Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1918 Demon Spirit South Heaven Gate

Chapter 1918 Demon Spirit South Heaven Gate

At the end of April in the eighth year of the Era.

Pangu Renhuang led ten martial sages and hundreds of personal guards to leave Donghuang Mountain, cross the demon realm, never stop, never make a sound, and directly returned to the Xijiang camp in the Pangu tribe's control area.

No 'captives' were brought back from Donghuangyue, and no news was announced to the outside world. The tense atmosphere of daggers and arrows came to an abrupt end, and the investigation that caused a sensation in all parties came to an end.

Pangu Renhuang stayed in the frontier fortress, the magnificent fortress continued to be silent, 300 million troops were deployed step by step, quietly entrenched, there was no large-scale military mobilization, and there was no arrogance of violent revenge.

In this way, the Pangu Renhuang and the Pangu Clan Xijiang Fortress were all silent.

The atmosphere there is surprisingly quiet, worrying and nervous.

The prince was killed, and there was a deep hatred, but this vigorous investigation ended suddenly, the end was absurd, the end was weird, and then completely fell into silence.

Donghuangyue was also quiet, as if it had never received the Pangu clan, and nothing had happened, and it was also quiet and full of doubts.

From the end of April to the beginning of May.

The entire Southern Continent fell into a suffocating silence.

The Pangu tribe is entrenched, and 300 million beast hordes are stationed in the western border fortress group.

The ink unicorn did not move, and 900 million beasts were hoarded in the southern area of ​​the demon domain.

The corpse royal family did not move, and 180 million troops lined up on Duanhunpo.

The three total phalanxes remained silent and restrained. No one intended to send troops. Instead, they became more and more quiet and silent. It seemed to be a kind of tacit understanding, or it seemed to be planned in advance, or it was planned in advance. Something is brewing.

"Will Emperor Pangu find out the real culprit?"

"Is there another secret in the death of the Titan?"

"Is the Pangu clan really silent, or are they accumulating explosive power?"

All parties are on standby, paying close attention, and doing their best to investigate the news, so as to find out the details and prepare in advance.

Zhanmeng is preparing hard and waiting cautiously.Facing the current situation, they were a little strange, but they didn't care too much.You are not in a hurry to fight?Of course we will not rush to war!
One more rest, one more preparation, one more victory hope!
The top and bottom of the Zhanmeng seized the time to strengthen the defense, busy building new wind and thunder explosions, and busy distributing energy stones.

The energy stones left by chocolate made the whole mountain of beasts boil violently. The piles of energy stones and the astonishing number gave them great confidence.If the energy stones are squandered enough, it will give Fengleibo more space to display and inject strong power into Zhanmeng.

However... As time passed day by day, the silence of the three major attacking clusters, the Monster Realm, the Pangu Clan, and the Corpse Emperor Clan, not only surprised the forces of all parties, but also finally brought uneasiness to Zhanmeng.

It doesn't matter if you are silent for one day, two days is fine, but you can stay silent for three days and five days as always. While paying close attention to the surrounding situation, you are strengthening your deployment and strengthening your defense.

"The big thing is not good." King Ma Yan stood on the top of the Cangsheng Temple, staring at the endless sky, as if he saw a terrible disaster storm taking shape. The sudden silence of the Pangu clan was really abnormal, and abnormality meant danger.

Ke Zunshan signaled his disciples to the console of the command array: "Open the protective barrier and take precautions in wartime. The Yaoyu, Pangu clan, and corpse royal clan, they are not silent, they are... making final preparations..."

"All the work is in the final stage and will be completed within a day, and then recuperate and prepare for the war." All the hall masters of the major temples issued a unified order.

The Asura Clan, Sea God Clan, South China Sea Demon Emperor Baiyan, and the Demon Clan of the Western Regions all focused on the Southern Continent with dignified eyes. They would rather war broke out directly than feel this oppressive silence.

However, they couldn't figure out what happened.

Did the Pangu Clan stop investigating the truth about Titan's death?If it is found out, just take revenge directly, why are you suddenly calm? ?The 'Silent Accompanying' of the Yaoyu and the Shihuang clan are observing the Pangu clan?Or did they reach some kind of tacit agreement with each other?

At the moment when the dark tide was surging in the Southern Continent, Tang Yan rode a blood eagle, crossed the Yaoling Clan's ruled area from the southeast, and finally arrived at the sacred place of the human race dominating the Northern Continent - Yixiantian!

Because the area controlled by the Yaoling clan is extremely large, it is almost twice as wide as the southeast, and because Marshal Tang Anhua is not too anxious, so that the team stopped and stopped, and it was only on the third day that they officially approached the border of the Tiannan Line .

The majestic pass is named "Nantianmen", standing thousands of meters above the ground, with tigers and dragons, standing on the flat wasteland.

A wave of terrifying gravity gushed out from the depths of the fortress, covering the wasteland.

Gravity suppression is like a river tide, rushing out continuously, rushing towards the endless wilderness, sometimes strong, sometimes soft, like moody, dreadful, more like a warning, deterring everyone who approaches.

The news of Tang Anhua's return has already spread to Yixian Tiantian. The Nantianmen Fortress was ordered to be in charge of reception, and several elders and important figures from the Military Affairs Academy arrived at Nantianmen to welcome Tang Anhua in person.

There are two major systems in the military, one is the Military Affairs Academy and the other is the Group Army.

The Military Affairs Council is responsible for formulating operational plans, deploying defense areas, adjusting the army, and providing staff and coordination during wartime.

There is no distinction between the two systems of high or low status. To some extent, the Military Affairs Council has a slightly higher status because it is in charge of the royal family and is directly responsible to the emperor.

However, in the group army system, at the level of the regiment commander, especially the marshal level, with a military power of one million, the status of the entire demon spirit clan has reached the core, and it is no longer limited to the jurisdiction of the Military Affairs Council.

Especially in the fighting race of the Yaoling clan, which absolutely advocates force, the status and influence of the head of the army and the marshal are second only to the emperor. .

Therefore, the return of Marshal Tang Anhua was highly valued by the Military Affairs Council.

Crying startled the clouds, the golden-collared blood eagle hovered in the air, and landed ten miles away from the Nantianmen.

According to the family rules, all those who enter Yixiantian must enter on foot.

This is the dignity and power of the strongest race in the human race, and it is also the nobility and strength of the ancient golden race.

Who dares not to follow?Do not dare to follow!
"... Nantianmen..." Tang Anhua looked at the Nantianmen at the end of his line of sight, and said softly.

"Go!" The sixteen personal guards signaled to each other, guarding Tang Anhua, and walked along the straight avenue on the wasteland to the Nantian Gate at the end of the line of sight.

Tang Bing and Tang Yan followed Tang Anhua to the left and right.

Tang Yan originally hoped to 'hide' as much as possible, but suddenly found that the team was full of women except himself, and it was difficult not to be discovered.

Tang Anhua didn't say a word, and walked on the wilderness road that he hadn't walked for more than 20 years.It seems to be harboring some kind of mind, reminiscing about some kind of emotion.

Her silence caused the entire team to be silent, except for Tang Bing who occasionally looked at Tang Yan.

Not long after, the dust was flying at the end of the line of sight, filling the connection line between heaven and earth in a mighty way.

The dull and orderly trampling sound came from the depths of the dust fog, becoming more and more intense and louder. Soon, a group of black wolves with wings spread out of the dust fog and charged towards Tang Anhua's team, bringing with them an oppressive sense of iron and blood. murderous look.

"It's the Ye Sirius Army, the current Royal Guard." Tang Anhua whispered, and introduced Tang Yan: "The Ye Sirius Army used to be the Safari Army, and it was also the army directly under Prince Cang. Frontier, facing the blood demon clan, has gone through countless battles, and has rarely lost. It is known as the most brutal army in the northern continent. Later, because Prince Cang was promoted to the throne, the Ye Tianlang army broke away from the safari army and became the imperial guard army."

Tang Yan nodded slightly, staring at the wing wolf troop that was galloping at full speed.

Tang Bing looked at Tang Anhua strangely, what happened to the marshal?Do I need to introduce these to Tang Yan?
The two of them seemed to have talked a lot along the way, sometimes even if Tang Yan was silent, Tang Anhua would take the initiative to say a few words.

She knows the marshal very well, and she is the type of few words. Why is she so interested in Tang Yan?
What did they talk about that night?
Tang Anhua didn't care about Tang Bing's eyes, and continued to introduce: "The Ye Sirius Group Army no longer belongs to the regular battle group, but it still goes to the front to participate in the battle frequently. Prince Cang divided the Ye Sirius into two parts, and one part belongs to the directly subordinate troops. , formed from the 1th team to the 10th team, is absolutely exclusive to Prince Cang.

From the 10th team to the No.80th team, they are distributed in the four big gates of Yitiantian and other main areas, shouldering the heavy responsibility of guarding. "

"Cough cough!" Tang Bing coughed lightly without any trace, secretly a little dissatisfied.

This is not a secret, but the Ye Tianlang Army is definitely the Royal Guard of the Demon Spirit Clan, how can it be easily discussed, or it is said from the mouth of a marshal and passed on to a strange outsider.

"Don't embarrass the second princess anymore, just follow me." Tang Anhua said softly, understanding Tang Yan: "I understand your thoughts, but it's more convenient to follow me, I can give you a special status - worship, I The marshal's mansion recruited the offering. I brought you back this time to make a name for you in the Demon Spirit Clan. This kind of explanation is relatively easy for the Military Council to accept."

After thinking all the way, she thought of a more suitable identity for Tang Yan.

Most importantly, she didn't want Tang Yan to have too much interaction with Tang Bing, because along the way, for three days and three nights, she felt a bit of coldness from Tang Yan's eyes, which was the coldness when she looked at Tang Bing. cold.

As for the reason, you can imagine it.

Prince Cang killed his elder brother who was sworn to protect him, and became a ruthless hero in the eyes of the world.Tang Yan was observing Tang Bing and judging the relationship between their siblings.Once Tang Bing showed any 'indifference' here, it would directly affect Tang Yan's judgment on the entire Demon Spirit Clan.

"Yes." Tang Yan was very calm and calm. He was about to step into the first-line sky, step into the land where his father used to be, and what was waiting for him... what would it be...

(End of this chapter)

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