Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1953 5 Borders 5 Handsome

Chapter 1953
Noon on May [-]th!A ray of sky!

Three days have passed since Long Kui's demon body appeared.

Hualingchi finally regained its 'vitality' and 'woke up' from the silence.

The spiritual mist is hazy, the spiritual tide is surging, and the gorgeous colorful brilliance blooms again.

It is magnificent, like a fairy lake.

Attract a new round of attention from the audience.

As time goes by, the spiritual mist becomes heavier, the spiritual tide becomes more turbulent, and the colorful light tides gather in bloom and reach the sky in the gathering.

At noon, the boiling situation at the beginning of the death penalty was reached again, and there was a faint momentum to surpass it.

In the end, the spirit pool rioted, the earth trembled, and for a long time, the entire space fluctuated violently with the boiling of the spirit pool. The dense spiritual mist rushed from the spirit pool and filled the wilderness, covering the endless wilderness with layers of mist, like wonderland.

Dazzling light filled the sky, as wide as a kilometer and as high as ten thousand feet, becoming a new focus of the sky.

Tang Yiyuan and the others all paid attention, their eyes burning, nervously waiting for the transformation in the spirit pool.

The boiling energy inside continued to skyrocket, abnormally 'crazy'.

They could all sense that something terrifying was 'resurrecting' inside, and an extremely terrifying breath was 'awakening'.

The ominous power of the most tyrant and the fiercest shrouded everyone's hearts as the fog filled.

That breath, that energy, although far less oppressive than Prince Cang's imperial prestige, seemed to have a strange magic power, stimulating the blood of each of them, bringing an unspeakable sense of oppression, very heavy.

"Long Kui? The real Long Kui!"

Everyone was not afraid, but excited.

However... at the moment when that energy was on the verge of 'exploding', when the aura inside reached its peak, when millions of people inside and outside the wasteland waited with bated breath for 'full bloom'... Prince Cang, who was silent in the sky, suddenly made a move.

A surge of horrifying imperial power was fiercely struck out, like the hand of God, gathering a mighty purple energy, and blasted mercilessly towards the Lingchi.Cut off the thousand-meter light wave in half, and solidify the endless energy fog.

Then... Inch by inch, strand by strand, they were firmly pressed against the sky above the spirit pool.


The crowd in the distance was unknown, and they rioted on the spot. They were waiting for Long Kui to reappear, waiting for the prince to transform, but how could Prince Cang interrupt at a critical moment?How can 'ruthless' destruction?
Even Tang Chen and the others were tense and almost lost control.

It was because the atmosphere before was so tense that at this moment, his emotions were shaking uncontrollably.

"Don't be impulsive!! Everyone wait!!"

Tang Yiyuan suddenly stepped forward and ordered the audience, his voice was old, and his prestige remained the same as before.

Tang Fengye, Tang Zhibai and the others suppressed their impulses, while Tang Chen and the others also stabilized their demeanor, and no one made any disobedient actions or shouts.

They all had a premonition of something unusual, which originated from Tang Yiyuan's strange behavior before.

They all believed that Tang Yiyuan's character would not kill the late emperor's son.

They didn't even believe that Prince Cang would kill the first emperor's child in front of the whole family.

And they didn't act, and the rest of the clan elders and the team didn't dare to act rashly.

The atmosphere in the audience was even more tense, and they focused their attention on the spirit pool that was being suppressed.

The energy inside completely boiled and rioted.

The crazy momentum made the whole wasteland tremble, and the vast ground was shaken with cracks.

It seemed that some terrifying troll was struggling, roaring, and fighting back frantically. It wanted to shatter the earth, break out of the abyss, and vent its rebirth.

The earth is trembling, roaring and roaring.

The endless ferocity and unparalleled tyranny shocked millions of people in the audience, staring in horror.

But Prince Cang's imperial power firmly controlled this space, suppressing the riots in the Lingchi, and even suppressing the madness and struggle inside.

But time passed by, and this riot scene continued crazily, not only did not weaken, but even became more and more violent.

It was as if, the fierce creature inside lived up to Prince Cang's control, refused to accept the emperor's suppression, roared, vented, struggled, and resist...such ferocity, it was chilling, and even more exciting.

Tang Fengye and the others also paid close attention and waited with bated breath.

Moreover, everyone gradually understood the meaning of Prince Cang—to form an energy barrier, seal the entire space, suppress the distortion of Long Kui's breath, and prevent Long Kui from arousing Tianwei.

Given the current situation in the spirit pool, it might be able to arouse the feelings of the entire Lost War World, so suppress, suppress, fully control, and distort the space at all costs.

However... At this moment of drastic change, at this critical moment, and at the moment when all the audience was watching, four unexpected figures appeared from four directions in the wasteland and came across the sky towards the Lingchi.

They walked very slowly, but calmly and solemnly. There were only four of them, but they quickly attracted the frozen attention of the audience. After seeing their appearance clearly, they were all surprised and even more awed.

They came from Zhengdong, Zhengbei, Zhengxi, Zhengnan, and four directions. They walked steadily and imposingly. They were obviously just four people, but they were like four giant mountains, and they were like four battlefields. Endless fighting power.

"They...why...all come back?" Tang Fengye felt something in his heart, looking back at Siye.

"Who gave the order? How could they come back!!" Tang Zhibai's expression also lifted, with an unbelievable look of anger.

"All back?" Tang Anhua frowned slightly, waiting with solemnity.

"It's unprecedented, isn't it?" Tang Cang was secretly startled, and several brothers and sisters also showed shock. Even Tang Shou, Tang Zang and others restrained their posture a little, and welcomed the arrival of the four with awe.

The already silent wilderness became even more silent, and there was a faint sense of chilling permeating the air.

Under the eyes of everyone in astonishment and awe, four men descended from different directions around the Hualing Pond, and bowed to Prince Cang, their voices were as loud as ancient swords.

"The guardian of Xijiang—Tang Wu!"

"Northern border guard—Tang Yu!"

"Guardian of the Eastern Border—Tang Wuxiang!"

"Guardian of Southern Border—Tang Xindian!"

"Return to the family by the emperor's order!!" The four said in unison, received the gift and stood up, proudly in mid-air.

Tang Wu!Tang Yu!Tang Wuxiang!Tang Xindian!
The Four Permanent Marshals of the Demon Spirit Clan!
The most important figure in the demon spirit clan's military.

Tang Wu guards the western frontier to resist the blood demons.

Tang Wuxiang guarded the eastern border and deployed the Star Clan, Spirit Clan, and Bone Clan.

Tang Yu, the guardian of Beijiang, is on guard against the Heavenly Demons. He has now taken the initiative to retreat behind the scenes and handed over the post of guardian to Tang Chen, but the name of Marshal remains the same.

Tang Xindian guards the southern border and guards against the central restricted area. At special times, he marches westward to the western border to jointly guard the blood demons.

Including Marshal Tang Anhua, who guards the southeast of China Unicom, today is the return of all five Marshals of the Yaoling Clan.

Due to the severe border defense situation, the five generals will be stationed at the border nine out of ten years, and there has never been a precedent for all the Hui people.

However, today, the five marshals actually gathered here.

This is a situation that was never allowed in the era of the Demon Spirit Emperor!
If the situation in the eastern border is slightly stable, the situation in the northern border is calm, and the central restricted area is temporarily safe, the corresponding marshal can be recalled, but the western border is always facing the threat of blood demons and demon emperors. To take over the command, the Marshal of Xijiang must not return to the family without permission.

For Tang Wu, the guardian of Xijiang, that barracks is his life, that battlefield is his stage, and that bloody world is his home.

For Yixiantian, the number of times he has returned in the past ten thousand years... is very rare.

Tang Anhua, Tang Wu, Tang Yu, Tang Wuxiang, and Tang Xindian, these five marshals saw each other for the first time in history, so after accepting the courtesy, they looked at each other one after another, and nodded as gestures.

The five marshals, the heroes of the Yaoling clan, they are the pinnacles in their respective territories, and they also admire each other.It is also their existence that has supported the stability of the Yaoling clan's thousands of miles of territory, commanded the major armies, and resisted all the demon clans.

Each of them has a great reputation, has the strength and resourcefulness that amaze the world, and even has the spirit and demeanor that makes people submit. They... are the five war gods of the Yaoling clan and the spiritual pillar of the military region.

Tang Cang, Tang Yang and other brothers were all secretly excited despite their astonishment. Like ordinary people, they also worshiped the commanders of the major armies and the marshals.

Legion commander and marshal, these two positions are the commanding heights of the lives of all clansmen, they are the greatest affirmation for a person, and they are also the supreme honor worthy of a lifetime of hard work.

"Get down for me! Damn it, are you showing yourself in the sky one by one? This is a ray of sky, not your military camp! Why are you back? Who gave the order?" Tang Fengye ordered in a deep voice, without any hesitation .

In the entire demon spirit clan, apart from Prince Cang, only Tang Fengye dared to speak out to the marshals.

The four marshals were very respectful to the chief of military affairs, and they were all familiar with them, and they all said one after another: "By the emperor's order."

(End of this chapter)

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