Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1911 Tang Anhua

Chapter 1911 Tang Anhua

"I don't understand what you mean? Me? Why did I, Tang Anhua, betray you?"

Tang Anhua was calm as usual, calm, but more strange and interested.

"Everyone will experience all kinds of things in the process of growing up. No one is a saint from birth. Life is very long. Mistakes are inevitable, and betrayal is inevitable. Betrayal may be a betrayal of one's own perseverance. It may be a betrayal of something. People, or they may have betrayed something or a certain oath.

I would like to ask you, Marshal, what is the most unforgettable thing for you all these years, especially after you took the position of Marshal?Who is the person you feel most ashamed of? "

Tang Anhua looked deeply at Tang Yan, with a gentle attitude, but looked straight into his eyes: "If I understand correctly, what you said is no longer asking for advice, are you interrogating me? Or probing me? "

"The marshal is thinking too much. I don't mean to interrogate. I have said it before. My words may be abrupt, but I don't mean to provoke you."

"Is this abrupt? This should be considered an offense." Tang Anhua was still calm and gentle. As the Marshal of the Empire, he was able to maintain this kind of demeanor, which is really commendable.

"If there was any offense, I apologize in advance."

"No need." Tang Anhua waved his hand and looked at Tang Yan with a smile: "My friend, I didn't understand the purpose of your coming here. We are not familiar with each other. We have never met before, but you You can sit in the military intelligence department of my southeast camp, why?"

"Because of Tang Bing."

"That's right, because of Tang Bing, I treat you as a guest, so I treat you with courtesy."

"The junior is very grateful that you can receive me with an equal attitude. As a marshal, it is commendable."

"I'm overwhelmed. I treated each other with courtesy, how about you? Should I also be respected?"

"I don't mean to offend you. I admit that my visit tonight and my remarks just now were too abrupt. But I have such a personality, and I am straightforward. You are a soldier, and you must be more accepting of blunt words."

"Since you think you are straightforward, why don't you give your name?"

"My surname is Tang, and my real name cannot be disclosed for the time being."

"What's your relationship with Tang Bing?"

"Friend, temporary friend."

Tang Anhua looked deeply at Tang Yan, and after a while, smiled silently, and sat up straight: "Okay, I'll give you a chance, just tell me what you have."

I can't remember how many years, no one dared to talk to himself like that.

This person didn't offend him abruptly, his words and demeanor were very aggressive, and he came towards him straight away.

Tang Anhua found it funny and interesting.

She is good at using soldiers and knows people better. She can faintly see that the man in front of him may have something very important.

From the moment he walked into the hall, until now, his eyes have always been a little bit erratic, with a somewhat responsible look.

He is very serious, but not the kind of seriousness that is deliberately maintained, but because of inner tension.

What kind of things can make the venerable saint nervous?

"As the most powerful human race in the Forgotten War Realm, the Demon Spirit Clan has always occupied the title of 'No.

"Do you feel that I am not generous enough to receive you?"

"I mean your attitude to history."

"Oh? Looking at history? This question is profound. I, Tang Anhua, are only a soldier. My responsibility is to guard the frontier. It is not my duty to explore history."

"The death of the Demon Spirit Emperor is not within the scope of responsibility?"

Tang Anhua's calmness and gentleness finally subsided, and the eyes that looked at Tang Yan flickered coldly: "Friend, I can make you disappear from this world just by your words. You are not provoking me, you are They are provoking the entire demon spirit clan."

"You are wrong, I am not only provoking your demon spirit clan, I am provoking your beliefs!"

"I treat each other with courtesy, and you should also know etiquette. I have endured again and again, and you should pay more attention to restraint. You may have forgotten where this is. Just a reminder, the military camp, the southeast camp of the Demon Spirit Clan, here, I am the marshal , I am the master."

Tang Anhua frowned slowly and stared at Tang Yan coldly. An extremely cold air silently rose in the hall, reverberated in the space, and spread among the tables and chairs on the ground. A breath of death emerged from the magnificent hall out of thin air.

Tang Yan firmly resisted the evil coldness, still met Tang Anhua's eyes, and said bluntly: "The Demon Spirit Emperor is dead, and there is no one in the three tribes of humans, monsters and demons who does not know, and no one does not understand, but you, the Demon Spirit Clan, yourself Choosing to forget has become a taboo.

Why are you afraid to talk about it?

Is it feeling guilty?Or do you feel that talking about the old emperor in the era of the new emperor is a sin and a shame?

How much the Demon King has contributed to the Demon Spirit Clan, how many honors he has won for the Demon Spirit Clan, and how many talents he has cultivated.

But after tens of thousands of years of hard work, the result is shame?The result is the forgetting of the entire ethnic group?This is not betrayal, what is this? "

"Presumptuous!!" Tang Anhua's expression stern.

The aura is growing, and the killing intent is surging.

The breath of death filled the entire hall, all the moss bonsai withered and turned into dust. Indistinctly, the space was blurring, and the dead air was surging. A vague evil phantom took shape behind Tang Anhua, warming with her. Wan's calm attitude is incompatible, even two extremes.

All the guards outside were alarmed, whoosh, whoosh, more than a dozen figures rushed in like lightning, before the figure entered, the knife was out of its sheath, clanging and vibrating alarmed the courtyard, alarmed the marshal's mansion, and alarmed the silent guards of nearly a thousand relatives.

"Stay outside!" Tang Anhua raised his hand to stop it, and stopped all the guards who were about to rush in.

"Marshal, do you need us to sound the alarm?" The guards stepped into the hall with half their feet, staring coldly, gazing intently, and full of murderous aura. Because of years of fighting in the demon realm, they were filled with cruel blood.

"No need! He is alone, and there is no trouble. Go and see the second princess, and ask her if she has anything to say." Tang Anhua ordered calmly, reconsidering the identity of the martial saint in front of him, and Tang Bing leading him. The purpose of entering the fortress.

The sentence "Do you have anything to say?" indicated that Tang Anhua became suspicious.

"We're just outside!" The guards looked at Tang Yan again, and then exited one after another.But all half-kneeling ten meters outside the hall, all raised their heads and locked the door of the hall, like a crouching cheetah, ready to jump up and kill at any time.

Tang Yan raised his hand and closed the palace door with a wave of strength: "Marshal Tang thinks I've said something wrong? Or do you think I touched the wound in your heart?
Fifty years ago, the Demon King died in battle, and Prince Cang showed his royal power.For the sake of the continuation of the development of the race, the army of the Yaoling clan supports Prince Cang to defend the Yaoling clan. I can understand it, and anyone can understand it.

What I don't understand is your attitude towards the death of the Yaoling Emperor, and the way you treat the six slaves killed by the military rebellion; what I don't understand is why there is no tablet of the Yaoling Emperor in the ancestral temple of the Yaoling clan.

I still have a question that I really don't understand. In just 50 years, only 50 years, the demon spirit clan completely forgot about the previous demon spirit emperor. No one mentioned it again, but it became a taboo.Tens of thousands of years of hard work can't last 50 years. Is this world too cruel, or you demon spirits are too forgetful? "

"I'll ask you again, who are you? Now, answer!" Tang Anhua's face remained the same, but his eyes were gloomy. His attitude towards Tang Yan was about to change, a complete change.

"Look at me, familiar?"


"Is my face familiar?" Tang Yan took off his mask, and looked directly at Tang Anhua calmly.

"You are……"

At this moment, Tang Anhua felt strangely familiar again.

Staring into Tang Yan's eyes, listening to his voice, feeling his questioning.

The familiarity in Tang Anhua's heart became more and more serious.

An indescribable strange feeling spread throughout the body, arousing slight numbness and coldness.

"Since I dare to talk to you about these words, I am ready to bear all kinds of consequences, but I believe in Marshal Tang, and I believe that you will not be ungrateful or betray the late emperor."

Tang Yan pointed to the front wall of the meeting hall, which was also the wall behind Tang Anhua.

There is a thick golden token hanging there, shining with golden brilliance, and exuding a grand atmosphere, which brings solemnity and heaviness to the whole hall.

It was a handsome seal, with the intimidating handsome character in the center, and two lines of small characters engraved on the periphery - 'Emperor of the Yaoling Clan, personally commanded and commanded'.

This token has an ancient atmosphere, the accumulation of time.

Apparently it was issued by the previous Demon Spirit Emperor himself.

Tang Anhua was able to hang the Token of the First Emperor in the middle of the Military Intelligence Hall, in the most conspicuous place, which was equivalent to hanging it in the heart of the entire southeast camp.

She is not afraid of people's words, and she is not afraid of the Military Academy.

At least it shows that she still retains that perseverance in her heart, and she still sticks to that kindness.

At least it shows that Tang Anhua's acknowledgment of the marshal comes from the Yaoling Emperor, not from Prince Cang!

Tang Yan saw it the first time he came in, and only then did he have this straightforward conversation.The successive outspoken inquiries were also observing Tang Anhua's conduct.

He stared at Tang Anhua, his eyes were a little hot and wet, and there was a little warmth in his heart.The southeast camp was his first step into the Demon Spirit Clan, but the official first step, he saw a marshal's concern for the Demon Spirit Emperor.

He was proud of his father, and he was glad that he had brought him.At least let him understand that the demon spirits are not all ungrateful as they once thought.

(End of this chapter)

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