Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1927 Final Purpose

Chapter 1927 Final Purpose

Tang Yiyuan stood up in deep thought, and walked out of the meeting hall with his old body leaning on crutches, and walked to the side hall not far away.

Along the way, they kept encountering busy figures in the Military Academy, and everyone saluted one after another, obviously respecting the head of the Military Academy of the Demon Spirit Clan very much.

Soon after, Tang Yiyuan appeared in the courtyard of a side hall and met Marshal Tang Anhua.

"Principal, you are here." Tang Anhua got up and paid respects to the old dean of the Yaoling clan, whose number is below one and over ten thousand.

Back in the day, the old dean provided her with a lot of help in taking over the Tianwu Group Army. She spoke well of herself in front of the Demon Spirit Emperor more than once, and gave her legion a lot of favoritism in terms of logistics, so that she could control it better. She remembers Tianwu Group Army and these things clearly, and she will never forget her gratitude.

"Anhua, long time no see." Tang Yiyuan walked into the courtyard with a smile.

"Old dean." The fifth elder of the Military Affairs Academy was also here, and hurriedly got up to salute.

Tang Yiyuan belonged to the same era as the former dean of the Military Affairs Academy, and made too much contribution to the demon spirit clan, but because of the special bloodline monsters, they survived for a long time, almost breaking the shackles of the heavens and countering the laws of the heavens , but now... he is a semi-holy realm after all, he is old after living for tens of thousands of years, really old.

"Fifth, go out and do your work. Everyone else should go out first. I'll have a few words with Anhua." Tang Yiyuan signaled the fifth elder and all the guards inside and out to leave.

"Then I'll go first, you guys talk slowly." The fifth elder walked away quickly, without any intention of staying.He is really not sociable. He has been sitting here for a long time, and he doesn't know how to talk to Tang Anhua, and he doesn't know what to ask specifically. It just so happens that Tang Yiyuan is here, and he is finally relieved.

"You all go out first." Tang Anhua also signaled his sixteen guards to leave the courtyard.

"Elder Tang Xiao is dead, and the murderer is your enshrinement, and you will be involved in this incident." Tang Yiyuan straightened his crutches and sighed: "Anhua, the matter is very serious, so let's not go around in circles." .”

"I didn't expect Elder Tang Xiao to be killed either."

"I just got the exact news. Tang Zhibai set off to return the day before yesterday, and he is expected to come back tomorrow night, which will be early tomorrow afternoon. That old guy in Maple Leaf is busy with military affairs in Eastern Border, dealing with the confrontation between the Spirit Clan and the Star Clan. He was still worried that the meeting would not be completed, but this matter was so big that he had to come back, and he would not be able to come back until about four days later.

I hope that before they come back, I can have a general understanding of this matter and have a simple solution. Otherwise, when the high-level members of the two courts meet, the clan elders will inevitably be emotional, and maybe the firing teams of both houses will all participate. , it will be very unpleasant. "

"Old Dean, you can ask whatever you want. I will say what I can say, and what I can't... I hope you can understand."

Tang Yiyuan moved his fingers: "Just one question, who is that person?"

"Forgive me, I can't speak for now."

"For the time being, when are you going to wait? I don't have much time, and I have to have a result before the elders of the two deans return. You can't say, how should I deal with it?"

"Other things, you can ask whatever you want, but who he is, I can't say."

"I know everything else, but I'm curious about his identity. If you really want to keep him, cooperate with my investigation, and I promise to give him a fair judgment."

Tang Anhua met Tang Yiyuan's deep gaze calmly: "Forgive me for not being able to say it for now, but what I can tell you is that his identity is very special. In fact, I don't need to explain it, and you will know it when the time comes."

Another special identity.Tang Yiyuan was silent instead, what kind of person is he?It can make Tang Bing feel afraid, make Tang Anhua keep silent, ask repeatedly, and even give the same answer.

Thorn Cliff!
"Listen to me clearly, forget what happened today, keep your mouth shut, and act as if nothing happened, otherwise, I will help you forget, forever."

Tang Juan came to the stone forest to warn Tang Xiong and others who were being whipped, and said coldly, full of killing intent.Before they could make a statement, they turned around and left the execution zone, heading towards the direction where Tang Yan was imprisoned.

Tang Xiong and the others were struggling to resist the whipping of the iron whips all over the sky. They were already in great pain, but at this moment they were even more excited, and they closed their mouths tightly.

They were not fools, they understood the meaning of Don Juan's words - forget Tang Bing's hint! !
Don Juan obviously investigated the whole incident, so he had to protect the second princess and not allow the events of that day to be publicized.

Of course they knew how vicious and cruel Don Juan was. Maybe the soldiers he questioned had already died somewhere.

"General Tang Juan, what advice do you have?" Tang Yan opened his eyes, looked at the skinny man in front of him, vaguely remembered that when Tang Anhua greeted him, he called Tang Juan.

"Name." Standing in front of Tang Yan's cage, Tang Juan's cold voice was like ice dross shaking from the eaves, making the dry and pale stone forest even colder.

The crystal rock centipede crawling around quickly retreated, hiding in a dark place, or hiding directly underground, they were also afraid of Don Juan's coldness.

"Is it important? Why does everyone ask for their name when they meet?"

"Help you make a will, after all, you have a name."

Don Juan feels like an old wolf, a lone wolf who has experienced vicissitudes and has forgotten life and death, like a walking corpse, who has forgotten life and death, and has no emotions. Such a terrible..."No last words, just a Require."

"Say, satisfy you."

"On the day of my execution, I need the Military Affairs Council, the Family Affairs Council, all the elders here, and all the people of Yixiantian, let them pay attention to me, see me off, and witness my death. Anyone who can come must come, the scene Make it as big as possible."

Don Juan narrowed his eyes slightly: "What's the reason?"

"There is no reason, you can meet my request, I guarantee that I will not say a single word on the day of the execution, I will not confuse people's hearts, I will not mention the death of the Demon Spirit Emperor, and I will not make any resistance and will not hurt you The Spirit Transformation Pond, so you can save me from torturing me half to death before throwing me in."

Tang Yan met Tang Juan's eyes.Very calm, very calm, as if talking about his own life and death.

Don Juan looked at him for a while, then nodded, with a hoarse voice: "Yes."

"Okay, my life... has no regrets..."

"I have satisfied your request, but I still have a question, you can treat it as a condition."


"Why did you kill Tang Xiao?"

"There are many things in this world without reason, and they are killed on a whim."

"You first questioned Tang Xiao about the Demon Spirit Emperor, and after that, you took the initiative to kill people. Did you want to kill because of his inappropriate remarks and your anger, or did you want to kill him from the beginning? Going through the motions, the purpose is to wait for us to pass by and kill him in front of our faces."

Don Juan still remembered the look in the eyes of this man when he killed Tang Xiao, and the intentional movement toward the sky, without anger or loss of control, as if everything was so natural.

Today, the whole incident is connected in series, and there are too many questions. As the punisher of the Ye Sirius Army, it is necessary for me to find out the truth.Otherwise, waiting for the return of the emperor and the commander from the northern border, asking about the before and after of the incident, and being unable to give any reasonable explanation, unable to explain the whole incident, is bound to disappoint the emperor, make the emperor angry, and implicate the other captains.

He doesn't allow this kind of thing to happen, there must be an explanation, at least some kind of guarantee can be made.

It's a pity that Tang Anhua and the second princess were 'imprisoned' in the Military Affairs Academy, and the Clan Affairs Academy took over all aspects of it, and he was not allowed to intervene in the past. If he couldn't get in, he could only come here, and find a breakthrough from this person .

"It's both, it's up to you to imagine."

Don Juan snorted coldly: "I'm talking to you calmly now, you'd better answer calmly, don't wait until I use torture, when the conversation scene...may be bloody..."

Tang Yan smiled: "For a person who wants to evolve into a spirit pool, for a person who wants to die, do you still care about your punishment?
I can also answer you very clearly, it is because you did not torture me, and because you stood in front of me calmly and talked to me, that I will speak to you, and I will be willing to speak.

If you do get to the torture chamber, you'll either get a dead body or a mute, but you won't get any information or answers you want.

I have experienced too many things, and I can bear any pain or injury.I'm always dumb unless I want to. "

Tang Juan ignored Tang Yan's reply and continued his inquiry, cold and gloomy. "How many years have you been with Tang Anhua?"

"Forgot, it's neither long nor short. You don't have to doubt Marshal Tang Anhua, my purpose is to come to the sky, I used her, and it has nothing to do with her."

"You came here just to die?"

"That's right, being executed in the first forbidden place of the human race is not a bad way to die."

Tang Juan's eyes flickered coldly: "I understand, your purpose - to transform the spirit pool."

(End of this chapter)

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