Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1952 Scarlet Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1952 Scarlet Mountains and Rivers (3)

The continuous pounce of millions of wolves, the violent bombardment of 150 million Zhanmeng troops, and the blocking of 30 coalition troops completely overwhelmed the army of the corpse royal family.

The four Martial Saints sent by Hanjuegu and other affiliated forces also greatly enhanced the Zhanmeng's power.

Hanba's strategy was not wrong, and the Military Affairs Council gave full support and assistance, forming an encirclement circle in a short period of time, but... in a hurry, they once again forgot the power of air force.

Granny Ma joined forces with the three empty martial saints, like an extremely sharp spear, the cracks in the space created are like a ruthless meat grinder, leaving a 'blood hole' wherever it hits, wherever it hits, Can always break through the encirclement.

Their all-out assault broke up the encirclement that the corpse royal family was struggling to maintain.

Every time the 'hole' is made, it is dripping with blood, and it is hundreds of meters wide.

The thunder wolf and the giant wolf united and rushed forward frantically, always tearing the hole to pieces. The troops of the Thousand Years Hall and the Martial Saint Hall followed up to maximize the disaster.

"Killer Hanba!!" Tigris and Ke Zunshan teamed up for the first time.

The two pinnacle martial saints didn't care about the dignity of the strong, and didn't care about the pride of one-on-one, so they joined forces to launch a powerful surprise attack on Hanba, the "first soldier".

Hanba's roar, Hanba's struggle, clearly displayed in the sky, stimulated the belief and courage of the corpse royal family even more, the drought died in battle, the drought guard died, if Hanba dies again, the corpse royal family... did this battle go on? ?

In the afternoon of May [-]th.

When the wave of 400 million monster beasts appeared at the end of the line of sight, crushing the attack with the force of a mountain torrent, more than 40 troops of the Corpse Emperor Clan died in battle again, 40. In just one hour, 3000 were killed, almost two per minute. The death toll of more than [-] people can be imagined.

The corpse royal family once again killed three thousand-year-old corpses.

Han Ba ​​was slashed by Ke Zunshan, and his chest was smashed by Tigris' sharp claws. He was seriously injured, and his strength dropped by about [-]%.

In the evening of May [-]th.

The Zhanmeng released more than [-] surviving corpses of the Royal Army on its own. There is no point in being trapped. The beast horde is coming soon. If you don't let go now, once the beast horde comes, it will be a counter-annihilation situation.

"The corpse royal family, go back to the abyss of Cangwu!! You people alone have no hope of rising again. You are the tragedy of the times. You should not come to this muddy water."

Ke Zunshan waved his hand to signal that 280 million troops advanced one after another to the northwest of Zhanmeng.

At this time, the defensive formations in the entire western region were also fully activated, 'swallowing' their team, giving them a buffer opportunity, and also avoiding the bad luck of being attacked by 400 million beast hordes.

Zhanmeng's "Chaosing Heavens Seizing Spirits Evil Formation" is composed of nine great martial spirits and a large number of energy stones. The overall power can stop a strong offensive, and the power of local power cannot be underestimated.

Unless Yaoyu wants to open a gap in the northwest, attacking the barrier is a waste of time.

"Victory is the last laugh!!" Hanba glared at Ke Zunshan and Tigris, and motioned for the team to regroup with hatred.

In the afternoon of the same day, the remnants of the Corpse Royal Clan and the Monster Territory troops had a round, and the two sides immediately turned around and returned to the northern battlefield.

The 400 million monster troops will go to the northern battlefield, and the 40 surviving troops of the corpse royal family will also go to the northern battlefield, which means that they have put all their strength in the north.

It is necessary to use absolute superiority to completely crush the northern defense line of the Zhanmeng.

What's more, concentrating the power on one point can also minimize the threat of the 'mysterious explosion', otherwise, the more dispersed, the greater the blow surface and the greater the loss.

After a short discussion, Ke Zunshan and others decided to give it a go, abandon the defense of the entire southern region, and concentrate all their forces in the north. This is also a last resort decision.

But just in case, an empty martial half-sage and three-eyed god Hou She still went south to the Yanhuang Temple and sat in the south to observe the situation of the Gonggu Mountains at any time, and opened the defensive formation in the southern area to prevent accidents from happening.

Late night on May [-]th!

The Northern Battlefield reopens.

When the defensive formation in the north was crumbling, the Zhanmeng took the initiative to withdraw and reorganize the lineup, with 600 million troops to face the 900 million beast hordes in the demon realm, and cooperate with the northern wind and thunder to launch an all-out blockade.

Millions of wolves did not retreat into the rainforest, but went directly to the battlefield.

Facing the horde of 900 million beasts, the role of a pack of millions of wolves is far inferior to that within Zhanmeng.

"Let's fight! Yaoyu's offensive doesn't pay attention to tactics. It is their advantage and disadvantage. What we have to do is to stick to the defense and look for breakthrough opportunities."

Ke Zunshan, Immortal Phoenix, Ma Yanwang, and Tigris made a joint decision.

The war... begins again... the Eastern Battlefield!
The alliance between the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Beast Spirits stubbornly resisted the attack of the Pangu clan.

They used nearly 200 million troops to stop more than [-] million Pangu tribe giants.

With the Pangu clan always fighting with one against two, the Temple of the Son of Heaven and the Hall of Beast Spirits were completely at a disadvantage.

If it wasn't for their defensive advantage and the wind and thunder blocking them, they wouldn't be able to withstand the onslaught of these giants at all.

In terms of the Holy Realm, there are a total of twelve martial saints in the Temple of Heaven, the Hall of Beast Spirits, and Empress Wu, which is also behind the lineup of the sixteen martial saints of the Pangu clan.

Thanks to the assistance of the old man Bai, the pinnacle of martial arts, he gave Zhanmeng Holy Realm a little confidence.

So far, the offensive and defensive battle of Zhanmeng has become two major battlefields.

In the tens of thousands of years of the lost war world, almost no air force has participated in the battle, but now... Lin Zhongcun's air force is fully attacking, not only the peak of the air force appears on the battlefield, but also the sacred air force and the semi-holy air force. Its role is so great that it is highly appraised in the postscript history books.

The legend of "space is respected" has blossomed to the greatest extent in this peerless war.

The Pangu clan, the Yaoyu clan, and the Shihuang clan all underestimated the fighting power of Kongwu and the role they can play.

These empty weapons can shuttle in the space by themselves, can evacuate and disappear instantly.

They can not only save teammates, but also surprise powerful enemies, causing huge disturbance and threat.

It can also instantly transfer other strong people to other battlefields, and the lethality is even more terrifying.

Just imagine, you are in the middle of a fight with a strong player of the same level, and an empty weapon flashes by, hey, it disappears, and when you are gasping for breath, hey, he appears again.But it was during such a short gap that Kong Wu took this strong other battlefields, and cast a heavyweight big move.

That scene... is simply unimaginable! !

This is the power of Kongwu, and it is the terror of Lin Zhongcun.

As for the power of the wind and thunder explosion, the continuous firing is enough to match the power of hundreds of thousands of troops, and it also poses a serious threat to the giants of the Pangu tribe.

But even so, the overwhelming advantages of the Pangu clan and Yaoyu are still rapidly becoming apparent.Their tactic is to concentrate on one attack, which has great disadvantages, but it also has unique advantages.

Furthermore, the beast swarms in the Monster Realm never paid attention to any tactics. Their wildness and strength were enough to make up for their own disadvantages, and they had obvious advantages in such a huge battlefield.

The crushing attack of the Pangu clan can also crush all formations and tricks.

On the morning of May [-]th.

The offensive and defensive battle of Zhanmeng lasted for two days and two nights, causing nearly 200 million huge casualties.

Such a number made the heavens weep, the heroes tremble, and the Gonggu Mountain Range was covered with blood.

All parties continue to pay attention and continue to marvel.

I thought that the two sides would play some tricks and some tactics, but who would have imagined that Yaoyu, Pangu clan and Shihuang clan would completely adopt the attack method of destroying jade and stone, and attack violently and wildly.

Zhanmeng also adopted a 'brutal' counterattack method.

As for the reason... the five-party coalition forces actually have their difficulties. This approach may cost a lot of casualties, but it can definitely shorten the duration of the entire battle quickly and make the war end sooner.

Why can't they see the threat of the demons and the prying eyes of other forces, so... a quick decision has become a choice they must make, the sooner it ends, the sooner it rests, the sooner the better to deal with the threat of other forces .

Furthermore, are you playing tactics with Zhanmeng?They have empty arms!Any tactic can be broken as soon as it is said!It is better to concentrate on brutally crushing than to exhaust all efforts to end the game in vain.

At noon on May [-]th.

At a time when all parties were paying close attention, the Sea God Clan, who had been silent in the South China Sea, suddenly landed in the southern coastal area, with more than two million troops from the two major armies.

This upheaval caused a sensation in all parties and attracted the attention of many forces in the west and south.

The 90 troops of the Poseidon Storm Army went north to the Gonggu Mountains, and drove straight along the 'Qianteng' River, one of the three main rivers in the Gonggu Mountains. !

The Blood Shark Army teamed up with the two top teams of the Sea God Clan, 'Swordfish' and 'Extreme Ice Cold', with a total of ten holy lands. 130 million troops landed on the southwest coast and marched towards the Asura Clan.

The head of the Ashura Military Affairs Academy personally went south to the coast to pick up the Blood Shark Army, as well as the two top teams of 'Swordfish' and 'Extreme Ice Cold'.

It indicates that the Sea God Clan will fully participate in the Southern Continent Campaign and form an alliance with the Asura Clan.

The intention of the Blood Shark Army can be made clear, to block the gap of the human race in the Southern Continent.

However, the intention of the 80 Stormwind Army that landed in the Gonggu Mountains was unclear, and no one could guess the specific purpose. Is it to attack the Zhanmeng?Or raid the demon domain? ?

Because as time went by, it was strangely discovered that the real movement direction of the Storm Army was not the Zhanmeng.After nightfall on the [-]th, the Storm Group Army suddenly disappeared in the middle of the Qiandeng River, where the tributaries were messy and intertwined, and there was no more news.

The night of May [-]th.

After receiving the news, the Demon Clan of the Western Continent issued a military mobilization order in advance, and the Li Demon Clan and the Stone Demon Clan announced their alliance again, sending a huge army of Demon Clans to advance towards the border.

A massive disaster battlefield officially kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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