Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1937 United Front

Chapter 1937 United Front
Tang Chen took Tang Yan back to the bedroom and arranged for a quiet side hall.He didn't bother Tang Yan anymore, he guarded the outside by himself, and strictly ordered anyone to approach the side hall.

The incident quickly became a big one, and there was a lot of trouble.

Although the guards of the Military Affairs Academy did not intentionally spread the word, the news of Prince Tang Chen's sudden return and his forced departure with a 'wild man' was still seen by some ethnic groups. In this sensitive period, such scenes are really eye-catching , spread throughout the sky before dark, causing a wider commotion.

But because the incident involved Prince Tang Chen and many high-level officials of the Military Affairs Council, although the scale of the introduction was huge and the attention it attracted was unprecedented, no one dared to discuss it too much, so it was stuck at a limit.

During this period, news spread back to the clan——Prince Cang will return to Yixiantian during the execution at noon tomorrow.

This has aggravated people's attention to this incident.

Starting from this afternoon, some ethnic groups who were aided by Yixiantian have already started to travel long distances to the imperial city. No matter what, they must witness this grand event with their own eyes.

Just when the situation was turbulent, in the eighth year of the Era, in the early morning of May [-]th, the southern conspiracy that had been silent for eight days... broke out... "Pangu Clan declares war alliance!!" Pangu Renhuang put on armor Holding a knife, his fighting spirit soared to the sky, roaring the mountains and rivers thousands of miles south of the border, and disturbing the endless borders of the Southern Continent.

"Revenge Alliance! Blood debts and blood repayment!" The nine gates of the fortress group opened together, and the 300 million Pangu troops attacked forcefully, with momentum like a rainbow, and the momentum was like a tide. Three million mammoths and savage beasts smashed through the vast mountains and moved towards Zhanmeng at full speed.

The banner of war declared by Emperor Pangu himself shook the world, mountains and rivers, and the southern continent, which aroused countless speculations and attracted crowds of shocked eyes.

At the same time and at the same moment on the same day, the corpse emperor reappeared, commanding all the remaining 180 million people of the corpse emperor clan to attack, crossing the ten-mile Duanhun slope, and advancing at full speed towards the southeast.

"Revenge Alliance! Defend our clan power!!"

"Glory or death."

"When our family is alive and dead, we should shed our blood and pave the way for our family's rebirth."

With their high-pitched shouts and heroic roars, they abandoned all their burdens and all their shackles, just for this "backwater battle".

The Corpse Emperor's abandonment of the Cangwu Abyss, their hard-working family land, is equivalent to abandoning their tens of thousands of years of foundation, abandoning the southern gate of the human race, and abandoning all the ethnic groups and forces in the controlled area.

Therefore, with the real departure of the Corpse Emperor Clan and the collective advancement of the 180 million troops and people of the Corpse Emperor Clan, the forces in the entire Corpse Emperor Clan's control area were completely messed up. It rushed into the area controlled by the Asura tribe in the Southern Desolation, and part of it poured towards the southeast.

The departure of the corpse royal family is equivalent to giving up the guarding of the south gate of the human race. The vicious and evil demons may invade at any time. Anyone who stays there will only become the rations of the demons, and the beautiful mountains and rivers will be completely smeared with blood.

This point, even ordinary people can see clearly, they have no reason not to escape.

The horde of 900 million beasts hoarded in the Monster Realm was fully mobilized, like opening a gate to release a flood. The vigorous scene was almost like a destructive storm.The galloping beast hordes extended nearly a hundred kilometers, crushing mountains, rivers, and trampling dense desert forests. The sound of trampling and howling sounded like they wanted to overwhelm the wrath of the thunder.

The endless tide of beasts went straight south, rushed out of the demon realm, and pushed forward strongly in the direction of Zhanmeng.

Three arrows, three storms, five major forces, united with the three emperors, and more than 1000 million troops, attacked collectively. The timing was almost uniform, and there was no surprise.

Thoroughly sounded the drums of the entire Southern Continent War.

It caused a sensation in the world, in the common people, in the sea and the demons.

The joint attack of the three major forces has further confirmed the initial judgment of many forces-the alliance of the three races!united front!

It turns out that the Pangu clan's silence these days is not about 'sorrow', but a secret alliance. The strong gesture of Thunder's attack at this moment confirms the determination of the Pangu clan - to destroy the alliance!
From this, it can be inferred that the death of Tai Tan is probably related to the Zhanmeng, otherwise the Pangu clan would not be so crazy.

A united united front, three storms of vengeance.

Tianpengling, Donghuangyue, Tianmangyu, Shihuang clan, Pangu clan, the three emperors, the five parties unite!

What kind of storm of destruction will such a storm bring? ?

The entire southern continent was trembling, and most of the Forgotten War Realm was shaking.

It was expected that the Pangu tribe would invade Zhanmeng.However, the Pangu clan fought to the death in the form of revenge, and the Pangu clan took the initiative to form a five-party alliance, which had completely different meanings.

The energy they trigger is enough to double, and the threat they bring is even more tragic.

This time, no one is optimistic about Zhanmeng, even with Lin Zhongcun's full assistance, even with Jiuying in charge.

After all... This energy is too strong and terrifying... Morale is too extreme... This is not a pure battle for the front, but an endless bloody battle. Unless one side is destroyed, the battle will not end easily. This obsession is enough to make the battle itself scale to a new level.

The situation changed, and the world lost its sound.

Not only all parties and races are frightened by this energy, but also by the formation of the united front, even the Zhanmeng feels a suffocating oppression. Millions of soldiers look up into the sky, and they all see the cloud of war of the Five Elements, like a violent The tide of the river surged mightily in the sky, rushed towards Zhanmeng, impacting their endurance.

The most unbelievable thing happened!
United Front? !The human race and the demon race have reached a cooperative strategy!

Xuanyuan Longli had a premonition that he screwed up!
The purpose of launching the mission to strangle the titans is to delay the start of the war, disrupt the possibility of the tripartite alliance, and even force the Pangu clan to withdraw from this battle.According to their plan at the time and the large number of details of the later deployment, they can definitely achieve their goals.

But... the Pangu tribe actually found out that Zhanmeng killed Titan? ?

Things that shouldn't have happened at all have actually happened.

There must be a mistake somewhere! !
Xuanyuan Longli couldn't accept it, and a strategic response eventually turned into a throat-locking sharp knife.

Zhanmeng will alone bear the anger from the Pangu clan and pay for his 'bad performance'!
This United Front broke many of Zhanmeng's deployments and made everyone feel oppressed.

"We still have wind and thunder explosions! We still have advanced formations! We have sufficient energy reserves! We have spiritual source liquid to supplement! We still have 150 million wolves lurking in the Gonggu Mountains! In the later stage, there will be an all-round attack by the demons." Invasion! We have at least a [-]% chance of surviving!"

Ke Zunshan and Ma Yanwang jointly spoke, injecting some vitality into the dull atmosphere of Zhanmeng.

"My Temple of Heaven has a secret skill, which can turn the tide in times of war, and increase the chances of success by [-]% in the final battle!!" Niya held her voice with energy, and echoed the vast mountains, spreading to everyone's ears, regardless of everyone Believe it or not, anyway, she... said what she should say!

"The Corpse Emperor is seriously injured! His strength is no longer as strong as it used to be! I will stop it!" The Human Emperor who walked out of You Ye Forest took over the task himself.

The difficulty of fighting against the corpse emperor can be imagined.

He felt the pressure and the threat, so he didn't have a bit of excitement and enthusiasm.

This world is really crazy. Just after leaving the coffin, it experienced two fierce battles in a row.

Such an opportunity is really rare!

I was injured too badly, and my realm was seriously depleted. The best way to recover was not to retreat, but to fight. In the battle, I regained the blood of the past, sharpened the forgotten martial arts and profound meanings in the battle, re-sensitized, and transformed for the second time.

Therefore, he took the initiative to take over the battle of the corpse emperor! !

He was seriously worn out, his injuries were not healed, and his strength was less than [-]% to [-]% of his heyday, but the corpse emperor was also severely injured in the battle of the demons, his consumption was huge, and his strength was not as good as [-]% to [-]% of his heyday.

Human Sovereign doesn't expect himself to be able to contend with Corpse Sovereign, but he is absolutely confident that he can hold back Corpse Sovereign.

As for the Holy Emperor Mo Qilin and the War Giant Emperor Pangu, these two perverts are left to Jiuying.

"We assist the Demon Emperor Jiuying, you don't have to worry about the imperial battlefield." Mo Yansheng and Suni Beast made a decision and walked into the twisted void.

Jiuying is very strong, and he also fought against the Five Emperors at the beginning of the battle.

But this time is different from the past, that time it was a battle and a battle, but this time Mo Qilin gave it a go, Pangu Emperor fought to the death, this is not a 'combat' or a 'collision', but a bloody battle of life and death in the true sense.

Mo Qilin and Pangu Huang want to put Jiuying to death.

"This battle may last for a long time, and each hall formulates its own strategy, but we must resist the first round of offensive, remember, remember."

"For glory, for survival, fight!!"

"Whether Zhanmeng can rise from this depends on everyone's performance!"

"Being able to shape a supreme overlord with your own hands in your lifetime, even if you die in battle, you will have no regrets!"

"Whether it is going to destruction or creating a miracle, we look forward to it together!"

Lord Ma Yan of the Cangsheng Hall, Immortal Phoenix Lord of the Yanhuang Hall, Tigris Lord of the Thousand Years Hall, Xu Yan, Acting Lord of the Son of Heaven Hall, Ke Zunshan, Lord of the Martial Saint Hall, Zhu Jian, Lord of the Beast Spirit Hall, Hall of Thunder Wolf Master Yin, Cangshan, the master of the Giant Wolf Hall, and the masters of the Eight Great Halls spoke out collectively, announcing the start of the war over the Zhanmeng, arousing the bloodiness of each hall group.

(End of this chapter)

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