Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1943 Heir of the First Emperor

Chapter 1943 Heir of the First Emperor
A Hualing Pond, an Ancestral Hall of the Emperor's Capital, two holy places, and two phantom dragons, all separated by hundreds of miles, have the same outline, but different dominance.

They are like two scorching suns falling into the world, and more like two waking ancient giant beasts. Whether it is brilliance or power, they completely shocked Yixiantian.

"Ancestors??!!" The tribesmen didn't know the situation, they just thought it was the ancestors who suddenly appeared.

One person knelt down, two people knelt down, and groups of people knelt down to worship.

One person was excited, two people were also excited, and more and more people were moved to tears.

But...all the clan elders and generals, and more clansmen focused on the altar with trembling eyes.

There is the focus of their most shocking.

The two phantoms of Long Kui are hundreds of miles apart, each standing high in the sky, but they are both staring in the same direction, and they are also all focused on the real Long Kui demon body above the altar.

There is no surprise among the three.

It's too similar, it's just the image projected by the same monster on both sides.

Their minds went blank and they even forgot to think.

Including the vicious and hot Don Juan, including the Tang brothers and sisters, their eyes widened at this moment.

Tang Yan's Dragon Kui demon body is far less huge than the two beast shadows, unlike them that can arouse the power of the sky, but it is real and a living life. yes, alive.

The clanging of the Three Kui, and the existence of the three dragons, made all the beasts in Yixiantian feel the throbbing, and made thousands of monsters kneel in fear.

"He...he is..." Tang Zang lost his voice and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Tang Yan's demon body of tens of meters occupies a thousand meters above the sky, overlooking the common people and the heroes. His voice is loud, like thunder from nine heavens, and the ocean is raging. It shakes the audience and roars to everyone's eardrums.

"Fifty years ago, a vision suddenly appeared inside the imperial capital of the Demon Spirit Clan, causing most of the leftovers in the war world to bleed. It was not the vision of Prince Cang Jinhuang, but your late emperor who had a son named Tang Yan .”

"Fifty years ago, there was a change in the central restricted area, and the Demon Spirit Emperor's command would march south. Before leaving, the late emperor had a premonition that that battle might be the end of his own life, and the clan might suffer drastic changes, but the situation Crisis, he resolutely went south without hesitation."

"That year, before the emperor's conquest, he only made one arrangement—sealed his only son Tang Yan with the supreme imperial power, sent him into the void, escaped from disputes, and escaped persecution. He left a son and transferred him to the main hall of the palace."

"That year, a tragedy happened to the Yaoling clan. The first emperor died in battle, the six slaves fell, and Prince Cang became the emperor."

"That year, you abandoned your beliefs, embraced betrayal, and lost your dignity."

"From that year onwards, the demon spirit clan gradually forgot about the former emperor and his tens of thousands of years of hard work for the demon spirit clan. It was also from that year that the new son Tang Yan survived in Qitian Continent."

"For 50 years, he has struggled to survive in the Qitian Continent, and has struggled to rise."

"He returned to the Lost Battle Realm from Qitian Continent, led the Void Beast Mountain to the southeast land, and founded the Zhanmeng."

"It's been 50 years. Before you know it, it's been 50 years. You have forgotten the history, and he has forgotten the things you dare not mention."

"50 years ago, the first emperor was killed by you in the evil emperor's way. There was no bones left, his spirit and soul were all wiped out, and his fame ended in a bleak end. 50 years later, his children went north to the first line of sky, and the Hui returned home, but the treatment was... Destruction ..."

Tang Yan closed his eyes, released himself, and fell heavily towards Hualingchi.

Pfft! !

The fierce impact caused a roar in Hualing Pond, set off scattered water tides, and aroused fluffy water splashes. The sound was deafening, more like a heavy hammer, and ruthlessly slammed into the hearts of all the clan elders, making blood dripping. Everyone's souls were shocked.

The Hualing Pond continued to boil, and the violent energy flooded Tang Yan and devoured him.

The violent energy is like countless wolves, going forward to cull them one after another.

In the chaos and riots, Tang Yan's weak voice came from Hualingchi: "The reason why you resent the Emperor Father was originally because of the destruction of the Ghost Dragon Army, but you were still wrong, wrong from the very beginning. Please lift up Turn your heads to the south of this world. There is a Zhanmeng there, and there is a Cangsheng Temple in Zhanmeng.

The master of the Cangsheng Palace... Ma Long, the monster of his birth, the Canglong.Vice Hall Master, Nian Wuxin, Nian Wuqing, Nian Wude.The natal monsters are the golden-winged roc, the sky-swallowing monster python, and the nine-day thunder beast.

They...are still alive...have been alive...what reason do you have to hate the emperor?Do you have any reason to deny the late emperor, do you... have any... reason..."

The final sound was completely submerged in the energy storm of Hualingchi.

The phantom image of Long Kui, the spiritual body of Hualingchi, descended suddenly, like a hungry tiger pouncing on its food, it ruthlessly pounced on Hualingchi, and blasted at Tang Yan who had sunk into the depths of the Lingchi.

Tang Yan closed his eyes, accepting the tearing of Hua Lingchi, and the devouring of Long Kui's spirit body.

His original plan was to kill Tang Xiao, commit a felony, and be thrown into the evolutionary spirit pool.He wants to use the wonderful energy contained here to activate his own blood, to show the dragon kui demon body under the attention of millions of people in Yixiantian, and to use this cruelest reality to create a blow to the hearts of the demon spirit clan.

Let them clearly see Long Kui proud of the world, let all clan elders see Long Kui's return, let everyone know that the late emperor still has a child, and let them see...they actually used the Hualing Pond to refine it alive Abandoned his own emperor's son?
50 years ago, you killed the first emperor, and now you want to revive the emperor's son?
Tang Yan wanted to use this cruel method to torture the souls of the Demon Spirit Clan, to use this crazy method to stimulate the minds of all the elders and generals of the Demon Spirit Clan, to make them remember the pain of the past, and to let them serve the Demon Spirit Clan. The death of the emperor revisited the guilt.

Tang Yan used their self-blame and guilt to arouse their desire to protect themselves and achieve the goal of ensuring their own safety. No matter what Prince Cang decides, at least they must not hurt themselves.

So, he came without hesitation, this is his greatest life-saving capital.

It's extreme, it's sharp, but it works.

But things have developed to the present, and various unexpected situations have impacted Tang Yan's original plan.Both Tang Zhibai's appearance and Tang Chen's performance weakened his original purpose.

But Tang Yan still wants to enter Hualingchi, still wants to manifest Longkui's demon body, and still wants to remind the clansmen of the fact that they have deliberately forgotten, but the ultimate goal is no longer so mean, no longer so cruel.

The endless wasteland was silent, and everyone's ears were echoing Tang Yan's soft voice and his calm whispers.

The late emperor actually left an heir? !
The former emperor's heir turned out to be Tang Yan, the son of the emperor of the Southeast War League? !

The heir of the late emperor has come back? ?
The descendant of the late emperor awakened the bloodline is Emperor Longkui? ?
The heirs of the former emperor actually have two peak bloodlines? ?

Is the head of the ghost dragon army still alive? ?
The leaders of the ghost dragon army are all in Beast Mountain? ?

One after another, the secrets bombarded everyone's hearts and hit everyone's ocean of consciousness.

They can't accept the fact that they can't even think about it.

They were all pretended to be dumbfounded by the news that was so intense that it couldn't be more violent.

Even the scene of the former emperor being killed and the guilt of the past, all came to my heart at this moment, and I couldn't suppress it anymore.

On the contrary, because of the perennial depression, the sudden outburst at this moment is even more violent.

Under the violence, today's messy secrets and Tang Yan's "declaration" were mixed in, stirring up their feelings and brewing more complicated emotions.

The clansmen looked complicated, speechless and distracted, and collectively stared in the direction of Hualingchi.At this moment, when I think about Tang Yan's initial questioning again, I don't feel it is ridiculous, but the stinging pain and shame like a sharp knife gouging out the heart.

Tang Yiyuan stared at Hualingchi in a daze, his old body trembling, his muddy eyes shaking, he watched in a daze, his lips and teeth moved, and he murmured silently.

Then... slowly turned his head, and slowly looked at Tang Zhibai.

Tang Fengye also stared and opened his mouth in the shock. It was inconceivable that the shock was indescribable.He also looked at Tang Zhibai at this moment.


Tang Fengye slapped Tang Zhibai's face, causing him to stagger and almost fall from the sky.

"The late emperor's child? The late emperor's child? Tang Zhibai, is that the late emperor's child? Is this the secret you want to tell me? Is this the secret you are hiding?" Tang Fengye pointed at Hualingchi, growling involuntarily, excited ?Or angry? ?

The corner of Tang Zhibai's mouth was bleeding, and he didn't resist or wipe it off: "That's right! That's the late emperor's child, he's still alive, he's alive, he's back, he's back home."

Snapped! !

Tang Fengye shot again and slapped Tang Zhibai's face fiercely, trembling all over, hissing and roaring: "Good you Tang Zhibai! Good you Tang Zhibai! What qualifications do you have? Ah? What qualifications do you have to hide the late emperor's child! You What qualifications do you have to hide this secret? Who gave you the right!!"

Snapped! !

Tang Fengye slapped Tang Zhibai's face for the third time, he was angry, he was excited, his eyes were shaking, his eyes were dim, and after a while, he laughed wildly, and his voice moved the sky: "Old thief in the sky, open your eyes!" Yes, haha, the late emperor's child... the late emperor's child... is back...hahahaha!!"

Words fall, tears flow.

Tang Fengye suddenly knelt down, deeply moved, and burst into tears: "Hahaha, old thief, I will give you the old bones... I knelt... I knelt..."

(End of this chapter)

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