Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1936 If I leave

Chapter 1936 If I leave
"Prince Chen?" Tang Fengye really left the Military Academy and came to Thorn Cliff, but the scene of bumping into him made him wonder. What's going on?Prince Chen actually came out with someone in his arms, who is this?Could it be that crazy boy?

"Dean, I will pick this person up. Tomorrow at noon, I will personally deliver it to Hualing Pond." Tang Chen hugged Tang Yan, stepped into the air, and wanted to take him back to his bedroom.

"Wait! Let me stroke!" Tang Fengye soared up into the air, stopped in front of Tang Chen, frowned and stared at Tang Yan in his arms: "This bastard is the one who killed Elder Tang Xiao?"


"Are you going to take him back and serve him, or take him back and torture him?"

"He will stay in my bedroom."

Tang Fengye squinted at Tang Chen, pointed to the person in his arms, and asked strangely on purpose: "This kid killed the third elder of the Military Affairs Academy, do you know about this?"

"of course I know."

"Oh!" Tang Fengye drew a long ending, and his face suddenly became serious: "Since you know, what stupid thing are you doing?? The sea breeze from the North Sea blows water into your head?"

Tang Fengye not only had a hot temper, but also became lawless when he was strong. He didn't care about Tang Chen's identity at all.

Crash!The team of the Military Affairs Academy below knelt down in unison. Everyone lowered their heads, but they dared not raise their heads. One head was dripping with sweat.

The sentence just now was...too...too explosive..."I took this man away! Tang Xiao's death is his own fault!! He uttered wild words and disrespected the emperor, he should be punished!! Such dross can occupy military affairs The position of the third elder of the courtyard is also your dereliction of duty, Mr. Dean!!"

Tang Chen was even more forceful, and as soon as he saluted coldly, he hugged Tang Yan and was about to leave.

"Hey??" Tang Fengye stopped him again with a swishing sound, and pressed Tang Chen's head: "Little guy's wings are stiff? Who taught you the art of war for 15 years?? Who have you been hanging behind for 20 years?" The barracks? It's me!! It's the white-haired old man in front of you!!"

"Let's talk about the matter!! No disrespect!" Tang Chen forcibly avoided, walked around Tang Fengye again, and disappeared into the sky: "You can't stop this person!!"

"This brat, has he learned to provoke me?" Tang Fengye was a little dumbfounded, looking at the direction where Tang Chen disappeared.what is it today?Leave by yourself, come back all changed? !

The guards lay on the ground forcefully, not daring to breathe, and no one dared to speak indiscriminately.The Dean's temper is 'notorious' throughout the Northern Continent. Even Commander Tang Hong has been slapped by him, and Marshal Xijiang has been scolded by him by pinching his neck. There is nothing he can't do.

However, the ability to defend soldiers and the art of war on the battlefield are also few people in the entire Northern Continent.

Not only the Military Affairs Academy, but even Yixian Tianxia are both excited and afraid of this old guy.

"Idiots! Look at you bears! Just like Tang Hong's old bear, stupid!!" Tang Fengye wished he could grab some of them and slap them twice to vent his anger.

But everyone really didn't dare to speak indiscriminately, not only because they were afraid, but mainly because they themselves were also confused.

"Say!! You have to hold back a word for me!!"

Tang Fengye fell to the ground with a bang, shaking the entire Thorn Cliff trembling.

"Oh!!" A small captain was kicked out by other captains unpreparedly, rolling and crawling, so embarrassed that he almost fell under Tang Fengye's feet with a plop.

"I..." The person turned his head and hated the group of bad friends who stared at him, and cursed the white-eyed wolf.

"Huh?" Tang Fengye lowered his head and snorted coldly.

The man trembled in his heart, and said bravely: "Report to the dean! Prince Chen suddenly broke into the thorny cliff, and he couldn't help but hit the edge of the cage. We couldn't stop him and didn't dare to stop him. What was said, we didn't hear the details, but the last sentence was..."

"What is it? Let it go!!"

"Subordinates think about it, is... is... no matter whether he accepts it or not, Prince Chen regards him as... younger brother? It seems to be such a title, but the general is not sure."

Tang Zhibai rushed to the Bramble Cliff from the Military Affairs Academy, fearing that there would be some confusion, and was also trying to think about how to deal with it.But before he arrived at the Thorn Cliff, he ran into Tang Chen passing by on the way, and Tang Yan who was holding a semi-conscious Tang Yan in his arms.

Tang Chen didn't say hello to Tang Zhibai, Tang Zhibai lost his mind a little.

The two passed each other without speaking.

Tang Chen continued to leave and returned to the bedroom.

Tang Zhibai stood in mid-air, staring silently.He didn't chase, he didn't rush, he didn't worry, and he didn't worry. , On the contrary, relieved the worries in the absence.

This momentary passing by, seemed to put an end to the "farce" before the "Hualingchi execution".

An unexpected break, a break of truth and emotion.

Tang Zhibai stood there for a long time, and his complicated emotions finally turned into sourness and helplessness.

Thinking back to the collision in the Demon Realm back then, Tang Yan's madness and Tang Chen's silence formed a stark contrast and brought a deep touch. Tang Chen gave him a different feeling that day.The silence on the way back from the Demon Realm, and the 'forgetting' after returning home also allowed him to evaluate Tang Chen more comprehensively for the first time.

But today, the figure of him carrying Tang Yan away, and the unconcealable sadness in his firm eyes, may be Tang Zhibai's highest evaluation of Tang Chen in his impression.

Tang Chen must have known Tang Yan's identity a long time ago, but he never disclosed it, never made it public, let alone persecuted or assassinated him.

It was tolerance before, but now it is protection.

Tang Chen lived up to his name and was worthy of the evaluation of the outside world, but this son... has the demeanor of his father's generation.

But the more this happened, the more bitter Tang Zhibai became.

The hatred of the parents is destined to change the new generation, their character and the trajectory of their destiny.

Back then, Prince Cang and Yao Linghuang were not a perfect match, did they not have unreserved trust and protection? ?

If Tang Zhibai was looking for a rebel in the Yaoling clan, he would search the entire clan, and he would not fall on Prince Cang, but... Prince Cang finally joined forces with the Clan Affairs Council and created the unprecedented disaster that year.

Not only did he kill the Demon Spirit Emperor, he killed the six slaves of the emperor, he destroyed the strongest imperial guard group army, he broke the hearts of the entire clan, trampled on the dignity of the Demon Spirit Clan, and brought the demon spirit clan eternal invincibility. Erased wounds.

"What do you want to tell me?" Tang Fengye came behind Tang Zhibai, without anger or irritability, but more majestic and oppressive.

Tang Zhibai looked at the direction where Tang Chen left: "Have you ever thought that one day, I will leave the Demon Spirit Clan?"

"You want to give up everything you have now?? You have been valued by the emperor from the bottom of the people, from the emperor's side, to the barracks, from the vanguard to the death squad, to the captain of ten thousand people, from the military staff to the military affairs academy, from the ten elders. position, became the imperial staff officer, and finally in charge of the Military Affairs Council. How much have you paid for thousands of years? Are you going to give up?"

"My sacrifice was not for power and position, I was for my dream, for the priest and the first emperor. But my dream was broken 50 years ago, and I, Tang Zhibai, died on that day.

It's been 50 years, and I've been in a daze, and the only motivation that keeps me standing is the group left by the emperor.

Now, the emperor is calling me, the emperor has given me a new mission, I... should leave..."

"Is that what you're going to tell me?"

"The Military Affairs Academy can still function without me, and the Demon Spirit Clan no longer needs a lifeless Tang Zhibai."

"Because of who?! Who gave you the stimulus?"

Tang Zhibai smiled casually, turned around and looked at Tang Fengye: "Look at me."

"What?" Tang Fengye frowned and looked at him.

"My smile, the light in my eyes. Do you remember how long I haven't smiled? More than 50 years, do you know how I got here??"

Tang Fengye's gaze finally softened under the cold stare, and he exhaled heavily: "Zhibai, I thought you had come out of the shadows."

Tang Zhibai slowly shook his head: "I have come out, I accept this fact, and I also agree with Prince Cang's strategy of ruling the Yaoling clan. I am gradually returning to the military area and the frontier battlefield. But I can't get back the old I’m dead, I can’t get back the pride I once had. I walked out of the initial shadow, but walked into a quagmire. If there is no accident, I will eventually destroy myself and be destroyed in this new quagmire.”

"Even if you want to leave, I won't stop you, but give me the truth! You're going openly, and I can understand it." Tang Fengye was very strong and proud, even defiant, the only one among the elders and generals of the whole clan The only person who caught his fancy was Tang Zhibai.He recognized Tang Zhibai's ability, and sometimes even admired it. The two of them... It would not be an exaggeration to say that they are old friends.

Tang Fengye will not rest assured that the Military Affairs Academy is in the hands of everyone, only Tang Zhibai.

"God gave me a new hope and helped me find the old me. For this reason, I did not hesitate to give up my life." Tang Zhibai did not stay any longer, and left with his hands behind his back.

"You just said that the emperor is calling you, and the emperor has given you a new mission, and now you are talking about God? Are you fooling me, or are you hinting at me?" Tang Fengye rolled his eyes again and again, turning his head slightly. In the direction Tang Chen left, he had a faint expectation, and at this moment, his heart skipped a beat.

"Don't think too much, you are tired too, go back and rest, tomorrow at noon, Hualingchi execution, you and I will get some answers. Let's go, I will accompany you for a drink, tonight will not be drunk or come back, it will be the last time , seize the opportunity." Tang Zhibai called him from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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