Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1928 Melting Spirit Phosphorus Liquid

Chapter 1928 Melting Spirit Phosphorus Liquid
Tang Yan smiled and did not deny it.The person in front of him can be seen to be a very shrewd person, and denying it will only become a cover-up, so it is better to admit it generously, and then ask: "Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid." Tang Juan stared at Tang Yan coldly for a long time, and formally confirmed that this person was not a threat.

This person intends to conspire to transform the spirit pond?absurd!

Even if this person blew himself up in the Spiritualization Pond, it would not be able to destroy the foundation of the Spiritualization Pond, not to mention that the scene when the Spiritualization Pond melted would never give him a chance to resist and self-destruct.

Is this person going to use Hualingchi?Even more absurd!

Here is a ray of sky, where the demon spirit clan lives, so what if we get the benefits?Can you still kill it?

"Then we'll see you in ten days." Tang Yan closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

"Since you are obsessed with Hualingchi, you are not afraid that I will not let you evolve the Lingchi? There is more than one way to execute a martial saint. If you can't enter Hualingchi, any purpose will be in vain."

"I have learned that the cruelest and most thorough punishment for your demon spirit clan is the Hualing Pond. I killed your military elders and desecrated the demon spirit clan. Only by throwing me into the evolution spirit pool can you better calm down your demon spirits The anger within the clan calmed down the emotions of the people.

The Monster Spirit Clan looks very powerful, but it is actually very fragile now. Your high-level people have been doing everything they can to cover up the crimes of the past and express their strength as much as possible.

This time, your dignity has been challenged, and you must strike back severely. If you choose to execute me in another way because of some kind of worry, it will appear that you are very incompetent.

Executing me in Hualingchi is the death penalty that the people want to see, and it is an inevitable result. As for how to prevent me from making trouble, that is what you high-level people need to accomplish.If it was changed to another method just because of worry, the people would be very disappointed, and the clan elders would not accept it. "

"You have a thorough understanding of people's hearts, and you know a lot about Hualingchi."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Do you dare to eat it?" Tang Juan took out a jade bottle, twisted it three times in his hand, and threw it to Tang Yan.

"People who are about to die are not afraid of anything, it's just poison, how can I not dare." Tang Yan took the jade bottle, without hesitation, opened the bottle, and drank the medicinal liquid inside.

A scalding heat penetrated through the body, like drinking a mouthful of concentrated acid, and like drinking a mouthful of magma, the terrifying heat was accompanied by the cruel corrosion power, from the mouth to the abdominal cavity, and then rushed to the whole body, and then detonated in the body pain.

Tang Juan was expressionless, watching Tang Yan curled up coldly, trembling in pain. "This is highly poisonous. It won't kill you. It will only bring you pain and torture. It will burn every meridian in your body, melt your spiritual power, and slow down the operation of your meridians.

It cooperates with the Forbidden Spirit Circle to suppress your meridians inside and out. After a few days, you will not be able to exert [-]% of your strength. I would like to see how you make trouble. "

Tang Yan curled up on the ground, trembling slightly, his entire abdominal cavity seemed to be burning with fire, the pain made his whole body convulse, his face was pale, bean-sized sweat oozed out of his forehead and ran across his cheeks.But compared to the physical pain, his eyes were always calm and firm.

"The execution was originally scheduled for ten days, but I will officially inform you that the time is five days ahead of time. I will wait for you in Hualingchi and wait for your performance." Don Juan said coldly, turned and left.

Tang Yan lay weakly on the ground, in great pain, as if being thrown into an oil pan, being pressed down again and again, choking on several mouthfuls of hot oil again and again, making his body immersed in pain continuously, suffering and tormenting .

Not long after, a large number of crystal rock centipedes drilled out of the stone stubble, staring at him covetously, eager to go up and bite some flesh and blood to try it out.

Tang Yan endured the pain, but he didn't rush to use Qinghuo to completely remove the poison.

Only Huo Ling'er couldn't bear him being hurt, and carefully released the power of the sky fire to relieve his pain, and firmly guarded the meridians so as not to hurt the meridians, then it was not worth it.

"Dean? Why are you here?"

At this time, Tang Juan's voice came from a distance, Tang Yiyuan, the head of the Family Affairs Council... came... the moment he stepped into the thorny cliff, the entire stone forest territory was silent, the iron whip stopped beating, The screams stopped, and the crystal rock centipede crawled back to the ground one after another.

Leaning on crutches, Tang Yiyuan staggered, refused the support of the guards, and walked alone into the depths of the thorny and rough cage Stone Forest, and walked out of Tang Yan's cage.

"Lingling Phosphorous Liquid, this poison is too strong, it will hurt your meridians." Tang Yiyuan saw the skewed jade bottle next to Tang Yan, and naturally understood that it was because of Tang Juan.

Holding on to his crutches, the old man slowly sat down among the stone branches beside him, where the stone branches were just twisted into the outline of a seat, making it easier for the old man to sit down.

Tang Yan raised his eyelids weakly, and the painful sweat just passed through the corner of his eyes and entered the eye sockets, causing a slight pain.He didn't get up, and the pain in his body didn't allow him to get up.

"I am Tang Yiyuan, the dean of the Yaoling Tribe's Clan Affairs Council. I have learned about the incident outside the Nantianmen, and I have heard about the argument between you and Elder Tang Xiao. May I take the liberty to ask, why do you treat the Yaoling?" Are you interested in the incident of the Spirit Race 50 years ago? Did you risk your own life for this?"

Tang Yiyuan wanted to see clearly the face of the mysterious man in the cage, but the right side was covered with a mask, and his sweat-wet black hair was sticking to his face messily, which was really exaggerated in embarrassment, and he couldn't see clearly.

"Understand the truth of history, whether it is ugly or sacrifice. By the way, let's see if the demon spirit clan 50 years later remembers the former emperor and the shame of that year."

Tang Yan responded weakly, his voice was hoarse with a bit of painful trill.

"There are many ways to understand, and you can change the way without risking your life. In this world, two things are the most important, life and dignity.

If you lie here, it means that you have given up your life, and you will also be ravaged and your dignity trampled on.Unless there's a premise that goes beyond both, it's...not worth it.I don't think a saint can't see through this. "

"It's faster and more thorough. Whether it's worth it or not is different for everyone. At least, I caused a stir and attracted you high-level officials to face me."

Tang Yiyuan couldn't help but smiled and nodded: "That's right, you have achieved this goal."

"You are the dean of the Clan Affairs Council, and you should belong to one of the most core members of the Demon Spirit Clan. Since I have the honor to meet you, I would like to ask, what do you think of the events of that year? Don't worry, I didn't question you. I mean, I'm just looking for an answer. The answer I've been looking for all these years."

It has been almost 50 years, and I have been waiting for 50 years, just waiting for this moment to come, waiting for someone to give me a reasonable answer.

Tang Yiyuan looked at him for a while, because he noticed the very light word "you" in his words. This honorific address came from a prisoner who was about to die, so Tang Yiyuan had to think a little bit, so as not to He refused straight away: "Give me a reason, and I'll give you an answer, how about it?"

"What reason."

"It's still the question just now, why are you interested in the tragedy of the Demon Spirit Clan that year. If you don't mind, I want to ask, who are you...?"

Tang Yiyuan did not force Tang Bing and Tang Anhua to reveal the true identity of this person, but the unified and special way of expression of the two made him decide to meet this 'special man' in person.

"Take a look at the demon spirit clan, and take a look at you."

"It's that simple?"

"Is it simple? Hehe, I took my life and gave up my dignity. For you, it's easy. For me, it's all I have."

'Take a look at the Eldar, take a look at us. Tang Yiyuan savored this sentence carefully, and felt more and more that this person had a unique identity, and he was so persistent in pursuing the answer back then.

Could it be...he is a descendant of a general who died back then?

Or someone Liu Nu had helped?
Tang Yiyuan said for a while: "What do you want to know?"

Tang Yan gasped weakly, his eyes were heavy, his eyes were hazy, and his voice was soft but heavy: "Your evaluation of the events of the year, your opinion of the Yaoling Emperor, and your evaluation of Prince Cang.

In your capacity as the dean of the Clan Affairs Council, there should be no need to worry.I'm about to evolve a spirit pool, and you don't have to keep a dying person.Let's be honest, shall we? "

"The evaluation of a person or an event needs to be done in a specific environment and at a specific time. Things have passed 50 years ago. It is meaningless to make evaluations now."

"I insist."

Tang Yiyuan closed his eyes, and shook his head slowly: "Forget it, it's okay to say something. I can only give you a word. I, Tang Yiyuan, have three respected people in this life, and there are only three. First, the demon spirit emperor of my clan , secondly, the priest of our family, and thirdly, Prince Cang. It is my honor, Tang Yiyuan, and the pride of my life to be able to assist them successively."

Tang Yan stared at him for a while, then closed his eyes in disappointment.

But Tang Yiyuan said gently: "Son, I should be right to call you that. I'm not trying to perfuse you, it's my sincere words. If you really want to compare Yaolinghuang and Prince Cang, you should limit it to ten points." , I will give ten points to the Demon Spirit Emperor, and nine points to Prince Cang. The difference is one point."

"The Demon Spirit Emperor has contributed tens of thousands of years to the Demon Spirit Clan, and I can accept the full score evaluation. How can Prince Cang, He De, give the difference of one point?"

"You won't understand. Some things, seeing is not necessarily believing. This world is too cruel, so cruel that it violates ethics, so cruel that you do what you have to do." Tang Yiyuan got up slowly: "Someone told me that after waiting for five days Everything will be revealed during the execution in Hualingchi, I will wait for you for five days."

(End of this chapter)

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