Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 195 The Weird Black Pool

Chapter 195 The Weird Black Pool
Following the black girl, he ran all the way, and appeared in front of two twisted and twisted mountains.These two peaks seem to be screwed together by some force, the shape is very weird, I have passed here many times, always feel gloomy, approaching without trying, always moving away quickly.

But the black girl is in an abnormal state today, she has already rushed in, and she is completely out of sight.

Tang Yan took out the ancient saber and approached it while being vigilant. The place was dark and humid, completely covered by thick and messy old trees, and some branches even climbed up the mountain, reaching a height of hundreds of meters.

Between the almost impenetrable rhizomes and branches, there is a passage that has been forcibly broken, extending all the way into it, which should have been made by the black girl just now.

"What the hell is this little guy doing?" Tang Yan was worried about the safety of the black girl, no longer hesitated, and rushed in through the long passage.

After a long period of darkness, it suddenly became clear that it was a slender canyon. A dark red beam of light was projected from the gap between two mountain peaks, making the blood-red gloomy reflection here.

Going forward along the slender canyon, there is a [-]-meter-wide pool not far away. The area is not too large, but it is not bottomless. The pool is as black as ink, exuding bursts of chill.

The mountains around the deep pool are covered with thick ice crystals, also exuding bursts of cold air.

The black girl was staring at the deep pool with her blood-red eyes, and the blazing black electric glow wrapped around her body, like countless black snakes galloping, exuding a fierce aura.

Tang Yan looked around curiously, and came to the edge of the deep pool. Thick air bubbles were rising from the dark deep pool, water splashed everywhere from time to time, and there was a faint roar, as if something was struggling inside.

"What's inside?" Tang Yan tentatively took a step forward. Layers of ice crystals instantly covered the soles of his feet, and even rushed towards his right leg. The terrible freezing feeling almost made his right foot lose feeling.

There was a burst of horror in my heart, and the ghost green fire rushed out, quickly clearing the ice crystals.

At this moment, Hei Niu suddenly took two steps back in vigilance, grinning her teeth, her whole body was full of thunder, as if she might rush over at any time.

Tang Yan didn't dare to stay, and retreated more than ten steps in a blink of an eye.

The deep pool suddenly set off fluffy waves, black water splashed everywhere, and the temperature of the entire canyon dropped sharply, making it difficult to even breathe.

A gigantic crocodile more than ten meters long suddenly appeared, covered with steel-like black scales, densely sticking to flashing sharp cold light, the head full of black thorns looked hideous and terrifying, and the two blood-red eyes Emanating a fierce and violent light.

With its appearance, the ice crystals all over the canyon turned black amidst the dense creaking sound, and the temperature dropped sharply again. Tang Yan had to cover his whole body with green flames to withstand the freezing temperature here.

"What the hell is this thing!" Tang Yan inhaled quietly, and couldn't help but take another two steps back. Even the black girl kept retreating, and the provocative momentum gradually weakened.

This huge and ferocious black crocodile must be the overlord of one party, and its fierce and terrifying power is definitely a fifth-level demon king!He is not an ordinary demon king, maybe he will be the peak existence among the demon kings.

"Girl, you're being naughty again, go and come home with me." Tang Yan grinned secretly, what did he draw himself here for?Hunt the demon king?I think highly of myself!

The black girl felt the great pressure, but she took two steps forward suddenly, her hair stood on end, and she let out an ear-splitting roar. The roar was so strong that it pierced through gold and cracked stones, and actually shattered a large piece of ice crystals.

The black crocodile must be in a rage, suddenly felt the provocation, stopped immediately, stared at the black girl with scarlet eyes, and approached with a huge body swinging three times, Tang Yan couldn't breathe due to the ferocious power .

The black girl lowered her head slowly, raised her body, her hair was standing on end, even her fangs and sharp claws were entwined with black awns, as if she wanted to fight wildly.

Tang Yan had never seen a black girl behave like this before, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances at this fearful crocodile.

"Roar!" The black crocodile let out a tyrannical roar, and its huge body shook violently. The black pool that had just been quiet suddenly churned, rolling up dense water arrows and shooting towards them.

"Girl, you're crazy, let's go!" Tang Yan was startled, and quickly retreated behind him. He had experienced the extreme cold temperature of these black waters, but before he could run a few steps, the water arrows in the sky suddenly exploded. Sprinkled in the entire canyon, the sound of creaking and creaking is particularly scary in this lonely canyon.

It actually frozen the canyon, what is this for?ready to eat
The black girl roared again and again, and rushed over, and a dense black electricity storm swept the audience.

"Come back!" Tang Yan's complexion changed suddenly, and without hesitation, he swung his ancient saber and rushed forward, the ghostly green flames rolled out, and the quadruple blows of the flames were ready to go!

The black crocodile has no fear at all, roaring and rolling, a surging water dragon roared towards them, seemingly gentle, but ruthlessly smashed all the black awns, and they were rushed to the corner before they got close, the black water In a blink of an eye, it turned into a thick layer of ice and sealed them inside.

"I was killed by you!" Tang Yan tried his best to prop up the ghost green fire to resist the freezing of the black water, but the black girl was fighting like hell, and desperately used the black electricity to smash the ice.

At this time, following the madness of the black crocodile, the entire canyon was completely frozen, including the exit and exit, braving the cold air.The black crocodile did not stop there, retreating back to the deep pool, twisting and roaring crazily, its huge body continuously splashed layers of water waves, and the temperature of the canyon dropped again and again!
The black girl still didn't give up, and snarled at the crocodile.

Tang Yan finally realized the problem. The blood soul tree in the sea of ​​qi disappeared, and escaped from Wuying and hid in the abyss of the sea of ​​qi. The blood baby was also immersed in the innermost part, and even the Buddha's heart fell silent.

What's the matter? Are they afraid?
This idea just popped up, and even Tang Yan was stunned for a moment, what else in this world can scare them?Don't even have the courage to show up?

Is it because of this huge crocodile?

Not so much!

Is it because of this deep pool

Tang Yan had to calm down and observe, huh?Something is wrong!The black crocodile didn't seem to be mad, but rather struggling!The deafening roar was vaguely mixed with painful groans, and the crazy twisting seemed to be trying to get rid of something.

If you look closely, you will find several special bones on its back!
Some pale, full of cracks, like bones in the spine.At this moment, it was embedded in the scales on the back of the ancient crocodile, and the junction was already dripping with blood.

Tang Yan looked at the painful crocodile, at the bones inlaid on its back, and then at the irritable black girl, and suddenly had a strange guess, these bones wanted to be fused into the crocodile's body?
Where did the bones come from? Could it be the remains of those wild beasts in the underground world?

how come?

Could it be that there is still wisdom left in this bone?

Why choose this crocodile?

Could it be a descendant of this wild beast or this crocodile has a little blood of it?
What does it want to do?Do you want to be reborn?

All kinds of questions and suspicions circled in my mind, the more I looked at it, the more I felt it was possible!

Suddenly, Tang Yan's eyes burst into burning heat!
If the guess is correct, once the bones are fused, this crocodile will definitely undergo a completely new transformation, and maybe it can reproduce the mighty power of the ancient beast.

This ancient fierce beast can be suppressed in the underground world, and can still retain its intelligence after endless years, which is enough to show that this fierce beast was an earth-shattering overlord existence hundreds of millions of years ago, far surpassing Xu Yan. the arm bone.

Deinosaurs should be very weak in the early stages of awakening. If you can seize this period of weakness and devour it in one fell swoop, wouldn't you be able to successfully activate your own spiritual veins?


Impulses quickly turn into apprehensions!

This is an ancient ferocious beast, perhaps not as simple as seven or eight levels. I haven't determined what level my spiritual veins are, can it withstand its erosion?
At that time, if you fail to seize the house, you will die because of the explosion.

But just give up?
The black crocodile wailed in pain, struggling more and more violently, leaving the deep pool and twisting crazily, almost shattering the entire canyon, but the bones were firmly embedded in its back, fused inward little by little, scarlet The blood began to spread to the bones, and a real fusion of each other began.

The black crocodile suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, the sharp sound waves seemed to contain aura, the thousand-foot-high cliffs shattered into pieces, dense rubble fell from the sky, and cracks began to appear on the ground.

The breath of the crocodile is undergoing obvious and drastic changes, and the scarlet eyes have become extraordinarily ferocious.

(End of this chapter)

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