Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1910 Interpretation of Betrayal

Chapter 1910 Interpretation of Betrayal
As night fell, it enveloped the sky and earth like black cloth, but the inside and outside of the majestic and vast fortress were not quiet.The roars of beasts and birds from the Endless Demon Realm are like invisible heat waves, hitting the towering fortress continuously, reminding the more than one million garrisons to maintain a high level of vigilance at all times, and beware of beast swarms attacking the city at all times.

Tianwu Fortress!Marshal's Mansion!Military intelligence department!

Tang Anhua sat alone in front of the giant 'Lost Map'.

This is an exquisite and mysterious giant sand pool, which can be controlled by the owner's mind at any time, showing the general landforms of different regions.From the areas controlled by various overlords to a certain continent, it can even completely present the landscape of the Lost War Realm.

Not too detailed, at least the outline is clear, and there are all the mountains and rivers that should be there.

The 'map' presented to Tang Anhua now is not the Eastern Continent, but the entire Southern Continent.

Including the area controlled by the Pangu Clan, the Zhanmeng Clan, the Asura Clan and the Shihuang Clan, and some demons such as the Li Mo Clan.

Tang Anhua has been staring at the sand pool for many days, and the picture in his mind is naturally the upcoming offensive and defensive battle of the Zhanmeng.

For this battle, the entire Forgotten War World is paying attention, the hegemony forces of all parties are paying attention, and all the soldiers and generals are naturally paying attention.

This is not just a simple offensive and defensive battle in a theater, but it will also cause a series of turbulent changes in the later stage, which will affect the entire lost war world and promote a new round of separatist melee.

Judging from the current situation, due to the sudden escalation of the Pangu clan incident, the entire battle was suspended.

But anyone can see that the offensive and defensive battle of Zhanmeng will break out sooner or later. This is the wheel of history, a doomed battle.Regardless of the impact of any unexpected events, it is only 'suspended', not 'terminated'.

Zhanmeng itself also needs this baptism to consolidate its position, to show its strength to the entire Forgotten War World, and to allow countless forces from all parties and factions to witness its rise and recognize its own strength.

Because of this, the Zhanmeng did not escape, but stayed there, and they were fully preparing for the battle.

As for the Corpse Emperor Clan, this ancient golden warrior clan has been scarred and bruised. In the chaotic and turbulent situation, they urgently need a breakthrough, otherwise they can only perish in depression.

The corpse emperor can see this reality, and his domineering character will also promote his adventures, so that he can fight with the strength of the whole family, but what will be the final result of this battle?Is it true to defend the status of the ancient golden clan as the corpse emperor wished, or perish proudly in the war?

No one can see through it now, I'm afraid even the corpse emperor himself can't see through it.

Mo Qilin, as the main initiator of the whole incident, gathered all the forces that can be gathered at present, and bet all his forces on this battle.

The destruction of Tianmang Domain looked like an injury before, but now it became the reason for Mo Qilin to have no scruples. Anyway, there is nothing in the lair, so he should abandon everything and give it a go.

As for Mo Qilin's actions, Tianpengling and Donghuangyue would naturally cooperate with all their strength, so that the overall strength of the demon realm was greatly reduced.

For the human race in the Northern Continent, it is definitely a rare opportunity. They can put aside their previous suspicions and unite again to deal a complete blow to the demon domain, completely eliminate the scourge of the demon domain, and attack the demons with nothing.

However... There has never been a clear military order from the direction of the first line of sky, and the confrontation between the Star Clan and the Spirit Clan continues to heat up, and there is no intention of jointly invading the Demon Realm for the time being.

Tang Anhua understands the meaning of the direction of the sky, what is the attack on the demon domain?It's a monster!It is the beast horde of the monster clan, the living force under Mo Qilin's command, not some useless mountain territory. Now that the beast horde has moved, the war has lost its own meaning.

As long as the power of monsters and beasts is still there, and all kinds of ethnic groups are still there, Mo Qilin may come back at any time to reoccupy and regain control.

Instead of losing it at that time, it is better to let Mo Qilin invade the south, have a head-to-head confrontation with the Zhanmeng, and use the Zhanmeng to consume the power of the demon realm.

However, the fact that the North Continent does not attack for the time being does not mean that it will never attack. Once the Zhanmeng battle breaks out and there are drastic changes, or if the demons from the Western Regions advance eastward, the people of the North Continent will fully participate in the war.

Therefore, all parties and factions are actually preparing secretly, but they will not show any signs. They are all waiting for the final outcome of the Zhanmeng offensive and defensive battle, and then act according to the situation.

"Zhanmeng... Zhanmeng..."

Tang Anhua's eyes stayed on Zhashachi, lingering in Zhanmeng's direction for a long time.

Regardless of the forces involved, the number of participants in the battle, and the later impact, this battle can definitely be called the most noteworthy battle and the most anticipated battle in the lost war world for nearly ten thousand years.

A wave of nearly 2000 million human and monster clans fought in an all-out melee around a mountain range, involving two major human races and three major monster races, and more and more people would be involved in the later stage. What kind of a great battle is this.

As a soldier, there is nothing more worth looking forward to than this battle, and nothing more exciting than this battle.

Tang Anhua even had the urge to participate in it.

Regardless of success or failure, there is no regret.

He even silently thought that if the corpse royal family ended in such a battle, it would be considered a magnificent end, perhaps unwilling or sad, but worthy of pride.

The only thing Tang Anhua couldn't figure out was, what kind of magical power does this Zhanmeng have? It was able to rise in just a few years, dominate the southeast, and invite the world to fight. Is it driven by history?Or is it God's nostalgia?Who shaped such a wild war alliance?

"There should be a military order to guide the first-line sky. The old guys in the Military Academy will not let this opportunity go, and they will not fail to see the series of events in the later stage."

With a thought of Tang Anhua, the scene in the sand pool turned into a demon realm, and a new outline was highlighted—the Donghuangyue control area.

"Pangu Renhuang came in person, it seems that the news of Prince Taitan's fall should be true."

"But how could Donghuangyue kill Tai Tan? It's still in this sensitive period."

"Intentional? Impossible!"

"Who is blaming Donghuangyue? Could it be... Zhanmeng?"

"Whoever can blame Donghuangyue will show who is the chief culprit who captured Tai Tan in the first place."

"Is it Zhanmeng?"

"There's no reason."

Tang Anhua thought about the recent series of events. The more he chewed, the more interesting he became.

Even as a spectator, it is also very good.

"Marshal! Someone is asking to see you outside!" A female guard walked quickly to the door of the palace, knelt down on one knee, and reported respectfully. Her voice was very soft so as not to startle the contemplative Marshal.

"A member of the Military Academy?"

Tang Anhua calmed down, waved his hand, and the landform in the sand pool in front of him returned to flat, turning into an ordinary sand pool, with no special abnormalities visible.

"Marshal Qi is the Martial Saint brought by the Second Princess."

"Oh? It's him?" Tang Anhua was surprised, which was a little unexpected: "You came here by yourself?"

"Only himself."

"Did you say anything?"

"He said he had nothing special, he just wanted to call on you, Marshal, and he said he wouldn't bother you for too long."

Tang Anhua once again thought of Tang Yan's eyes in the courtyard, and once again had a strange feeling that he couldn't speak: "Please come in."

"He is a Martial Saint, whose identity is unknown. Marshal, where are you going to meet him?" The female guards spoke with a lot of concern. As the guards of the Marshal's Mansion, their primary responsibility was to ensure the safety of the Marshal.

"It's right here, don't be nervous, the second princess can't bring a dangerous person to the fortress."

Tang Anhua admires Tang Bing very much, and knows Tang Bing's ability. Although she is a daughter, she has the strength of a man, which is a bit like what she felt back then.

When she went to visit in the afternoon, she deliberately looked at Tang Bing's eyes, which were very clear, without any other winks.

How could Tang Anhua not be able to tell the difference between danger and safety after sitting in this demon realm for thousands of years?
"Do you want to take his weapon?"

"No, this is not our way of hospitality."

"Bring him here." The guard stepped back respectfully.

Not long after, Tang Yan arrived at the Military Intelligence Department led by two guards.

"Marshal Tang, it's a pleasure to meet you." Tang Yan saluted briefly.

Tang Anhua signaled the guards to back down: "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"I'm also surnamed Tang, and I'm a junior."

"Surnamed Tang? Hehe, maybe a long, long time ago, we might belong to the same ancestor." Tang Anhua smiled silently, and didn't care too much, nor did he think too much: "What advice do you come to me for?"

"The younger generation does have some things to ask the Marshal, and the words may be a little offensive, but Marshal Tang please understand that I have absolutely no malice, and I have no intention of provoking you."

Tang Anhua raised his hand: "Please sit down, sit down and talk slowly."

Tang Yan sat beside the sand pool and watched Tang Anhua quietly for a while.

Tang Anhua calmly accepted Tang Yan's gaze, and also looked at him with great interest.Intuition told her that the man in front of her should be very young, perhaps even younger than she expected.

He calls himself a junior, probably out of respect, not pride.

"This junior has a question, which has been bothering me. You have jumped from the ordinary class of the demon spirit clan to the commander-in-chief of the military region. The five permanent marshals, from ordinary to prominent, from the stratum to the top, you must have experienced a lot, and you have learned a lot. See through human feelings."

"You're welcome. What do you want to ask?" Tang Anhua shook his head. This man's words were quite interesting.

"I want to ask you for advice, please explain to the younger generation."

"It's not enough to ask for advice. It's my honor to be able to solve the confusion for the saint."

Tang Anhua treated each other with courtesy and respected Tang Yan.

But all saints are arrogant and powerful, not only because of their temperament, but also because of the influence of the transformation of the realm.But Tang Yan, as a sage, was able to lower his posture to talk and ask for advice, which had to attract Tang Anhua's favor.

"I would like to ask your understanding of 'betrayal'."

"Betrayal?" Tang Anhua looked at Tang Yan a little longer, but he didn't expect such a sharp word: "Excuse me, did you betray anyone or anything?"

"No, you misunderstood, not me."

"You mean..." "It's you."

(End of this chapter)

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