Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1912 Awakened Handsome Seal

Chapter 1912 Awakened Handsome Seal

Tang Anhua's heart skipped a beat, and he looked straight at Tang Yan.

She noticed the dimness in his eyes, the slight movement of his eyes, and even more the sadness at the moment when he looked at Shuai Yin.


Who is he? ?

Tang Anhua looked at Tang Yan, looked at his face, looked at his eyes, why did I have such a strong sense of familiarity?Deja vu, but also brought a strong impact.

"He may not want me to come here, but I really want to see what the current Demon Spirit Clan is like, whether anyone still remembers him, whether there are still people who remember him, and see if the current Demon Spirit Clan And I gave him some respect."

Tang Yan took out an iron plate from his chest, the iron plate that his grandfather gave him: "Have you seen it?"

Tang Anhua's eyes slowly moved away from Tang Yan's face, and fell on the iron plate. "No."

"Father gave it to me, and I don't know what use he has."

Tang Yan casually poured his own power into the iron plate. He had done so many times in the past, and there was no reaction all the time. But today... the calm iron plate suddenly burst into colorful brilliance. It was not dazzling, but surging Strange energy came out, touching Tang Yan's heart, and even touching Tang Anhua's heart.

Clang! !

There was a clanging sound, which shook the palace and the furnishings of the tables and chairs.

A strange force swept over Tang Yan and Tang Anhua.

The "handsome seal" on the front wall unexpectedly flew by itself, stretching over the hall.

It bloomed with dazzling golden brilliance, like a round of golden scorching sun, agitating with sharp and strong coercion, oppressing Tang Yan, and even more oppressing Tang Anhua.

An iron sign awakened Shuai Yin.

A handsome seal reflects the iron plate.

Tang Anhua suddenly turned his head, his complexion changed drastically, he fixedly looked at the noble commander's seal, and felt the vast imperial power and familiar military power inside in a daze.

In a daze, a power in the handsome seal was waking up, and a mysterious creature opened its eyes. It was looking at Tang Anhua, and even Tang Yan.

"Huang... is it you..." Tang Anhua was emotional, his voice trembled slightly, it was unbelievable, he couldn't believe it.

For thousands of years, the handsome seal has been hanging there for thousands of years, and there has never been an abnormality.

But today...waking up? !How is it possible... Tang Anhua has never thought that the handsome seal is not an ordinary token.

Is it Huang?Your Majesty injected his power into it?

Tang Anhua watched absentmindedly, watching excitedly, his heart was ups and downs, the scenes from the past came to his mind one after another, and the suppressed feelings reappeared in his heart.

"Father, is that you?" Tang Yan held the iron plate, feeling the power inside.

His outstretched palm unexpectedly changed on its own, wriggling and stretching slowly, scales appeared, sharp blades appeared, and finally turned into dragon claws, stretching his sleeves from his right hand to his right arm.

A trace of dragon aura permeates the whole body, living up to the usual tyranny and strength, very calm and slow, but it pushes back the dead air in the hall and the coercion from Tang Anhua, the dragon aura is surging , churning, slowly converging into a vague phantom of Long Kui in the dim hall.

Long Kui was entrenched, overlooking Tang Anhua.

Although it was just a phantom, it was like a god descending. It was silent, but it seemed to convey all kinds of voices. It was invisible, but it seemed to be pressing on her heart.

Tang Anhua turned around slowly, little by little, until Long Kui's phantom came into view, until Tang Yan's right hand appeared in sight, and her mind was shocked again and again.

Looking at Tang Yan, looking at the dragon's claw, and then looking at the shadow of Longkui in the sky.

A moment later, one staggered back, with a storm in his heart.

A hidden picture emerged in my mind, it was the man who stood upright, the mighty emperor; the picture in my mind was blurred, trembling, hazy, and familiar again, and it was fixed in the ancestral hall over and over again. The... image of the emperor's ancestor that shocked the blood of the whole family... how is it possible? could...he said...father? !

This is... Long Kui? !

Tang Anhua looked at Tang Yan, her eyes dimmed in the shaking, and her heart was trembling in a churning. She opened her mouth, but it was choked up.

She couldn't believe it, but she had to believe it.

She was unbelievable, but the scene in front of her was real.

The awakened handsome seal, the trembling imperial prestige.

Familiar face, mutated dragon claws.

Long Kui soaring into the sky, with shocking demon power.

And that soft sound...Father...for a long time...for a long time...Tang Anhua's heart shrank fiercely, as if it was being grabbed by something, and it was being held tightly.

The two lines burst into tears, with complex emotions, deep bitterness and guilt.

Tang Anhua... Facing Tang Yan, facing the token, knelt down heavily, bowed his head, choked up, and trembled: "...Emperor... guilty minister Tang Anhua... for you... I knelt... I knelt... ..."

"So this is the purpose of the iron plate?" Tang Yan looked up at the golden handsome seal, and there seemed to be a resonance between the iron plate and the handsome seal, pulling each other.In a daze, he saw a figure in the golden light, a figure standing up to the sky, like a god, standing proudly on the top of the sky, like an emperor, overlooking hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers.

It's just a phantom, but it brings a majestic power that no living being can match.

It was just a phantom, but it brought Tang Yan a lot of warmth and pride.

There are five commander-in-chief seals in the Yaoling clan, will the iron plates resonate with all of them?
Tang Yan thought silently, grasped the iron plate, held it tightly, and withdrew the power injected into it, the brilliance of the iron plate immediately diminished, and disappeared without a trace, but the golden brilliance and residual power of the handsome seal slowed down. , It took a long while to completely disappear, falling silently.

Tang Anhua held it with both hands, but felt an unprecedented heaviness.Looking at Shuai Yin silently, her eyes were hazy with tears, all kinds of feelings welled up in her heart, stinging her heart.

I have always regarded this commander-in-chief as a responsibility, and have been resolutely hanging it on the front wall of the Military Intelligence Department.

Whether it was the time of the first emperor or the time of Prince Cang.

She doesn't care about dynasty changes, what she cares about is protecting the territory.

When the first emperor died in battle, she felt resentful and heartbroken countless times, and she also looked at Shuai Yin in a daze for countless times, thinking about how she should make a choice.

But every time she sees the "Decree of the Royal Family Order of the Demon Spirit Clan" above, she will think of the day when she took command, the oath made by the former emperor to protect the clan, not him, and to protect the Demon Spirit Clan His dignity, not his dignity, and his territory, not his throne.

Tang Anhua thought that the emperor had already left, gone forever, but he didn't expect that there was still a ray of his thoughts in the handsome seal.

It turns out... Huang has been looking at himself, and has always been by his side.

"Emperor! The guilty minister... I'm ashamed..." Tang Anhua held the handsome seal with both hands, and held it vigorously. The atrium knocked on his own soul.

Tang Yan put away the iron plate, and stared at Tang Anhua who was crying excitedly.There was a little bit of warmth in my heart again, and I was even more touched.

I have already experienced Tang Anhua's 'calmness' and 'steadiness' before, and I have experienced her gentle atmosphere. I can imagine that she is a person who does not express emotions easily, but at this moment, she has such violent mood swings. It can be seen that the Demon King is in her heart. Her status also shows her guilt and pain for the death of the Demon Spirit Emperor.

It is precisely because I have been suppressed for too long and too strongly that I lost control at this moment.

Tang Yan saw Tang Anhua's confession in tears, saw her guilt under the emotional fluctuations, and saw her protection of the Demon Spirit Emperor, and finally gave himself a comfort and confidence in his heart.

He can go on the next road.

From the frontier fortress to the sky, go out of your own way.

Tang Yan's dragon spirit gradually dissipated, and his right hand returned to normal posture: "Marshal, I came to the Demon Spirit Clan this time not to take back anything, nor to interfere with anyone. I just want to see the Demon Spirit Clan with my own eyes, and replace my father The emperor is looking for an answer."

He needed to give Tang Anhua an explanation and a guarantee in advance, lest she think that he was here to cause trouble and to impact the internal stability of the Yaoling clan.

Tang Anhua respectfully put away the commander's seal, hung it on the wall again, bowed heavily, and saluted respectfully.It seems that it is not a handsome seal, but a real emperor.

Tang Anhua straightened his clothes and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. Perhaps he had never shed tears since he was born, but today it was so intense.

But her mood swings still couldn't be calmed down, like a river under a strong wind, churning endlessly.

She just looked at Tang Yan like that, staring blankly.

Emperor's child?

But it has never been heard that the emperor had any heirs.

The only similar secret hidden inside the royal family is that in the year when the world was bleeding, the clan elders once executed a child. Could it be... him?Not put to death?

There were too many secrets involved in the events back then, and I am afraid that no one except a few people knew what happened.

But the more you look at this face, the more it looks like the emperor.

Long Kui's breath cannot be faked, and Long Kui's form is even more impossible to imitate.

Long Kui?Emperor?
Heaven, is this the inheritance of the emperor? !

The emperor's child...the inheritance of the emperor's ancestors...the emperor's children have returned, and they have returned with the inheritance of the emperor's ancestors. an answer.

But... under the seemingly peaceful situation of the demon spirit clan, the surging undercurrent has already gathered in groups, and it has not exploded or lost control. It is only because of the suppression of the two mountains of "the righteousness of the clan" and "the overall situation of survival".The pressure was so heavy that everyone couldn't breathe, and the soldiers from all sides could only vent their emotions with crazy fighting, replaced by a high-pitched desire to fight.

But once Tang Yan's news is announced...the waves will be enough to sweep the entire military group.

At that time, the evolution of things will no longer depend on Tang Yan's own wishes.

(End of this chapter)

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