Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1908 Demon Spirit Marshal

Chapter 1908 Demon Spirit Marshal
Their arrival received a high-level reception from the city defense area. The city defense general arrived at the first time, clasped his fists and saluted, sonorously: "Tianwu Group Army, commander of the Fifth Corps, and commander-in-chief of the Black Cliff Fortress, Tang Chongkui, Greetings to Your Highness the Princess."

"Exemption." Tang Bing is noble and glamorous. In this bloody military fortress, the temperament of a noble lady of the royal family is particularly conspicuous, even more eye-catching, and even more awe-inspiring.

The city defense general personally led Tang Bing and Tang Yan into the ancient city, and hundreds of elite soldiers personally guarded it.

Along the way, all the sergeants and city residents put down all their work and stood up to salute.

In the Monster Spirit Clan, the hierarchy is very strict, and the royal princess's visit in person is comparable to the inspection of the Military Academy.

Because Tang Yan asked to stay here for one night before leaving the next day, Tang Bing signaled for accommodation, and the city guard personally arranged Tang Bing and Tang Yan to an independent courtyard in the ancient city of the fortress.

This courtyard covers a vast area, like a small manor, with unique layout, pavilions, pavilions, pools and waterside pavilions, reflected in green pines and cypresses, rockery and strange rocks, bonsai flower beds, vines and green bamboos, dotted among them.

It is hard to imagine such a small courtyard in a military fortress.

"The two regiment commanders are on their way, please wait a moment, the second princess." The general saluted again, and paid Tang Yan a little attention, but didn't ask any more questions. He quickly stepped back, guarded the outside of the courtyard, and ordered the guards to set up Security line, outsiders are strictly prohibited from disturbing.

If it was just the second princess, it would not be possible for him to guard the outside in person.

But the two legion commanders are coming soon, so he has to wait here.

"Your purpose is to meet the two legion commanders?"

Tang Bing stood by the lake in the courtyard, looking back at Tang Yan under the old tree not far away.

"Introduce them." Tang Yan leaned against the tree roots and sat casually.

"When they come, you'd better restrain your posture. They're not easy to mess with, so don't mess with them either. Being able to come and see them today is more of a face for my father. If I don't want to lose my tongue, I may also see you." face to face and leave."

Tang Bing knows the level and status of the 'legion commander' in the demon spirit clan best.

Being able to sit in this position depends not only on strength, but also on impeccable war experience, as well as military capabilities and influence in the army.

The Yaoling clan has no shortage of soldiers, let alone capable soldiers.

It is very difficult for an ordinary person to stand out in the army, and it is even more difficult to sit in the command of a team of [-] people, to reach the position of an army and a commander, to control a huge army of hundreds of thousands of nearly a million, and to guard a frontier. One can imagine his own quality.

"Introduction!" Tang Yan repeated again.

"The Tianwu Group Army has been stationed in the southeast camp all year round to deter the demon realm. It is the best unit in the Demon Spirit Clan that is good at fighting monsters. It is also a veteran group army. After careful calculation, it has existed for nearly 3 years. It has experienced Many upheavals, countless battles, tenacious existence until now.

The Tianwu Army has a great reputation, whether it is within the Yaoling clan or in the eyes of other ancient clans, it is a powerful army worthy of attention.

The existing troops are oversized, reaching more than a million people, which is a special case among the major armies, and it is also to deter the beast tide in the demon realm.

The Tianwu Group Army was founded by the late former dean of the Military Affairs Academy, and it was handed down to General Tang Anhua ten thousand years ago.

Tang Anhua is the head of the legion, as well as a marshal, one of the five permanent marshals of the Yaoling clan, and the only female marshal of the Yaoling clan.She is a legend in the Demon Spirit Clan and the Northern Continent, no one is not convinced, and everyone has to be convinced in front of her strength and record.

Anyone who knows about her deeds will automatically ignore her identity as a daughter and remember her only identity - soldier, marshal. "

Standing by the lake, Tang Bing introduced calmly, without concealing his respect for Tang Anhua.

In fact, not only her, but all the female members of the Yaoling clan regard Tang Anhua as their idol and pride, and regard Tang Anhua as a well-deserved hero in their hearts.

To a certain extent, it is precisely because of Tang Anhua's strong rise and strong status in the military that he has given the female members of the Demon Spirit Clan a respect and a status they deserve.

Tang Bing didn't know Tang Yan's purpose for going to Yixiantian, and he didn't bother to guess. Entering the fortress was equivalent to entering his own territory and his own home.No matter what tricks Tang Yan wants to play, it is impossible to succeed in the southeast fortress, let alone succeed in Yixiantian.

She trusts her own clan, and she trusts the army of the elves.

This trust is not born with pride, but with the influence of growing up, it is firmer, stronger, and unshakable.

Therefore, she calmed down her posture and calmed down her mind.I am the master, why should I be nervous?The one who should be nervous should be... Tang Yan!
This is a fortress, and there is a ray of sky in the future. It is easy to come in, but difficult to go out.After Tang Yan entered the fortress, it is still unknown whether he will be able to leave alive in the future.

Yaoling Yixiantian is the first forbidden place of the human race.

"Is Tang Anhua the heir cultivated by the former head of the Military Affairs Academy?" Tang Yan ignored Tang Bing's mood changes and pondered her introduction carefully.

"It's not a successor, more a benefactor. The former dean of the Military Affairs Academy had not yet entered the Military Affairs Academy when he founded the Tianwu Group Army. He was still a soldier and a marshal. Later, when he fully took over the Military Affairs Council, he commanded the Tianwu Group Army remotely.

He is a battle madman, and he can't let go of the Tianwu Group Army he created with his own hands. He participates in any large-scale battles in person, and participates in the battle as the commander and marshal of the army.

It wasn't until ten thousand years ago that he was severely injured in a battle with the Blood Demon Clan, and he couldn't heal for a long time. He also had a premonition that his lifespan would be exhausted, so he had to let go of his persistence and recruit successors from all the members of the Demon Spirit Clan.

After [-] years of careful selection and different levels of tests, hundreds of outstanding generals were selected. Until later, Tang Anhua, who was the captain of [-] people, stood out and was valued by the old dean.

At first, because of being a daughter, Tang Anhua received great opposition when he took over the Tianwu Group Army. It was the old dean and the former demon spirit emperor who resisted all opinions and made a formal acceptance.

But in order to appease the mood of the military, Tang Anhua was only given the post of deputy army commander at that time, acting as the deputy in charge of the Tianwu Army.

Until later, Tang Anhua won the recognition of hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the entire Tianwu Army in just 20 years by virtue of his outstanding performances and victories.

On the eve of the old dean's death, the former demon spirit emperor personally issued a letter of appointment in front of the old dean's hospital bed, ordering Tang Anhua to formally take over the Tianwu Army.

Tang Anhua knelt down and swore that he would spend his entire life strengthening the Tianwu Group Army and protecting the Demon Spirit Clan.

It has to be said that she did it, surpassing everyone's tone, she strengthened Tianwu, became a legend, and reached the position of marshal. "

Tang Yan asked: "Who appointed the Marshal?"

"Tang Anhua, at the [-]th year of his tenure as the head of the Tianwu Group Army, formally requested his appointment as the Demon Spirit Emperor to permanently place the Tianwu Group Army on the southwestern border, serving as a shield to resist and deter the beast tide in the Demon Realm.

Since then, the Tianwu Group Army has fought against the Demon Realm almost all the year round. After thousands of years of tempering, it has become the best army in the Demon Spirit Clan that is good at fighting the Demon Realm. The hated general of the Legion.

3000 years ago, the former Demon Spirit Emperor formally appointed Tang Anhua as the fifth permanent marshal of the Demon Spirit Clan in the first-line Tianshengwu Palace, to guard the southeastern frontier forever. "

Tang Yan raised his eyes and looked at Tang Bing's back: "You just said that when Tang Anhua took over the Tianwu Group Army, he was opposed by most of the military's generals. Was there... a Prince Cang?"

Tang Bingliu frowned slightly, turned her head slowly, met Tang Yan's gaze, and asked coldly: "You mean to say that my father has no vision?"

Tang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "It seems that Prince Cang objected."

Tang Bing suddenly turned around and looked directly at Tang Yan: "The objection only happened in the initial review stage. For a newcomer, the upper-level generals have reasons to refuse and have reasons to question her ability.

Until Tang Anhua made achievements in the later period, my father publicly recognized Tang Anhua, and my father also gave Tang Anhua the greatest support when he officially assumed command. "

Tang Yan shook his head and chuckled: "Are you defending Prince Cang? Are you explaining to me? I just asked casually, there is no other meaning, why are you nervous?"

"I don't allow you to question my father."

"Every time you mention your father, you are very excited. Why? Because you used to regard him as proud, but later he personally destroyed the pride you insisted on. He... killed his own brother!"

"Tang Yan!!" Tang Bing suddenly became angry.

"The more excited you are, the more it means that I'm talking about your heart. Hehe, calm down, we are all adults. Also, you can continue to introduce."

(End of this chapter)

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