Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1950 Scarlet Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1950 Scarlet Mountains and Rivers (1)

In the eighth year of the Era, late at night on May [-]th.

The corpse royal family made a comprehensive breakthrough in the western battlefield. 160 million troops marched straight in. The vast and violent battlefield spread out for nearly a hundred kilometers. It was chaotic and crazy. Momentum pushes forward.

The corpse royal family was so powerful that it destroyed everything like a dead man.

The Qiantui Mountain troops retreated in embarrassment and suffered heavy casualties.No matter how much you encourage, no matter how crazy you are, you can't hold back the corpse royal army twice as large as yourself.They go all out, they forget about life and death, but their strong will can't match the huge gap in strength.

The corpse royal family became more and more brave as they fought, and they rushed more and more madly. In just one hour, they broke through five defensive lines in a row, massacred tens of thousands of strong soldiers from Qiansui Mountain, and marched strongly towards the Qiansui Palace of Zhanmeng.

Da Yi has the momentum to go straight to the hinterland, and it can be called the most of the three major theaters - the most violent, the craziest, the most successful, and the most efficient!

In this fierce battle that lasted for half a day and midnight, more than [-] people of the corpse royal family were killed, and tens of hundreds of deaths were caused every moment. There was almost no gap in the blink of an eye. Ten tribesmen fell, died in desolation, and fell down in the cry.

The tattered corpses were scattered all over the mountains and wilderness, and the scarlet blood stained the rainforest.

This is the cruelty of war, and this is the price everyone must bear.

Under the frenzy of desperation, the corpse royal family broke out with horrifying fighting power, showing the charm and vigor that belonged to the ancient golden clan, and the achievements they achieved were completely worthy of the casualties they paid.

They have too many reasons why they can't lose, and too many crazy bloody.

But... the 'easy' defeat of Qiantui Mountain still aroused their vigilance.

Although he is confident that he can win the Zhanmeng, he will not achieve a comprehensive breakthrough so soon.

The western battlefield cannot be so fragile!
The corpse royal family is arrogant, but not stupid. The corpse royal family is eager to win, but they are not eager to win.

The morale of the frontline battlefield was high, but the faces of the elders of the Military Affairs Academy became more and more ugly.

Zhanmeng... what are you waiting for? !

In the early morning of May [-]th, at the cross night.

The corpse royal family completely broke through the eight defensive lines of the Thousand-year-old Palace, crossed the terrifying yellow sand area, and rushed towards the hinterland of the Zhanmeng all over the mountains, advancing towards the main hall of the Thousand-year-old Palace, and towards the terrifying wind and thunder explosion fort.

Seeing that the victory was imminent, the Corpse Emperor's momentum was like a rainbow, without any encouragement, the offensive became more and more fierce.

However, until this moment, the Corpse Royal Family Military Council collectively sensed the crisis. Looking at the battlefield and looking back, they suddenly discovered that all the 160 million troops of the Corpse Royal Family had pushed into the Zhanmeng.

Is this a real triumphant advance for the corpse royal family? ?

Or... catch a turtle in a urn? !

"Frontguard, hold down the pace!!"

"Team in the central area, reinforcements from front to back!"

"Rear troops, set up camp immediately, change from offense to defense, defend front, back, left, and right!!"

The high-pitched roar of the Military Affairs Academy moved the battlefield, overwhelming the deafening roar of the mountains and plains, and the eye-catching banners waved wantonly to convey orders to the frontline districts.

However...Ke Zunshan and Tigris also roared like thunder at this moment: "The King's Palace of the Order Land, prepare to open the defensive formation!!"

At zero o'clock in the morning, when the time officially entered May [-]th.

The first round of counterattacks started on the western battlefield. The alliance between the Hall of Thousand Years and the Hall of Martial Saints sounded the real death knell of the corpse royal family. The premise of 30 casualties was disguised at this moment... officially closing the net!
"Thunder Wolf Clan!! Giant Wolf Clan!! Full Charge!! Kill!!"

In the western rainforest, wolves roared to the heavens, dense like thunder, and suddenly an earthquake-like roar erupted in the silent dark jungle. The mountain forest broke through the rain curtain and rushed out from the depths of the dense rainforest.

The ferocious sharp claws, green and red wolf eyes, and the majestic and wild wolf body smashed the silence of the rainforest, the darkness of the night, and all the warning nets deployed by the corpse royal family on the periphery.

A whole pack of 100 million wolves rushed towards the rear of the corpse royal family viciously.

It came suddenly, it was horrifying, it came... dripping with blood...the military academy of the corpse royal family...the face was pale...the follow-up troops of the corpse royal family, pupils condensed, and the whole body was cold...but the upheaval did not end, at the same time, in the When a pack of millions of wolves appeared on the battlefield, after three hours of secret transportation by the air force, the 80 troops of the Southwest Martial Temple had arrived at the depths of the Zhanmeng earlier, and now they rushed out following the orders.

"Wu Shengdian, attack!!"

"The barbarians of Dongyi raise their swords and invigorate their spirits, in the name of our clan's ferocity and Zhenwu sage."

The 80 troops of the Temple of Martial Arts, led by the Golden Armored Team and the "beast cavalry" of the Dongyi barbarians, were divided into two groups, one from the south and the other from the north, and they collided head-on with the vanguard of the corpse royal family.

"Wind and thunder burst, hit!!"

More than ten thousand winds and thunderstorms in the west broke out at this moment. They tried their best to show their power with overload. The blooming light wave and the loud noise turned into an overwhelming light wave, hitting the sky from the depths of the endless mountains in the west, drawing out The shocking and dazzling arc blasted towards the vast battlefield of the corpse royal family.

Three ultimate moves to seal the victory!

Wolves should not appear in the west, but should be entrenched in the north.

Wu Shengdian should not appear so soon, but should continue to observe the situation in the south.

But...the wolves came, ignoring the crisis in the north, and broke into the western battlefield with endless wildness.

Wu Shengdian came, did not wait for the security assessment in the south, and all moved to the western battlefield.

Not only that, Qianlihu and Hou She, who were sitting in the Yanhuang Hall, all appeared here.

Almost ignoring the safety of the entire battlefield, they concentrated all their forces on the western battlefield and bet all their hopes on the western battlefield. They must give Zhanmeng an exciting victory in the early days of the war.

Before the war, Kongwu had an agreement that they would not fight in the alliance.

But now that the war is starting and the war is erupting internally, the air force can be unscrupulous and can be released to its heart's content, and Ke Zunshan and others can also command and arrange them arbitrarily.

Therefore, as early as nightfall, after repeated investigations by Hou She and Qianlihu, it was determined that there was no threat to the entire southern part of the Gonggu Mountains, so they contacted Ke Zunshan, invited out the air forces in each district, and made a "blitzkrieg" decision, almost insane The strategy is to lock in the victory in the western battlefield.

One quarter to midnight!
With a new round of devastating blows from Fengleipang, Wushengdian and the million wolves all rushed to the western battlefield, joining the crumbling defense circle of Qiantuidian.

The sudden participation of nearly 200 million troops instantly reversed the situation on the western battlefield.

At this moment, the western protective barrier was fully opened, like a dome of the sky, expanding from the central area to the west, forming an encirclement circle of hundreds of miles, completely covering the battlefield from the sky to the ground, and killing the corpse royal family. Trapped in the mountains and plains.

"Wind and thunder burst!! Hit me! Hit!"

"Abolish the wind, thunder and explosion, and start fighting!"

On the wind and thunder blast control fort, the commander roared hysterically. This moment is too important. It is absolutely necessary to exert its power to the maximum. It is better to completely abolish the wind and thunder explosion after tonight, and to explode at this moment. Enough power, more Qiantui Mountain and Wusheng Temple provide reinforcements.

In the early hours of the morning, in the darkest hour of the night, the western battlefield, the Zhanmeng belongs to...crazy...burned...hysterical..."Kill the Drought War!!"

"Kill the drought guards!!"

On the boiling bloody battlefield, two waves of sound suddenly exploded, and quickly turned into 'two strands'.

"Kill the drought battle! Kill the drought guard! Kill, kill, kill!!"

Ke Zunshan was shouting, millions of troops were roaring, and the sound of killing orders shocked the holy battlefield, attracting more than a dozen eyes from the audience, and even aroused the wrath of Han Zhan Hanwei.

But... this is not a pure cry... Qianlihu turned to fight at a high speed, like a thick thunderbolt, crashing into the battlefield of the dry guard, and Granny Ma also returned quickly, abandoning her own battlefield, across the sky, and rushed to the battlefield of the dry guard .

The two 'World Speed' joined forces and completely disrupted this peak battlefield.

After the first battle, they were defeated, and the two great speeds withdrew again, rushing to the battlefield of the dry war.

They... assisted Ke Zunshan and Jinlin Longmon to achieve a breakthrough.

The golden glow shines through the world, and the sword glow shakes the sky.

Ke Zunshan smashed Huashan Mountain with force, blasting and killing one of the three imperial guards of the corpse royal family.

The golden-scaled dragon python fought against the drought guard angrily, and the endless wave of light flooded his broken body like thousands of heavy soldiers.

Han Zhan's injuries in Cangwuzhiyuan Battlefield have never recovered, and Han Wei was disabled in the Qiansui Mountain Battle, and now... at the time of drastic changes, blood spilled into the night.

"No!!" Han Ba ​​screamed, the corpse emperor group was shocked, thousands of eyes were shaking with horror, surging with blood and sadness, but they were powerless to stop it.

The upheaval is too sudden, a peak of emptiness, a world of extreme speed, how terrifying?
"My lord... let's... take a step first..."

Han Zhan and Han Wei didn't feel sad, didn't curse, at the moment of life and death, when their body was hurt and their soul died, the two were inexplicably calm, so calm that even he didn't expect that, across the blood-colored sky, they met their eyes, Nodding to each other, they calmly accepted the next moment of death.

They themselves were never sad and angry, but the death was really desolate.

Following the death of the Han soldiers in the ancient city of Leiweng, the Hanwei, Hanzhan, and death on the battlefield did not have much success, did not have too much sensation, and even died too suddenly.

So far, the myth of the three imperial guards has come to an end, and all of them have been lost in Zhanmeng's hands.

If the time was pushed back three years, on the day they first came to this mountain of beasts, they would never have imagined that their own destiny, their own legend, would be in front of this dismissive force... Come to a full stop...

(End of this chapter)

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