Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1949 Weird Calm

Chapter 1949 Weird Calm
Outside the Hualing Pond, millions of people from the whole clan bowed and knelt down, waiting for Prince Cang to speak.

But... Prince Cang stood high in the sky, never said a word, and did not give any instructions to anyone.

Ye Sirius troops didn't dare to make their own decisions, and millions of people didn't dare to leave directly, so the scene became quiet like this, and it continued to be quiet in the silence.

The ethnic groups wanted to see what would happen and what would happen.Since Prince Cang did not directly order them to leave, of course they knelt here happily, waiting for the first-hand information.

Time passed by every minute, from noon to afternoon, and it was directly approaching evening.

Prince Cang still did not take any action, did not issue any instructions.

The energy in Hualingchi was also strangely silent.

Everything was peaceful, but not very peaceful.

"Could it be..." Tang Anhua parted his thoughts a little bit, wanting to find out if Prince Cang was still there.She was worried about Tang Yan's safety, and whether Prince Cang would do something secretly.

But the imperial prestige in the purple radiance is very real and strong, which shows that the real body is still there.

Tang Yiyuan said softly: "Wait patiently, I guarantee with my life that Tang Yan will not be in danger today."

"Not today, what about tomorrow? In the future?" Tang Fengye muttered indifferently, neither concealing nor showing off.

In the evening, darkness began to cover the sky.

Two figures came to the wilderness from the northern sky, first they bowed in the direction of Prince Cang, and then they all retreated below, one fell into the Ye Sirius Army, and the other fell into the Military Affairs Academy.

One is the head of the Ye Sirius Army - Tang Shou!
One is Tang Yuanque, the Fourth Elder of the Military Affairs Academy.

"Dean, Zhibai, Marshal Anhua." Tang Yuanque bowed to the three big brothers, and asked softly, "What happened? I heard that the third child was beheaded?"

Tang Yuanque was a lame man, leaning on crutches, and staggered from side to side when walking.His left leg is sound and normal, but his right leg is empty, and even the right half of his body with his right arm is not very complete.

At first glance, it looks a little strange.

He used to be one of the top ten commanders of the Tianwu Group Army back then. He passed the customs with [-] elite soldiers. He was both wise and brave. He is highly regarded and has made countless military exploits.

But just when Tang Anhua asked the Military Affairs Council to appoint him as the general staff of the army, a bloody battle in the demon realm caused a disaster. He was surrounded by Tang Yuan's flaws and was almost eaten by monsters. Finally, Tang Anhua arrived in time. The demon saint took half of his life with his mouth.

In the end, Tang Yuanque was too seriously injured to be suitable for the military area, so he was sent back to the Military Academy, and Tang Zhibai valued him, so he was named the Eighth Elder of the Military Academy, and worked his way up to the Fourth Elder through his own efforts.

His 'half-body disability' is exactly what he was named——Tang Yuanque.

But no one in the Yaoling clan dared to laugh at him, not only because of his status, but also because of his strategy.

Tang Fengye and Tang Zhibai, one tiger and one fox; Tang Xiao and Tang Yuanque, one eagle and one snake.

They are all famous military masters in the North Continent.

He walked into the military academy from the camp of the military region, and he has made his way to the current position of the fourth elder step by step with his outstanding achievements.

In the future, Tang Fengye will retreat behind the scenes and Tang Zhibai will be in charge of the Military Affairs Academy. He will definitely be one of the three giants of the Military Affairs Academy.

"Why are you all back?" Tang Fengye turned his head and glanced at the direction of the Ye Tianlang Army in the distance, and met the gaze of Tang Shou, the head of the 'Emperor Guard' army.

They looked at each other and nodded to each other as a greeting.

"Received the news that the third child was killed, and I came back with the head of the Tang Shou army to take a look. The northern Xinjiang military camp has settled down. The Tianmo tribe is entangled by the Yinyang tribe, and they will not be able to escape for a while.

The Youye Forest was abandoned, and the mission that the Yin-Yang tribe had insisted on for tens of thousands of years was no longer so severe, and they could spare more strength and energy to attack the Sky Demons.

I see that the Yin-Yang tribe has put on a stance to fight the Sky Demons hard, seize this opportunity to eliminate the threat of the Sky Demons.Before I came back, I made contact with Xu Ye of the Bone Clan, and they are willing to cooperate with the Yin-Yang Clan with our Northern Xinjiang military camp when necessary. "

"The freaks of the Yin-Yang tribe have been quiet for these years, and they should take action, otherwise their bodies will be rusted." Tang Fengye got up and signaled the elders to get up.

Prince Cang seemed to be observing the situation inside, and would not pay attention to it for a while, there was no need for them to keep kneeling like this.

"Where's that lunatic?" Tang Yuanque noticed the weirdness of the atmosphere, and also noticed the gathering of ethnic groups in the distance. Could something else have happened?Otherwise, how could there be such a big scene.

"In Hualing Pond." Tang Fengye pouted.

"What's the origin?? How dare you kill the elder of our military affairs department outside the Nantian Gate."

Tang Yuanque was shocked when he first heard the news. Although the power of the Yaoling clan had been weakened due to the death of the former emperor, they still dominated the Northern Continent, so they would not be provoked to the front.

"It's a lot of history, you guess? If you guess right, you will be rewarded." Tang Fengye snorted, and deliberately squinted at Tang Zhibai. He still hates this old boy and loves you for nothing!

Tang Yuanque frowned. He is not the kind of person who likes to joke: "Marshal Anhua, I heard that it is your priest? Why didn't I hear that there is one beside you?"

"There's no need to guess, the late emperor's child is back."


"The child of the former emperor, the master of the Zhanmeng Tianzi Palace, the inheritance of Tianhuo, the awakened demon body - Emperor Longkui."

"..." Tang Yuanque frowned, his face was very heavy, and he stared at her for a long time: "The first emperor? The child?? The first emperor was not married, where did the child come from?"

"Just kidding, come, let me ask you." Tang Fengye put his arms around Tang Yuanque's shoulders, pressing him almost to the ground: "When did Prince Cang leave Northern Xinjiang?"

"Take care of my incomplete body! Take your big hand away!!" Tang Yuanque had followed Tang Fengye for thousands of years, but he couldn't stand the other party's character: "Three days ago, half a day earlier than us."

"Oh?" Tang Fengye is shrewd. Tang Yiyuan's various performances from the beginning to the present made him feel that the incident is not simple. Prince Cang's silence at the moment is not normal. Obviously, Prince Cang also plays some role in it, but... If Prince Cang What do you really know, why don't you come back in a hurry?

He thought that Prince Cang came back with Tang Yuanque and the others, and his intention was to ask him if he had noticed the abnormality of Prince Cang, or what he had said, but Tang Yuanque's answer made him stunned.

Left three days ago?With Prince Cang's strength, he could come back yesterday morning.

"What's wrong?" Tang Yuanque asked back, and then looked around, why did it feel weird?

"Prince Cang will come back in the afternoon."

"Impossible, I should have come back yesterday."

"If Prince Cang came back, the emperor's aura would definitely startle the sky. I will answer with certainty that Prince Cang did not come back before this afternoon. Tell me, where did he go?"

"Where did you go? Where can you go??" Tang Yuanque wondered.

On the other side, Tang Bing was looking at Tang Yuanque, and suddenly remembered something, and whispered: "Brother, why did you come earlier than Emperor Father and the others?"

"I found out about the situation, so I put aside my military affairs and came here." After Tang Chen learned that Tang Bing appeared in the information, he knew who was back, and immediately put down everything and rushed back.

"Father, why would he let you come back?"

"I set off with my father. On the way, my father said something happened and asked me to come back first."

Tang Chen's heart skipped a beat suddenly, he raised his head to look at the majestic purple wave of light, feeling faintly that something was wrong.

At that time, the father said that there was an important situation in the military affairs of northern Xinjiang that needed to be dealt with, and then he went back?

Where did you go? ?Did you really go back to Northern Xinjiang?

Now that you have returned to Northern Xinjiang, why didn't you come back with Tang Shou and Tang Yuanque?
At this time, a guard of the Military Academy hurried over from a distance, rushed through the encirclement of the Ye Sirius Army, and reached the core of the wasteland, but seeing the situation in front of him, he didn't know what to do.

"Come here! Where are you looking? Who is your boss!" Tang Fengye growled with staring eyes.

"Principal!!" The guard of the Military Academy pleaded guilty again and again, and walked over quickly.

"Panic, what happened again?"

"I just got the news that Zhanmeng's side... is fighting..."

"Today? Now?" Everyone was shocked, and even Tang Chen and others in the distance walked over quickly.

"As for being so excited?" Tang Yuanque wondered at everyone's reaction, so just hit him, is this expression a bit exaggerated? ?

"In the early morning of May 500th, that is, in the early morning of yesterday, the Pangu Clan, Shihuang Clan, and Yaoyu announced the formation of a united front to jointly destroy the Zhanmeng. At noon today, the war officially broke out. , the vanguard of the demon domain, the [-] million beast swarms are mainly attacking the Cangsheng Hall."

"United Front? How did this happen?"

"The Pangu clan didn't investigate the death of Tai Tan?"

"Could it be Zhanmeng who killed Titan?"

"Okay, this time it's a big fuss!!"

Most of the people present were military prodigies, so they naturally knew the meaning of the word United Front. For Zhanmeng, it would be a disaster.

Before today, their focus on Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive battles was limited to "watching the battle". At most, they were thinking about when to counterattack the Demon Realm. In other words, the meaning is completely different.

Tang Yiyuan suddenly whispered: "Anhua, you stay here and arrange for your guards to go back. The Southeast Camp needs your instructions."

Tang Anhua did not express his opinion, but looked in the direction of Prince Cang.

"You don't need to ask for instructions, and you don't need to worry about it. Listen to me and send someone back. Prepare one day earlier and have more hope." Tang Yiyuan reminded again, and glanced at Tang Fengye by the way: "The Military Affairs Council should also make preparations. Just do what you want and don’t regret it in the future.”

(End of this chapter)

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