Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1909 Familiar Strangers

Chapter 1909 Familiar Strangers
Tang Bing turned his head coldly and stopped looking at Tang Yan's face: "The Qing Yao Army, one of the four major hunting armies of the Yaoling Clan, is headed by Tang Yaoyu.

Our family has deployed four permanent group armies in the four major military regions, and is also preparing to have four major safari group armies, as well as the royal family's guarding group army.

At ordinary times, most of the four major safari armies are hoarded in the first-line sky, and only during wars or special periods will they be deployed to different theaters depending on the situation.

Tang Yaoyu, a maverick army commander, is also a genius.

People can be divided into grades from birth. Some people are doomed to be useless from birth, some are doomed to be mediocre, some are geniuses, and they have always been geniuses. Tang Yaoyu is a typical example.

Many geniuses have fallen in the process of growing up, or their color has dimmed, their character, their pride, and other hardships. But Tang Yaoyu... all the way to glory, all the way to genius, all the way to the end The supreme commander of the Qingyao Army has reached the core of the Yaoling clan.

His natal monster is the Sky Wing Monster, the eight-winged Sky Wing Monster.The Sky Winged Demon is an extinct type of monster. It once shined brilliantly in the ancient times. The Eight Wings are equivalent to the supreme existence in it. Fortunately, the corpse was collected by the martyrs of our clan. It is still a pure blood from ancient times.

But because he couldn't find a suitable bloodline, it was never activated until that year when Tang Yaoyu was baptized by bloodline, which triggered a reaction from the body of the Sky Winged Demon imprisoned in the ancestral hall.It was my father who visited the ancestral hall in person and invited out the remains of the Sky Winged Demon. "

"Prince Cang cultivated Tang Yaoyu." Tang Yan asked again.

"There's something wrong with you, why are you holding on to my father?" Tang Bing said angrily.

"Keep talking."

"Stop talking!" Tang Bing originally wanted to introduce Tang Yaoyu, the army commander who was highly respected by Tang Fu, but he was really out of mood at the moment.

Not long after, there was a sound of respectful salutes outside the courtyard gate.

Two saints, a man and a woman, walked into the courtyard one after another with their own soldiers.

The woman's appearance is plain, and her clothes are a little simple.But the temperament is very gentle, giving the feeling of a big sister next door, quiet and mature.

She is exactly the Tang Anhua whom Tang Bing spoke with full of respect, the military marshal, and the eternal pride of the female members of the Yaoling clan.

I'm afraid whether it's temperament or appearance, whether it's behavior or spirit, it's hard for people to think of her identity and her brilliant achievements.

Even Tang Yan raised his brows slightly, a little surprised.If it wasn't for the opponent's martial saint aura and the gleam in his eyes, he would even suspect it was someone else.

Indeed, let alone Tang Yan, no matter who it is, at first glance, Tang Anhua would not be associated with a soldier, let alone a marshal, not to mention he is the permanent marshal in the Yaoling clan, the most powerful race in the human race. The post of commander in chief.

Tang Anhua is very quiet and stable, but these are only limited to the surface, limited to the ordinary.

Her rise and demeanor have explained a truth to the members of the Yaoling clan. Being strong on the outside is not necessarily really strong, what is really strong should be on the inside.

Tang Anhua has a strong sense of principle in his heart, so that what he shows is tolerance and generosity.

A woman who is really psychologically strong will not be competitive in public, because she can see that sometimes it is meaningless to be competitive.

Only when she thinks it is necessary to fight, she will never be soft-hearted or soft-hearted.

Her competitive nature will never be expressed in words, but in actions.

This is what she has always insisted on, and it is also the teaching of the old dean.

The other man also didn't feel like a soldier, he didn't have a heavy armored sword, or a red robe with a cloak, but a casual long gown, like a knight.

This person has a stalwart figure, strong but not bloated, and his facial features are well-defined and deep, appearing wild and unrestrained, evil and sexy.

The bushy eyebrows raised up rebelliously slightly, under the long and slightly curled eyelashes, there is a pair of unusually sharp eyes, which makes people dare not look directly.

He is exactly the genius general Tang Bing said, Tang Yaoyu!

Neither of them had the spirit and strength of a soldier, let alone domineering and murderous, which was different from all the other generals Tang Yan met.But the more it was like this, the more Tang Yan looked at it squarely. He saw the grandeur and calmness from the two of them, and thought of Wang Yang.

Wang Yang is usually vast and quiet, even infinitely beautiful, but once it encounters a strong wind, the energy it sets off is absolutely destructive and terrifying.

This is the real style of the general.

"Second Miss, long time no see." Tang Anhua nodded slightly towards Tang Bing, saying "Second Miss" was a bit surprising, but after careful taste, it was a familiar intimacy.

Tang Bing belonged to the glamorous type of strong woman, and was also aroused by Tang Yan, but now she smiled and saluted generously: "Tang Bing has seen the marshal."

"Why is the second princess coming to Southeast Camp when you have time?" Tang Yaoyu walked into the courtyard, consciously lagging behind Tang Anhua, out of respect and because of the small difference in position.

Tang Bing replied simply: "I was ordered by my father to carry out a special mission. I just came back from the Demon Realm, and I will leave tomorrow to return to Yixiantian."

"Oh, do we need to do something?" Tang Anhua didn't ask any further questions. He glanced at Tang Yan for a while and ignored it. He had already been reported that Tang Bing had brought a mysterious saint.

She guessed that Tang Bing was carrying out some special mission, and was ordered to bring back special people. The whole operation was highly confidential.

Otherwise, even he, the commander in chief of the Southeast Camp, would not have known that the second princess had gone to the Demon Realm.

Since it was a special mission and she deliberately kept it a secret from herself, she naturally wouldn't ask questions, nor would she explicitly express her interest.

She just came over to take a look, say hello, and was ready to go back if she had nothing to do.

But... with such a simple glance, Tang Anhua felt a sense of familiarity from Tang Yan, an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and also a fleeting familiarity.

She couldn't help but glanced again, and found that the other party was also looking at her, that look... a little weird... Tang Bing said: "There is nothing necessary, the matter has been done."

"Let's go back first. If you need anything, you can send someone to inform me. I'll be at the mansion." Tang Anhua glanced at Tang Yan again, but still didn't ask.

With her experience and ability, she couldn't hold back her curiosity.

Now it is different from the era of the Yaoling Emperor back then. As the trusted general of the Yaoling Emperor back then, she didn't want to be involved in any incidents too much, so she restrained herself a lot.

In front of the established situation, she has no intention of fighting.

She just wanted to stick to her duty, stick to her loyalty to the Demon Spirit Clan, and stick to this southeast gate.

Don't worry about anything else.

"This friend, what's your surname?" Tang Yaoyu was intrigued. He just glanced at it, and felt a little familiar from Tang Yan, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.

He is different from Tang Anhua, he was originally trained by Prince Cang, and he has always respected Prince Cang, so he will naturally value the nine Tang brothers and sisters very much, and he is also a little bit kind.

The nine brothers and sisters of the Tang family all experienced in his army when they were teenagers, and they have some feelings for each other.

Tang Yan pointed to his mouth: "Mute."

Tang Yaoyu was startled slightly and smiled.

The rest of the guards outside the courtyard also couldn't laugh or cry. Does this person have an IQ problem?All talking, or dumb?
Tang Yaoyu didn't say much, and looked at Tang Bing with his eyes, meaning it's really all right?

Tang Bing shook his head slowly, his eyes were clear, indicating that there was nothing wrong.

She really wanted to say that this person is Tang Yan, the deputy leader of Zhanmeng.

But I was really afraid that Tang Yan would go all out and harm Tang Fu again.

Anyway, Tang Yan was only alone, and he couldn't cause much trouble if he entered the first-line sky.Why don't you just let him go and see what he wants to do.

"Can my friend take off the mask? I think you are somewhat familiar. Maybe I have seen it before. I like to make friends the most." Tang Yaoyu walked towards Tang Yan with a smile, very free and easy, but always kind Unruly and fierce, one dare not underestimate him.

Tang Yan remained silent, pointed at Tang Bing, and coughed.

"Yo? What does this mean? Are you using a code word?" Tang Yaoyu smiled and walked in front of Tang Yan, only ten steps away from each other.

Tang Bing's heart suddenly moved, and he ignored Tang Yan. He wanted to see how Tang Yan would deal with this shrewd and spicy leader of the Blue Demon Army.

"Take off the mask, let me have a look? You are dumb, not handicapped. I, Tang Yaoyu, can be regarded as a small person. If I speak up in person, you won't even give me face?"

Tang Yaoyu didn't intend to be truthful, but really felt that the person in front of him was somewhat familiar.

Tang Yan remained silent and ignored.

"Friend, can I do it myself?" Tang Yaoyu smiled and wanted to reach out.

Tang Yan still sat there peacefully.

Tang Yaoyu walked up to Tang Yan, reached out and grabbed it, paying attention to Tang Yan's expression.

Until... Tang Yaoyu touched the mask lightly with his fingertips, Tang Yan remained silent, as if completely ignoring him.

"Hehe, interesting person."

Tang Yaoyu smiled, retracted his fingertips, and didn't really pick it off.

"Uncle Yaoyu, he is my friend." Tang Bing didn't speak until this time.

"Since we are friends, welcome. It's nothing, I'll go first." Tang Yan looked at Tang Yan for a while, took two steps back, and turned to leave: "The second princess will go back tomorrow, should I go directly to Yixiantian, or turn around?" other places?"

Tang Bing sent Tang Yaoyu away from the courtyard: "Go straight back to Yixiantian."

"Do you need me to send a team to escort?"

"no need."

Tang Yaoyu stood still outside the courtyard gate, and casually gestured backwards: "Your good friend?"

"Friend." Tang Bing didn't look Tang Yaoyu directly, for fear of revealing himself.

Tang Yaoyu smiled softly, said no more, stepped into the air, landed on Qingfengying who was waiting outside the courtyard, and soared into the sky with his personal guards.

On the way... Tang Yaoyu smiled and ordered: "Arrange someone to return to Yixiantian overnight. Inform the southern guard of the Yetianwolf Army, saying that the second princess brought back a small gift, let them pay more attention, when necessary... First trial..."

(End of this chapter)

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