Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1920

Chapter 1920
Tang Xiong's 'let go' that was almost on the tip of his tongue curled up on the tip of his tongue and became: "I think it's better to check."

"Huh?" Tang Xiao waited for the elders to turn around slowly, slightly dissatisfied: "What does General Tang Xiong mean by this?"

Tang Xiong saluted first, respectful but not condescending: "Forgive me, the three elders, clan rules have words, military rules have orders, and the generals at the gate have their own missions, which must be strictly abided by, and the rules cannot be ignored because of their different identities.

We warmly welcome the return of General Anwar, but the rules are the rules and cannot be changed.

What's more, it's just a small inspection. Marshal Anhua probably won't mind checking his identity.Unless... huh... there is a problem in it, of course, the last general is talking nonsense, how could there be a problem, don't you think so, General Anhua? ? "

How clever Tang Anhua is, he naturally sensed the subtle changes in Tang Xiong's attitude.He looked at Tang Bing without any trace, and smiled gently: "If General Tang Xiong insists, it is natural that the family rules come first and the military order is the most important thing."

"Thank you Marshal for your understanding. Elders, look..."

Tang Xiong suddenly realized something.

Why did the deputy commander appoint him to meet Tang Anhua?

Ye Tianlang imperial guard personally greeted the general of the town?

This is unprecedented precedent!

The Military Affairs Council has reason to make a big splash, but there is no need for the Ye Sirius troops to show up in person.

He was still muttering, was there some small situation in it?
It turns out...the intention of the deputy commander is here, in Tang Anhua, the mysterious martial saint by her side.

Tang Xiong suddenly became interested, and even secretly excited, I was lucky enough to fight the marshal?

Tang Xiao and other elders were very dissatisfied, but following Tang Xiong's eyes, their eyes fell on Tang Bing's quietly spread hands.

Tang Bing gave them a brief signal, quickly closed his hands, and concealed the ice crystals, so as not to attract the attention of Tang Anhua's guards.

Careful Marshal?Second Princess, what do you mean by this?Elder Tang Xiao's face remained unchanged, and his smile did not diminish: "Okay, okay, it's just a trivial matter, each has its own powers, each has its own difficulties, it's all members of one clan, don't talk about the words of two clans, let's understand each other. .

I think some of us old fellows will check this friend at Nantianmen. If there are no accidents, we will rectify his name here and give an explanation to both parties. "

The fifth elder and the other three elders expressed their willingness to give this new friend a checkup.

Tang Anhua noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere, it was very subtle, but she couldn't escape her years of experience.

Elder Tang Xiao raised his hand to signal: "Please? Marshal Anhua please, this friend please."

"Let's go, it's just a formality." Tang Anhua gave Tang Yan a look, meaning don't be afraid, I can help you deal with it.

Tang Yan stayed where he was, neither moving nor leaving.

"Friend?? Why didn't you leave? Don't we old men have enough weight?" Elder Tang Xiao looked at him with a smile.

"By the way, hand over the weapon?" Tang Xiong grabbed Tang Yan's Liemo Dao on the back: "This is also the rule."

Snapped!Tang Yan suddenly hit back, and slapped Tang Xiong on the back of his hand. The force was so strong that blood spattered, and Tang Xiong was staggered on the spot.

Clang! !Ye Sirius troops drew their swords collectively and glared at Tang Yan.

Tang Xiong was in a slightly embarrassed posture, staring fixedly at the back of his bloody right hand, his complexion gradually turned cold, and a smile slowly formed on his face: "Friend, what is the meaning of this?"

Elder Tang Xiao smiled and said: "Marshal Anhua, you are not very friendly to this priest."

Tang Anhua remained silent, but finally felt strange in his heart.Changes in the atmosphere are changes, but Tang Xiong's sudden move was too abrupt, and it was even more obvious that he had malicious intentions.

For any warrior, weapons are equivalent to a second life.

After reaching the high-level Martial Master and above, warriors have the capital of arrogance, and weapons are even more status symbols.

If Tang Xiong wants to hand over Tang Yan's weapon, that's fine, no problem, but you must not just reach out and grab it.

What's wrong? ?The atmosphere was kind and harmonious on the surface, but secretly it had completely changed.

What did Tang Bing hint to them? ?How could it attract the Military Academy and Ye Sirius to suddenly show their aggressiveness?
These guys are all the type who hide their swords behind their smiles. The more they smile, the more intentional they are.

Tang Yan waited indifferently: "The family teacher's relic!"

Elder Tang Xiao shook his head and smiled: "My friend misunderstood me. Why, could it be that the Demon Spirit Clan will also confiscate your weapon? Our Demon Spirit Clan has dominated the north for tens of thousands of years. From Qitian to Liluo, we have accumulated There are more than thousands of treasures, how can you care about a sword?

We are just keeping it for a few hours at most. After the positive test, you will become a member of our demon spirit clan. You can walk through the Nantian Gate with dignity and get your weapon back. "

After Elder Tang Xiao finished speaking, he signaled Tang Xiong to make another move.

Not only is he semi-sacred in strength, but he also has rich experience. He can naturally feel the extraordinary heavy sword behind Tang Yan. Although his shape is covered by the sackcloth, he can't hide the terrifying killing power and strong blood that permeates.

Just focusing on the investigation, you can feel the bursts of mood, a terrible breath gushing out, like a terrifying monster, and like a small bloody world.

Obviously it is a big murderous thing, full of blood, and extremely evil.

He can conclude that this thing is an absolute treasure!Absolutely horrible!
Since the second princess took the initiative to remind the marshal and this mysterious person to be careful, the significance is definitely extraordinary, and there may be friction later, so... first handed over his weapon, suppressed his arrogance, and weakened his power threaten.

It would be easier to deal with if there was a fight later.

Tang Xiong signaled the troops to relax their vigilance: "Friends, don't be nervous, we really have no malicious intentions. I understand your vigilance, but this is the demon spirit clan. We welcome friends and will never harm you."

"The relic of the master." Tang Yan reiterated again.

"Understood, we will keep it safe." Tang Xiong reached out and grabbed the saber on Tang Yan's back.

Clang! !

The Fierce Demon Saber rose up in an instant, and slashed towards Tang Xiong.Vigorous and fast, with a gushing evil spirit, like a nightmare, he rushed towards Tang Xiong ferociously.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Don't be excited! Don't be excited!" Tang Xiong immediately raised his hand, signaling that the audience should not be impulsive: "If you have something to say, talk about it, it's just a little thing, my friend is too nervous."

"Put away your disgusting tricks and be my three-year-old child? No one can touch this knife without my permission." Tang Yan stood indifferently on the spot. When it fell, the fierce killing power shocked the audience and calmed down all the troops.

Elder Tang Xiao pretended to be serious: "Marshal Anhua, you have such a big temper and a big air. It is the first time that you dare to use a knife in front of Nantian Gate. If it is not for your face Come on, I can order people to be taken immediately! Outsiders have always begged to join the Demon Spirit Clan as offerings, but no Demon Spirit Clan begged anyone to come and make sacrifices. Hmph! I really don’t know what to do.”

"Friend, put the knife away? If you have something to talk about." Tang Xiong couldn't help but smile, very 'friendly' and fearless, he didn't think anyone would dare to kill the general of the Yaoling clan in front of the Nantian Gate: "I also see For the sake of the marshal, otherwise, your current behavior is enough for you to 'enjoy'."

The two of them blocked Tang Anhua's mouth with one word.

Tang Yan took back the Fierce Demon Knife and repeated it for the third time: "This knife belongs to the relics of my master, and no one can touch it without my permission."

Elder Tang Xiao pondered for a while, then restored his gentle smile again: "Okay, okay, okay, we, the Demon Spirit Clan, won't care about such trivial things with you, Marshal Anhua comes back rarely, we don't want to cause any trouble, how about this?" , I will take a step back and not accept your weapons, but how about you hand them over to Marshal Tang Anhua?"

"Okay." Tang Yan has learned the lesson. This old guy is really extraordinary. He shows his magnanimity and quality in his words and deeds. In fact, he licked you to pieces.

"I'll take care of it for you and return it to you later."

"If you hand it over, they will ask you to return it to me?" Tang Yan smiled silently, how could he not understand what these two guys meant.Although I don't know where the two came from, since they are all like this, it's time for me to make a decision. "Don't worry, I'll let it come back to me by itself."

Tang Anhua took the Liemo Saber, but completely underestimated the weight of the Liemo Dao, and almost fell to the ground.

"Don't untie it, no matter what, protect it." Tang Yan handed the Fierce Demon Saber to an outsider for the first time, feeling a little bit reluctant: "Marshal, do you still remember what I asked you on the way?"

"Which sentence??"

"I committed a felony in Yixiantian, how should I deal with it?" Tang Yan put down all the Liemo Dao and turned to Elder Tang Xiao: "You want to check, what are you looking for?"

Tang Xiao said: "Name, background, experience, bloodline, etc. Since the marshal personally recruited the person, there should be no mistakes, just follow the formality, and my friend won't mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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