Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1919 Beware of the Marshal

Chapter 1919 Beware of the Marshal
Not long after, the Mercedes-Benz troops slowed down and stopped a hundred meters away.The 5-man troop turned over, and the high-pitched marching area saluted: "Ye Tianlang Army, the [-]th team, the captain of the [-]-man Tang Xiong, meet the Marshal!"

"General Tang Xiong, long time no see." Tang Anhua nodded.

No matter what level of soldier he was dealing with, Tang Anhua always maintained a polite attitude.

Even ordinary soldiers are respected.

In Tang Anhua's philosophy, soldiers do not distinguish between superiority and inferiority, as long as they contribute blood to the ethnic group, as long as they try their best to protect the ethnic group, they are worthy of respect and are heroes.

Perhaps it was precisely because of her attitude that the entire Tianwu Group Army supported Tang Anhua with all their strength, and the generals in other group armies also respected Tang Anhua.

"Marshal can remember Tang Xiong, Tang Xiong is deeply honored." Tang Xiong has a strong physique, a broad chest, and an invincible majesty.The face is rough, resolute and tenacious.When the dragon walks and the tiger walks, it gives people a sense of pride and arrogance.But a pair of eyes hinted at Han Xing, showing shrewdness and coldness, obviously not simple.

To be able to occupy a place in the ten-thousand-thousand team under Prince Cang's command, one can also imagine how extraordinary this person is.

It's just... Tang Yan was surprised and even more vigilant.Just now Tang Anhua mentioned that the first to tenth belong to Prince Cang's direct personal guards, the absolute core team, why are they here? ?
Tang Anhua also had doubts: "I haven't been back for more than 20 years. Have the rules of the clan changed?? Your team of 5 people is supposed to guard the imperial capital. Why did you come to Nantianmen?"

"The commander-in-chief accompanied His Majesty to the northern border to inspect military affairs. He was not in the imperial capital. The deputy commander was temporarily in charge of the defense of the imperial capital. When he learned that the marshal had returned, he specially ordered me to welcome him."

"I'm sorry, I'm just coming back to discuss military affairs, there's no need to use Ye Sirius to greet him."

"The Marshal seldom comes back once in decades. Even if the Deputy Commander comes here in person, it is not an exaggeration. But the Deputy Commander shoulders the important task of protecting the imperial capital, and he cannot get away. He can only entrust the last general to come over."

"Are you implying that I haven't been back for a long time?" Tang Anhua smiled slightly.

"The last general dare not! The marshal is busy with military affairs and has guarded the southeast for more than 20 years. He is a role model for our generals."

Tang Anhua smiled and shook his head: "General Tang Xiong's level has not improved, and he is good at eloquence. When did Ye Sirius' generals change to eloquence? It seems that the changes in the past 20 years have really been great."

"..." Tang Xiong lowered his head slightly.

"A laugh, General Tang Xiong, don't mind. When did His Majesty go to Northern Xinjiang?"

"A month ago. The Heavenly Demons are now hiding in the North Sea and dare not move out. Being closely watched by the Yin-Yang Clan, they will not be able to threaten our Demon Spirit Clan for a while. Your Majesty intends to inspect the situation in the North Sea and re-adjust the military deployment in Northern Xinjiang according to the situation." .”

"When are you coming back?"

"The final general is not clear. If the marshal wants to meet His Majesty, the final general can send a letter to Beijiang to inform the marshal that you are back."

"No need." Tang Anhua nodded secretly.It is undoubtedly the best situation for Prince Cang not to be in the Yaoling Clan. At least it can give himself a buffer and give Tang Yan a buffer.

"Several elders from the Military Affairs Academy are waiting at the Nantian Gate, please." Tang Xiong waved his hand, motioning for the troops to get out of the way.

"Please." Tang Anhua unobtrusively motioned Tang Yan to follow him.

Tang Bing approached Tang Xiong: "My brother, are they in the imperial capital?"

"The last general greets the second princess." Tang Xiong saluted first, and then said: "The eldest prince has been in the northern border. If His Majesty's inspection goes well this time, he may come back with the eldest prince. Some of the other princes are in the western border camp. , there are a few people who are in retreat, and the details are not clear."

"Where's Tang Fu?" Tang Bing asked intentionally.

"The last general hasn't seen the fourth prince for a long time. He may be accompanying the eldest prince in northern Xinjiang." Although Tang Xiong is a trusted general of Prince Cang, it is impossible for him to know the specific whereabouts of each prince.

Tang Bingliu frowned slightly, it's strange, even Ye Sirius' general didn't know that he and Tang Fu were lost?Did the eldest brother conceal the truth from the father and did not report the truth, or did the father order the news to be blocked?

I and Tang Fu have been missing for half a year, and there is no news from the entire Yaoling clan?
No one cares?No one looking for it?

Even the eldest brother and the others didn't move at all?

Is my Tang Bing worth so little in the Demon Spirit Clan?

"Second Princess, who is that man next to the marshal?" Tang Xiong asked Tang Bing in a low voice.

Tang Bing was suddenly irritable, feeling absurdly abandoned: "Ask yourself."

What?Where did I offend the second princess?Could it be because he didn't greet him just now?

Tang Xiong was even more puzzled, and led the team to follow quickly, intending to ask a few questions, but both Tang Anhua and Tang Yan were tightly surrounded by sixteen guards, and the circle of sixteen female guards was very large. Far away from the Ye Sirius troops.

Who is this? ?Can you stay with the Marshal?Tang Xiong didn't rush to ask, but was secretly surprised.

The team approached the Nantian Gate, the city gate opened, and neat teams lined up on both sides.

At the city gate, several clan elders from the Military Affairs Academy and General Ye Sirius, who was in charge of guarding the Nantian Gate, greeted them in person. The scene was not gorgeous, but the lineup and posture were amazing enough, showing the Military Affairs Academy and the military's respect for Marshal Tang Anhua. respect.

"Anhua, welcome." From a long distance away, a fat old man greeted him with a smile, very enthusiastic.

"Third Elder of the Military Affairs Academy, Tang Xiao, be careful." Tang Anhua's lips moved, reminding Tang Yan, and walked towards the three white and fat old Tang Xiao with a smile. "Elder Laughing, An Hua can't afford to let you greet him in person."

"Where is it! It should be! It should be! I haven't seen you for many years, and we old guys have always missed you." Elder Tang Xiao smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, harmless to humans and animals.The two small eyes squinted, and they couldn't see the eyes directly. It was a little funny, so funny that people ignored his danger.

"Marshal Anhua, welcome home." The other three elders walked to the front of the team one after another, and warmly welcomed them.

"Marshal!" In front of Ye Sirius' troops, the three captain-level generals saluted respectfully, expressed welcome and respect, but although the three of them lowered their heads, they all glanced at Tang Yan from the corner of their eyes, showing a vigilance. A sharp.

Tang Yan remained silent, still silent, like a loyal guard, close to Tang Anhua, with a black iron mask on the right side of his face, making the already stern face even more icy.

Um?Tang Anhua noticed the abnormality of the three people: "The three generals are waiting here."

"Marshal, you are welcome!" The three generals saluted again: "Marshal, please enter."

Tang Anhua took Tang Yan with him, Tang Yan followed closely, and the sixteen guards stayed around, never leaving a single step.

"Marshal, the general dares to ask, this friend is..." one of the three generals hesitated to speak out, and then added: "The general's duty is, please forgive me, Marshal."

"The priest I recruited has followed me for many years. When I come back this time, I hope to file a case with the Military Academy and give him a title." Tang Anhua said casually.

"Worship?!" Tang Bing almost blurted out, but somehow he stuck in his mouth and didn't shout out.The doubt in her heart became heavier, what's going on? ?Tang Anhua seemed to be protecting Tang Yan?

What did Tang Yan tell her?
What magic method did Tang Yan use to deceive the marshal?
etc!Did Tang Yan use some secret method?Quietly affected the marshal's consciousness? ?
But what secret method can affect the Marshal silently?

Zhanmeng has the monster Jiuying, and the monsters that appear in Youye Forest. It is not impossible to control Tang Anhua.

If this is the case, Tang Yan's intention to visit Yixiantian will gradually become clear.

Control a family of marshals?Affect the decision of the Military Council?Prompting the demon spirit clan to send troops to the demon domain?Containing the attack of the Monster Realm vs. Zhanmeng?Finally relieve the pressure on the main battlefield of the Zhanmeng?
That's right! !That's it! !
Connecting back and forth in series, the more you think about it, the more possible it becomes.

Well, you Tang Yan, you are too vicious and hateful, how dare you use me?How dare you use the Marshal?

Tang Bing's expression gradually turned cold, and he looked at Tang Yan with a bit of ruthlessness.

"Is there an enshrinement in the southeast fortress? Why hasn't the last general heard of it?" The three Ye Sirius generals were surprised and even more suspicious.

"The priest hired by my Marshal's Mansion still needs to report to the three?" Tang Anhua smiled slightly, and his tone was very calm. It is conceivable that the oppressive feeling can be imagined when she speaks these words in her capacity.

"The last general doesn't dare! I don't intend to offend the marshal." The three Ye Sirius generals all pleaded guilty, but because of the advance message from the head of the Tang Yaoyu Army, they dare not slack off: "I have a military position, and the responsibility lies with me." Before, strangers are not allowed to enter Yixian Tian without permission, please forgive me, Marshal."

"I brought an enshrined person back to file for the record, but if he doesn't go in, how can I file for the record? I can understand that the three generals deliberately made things difficult?" Tang Anhua deliberately emphasized his tone.

"I dare not wait! It's just..." The three generals are captains of ten thousand people, responsible for guarding the Nantian Gate, and have the right to decide who enters and exits, but the person in front of them is the marshal!
"Since Marshal Anhua personally selected the enshrinement, of course there is no problem. How about I come to be a guarantee?" Elder Tang Xiao persuaded.

"In this case..." The three generals had limited authority and could not stop the Marshal and the Military Affairs Council, so they could only slightly signal to Tang Xiong.

Tang Xiong was about to come forward to mediate, but Tang Bing quietly spread out his hands behind his back, on which a few words were condensed with ice crystals - beware of the marshal, beware of this person.

(End of this chapter)

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