Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1930 Thank God

Chapter 1930 Thank God
"No entry? Whose order!" Tang Zhibai came to the entrance of Thorn Cliff, but was blocked by Ye Sirius troops.

Throughout the night, the 3th team of Sirius blocked all the entrances to Thorn Cliff.

Tang Huan, the captain of the 3th team, saluted respectfully: "Reporting to the Second Elder, it is the order issued by the old dean himself. Within five days, no one is allowed to visit Thorn Cliff until the madman is executed by Hualingchi!! Will follow orders, not against you."

The Ye Sirius Group Army is directly under the command of Prince Cang, and the first to 10th team is the core team. They can completely ignore anyone, have a detached status, and belong to the detached team.But facing military leaders like Tang Zhibai, he still didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Although Tang Zhibai in front of him is the 'Second' Elder, he is so resourceful and capable that the entire ethnic group submits to him, and his background and identity are even more unique.Once Elder Tang Fengye formally takes over the Military Affairs Academy and becomes the complete dean, and retreats behind the scenes, Tang Zhibai will be promoted to be the Chief Elder of the Military Affairs Academy and take full command of the Military Affairs Academy.

Such people... who would dare to mess with them? !
Even if the head of the Ye Sirius Army came, he had to maintain a respect.

"Even I can't enter?" Tang Zhibai's usual posture was very gentle. Today, both his eyes and his tone were very sharp. The invisible sense of oppression made Tang Huan and others hang their heads again and again, not daring to look directly at him.

"The last general is following orders, and I hope the second elder will understand."

"What is the name of the old dean's order to you?"

"I don't know, I will obey orders." Tang Huan was respectful, but neither humble nor overbearing.

"Let me tell you that the old dean is in charge of investigating the killing of Elder Tang Xiao, so he ordered to watch Thorn Cliff. Now the Military Affairs Academy has full authority to take over this incident, and I will take charge of it personally." Tang Zhibai strode forward and drank coldly: "Let open."

"This..." Tang Huan hesitated.

The soldiers of the 3th team blocked the entrance, neither retreating nor giving up, and they froze there for a while.

Tang Zhibai didn't stop, and forcibly bumped away the soldiers in front of him.The rest of the people didn't dare to stop them any more, they backed down one after another, letting Tang Zhibai walk into the Thorn Cliff.

"The Cliff of Thorns, our Military Affairs Academy has taken over! General Tang Huan, you can go back and rest." Tang Zhibai walked into the Cliff of Thorns with a sullen face, and hundreds of guards from the Military Affairs Academy rushed over from a distance, menacingly.

"Captain, the Second not quite right today..." a lieutenant asked Tang Huan in a low voice.

The usual Tang Zhibai is unsmiling, occasionally cold, but he is still friendly to the sergeants, and has never had a direct confrontation. Today... he is not so angry.

"The third elder was killed, how can the second elder not be angry? Forget it, let's retreat!" Tang Huan didn't want to get into trouble, and Tang Xiong's screams that continued to echo in the thorny cliff were a reminder.He didn't want to contradict Elder Tang Zhibai and cause any trouble, and then be dealt with by Tang Juan.

The guards of the Military Affairs Academy rushed to the entrance, and before they could ask, Tang Huan had already waved and ordered everyone to evacuate, leaving no one behind.

"Guard the entrance! No one is allowed to enter without the order of the Second Elder. Listen clearly, no one is allowed to enter without the order of Elder Tang Zhibai."

The guards of the Military Affairs Academy looked like beasts, gazing at the entrance with a mighty imposing manner, guarding the entrance coldly.

Tang Zhibai walked into the thorny cliff, walked around with cold eyes and sullen face.From the entrance, it goes in different directions.It seems to be inspecting the entire Thorn Cliff, and it seems to be observing the situation inside, to determine whether there are other people, and to determine whether there are other cages near Tang Yan's cage.

Back and forth, back and forth, walked for an hour.

Tang Zhibai stopped suddenly: "I don't care if you are here or not. The Military Affairs Council is fully responsible for this incident. You should stop interfering. Go back and tell Dean Yiyuan that I, Tang Zhibai, don't like being watched. I will deal with the investigation results. Report to him personally, before that, please show me some respect."

He seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be warning someone.

In the cold darkness, a thin figure stared coldly at Tang Zhibai's back. After a long time, he retreated silently, disappeared into the darkness, and disappeared on the Thorn Cliff.

Tang Zhibai didn't know if the other party existed or if he left, but after he finished speaking, the other party should choose to leave.

After all these years, he knew a little about the mysterious shadow beside Tang Yiyuan.

"Thank you." Tang Zhibai said softly, and walked towards the direction where Tang Yan was imprisoned.

Tang Yan curled up in the stone cage, and the effect of the poison became more and more violent, causing great pain to the body. Fortunately, Huo Ling'er's cautious operation was guarding the meridians, guarding the blood, suppressing the poison and the forbidden spirit circle The powerful sealing power alleviates the level of pain to a certain extent.

He has been silently waiting for the visit of other clan elders, but from yesterday evening to today evening, a whole night and a day, no one came.He could imagine that Tang Yiyuan might have been provoked by his own words, and the other party ordered the prison to be sealed off, and no one was allowed to visit again.

Just when Tang Yan was about to meditate and rest, there was a sound of footsteps that were broken and implying a bit of urgency, coming from the depths of the thorny stone forest, and echoing scatteredly in the dense and disorderly stone forest.

Tang Yan opened his eyes again, and a refined and quiet man came into sight, walking towards the cage.He struggled to open his eyes, allowing his hazy eyes to see the person coming, and a familiar figure gradually became clear in his sight.

Tang Zhibai came, walking slowly but lightly.He seemed to have forgotten himself, the environment, and everything, immersed in his own consciousness, and his eyes followed the consciousness, and fell on the desolate figure in the cage.

He is eloquent and eloquent, and he claims to be unparalleled in the world;But today, it was completely different, he walked towards the cage step by step, opened his mouth to whisper again and again, but didn't know what to say, let alone made a sound.

"Elder Tang Zhibai, we meet again." Tang Yan broke the silence, and strenuously stood up, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and leaned weakly on the thorns and stones behind him, his long hair was wet with sweat and scattered on the face.

Tang Zhibai stopped outside the cage, did not answer, but looked at Tang Yan in a daze, the previous cold handsomeness and previous strength had already completely disappeared with his gentle steps, and the cold mood was replaced by overflowing emotions.

No one can match his loyalty to the first emperor.

No one can match his worship of the first emperor.

He is grateful for the cultivation of the emperor priest, he is grateful for the respect of the former emperor, and he is grateful for everything he had back then.

He worshiped the wisdom of the emperor's priest, he worshiped the pride of the former emperor, and he worshiped everything that happened back then.

In the past, he was very active, following the emperor to fight in the north and south; in the past, he was full of pride, wanting to collapse to the highest peak of the military affairs academy, to assist the emperor in ruling the human race, and to protect the emperor's return to the hometown of the human race.

In that era, he was full of pride!Swallow mountains and rivers!

Once upon a time, too many dreams, too many expectations, too much effort.

In the era of the first emperor, there was too much love, too much persistence, and too much bitterness.

Tang Zhibai was equivalent to being jointly cultivated by the Emperor Priest and the Yaoling Emperor. He was placed with high hopes and poured his heart and soul into it, so that Tang Zhibai's loyalty to the two ancestors was unmatched.

In that era, he placed expectations on himself and the entire demon spirit clan that ordinary people could not understand. He gave everything, gave everything, and was always full of boundless pride.

However, a drastic change, a tragedy, destroyed his dreams, his expectations, and everything he had, just like a sharp dagger, cutting his body and soul into pieces one by one.

That kind of misery and sourness formed a sharp contradictory contrast with the previous pride and expectation, and touched the bloody pain, which almost destroyed him.

During that time, he collapsed, he was sluggish, and he faltered in a daze.

During that time, he thought about resisting, thinking about revenge, and thinking about a rebellion that destroyed this demon spirit clan.

But the exhortations given to him by the former emperor and the emperor's priest were like two big mountains, pressing down on him, suffocating him, and making him unable to lift his vengeful hands.

He knelt in the ancestral hall for seven days and seven nights, wept uncontrollably, smacking his face time and time again, hating himself for being incompetent and cowardly.

As time went by and the years changed, he became silent and compromised in the pain and struggle. He no longer insisted on anything, but he only insisted on the Yaoling clan, the last pride and strength of this clan.

Only when he was alone, in the silent night, he would think of his dreams, his expectations, the emperor priest and the demon spirit emperor.

It is precisely because the expectation at the beginning was too heavy, and the dream was too big, so that his grief and pain were heavier and bigger, and no one could understand.

Today, during this short distance, Tang Zhibai seemed to have walked for a long time, with thoughts and emotions flooding.He looked at the young man in front of him, as if he had seen a dream and everything he had seen.

Over the past 50 years, these dreams have become fantasies, and they have become scars that have scabbed over.

But today, looking at the young man in front of him, he seemed to see the former emperor, the emperor's sacrificial priest, and the dream he had once had come back.

All the unreachable dreams gradually become clear in front of me, and become more and more real in the hazy vision.

Tang Zhibai stood in front of the cage for a long, long time, his eyes were dim, his thoughts were sinking, a smile melted at the corner of his mouth, accompanied by two lines of tears.

How much bitterness, how much emotion.

How sad, how excited.

He knelt down slowly towards Tang Yan.

This kneeling, with a smile.

This kneeling was stained with tears.

He knelt not only for Tang Yan, but also for many... There were dreams and expectations, pain and sadness, guilt and self-blame, excitement and gratitude.

At this moment, he lost his composure. It was the second time in his life that he lost his composure. It was not grief, but excitement.

This time, he didn't have a thousand words of emotion, only a trembling murmur—thank the heavens for sending you back.

(End of this chapter)

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