Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1954 Desolate Grave Ridge

Chapter 1954 Desolate Grave Ridge

"Whose imperial order??" Tang Fengye stared.

"Other than the emperor above, which emperor can you choose? Old man, is your head flooded again?" Marshal Tang Wu of Xijiang reached out to touch Tang Fengye's head.

"Get up!!" Tang Fengye pulled his hand away.

"Yo ho, the little old man is still so irritable. I told you to find a wife, to reconcile and reconcile, maybe you can give birth to a cub, lest you die."

Tang Wu looks heroic, with a height of [-] meters, like a falcon, majestic and majestic, with an imposing manner. You can feel his sharp eyes and undisguised aggressiveness from a distance.

However, his pale and scary face, his eyes are slender like eagles, and the corners of his mouth are always slanted, with a bit of wildness and even a bit of evil.

For the Blood Demon Clan in the west, this face... made them both respectful and fearful, like a giant pillar that could not fall down, tenaciously suppressing the gate of the Western Border of the Demon Spirit Clan.

"Stop messing around. What's going on? Are you all back?" Tang Xindian himself was a little surprised.

His character and posture are more stable, his lips are tightly pursed, and his eyes are slightly narrowed, which gives people a sense of security that is extremely forbidden and calm. This is also related to his guarding the southern border all the year round and being vigilant about the central restricted area.

It is too important to allow any mistakes, and it requires extremely rigorous people to calm down.It's just... the tragedy of the Demon Emperor back then has become his eternal pain and the only stain in his life.

Tang Yu looked at Tang Chen and the others, then at Tang Yuanque and the others: "It's a rare event, everyone who should come has come."

"An accident happened in Hualingchi?" Tang Wuxiang had a good temperament, but his appearance was thin and gloomy.He is extremely protective of his weaknesses. He protects his generals and his own clan no less than his own children. But for foreign races such as the Star Clan, he can kill them without leaving them alive, and can beat them without letting them go.

It was his existence and his 'skillful control' of the conspiracy rules that suppressed the Star Race, the Spirit Race, and the Bone Race, and suppressed the conspiracy-laden human world.

The four marshals have their own characteristics and are different from each other. The only thing they have in common is their supreme sage power, their illustrious military achievements that have never faded for thousands of years, and their awe to the surrounding tribes.

All of them are 'soldiers' who are well-known throughout the Lost World.

"Prince Cang ordered you to come back?" Tang Fengye recalled his doubts three days ago.

Tang Chen also came over, could it be that the father summoned the four marshals? ?Why do you want to do this? ?

"Prince Cang's mental avatar came to the barracks and ordered me to leave secretly without any followers. I must rush back to Yixian Tianhua Lingchi within two days." Tang Wu said.

Tang Wuxiang, Tang Yu, and Tang Xindian all looked at each other, apparently in the same situation.

"It's time for you to come back."

Tang Yiyuan was in front of the team, with his back to them, staring at Hualingchi.

"The old dean has come out?" In the minds of Tang Wu and other marshals, the old dean has not asked about family affairs for many years, let alone appear easily.

At this moment, the violent riot in Hualing Pond suddenly stopped. The ground that had been rioted before was trembling, but now it stopped abruptly, and there was no more movement, which made people feel inexplicably flustered.

All eyes focused on Hualingchi again, but... after waiting for a long, long time, there was no movement.

It was as quiet as a dead place inside, as if there was nothing.

If it weren't for the dense cracks on the wild land, people would think that nothing happened before.

"Who can tell me what's going on?" Tang Wu spread his hands.

If it hadn't been for Prince Cang's mind phantom coming to the Xijiang camp in person, he would never have left the crisis-ridden Xijiang under the current situation.

Before leaving, Qian Ding Wan told Tang Hong to adopt a defensive posture no matter what happened, and wait for him to return before counterattacking.

Fortunately, Tang Hong was often active in Xijiang, he was familiar with all kinds of affairs in Xijiang, he had a high prestige, and his defensive strength was trustworthy, otherwise Tang Wu would really worry about coming back.

"Go to Huangfen Ridge." Prince Cang finally issued the first order in three days, as if something was rolled up from the Hualing Pond, the vast purple tide crossed the sky and walked towards the Huangfen Ridge area at the northeast corner of the line of sky .

Tang Fengye, Tang Zhibai, Tang Yiyuan, brothers and sisters Tang Chen, Tang Yuanque, Tang Shou, and the five marshals were all shrouded in a wave of purple light. A force lifted them up and rushed towards Huangfen Ridge together.

Everyone was surprised, but they did not resist and accepted the envelope of this force.

The rest, all stay here.

Millions of people looked around strangely, but they didn't dare to resist too much.Except for the sparse comments, no one dared to question loudly and stir up trouble.

In the northeast corner of the first line of sky, there is a barren tomb here.

It was lonely and desolate, and the wind was cold and bleak.

On the dark and cold ground, there are scattered weathered gravels and deserted graves everywhere.

A few clumps of weeds are dotted, but they set off the loneliness of the stone pile and the desolation of the barren tomb.

This is the "ruins" of Yixiantian's life; no one is allowed to enter here; this is the place where many sinners in the clan are put to death.

Because the corpses were all sinners, this land was branded as sinful and abandoned by the people.

The barren land, the stern cold wind, the icy stone piles, and the bones of the dead can be seen everywhere, forming a sharp and extreme contrast with the vitality of the sky.

Occasionally, there would be some small beasts and wild insects haunting the forest, snatching the bones and eating the flesh, adding a bit of cruelty and blood to the desolation here.

For the people of Yixiantian, this place is simply a place of shame.

No one wants to throw his body into the wilderness in the name of a criminal, no one wants to be unrecognized by the people after his death, no one wants to die in a miserable, miserable death, and suffer the spit of all people after death.

Because of this, there are few people here, whether it is the ethnic group or the army, they will walk around this place when they pass by, and they don't even want to take a second look, for fear of being stained with evil spirits inside.

In this land infiltrated by sin and desolation, most of the barren tombs are piled up with rubble. After being exposed to the wind and sun for many years, they turned into piles of stones one after another, exposing the corpses inside and being eaten by small animals. But in the desolate tombs In between, there are four relatively special barren tombs.

They are also piled up of cold gravel, simple, desolate and lonely. The only difference is that there are a few simple wooden signs standing in front of them. It is impossible to tell whose tomb is here.

In the wasteland surrounded by clusters of gravel, their existence is very different, out of place, but so desolate.

But it is in this barren tomb ridge of "Let no strangers come near", in front of these four special barren tombs, stands a mighty man.

The tone of Huangfenling is gloomy and desolate, but his existence is mighty and vivid.

He is majestic and majestic, tall and straight, with a bronze complexion, and the coarse linen clothes cannot cover his exaggerated muscles, nor his steel-like body.

The long black hair was tough at the roots, scattered behind her back, reaching her waist.

Looking from behind, he couldn't help being oppressed by his tall and strong body, sighed by his steel body, and squeezed by his vast aura like mountains and rivers.

He was even more attracted by the three-meter-tall iron sword behind him.

People and swords are equally rough, equally simple, but equally dreadful. I can't help but take a few more glances, and I can't help but step back in horror, suffocated by their pervasive mountain and river atmosphere.

Looking at it from the front, this person's facial features are well-defined and deep, giving people a wild look, and even a bit cold, but they are hazy, and he can't see his real appearance clearly.Or you can clearly see it, but you will forget it when you change your mind.

As if...he doesn't really exist in this world.

At this moment, he was standing in front of the tomb, looking at the four lonely tombs in front of him in a daze, surrounded by a cold breath.His cold and arrogant eyes seemed to be out of focus, and his dark eyes were full of peace, just...cold...quietly...looking at the four barren graves in front of him.

Until... a wave of purple light enveloped the barren graves, and Prince Cang descended in front of the four barren graves.

When the tide of light dissipated, everyone appeared one by one.

"This is Huangfen Ridge. I have never been here before." Marshal Tang Wu looked around the wilderness, seeing endless desolation and misery, endless loneliness and coldness.

But... Their attention quickly fell to the front.

They noticed the four tombs and were frowning.

Who is so courageous to erect a tombstone in Huangfenling? !
But all the corpses thrown here are full of sins, and it is already a blessing not to throw them into the evolution spirit pool. Simply pile up a tomb is the only remaining respect for the dead, can a tombstone be erected?Absolutely forbidden!

They noticed the mysterious man and were surprised.

They were surprised by the grandeur of the person in front of them, and marveled at the strength of this person, but they were generally unfamiliar.

But... this sword... "Qilufu? Why are you back!'re still alive?!" Tang Fengye was surprised and delighted, this iron sword, this figure, this aura, isn't it the name left behind? Qi Lufu, the mountain and river iron sword? !

Outsiders may not know his true identity, but Tang Fengye, the head of the Military Affairs Academy, knows that he is the secret killer who directly belongs to the late emperor and performs special tasks all year round.

"Qilufu! He's still alive?!" Tang Wu and the others shook their heads secretly, exchanging strange glances quietly, no wonder the aura is so majestic, it turned out to be him, and he is still alive in this world? !

The five marshals naturally knew Qi Lufu, the 'big man', and knew that he had a special relationship with the former emperor, and that he had a connection that outsiders could not imagine.It's just that, even though they are marshals, they haven't actually met Qi Lufu, let alone met with their own eyes in the demon spirit clan.

(End of this chapter)

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