Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1929 Tang Zhibai Chapter Return

Chapter 1929 Tang Zhibai Returns

"I still have a question." Tang Yan struggled weakly a few times, but the poison in his body was brutally ravaged, his whole body trembled, stiffened like a convulsion, and a faint groan came out of his nose.

Tang Yiyuan wanted to leave just like that, but for some reason, the groan behind him and the hazy gaze attracted a little pity from him.

Alas, as I get older, my heart softens, and I tend to be sentimental.

Tang Yiyuan murmured to himself for a while, then turned around slowly, and looked at the man lying crookedly in the cage: "The last question, let's talk. You are a martial artist, and it is not easy to cultivate to this stage. Life, I have a reason to give you a chance."

"Did you participate in the planning of the incident 50 years ago?"

Before the tragedy happened, Prince Cang had already secretly controlled the upper echelons of the Demon Spirit Clan and had the support of a large number of elders. Either chose to ignore at the time, chose to let it go.

"I have no complaints or regrets." Tang Yiyuan smiled, said softly, and turned to leave.

"As the saying goes, you know people, you know your face, but you don't know your heart, but I see you...I can feel that you are different from them. You have righteousness and sincerity. Why...why... Prince Cang had many choices back then , you also have a lot of choices, why do you want to...kill the Demon Spirit Emperor..."

Tang Yan struggled to get up, but fell heavily to the ground.Huo Ling'er in the body hurriedly wanted to remove the toxin for him, but was suppressed by Tang Yan with his thoughts.

"Son, I have given you the answer. Use the last time of your life to savor it carefully. This matter is as big as your heart is. You can guess as you like." Tang Yiyuan leaned on crutches and left silently.

Tang Yan lay powerlessly on the ground, looking at the direction Tang Yiyuan left with hazy eyes, very weak and exhausted, back and forth, one day was more painstaking than a battle.

The Thorn Cliff where Tang Yiyuan left, ordered the entire stone forest to be sealed off and no one was allowed to enter.

He couldn't see through the man inside, but his identity was definitely not ordinary, which made him very strange.

A calm and unique conversation brought back his emotions back then, brought back memories he didn't want to touch, brought back the stalwart and domineering figure in his mind, brought back too many...too many... A mysterious person actually has such magic power, which touched my peaceful heart.

This made him wonder, and he had to be more cautious.

Tang Yiyuan will not allow outsiders to 'visit' him again.

After 50 years of "digestion", the Yaolinghuang incident has gradually subsided, but this incident completely ruined his 50 years of hard work, and there are many turmoil in the sky and down, and there are endless discussions.

If the higher-ups were allowed to come to visit one by one, and he asked them one by one, the entire senior management would fall into contradictions and entanglements again, which would affect the aura of the entire Demon Spirit Clan.

A person, stirring up a clan?

Not allowed! !

Tang Yiyuan does not allow this kind of thing to happen, at least not now.

"Stay here and watch for me."

Before Tang Yiyuan left, he seemed to speak to the air.

In the dark corner, there was a vaguely non-existent response.

From the occurrence of the Tang Xiao incident to the next afternoon, Yiyitian has always been immersed in the discussion of riots. If it hadn't been for the fact that the Ye Sirius Army and the military and government teams had strengthened their patrols and restrained the situation to a certain extent, the discussion Storms are likely to cause unnecessary turmoil.

Don Juan's sudden announcement that 'the execution time has been advanced to five days later' and 'receive the attention of all the people' was also promoted as Ye Sirius' strength, and the propaganda became obedience to public opinion, which played a role in easing the atmosphere to a certain extent .

Time passed by, and the attention caused by this incident became more and more intense. Almost everyone was waiting for the execution in the "Hua Lingchi" five days later, and they all wanted to see with their own eyes what kind of "bandit" killed Tang Xiao Elder, what kind of 'fanatic' dares to act presumptuously in Yixiantian.

For some children of the new generation who are about to be baptized, this event is even more worth looking forward to, because what is about to be melted in Hualing Pool is a powerful martial saint, a genuine martial saint, and this smelting will make the entire "yin pool" Getting new enrichment will make the energy in the 'Yangchi' more intense and more vivid. For the awakening of the new generation, the benefits can be imagined.

At the same time, the incident of Tang Xiao's murder was secretly spread to the three major camps of Eastern Xinjiang, Northern Xinjiang, and Western Xinjiang. In the hands of Tang Zhibai, who had already set off to return earlier.

Due to the particularity of the incident and the many weirdnesses that existed, Tang Yiyuan issued a gag order to the outside world. Except for a few elders of the military affairs chief and Prince Cang, the rest, including the marshal and the head of the army, were not informed.

On the evening of the second day after the incident, Tang Zhibai, the Second Elder of the Military Affairs Academy, arrived at Dongtianmen, and the Fifth Elder personally went to the gate to receive him, introduced and guided him all the way, and returned to the Military Affairs Academy quickly.

Tang Zhibai learned about the whole incident from the mouth of the Fifth Elder, and also saw many strange things in it. The first time he returned to the Military Affairs Academy, he came to the side hall courtyard where Marshal Tang Anhua was.

"Second Elder, you are back." Tang Anhua was sitting in the courtyard, not surprised by Tang Zhibai's arrival.

Perhaps because of Tang Zhibai's special status, as well as his previous status and influence, he has become one of Tang Anhua's few "close clan elders" in the Yaoling clan at this stage.

"How far, how far back, I will take over this incident! Inform Dean Yiyuan that all the people from the Family Affairs Council can be withdrawn, and the affairs of the Military Affairs Council will be handled by the Military Affairs Council." Tang Zhibai walked in quickly In the courtyard, he signaled everyone to leave. His demeanor was quite strong, which was slightly different from his usual performance.

No one inside or outside the courtyard dared to disobey, and they all bowed and retreated. Some people immediately contacted the elders of the Family Affairs Council and informed Tang Yiyuan.

Tang Zhibai was standing in the empty courtyard. The cold Tang Anhua had a complicated expression, but he didn't say a word.

Tang Anhua put down the military affairs file he was flipping through: "Is the Second Elder blaming me? Blame me for not stopping the gangster, blame me for indirectly killing Elder Tang Xiao, blame me for causing trouble?"

"Why did you bring him here?" Tang Zhibai's voice was a little cold.

"It's a long story, and the matter is very complicated, but please rest assured that he will not hurt anyone again."

"How can you guarantee that?"

"I believe……"

"Do you know who he is?"

Tang Zhibai interrupted her somewhat forcefully, with a bit of sharpness in his tone and eyes.

Tang Anhua's expression changed slightly, he frowned and looked at Tang Zhibai: "What did you just say?"

"You know, his identity?? He said it himself, or did you guess it?"

Tang Anhua's eyes fluttered, and he got up slowly: "I don't know what the second elder is talking about."

"Of course you know!"

"I... don't know very well..." Tang Anhua's eyebrows gathered a little solemnly.

"You don't trust me? I trust you as always!" Tang Zhibai's eyes became sharper and sharper, as if two sharp knives pierced Tang Anhua's heart.

"I trust the second elder, I have always been." Tang Anhua met Tang Zhibai's gaze, and never backed down.

"Half a year ago, I accompanied Prince Tang Chen to participate in the Bone Race incident, and then went south to the Demon Realm to search for Xu Zhuanzhu. After that... I came back, Tang Hong came back, Tang Chen came back, but Tang Bing and Tang Fu did not Come back because we were attacked at the time.

Prince Cang ordered the news to be blocked, and no one was allowed to mention it, not even to Dean Fengye and Dean Yiyuan.The truth is, they were not training outside, but in the hands of their attackers.This attacker is the one you mentioned! "

While speaking, Tang Zhibai's expression suddenly became severe: "Did he tell you his identity?"

Tang Anhua wasn't sure how much Tang Zhibai knew, and he still maintained a little vigilance: "I told you, he is from Zhanmeng. But the incident is special, I hope the second elder can keep it a secret..."

Tang Zhibai interrupted rudely again, with a sudden voice: "I'm talking about another identity! Tang Anhua, I know more than you!!"

Tang Anhua's voice suddenly froze the atmosphere. This was the first time Tang Zhibai called Tang Anhua by his first name in these years, and it was also the first time Tang Zhibai severely reprimanded Tang Anhua.

Tang Anhua's eyes froze and then froze, just as her mood hesitated and hesitated.

"Say!!" Tang Zhibai shouted suddenly.

"Second Elder, among the Demon Spirit Clan, you are the person I trust the most and the only person I can trust without reservation. I hope you can understand my indecision." Tang Anhua made a decision and said solemnly: "He visited me in the southeast camp, and there was an iron plate in his hand, which aroused the reflection of the marshal seal of our barracks. I saw the image of the late emperor."

Tang Zhibai stepped forward quickly, three steps directly in front of Tang Anhua, his eyes flickered, emotionally: "Continue!"

"He, the blood of the demon spirit, the awakening of Long Kui, he, the son of the former emperor! You... really know this?"

(End of this chapter)

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