Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1951 Scarlet Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1951 Scarlet Mountains and Rivers (2)

The death of the two Han Zhans stimulated the corpse royal family, and the entire clan was furious, trapped in a tight siege, but the more they fought, the more courageous they were, and they hit the forming encirclement with all their strength.

The 'No. [-] Strong Soldier' ​​of the Corpse Royal Clan, Han Ba, desperately fought against Tigris. The violent battlefield almost shattered the space. Join their fray.

But no matter how hard we struggle, the encirclement of the western battlefield is fully formed.

The magnificent war wave of the Corpse Emperor Clan... shattered in the early hours of the morning... They knew that the Zhanmeng had Kongwu sitting in command, and they always reminded themselves to consider the power of Kongwu, but... want to return to thinking, pay attention to attention, in this century On a vast battlefield of tens of thousands of levels, in a bloody cemetery where crowds of people died in battle, it is impossible to truly cover everything.

What's more, they have never had the experience of fighting kongwu, so they don't know how powerful the peak kongwu and the holy kongwu have.It's even more unclear that "run as you want, and return as you want" will be so crisp and neat.

They never expected that Zhanmeng's first round of blows would all fall on the corpse royal family, even regardless of the safety of the north and east.

Various factors caused the tragedy at midnight and early morning.

This miscellaneous army combined with "bloody" and "honor and disgrace", under the continuous mad attack, groups of people died in groups, ranging from high-level to ordinary people, the number of deaths was shocking.

The death of Han Zhan Han Wei brought an immeasurable psychological blow, and it exacerbated the tragedy of the corpse royal family.

From early morning to dawn, the Corpse Royal Clan suffered terrible casualties of more than 20 in the midnight-long battle. Together with the previous 90, the Corpse Royal Clan died as high as [-], reaching more than half of the casualties.

However... the real combat effectiveness of the Corpse Emperor Clan is only about 90% lost, and the remaining 90 troops are the real battle team. Most of the [-] people who died in the battle were ethnic groups and remnant soldiers. The joint strike of the Zhanmeng severely weakened them number of troops, without inflicting a truly fatal blow.

At dawn! !
The 90 members of the corpse royal family broke through with all their strength, broke through the protective barrier, rushed out of the western battlefield, moved to the northwest, and at the same time issued a call for help to the demon troops.

This is a battlefield of millions of people, not hundreds of people. It is impossible for the Zhanmeng to say that they are completely trapped. The massacre of 90 people in just midnight is already a huge achievement beyond expectations.

90 people!Equivalent to a complete army group!
The morale of the Zhanmeng is like a rainbow, and the corpse royal family is filled with mourning... The situation is completely reversed! !
Ke Zunshan heaved a sigh of relief. After all, his adventure had achieved results. He completely eliminated the crisis in the west and wiped out 90 people. This victory alone was enough for him to gain a foothold among the heroes of the Zhanmeng.

In the eighth year of the Era, on the morning of May [-]th.

The follow-up wave of 400 million beasts from the Demon Realm all arrived at the northern battlefield of the Zhanmeng, which not only brought a huge wave of beasts, but also brought a heavy threat.

Because Ke Zunshan mobilized millions of wolves to the western battlefield, the northern battlefield was seriously emptied of forces. More than 250 million wolves, combined with a horde of more than [-] beasts from the Northern Darkness, barely reached [-] million troops.

Even so, the number of teams in the north is only half of the 500 million beast tide in Yaoyu.

Although there are continuous outbreaks of wind and thunder in the north, and strong men such as Ma Yanwang continue to turn the holy battlefield into the ground and interfere with the lower battlefield, they still cannot stop the storm from the demon realm.

On the eve of dawn!
While the western battlefield was victorious, the northern battlefield suffered heavy losses.

Not only the low-level powerhouses died in battle, but the high-level powerhouses also fell one after another.

The cruelty of war, like a bloody brush, smeared indulgently in the dilapidated mountains and rivers, leaving endless corpses and mournful wailing.

The heavy rain is like a scoop, and the wind is howling, but it cannot wash away the cruelty of war, the shocking blood, and the continuous roars and wailings.

At dawn, when the western battlefield achieved great victory, the northern battlefield fell into a huge crisis.

In particular, the horde of 400 million beasts rushed over the mountains and ridges. The terrifying momentum made the entire northern part of the Zhanmeng tremble.

"The first stage is suspended! Open the protective barrier!!"

The Hall of Cangsheng had to appeal to the Central District to open the protective barrier in advance to provide the north with a short-term buffer opportunity.

As the first ray of light shines on the Gonggu Mountains in the early morning, mixed with the torrential rain and wind, the protective barrier for the entire northern area of ​​Zhanmeng is officially opened.

"Withdraw! All retreat!" The wolves and the Beiming army broke free from the entanglement of the demon domain and retreated layer by layer.

"Wind and Thunder Burst... hit..." Wind and Thunder Burst erupted at the same time, all the controllers hissed and roared, and the overwhelming wind and thunder blast killed the beast horde, suppressing their pursuit.

Even more powerful wind and thunder blasts aimed at the holy battlefield and the semi-holy battlefield, assisting these strong men to retreat.

With the assistance of Kongwu, Ma Yanwang and Undead Phoenix tried their best to break free from the entanglement, and fortunately retreated to the Zhanmeng before the space barrier closed.

The space barrier can't last too long, at most a stick of incense, but... enough for them to readjust their tactics, enough for them to swallow the spiritual source liquid to recuperate and adjust their breath.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the retreat would always pay a price. Even if it was suppressed by the wind and thunder, the sudden retreat in the northern battlefield still caused huge casualties.

They watched their teammates die in battle, and watched the wolf tide being submerged by the beast tide, but they were unable to rescue them at all. The misery and self-destruction were constantly staged in the contradiction between the rainstorm and the light.

But... no one is sad, and no one is in pain. They can only attack with all their strength, and they can only fight with all their strength, because no one knows whether they will die in the next moment.

The barrier is open!Gorgeous!Dispel the darkness and resist the rainstorm!

Like a generous shield, it is firmly stuck between the demon beast tide and Zhanmeng.

Both sides are panting heavily, and both sides are fighting fiercely.

"Adjust and redeploy immediately, we can't hold on for too long." Ma Yanwang looked around the audience, the chaotic team seemed to be soaked in blood rain, and the dense beast horde was full of ferocious faces and crazy eyes, which could not be suppressed They are tired, let alone see the hope in their eyes.

Yaoyu...too strong...if it wasn't for the defensive advantage and the reinforcements of various formations, they really wouldn't be able to handle it.

Lei Qilin ordered from high altitude: "Notify the follow-up troops, and reinforce the corpse royal family!"

He didn't know what happened to the corpse royal family, but it must be very serious for Hanba to issue ten edicts for help.He will not sit back and watch the corpse royal family be destroyed, at least not at this stage.

It just so happened that the Zhanmeng opened the barrier, and the northern battlefield would not be broken for a while, so it is better to send all the 400 million troops that are rushing to the west.

"Strengthen the cooperation between the ethnic groups, and they can no longer be scattered."

"Getting the various races to adapt to each other, this war has been more difficult than we expected."

Huo Qilin and the others were separated by numerous barriers, staring at Ma Yanwang and the others inside.

These superpowers were not in a hurry to attack the barrier, but ordered the beast tide below to continuously exert their strength towards the barrier.

Their high-level people need self-cultivation, and they cannot waste their strength on this.

In the eighth year of the Era, at noon on May [-].

Before arriving at the northern battlefield, more than 400 million reinforcement beasts received a new order to forcibly divert, bypass the northwest area, and rush towards the corpse royal battlefield at full speed.

However... how could Ke Zunshan and Tigris' joint attack be given up easily, how could it be so simple?
Their action is very risky, and it is more like guaranteeing the safety of the other two battlefields, giving them high hopes, and the deployment is naturally comprehensive.

So... at the critical moment when the Corpse Royal Family paid another 30 yuan to break free from the encirclement and charged at full speed to the northern battlefield, [-] troops suddenly rushed out from the dense rainforest ahead.

No warning, but extremely fast!

"It's now!! Hit me!! Space turbulence, crush!!"

Grandma Ma screamed loudly, joined forces with the three semi-sage Kongwu, and rushed forward as well.

Indulging in spatial turbulence, like a violent storm, and like a meteor swarm out of control, bombarded the front-end troops of the corpse royal family head-on with the power of shock and destruction.

While the 30 troops in the rear, the 85 troops of the royal family also launched a fierce attack.

These 30 troops are not from the Zhanmeng, but... Han Juegu and other affiliated troops of the Zhanmeng!

Long before the Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive war broke out, when the Pangu clan was extremely quiet, Zhanmeng visited again and secretly discussed Hanjuegu and other affiliated forces, and 'borrowed' 50 troops from them!

Because the situation was not clear at the time, Zhanmeng was at a disadvantage, Hanjuegu and other forces could not see hope, and it was difficult to resist. Finally, after two days of discussion, the amount of 30 coalition forces was given, and it was delivered secretly in batches After leaving the Gonggu Mountains, Kongwu made a secret contact.

Compared with tens of millions of battlefields, 30 troops are not big, and they can't even have a decisive impact. But at this special moment, the sudden appearance of 30 troops, and the comprehensive assistance of the air force such as Ma Ma, stubbornly held the ground. The escape of the corpse royal family.

"Damn Zhanmeng!! Damn it!!"

"All listen to the order, the attack should be defensive, waiting for rescue."

"The monster beast tide is ahead, we won't be trapped for too long."

Hanba immediately ordered more than [-] troops to camp in place, waiting for the rescue from the northern demon region.

Under such a situation, if you stubbornly break through the siege, you will only be destroyed. It is better to stay for a while and form a defensive circle to resist the offensive.

"Hanba!! You made a mistake!!" Ke Zunshan raised his arms and roared loudly: "The first victory in Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive battle belongs to our western battlefield. If you don't kill now, when will you wait? It's time for dinner, kill!!"

In the afternoon of May [-]th.

A tragedy of the Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive war broke out in the junction zone between the west and the northwest of the Zhanmeng.

The hour-long defensive battle became the second disaster and nightmare of the corpse royal family after the Cangwu Abyss battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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