron fist seemed to be a fighting beast. machine.

The golden-haired violent monkey is ferocious by nature, and didn't pay too much attention to the flames on its chest. It continued to collide head-on with Tang Yan, but as the collisions gradually increased, blue flames spread almost all over its body, and began to burn flesh and bones. The pain made it howl and scream, and began to slap wildly, roll on the spot, hit trees, and used all available methods, but it didn't weaken the flames at all.

It finally realized the danger, but it was too late. The irritability did not ease the pain, nor did it stop Tang Yan's attack.Accompanied by a dull impact, Tang Yan's blazing iron fist hit the golden monkey's head. Under the urging of spiritual power, blue flames spread across its entire head.

Roar!The golden-haired violent monkey let out a mournful wail, like a huge blue fireball rampaging through the woods, but it couldn't stop the flames from being engulfed.Plop, panicked and fell into the river, but still failed to extinguish them.

After struggling for a full 10 minutes, the golden-haired monkey fell to the ground with a bang, and after a few struggles, it became silent.

The frantic battle is over.

Tang Yan didn't get close to the corpse, and quietly hid it the moment it started to struggle.In the depths of this dense forest, fierce battles are likely to attract more monsters, just like the sharp-toothed porcupine that was hunted an hour ago, and a third-order giant python that was almost heard because I was sitting next to it waiting Swallowed.

While waiting quietly, two monsters passed by here one after another. Maybe they sensed the danger of the flames, and they just watched from a distance for a while, and then left one after another.

Tang Yan didn't relax his vigilance, his eyes kept turning nearby all the time.I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always feels that there are a pair of eyes watching him nearby. This kind of vague feeling started from dawn, to looking for prey, to hunting the persistent porcupine, and now to killing the golden-haired monkey. It has always existed.

Could it be those men in white?Not too possible!Now that he found out, why didn't he just kill himself?
My own strength is only a third-tier martial artist, and I am single, so is it worth the other party's scruples?

If not the man in white, who else?

Tang Yan hid, observed, and waited silently. Due to the relatively large size of the golden-haired monkey, the green fire took a relatively long time to burn.

Twenty minutes later, the green flames slowly extinguished.

Tang Yan was vigilant again for a while, making sure that there were no monsters coming, and rushed out, preparing to evacuate quickly with the spiritual source liquid.But the moment he landed on the ground, he stopped abruptly, and stared solemnly at an ancient tree on the other side of the river, or in the canopy of an ancient tree.

There, a man in black with a paper figurine on his back slowly appeared.

"It's you?" Tang Yan quickly remembered the identity of the person. When he and Tang Ying killed the man in white, he happened to meet this strange man carrying a paper figurine.

Could it be that he was peeping in the dark?
The man in black's face was as pale as paper, giving off an evil and cold feeling, and he looked straight at Tang Yan with a pair of emotionless eyes.

"The taste is quite strong. I like to peep at men, but I'm sorry, I don't like this." Tang Yan snorted coldly and walked towards the corpse of the golden-haired monkey. There was only a pile of ashes left on the huge body, and a cyan droplet the size of a broad bean was on the way. Exudes pure energy.

"What's your name?" The evil man came over, his voice was as cold and creepy as his expression, what surprised Tang Yan even more was that he came over by stepping on the water!

Tang Yan said nonsense: "The surname is Liu, Liu San'er."

"Who is your master?"

Tang Yan said casually: "Monkey King!"

"Sun Wukong?" The man seemed to be walking very slowly, but he stood there before Tang Yan approached the spirit source liquid.

Tang Yan wanted to take away the spirit source liquid, but he had some scruples: "My master is omnipotent in heaven and earth, of course you wild children don't know."

The evil man ignored Tang Yan, picked up the crystal clear spiritual source liquid, and twisted it gently, as if he was feeling something: "I ask you a question, answer it honestly."

"Before I answer your question, can I have a word?"


"Dude, it looks like you took my stuff! It's mine!"

The evil man was expressionless: "Who gave your ghost the green fire?"

"What fire?"

"Just one reminder, don't be glib, what do I ask, what do you answer." The evil man suddenly exuded a terrifying and evil aura.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tang Yan actually saw the paper figurine behind him move.

Youming Qinghuo?He actually knew Youming Qinghuo!Tang Yan wasn't sure what this person wanted to do, so naturally he wouldn't say it truthfully: "I haven't heard of this name, let alone know what it is."

"Huh?" The evil man frowned slightly.

Tang Yan felt a tightness in his chest, as if something was tightly gripping his heart, he groaned and staggered back three or four steps, his eyes flashed with anger, and he shouted: "Bastard, don't play cool in front of the young master, if you want to kill, kill it!" , I’m still afraid that you won’t succeed?”

"Who gave your ghost the green fire?" the evil man asked again.

As his pupils slowly narrowed, Tang Yan felt the tightness in his chest getting heavier, almost out of breath.His eyes fluctuated a bit, and he tried to resist but felt powerless. After a while, his strength turned into bitterness, and he said dejectedly: "Okay, okay, you won!"


"Are you talking about them?" Tang Yan raised his right hand, and faint blue flames emerged from his fingertips, jumping happily: "I'm sorry, I also want to find out how they came here."

"No tears without the coffin!"

"Wait! The real situation is like this. I was just a waste before, not even a martial artist. I suddenly fell into a coma some time ago, and after waking up, I have these weird things. It may be hard to accept, but believe it or not, These are all facts." Tang Yan said half-truthfully.

The evil man took a deep look at Tang Yan, but he didn't get mad as expected, instead he asked again: "What's your relationship with Chen Yuan Pavilion?"

"What pavilion? Please! Brother! I don't even know what you're talking about? You came out so inexplicably and asked a series of inexplicable questions, which made me very confused, you know?" Tang Yan was really confused. Who the hell is that?Crazy!
At this time, a thin mist spread from the dense forest in front, gently and softly, seemingly without any abnormalities, but the evil man frowned slightly, and before Tang Yan could continue to ask questions, he slowly stepped back a few steps , disappeared in the woodland before the thin mist spread over.

(End of this chapter)

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