Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1942 3 Kui Jingming

Chapter 1942 Three Kui Competing
This scene shocked the entire audience, including the elders and generals inside and out.

People looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, thinking it was a hallucination and dazzled.

"Where is the problem?" The eight hundred strong couldn't accept it.

"Sorcerer?!" Tang Juan suddenly jumped up, drew his knife and charged at Tang Yan.

He noticed Tang Yan's unusual behavior—it was his feet.

There is a sign of fluctuations in power, as if the power is being pulled from the whole body, injected into the altar through the feet, and affects the spirit pool. It is very subtle and subtle, but it should be this secret method that affects the performance of the spirit inside.

No matter what the purpose is, no matter how it is achieved, this scene is not allowed to happen.

Whoosh! !

Marshal Tang Anhua made a sudden attack, appeared in front of Tang Juan in a flash, and pushed out with his palm, taking Tang Juan's head straight.Show no mercy, kill decisively.The palm wind is mighty, like wild birds hitting the sea, extremely violent.

Don Juan's complexion changed drastically, and he went up through the air, dodging the attack viciously.At that moment, he clearly felt that Tang Anhua really had the intent to kill, and it was definitely not just to stop him.

"Marshal!! What do you mean!!" Tang Zang shouted coldly, he also noticed Tang Anhua's moves and eyes, he really wanted to kill Tang Juan!
Tang Juan was able to hold his own a few hundred meters away, his old and gloomy eyes flashed evil, and he stared at Tang Anhua grimly: "Interfering with the death penalty is a felony, and the Marshal can't disregard family rules. Give me a reasonable explanation, or I will let you go back Don’t go to Southeast Camp.”

"Even if your family commander is here, you don't dare to say these words, Don Juan, you have been in the limelight these past few years, and you don't know how high you are." Chang Shenglong, looking around the audience, shocked the crowd: "I, standing here today, who dares to take a step forward, kill!"

Wow! !Ye Sirius' hundreds of thousands of troops were alarmed.

"Continue to control the living dragon array! Don't relax!!" Tang Zang signaled the eight hundred strong men on the stone pillar to continue to control their spiritual power. He left the lower part of the altar and collapsed into the air, scorning Tang Anhua.

"Marshal, please forgive me. What you have done today has violated the family rules. I, Ye Sirius, shoulder the heavy responsibility of execution, and have the right to arrest you immediately. I, Tang Zang, respect you, so I want you to give me a reason. If others, It’s not a face-to-face conversation now.”

"The reason is that the person on the altar is more precious than any of your lives, and you can't touch it! I, Tang Anhua, am here today, who will take it? Who will come!" Tang Anhua stepped on the altar, scanning the audience with cold eyes , without any flinching, and without any worries, as if what he was facing was not the people of the tribe, but the mortal enemy of the demon realm.

Tang Chen took a step forward, with a clear and cold voice: "General Tang Zang, I understand that you obey the clan rules and understand your position and authority, but what I just said is very clear, any accidents, I will bear it, please Ye Tian The wolves all retreated.

I don't want to repeat it again and again, let alone draw swords against you.Now, my final warning, all the Ye Sirius troops retreat, if they dare to interfere with the altar again, they will be killed without mercy! "

"Brother, are you crazy?!" The Tang brothers and sisters were all moved.

The elders of the other clans were even more astonished. What happened today was weird from the beginning to the end, and now it is going to get out of control. The prince and the marshal actually got involved with the Royal Guards?This is definitely the first time ever.

Tang Fengye and Tang Yiyuan tacitly and neatly raised their hands to signal to the clan elders to be calm and calm. After watching, they wanted to see how far today's drama will go, and what new tricks will come out.

During this tense confrontation, Tang Yan withdrew his right hand and turned to face the opposing sides: "You are all curious about my identity, and I can give you an answer right now."

Tang Zang and Tang Juan did not back down, nor did they order Ye Sirius troops to retreat, occupying high altitudes, confronting Tang Anhua and even Prince Tang Chen.No matter who they are, no matter what the situation is, they all have their own authority, which is directly under the responsibility of Prince Cang.

If it was a normal situation, or a situation that could be tolerated, they would never confront the marshal and the prince, but today's situation is really weird, and they have to take a tough stance.

"I've lived here neither long nor short, and I'm lucky to know a lot of things. Your harsh words and insights have reminded me and made me reflect a lot.

As I have said, I do not come with a hatred, nor do I wish to increase the hatred between us.

I thank many of you here for giving me hope and a new understanding of the Demon Spirit Clan. This place is not as dirty or ugly as I expected. "

"What is he doing?" Tang Yang, the eldest of the Tang family, frowned strangely. Where did he come from?I haven't been back for several months, why is Yixiantian still messed up? ?

"What kind of weird words are you talking about? What are they talking about?" Tang Cang, the youngest son of the Tang family, also darkened his face, disliking the man's posture and tone of voice.

"Shut up! Listen carefully, don't miss a single word! I'm not kidding you!" Tang Chen reminded them very seriously, his tone can be regarded as a stern attitude rarely seen towards brothers and sisters in these years.

Tang Cang and the others calmed down a little and stopped talking nonsense.They disdain the person in front of them, but they don't want to disobey the elder brother, let alone provoke the elder brother to be angry.

Tang Yan stared at the many clan elders: "I don't know what happened to your Yaoling clan in the past thousand years, what difficulties you encountered, and what price you paid. I will give you an evaluation as an outsider—— You are ashamed of the Demon Spirit Emperor!!
No matter what kind of predicament the Demon Spirit Emperor brought the Demon Spirit Clan into, or even what wrong judgments he made, or what consequences he caused, he was always working hard and fighting for the Demon Spirit Clan, even if He was wrong, and his contribution to the Demon Spirit Clan over tens of thousands of years cannot be erased, and you have no reason to sit back and watch the tragedy happen!Sit back and watch the late emperor be killed! "

The clan elders are faintly angry, what is your attitude?What kind of thing are you to dare to accuse us openly? ?

Tang Yan raised his hand, and slowly pointed at the audience: "To the Demon King, you are all sinners, one crime - disloyalty and disfilial piety!"

"You bastard! It's not your turn to criticize the elves." Don Juan's face was gloomy.

Tang Zang raised his hand to stop him: "Look!!"

Tang Yan's voice was very calm, but under the blessing of spiritual power, it spread far and far away, echoing clearly in everyone's ears, as if standing beside everyone and whispering: "I'm here The purpose of this is not to destroy the demon spirit clan, nor to bring hatred. First, I am looking for an answer, and second, I want you to remember the sins, mistakes, and shame of the past!
Let you remember it firmly, let you remember it unforgettable-some things, once they happen, and once they are done, they must be remembered for a lifetime, and the way of choosing to forget...shameful and pitiful...Someone asked me why I insisted on Evolution of Lingchi, I admit that the original meaning is actually very extreme. I want to use my way to let you remember that 50 years ago, you killed the late emperor, and 50 years took the only child of the late emperor... ...advancing the Spirit Transformation Pond..."

With the last word, Tang Yan smiled and said the last words in a very soft voice.

With a final sound, Tang Yan tore off the mask on the right face.

Accompanied by a whisper, Tang Yan spread his hands, closed his eyes, raised his head, and released himself.

Boom! !The space of the altar was suddenly violent, causing chaotic ripples, sweeping the world, filling the wasteland, and bombarding all the soldiers and clan elders, arousing endless changes in their faces.

Ow! !
The dragon's aura fills the sky like a gun, and the dragon's might is mighty, shaking the wilderness.

A fierce and dazzling wave of light hit the clouds, competing with the divine brilliance of Hualingchi, Tang Yan's whole body was distorted, countless bones cracked and cracked, and the skin on his body was quickly phosphorized.

Tang Yan stimulated the blood of the demon spirit in an all-round way, not in a hurry but thoroughly. His appearance, his body, and everything about him were undergoing transformation under the stunned gaze of the audience.

A moment later, there was a loud bang and clang again.

Tang Yan's body exploded completely, expanding rapidly in the dazzling light tide.

A thick animal shadow tens of meters quickly took shape.

The sharp claws are the first to strike out, sharp and piercing, as if it can tear space, shatter mountains and rivers, the dragon tail is swinging, setting off strange ripples in space, dragon scales are emerging, dark green and deep, looming endless energy vortexes, with the ability to destroy enemies The firmness is stronger than the enemy.

Its appearance is too similar to the spirit body in the spirit pool behind.

The tide of light continued to skyrocket, and Longwei shook the wilderness.

The demon body of Long Kui transformed by Tang Yan emerged tremblingly, as if reborn from a cocoon, dominating the mid-air of the altar.

If it is said that Tang Yan's remarks just now are inexplicable, but now... what people feel is a deep shock, eyes that have quickly widened and mouths that have opened wide.

Ow! !
Suddenly, three beast roars exploded together, detonating a line of sky!

The sound originated from Tang Yan, and the sound originated from Hualingchi.

A sound was issued in the direction of the ancestral hall of the imperial capital, causing the entire imperial capital to tremble three times.

Millions of ethnic groups were completely dumbfounded, staring at the altar with wide eyes, or looking back at the imperial capital.

The boiling energy of Hualing Pond became heavier and more intense, and the terrifying chaotic storm stirred up strong energy, which continued to shake the audience, and even shattered more than [-] nearby stone pillars in an instant, shattering the living dragon formation.

It was as if some kind of terrifying monster was venting its anger, wanting to break free from the chain crazily.

"Pfft!!" More than [-] people suffered heavy blows and spurted blood. All of them were thrown into the air and scattered around in chaos. The scarlet blood became the most beautiful color in the chaos.

The energy in Hualingchi was completely out of control, and the gushing energy and spiritual mist shot up into the air, turning into a terrifying phantom of a thousand-meter-long dragon kui, which was extremely real, with divine splendor surging all over its body, and endless spiritual mist steaming.

The same scene appeared in the depths of the imperial capital. The Longkui stone pillar in the ancestral hall erupted with mysterious energy. It had been silent since ancient times, and it rioted today. The mysterious and vast energy gushed and roared, hitting the sky and shattering the clouds.The energy continued to surge, causing the clouds to turn into a giant vortex in the rotation, rolling violently at high altitude.

A fearsome and domineering phantom of Long Kui quickly took shape in the tide of light, under the clouds, amidst the endless wind and thunder. The timid power is like respecting the gods, entrenched in the sky, earth, thunder, and clouds, overlooking the common people and all creatures.

"Ancestor?" The vicissitudes of life guarding the old man in the ancestral hall stood up excitedly, but then knelt down tremblingly: "The descendants, descendants, worship the ancestors."

(End of this chapter)

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