Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1931 Mistress

Chapter 1931 Mistress
Tang Yan was surprised by Tang Zhibai's tears and Tang Zhibai's kneeling.But the interweaving of smiles and tears on the other party's face, and the out-of-control genuine emotion, all gently touched his heart.

He had noticed Tang Zhibai's strange behavior during the battle in the Demon Realm that day, and today... he actually knelt down to him... and wept... "Young master, welcome home."

Tang Zhibai stood up slowly, and said "young master, not your highness", which entrusted his deep emotions. This "young master" once again blurred his eyes and stirred his own heart.

Little Lord?Little Lord.

It used to be called master and emperor for thousands of years. It was an era of dreams, and it was a time of persistence.

But now, with the reincarnation of the years, a young master opened up a new dream and recalled the former self.

This young master made his heart and eyes warm... "Marshal Tang Anhua told you about me?" Tang Yan noticed Tang Zhibai's true emotion, but he still didn't want his identity to be announced by Tang Anhua , so stay vigilant.

"Don't blame Marshal Anhua, I forced her to say it. You should have noticed my silence in the battle in Yaoyu, because at that time, I recognized you. It looks too similar."

Tang Zhibai stared at Tang Yan, even though he was wearing a mask, he still refused to leave his eyes for a moment, just like Tang Anhua's eyes were always fixed on Tang Yan at the Military Information Office of the Southeast Camp that day.

These affectionate gazes condense their unique emotions.

Tang Yan looked at Tang Zhibai silently, observing the Second Elder of the Military Affairs Academy, because... Tang Yan didn't have much understanding of Tang Zhibai, he was a complete stranger.

Tang Zhibai noticed the vigilance in Tang Yan's eyes, quickly cleared up his emotions, stood up and said, "The young master may not be familiar with me, I will introduce briefly. Thousands of years ago, the emperor priest and the first emperor raised me, and I swore an oath Allegiance to the late emperor, assist the late emperor with all I have.

This oath has been adhered to in the past, and it is also adhered to now, and it will not change in the future.

The first emperor is dead, and the young master is my second master, Tang Zhibai.

In the present day, if the young master really wants to choose someone to trust unreservedly, that person is me, Tang Zhibai, and it can only be me, Tang Zhibai! "

Tang Zhibai used the word "Master" one after another in his words, maybe sharp or extreme, but it was actually his way of swearing at this moment that he would follow Tang Yan forever, just like he followed the former emperor back then.

I left regrets back then, but this time, I would rather die than give up sticking to it, and would rather turn my back on the world than give up following.

"If the young master has made a decision, I can take you away from Yixiantian and this Northern Continent right now, and I will accompany you back to Zhanmeng."

Tang Zhibai guarded the Yaoling clan until death.But when comparing the former emperor with the Yaoling clan, his choice will be the former emperor.There is no doubt about this, and there will never be any hesitation.

In his eyes now, Tang Yan is the incarnation of the former emperor.

And Tang Yan's territory in the southeast is Tang Yan's best proof of his own strength. He has the spirit of the former emperor, has the pride of the former emperor, and has too many advantages of the former emperor.

What he just said may be extreme, it may be too much.But looking back on 50 years of depression, 50 years of sadness, and 50 years of silence, he has no regrets about what he said at this moment.

Tang Zhibai is a resourceful person, but also a bloody person.

He combined the advantages of the Emperor Priest and the Demon Spirit Emperor, inherited the wisdom of the Emperor Priest, and inherited the tenacity of the Demon Spirit Emperor.

These words at this moment would be outrageous to anyone's ears, let alone from the mouth of a wise man like Tang Zhibai.

But... precisely because of the exaggeration of this sentence, Tang Zhibai felt that he... was alive... his whole body had returned to blood, vitality, and enthusiasm.

He is no longer a walking dead in a daze, but has the adventurous and game spirit of the past.

Tang Yan shook his head: "This is your home, you should stay here. The purpose of my coming here is to see the place where I was born. I don't want to take anyone away."

"Is the young master still questioning me? If you feel it is necessary, I can cut off my own arm to show my loyalty." Tang Zhibai raised his left hand.

"No, no, no need." Tang Yan struggled a few times.

"I guessed that Tang Juan would give you poison, here is the antidote." Tang Zhibai took out a bottle of liquid medicine from his sleeve.

Tang Yan shook his head and refused: "No, I am fine now. The weak appearance is not threatening, it will not attract excessive resistance, and it will not arouse Ye Sirius' nervousness, which saves a lot of trouble. I just want to be quiet Lying here, the body is in pain, but the mind will be very quiet. Don't worry, I won't die."

Tang Zhibai shook the antidote in his hand, and didn't insist anymore: "I thought you were dead, survived. It seems that the former emperor had expected it and sent you to Qitian Continent in advance. "

Tang Yan barely smiled, but in the next second, his brows suddenly raised: "What did you say?? Did you see that I was born?"

"That's right, your birth caused blood to drift across the world. Several clan elders thought you were a disaster, but we thought you would bring new hope to the Yaoling clan." Tang Zhibai was recalling the grand occasions and intense events back then. controversy.

But... Tang Zhibai suddenly realized something, huh? ?It seems that something is wrong.Why did the first emperor send the child away?Or was it taken to another space, could it be that he had a premonition of something?Now that he had a hunch, why didn't he defend himself, but sent him to death? !
After the disaster that year, Tang Yiyuan killed the 'Prince' himself. With his eyesight and wisdom, how could he fail to recognize that the infant child was a fake? ?That is the eighth-rank demon spirit vein!The 'heterogeneous' of the vision from heaven!
Tang Zhibai was smart and shrewd, and he spread out countless reveries in an instant. There seemed to be many suspicious points in the incident of that year.

"Who is my mother?!" Tang Yan struggled to stand up with all his strength this time.

"The existence of the mistress is the core secret of our family. There are only ten people who know her existence. The former emperor, the emperor's priest, Prince Cang, the old dean of the Clan Affairs Council, the dean of the Military Affairs Council, me, the great elder of the Clan Affairs Council, Second Elder, Third Elder, Fourth Elder.

The rebellion incident that year was planned by the senior officials of the Family Affairs Council, which gave Prince Cang the greatest support.

I don't know if the old dean participated, but all the elders to the fourth elders of the Family Affairs Council participated. It was their secret operations and joint blockade that controlled the sky and covered the eyes of the late emperor.

But... Qiaotu is a running dog, the first thing that Prince Cang did after he succeeded to the throne was to kill the First Elder, Second Elder, Third Elder, and Fourth Elder of the Clan Affairs Council, along with some descendants of the four elders. As well as the goodwill generals, all were executed. This was the only clean-up operation after Prince Cang succeeded to the throne, the only time.

To this day, the Clan Affairs Council is still in charge of the five elders, and part of the clan affairs of Yixiantian has been transferred to the Ye Sirius Group Army, which supervises and restricts each other with the Clan Affairs Council. "

In the later period of the Emperor Xianhuang, because of the high frequency of wars, almost all the elders of the Military Affairs Council were stationed in the frontier, and the energy of the former emperor was also outside. The Family Affairs Council gradually controlled the sky, including all aspects.

So... when the high-level members of the Family Affairs Council united together, the scene... can be imagined.

It's just that the death of a senior member of the Family Affairs Council was too tragic, and it also conformed to the hearts of the people.The occurrence of the rebellion had too bad an impact, after all, an explanation was needed for the people. Prince Cang was the emperor and could not be sanctioned, but those who assisted him back then... were all put to death!
The four clan elders who used to control the first-line sky were crucified on the pillar of shame, and were cast aside and vented by the people. For 30 years, they were simply collected and buried in the wilderness until 20 years ago. Enter the ancestral temple.

"Who is my mother? Where is it? Is she still alive?" Tang Yan was surprised by Prince Cang's "slaughter" back then, but he cared more about his mother than he did.

"We only know that there is such a person, who has occasionally seen her figure, but no one has seen her real face except for the former emperor and the emperor's priest. Her existence is very mysterious, she appears occasionally, and then disappears.

On the eve of the tragedy that happened that year, the first emperor refused me to join the army and sent me to the northern border to defend against the threat of the demons. I can be sure that the mistress left, before Prince Cang officially rebelled. As for where I went, I really don't know. "

"Let's say she's still alive??"

"Probably." Tang Zhibai really wanted to give an accurate answer, but he really couldn't... "Do you know her identity?"

"do not know."

"And what do you know? Anything goes."

"The mistress was attracted by the emperor. Thousands of years ago, there was a mysterious woman beside the emperor. She has been living in Xingyun Terrace where the emperor prayed for luck. She sat there for ten years. After that, she moved in The former emperor's bedroom. Later, the emperor's priest exhausted his lifespan and died, and the former emperor and mistress had guarded his spirit together."

(End of this chapter)

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