Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 196 Thriller

Chapter 196 Thriller
"Little life is important, let's go!" Tang Yan was chilled for a while, and he didn't dare to covet recklessly. He grabbed the flaming ancient sword and rushed towards the frozen cave entrance. With a sharp roar, the lion's roar mark burst out first, turning into ten A ten-foot-long golden lion suddenly hit the hard ice.

Hei Niu also felt the great crisis, ignored the boiling black abyss, and rushed to the ice layer frantically.

But just as it was about to break open, a huge knife-like boulder fell from the sky and slammed heavily at the mouth of the canyon, causing the dense rubble to shatter in all directions.

The deinosaur crocodile let out a painful roar, the ancient animal bones finally completely merged into its body, and the black water of the abyss surged towards its body like crazy. The scale armor began to undergo a metamorphosis-like transformation.

The Deinosaur roared again and again, as if suffering unspeakable pain. Due to the rapid expansion, the whole body was covered with cracks. Viscous blood escaped from the wound and gathered towards the head. A sharp horn wrapped around the wind blade was The forehead is raised.



The fearful crocodile is about to degenerate into a sixth-level monster!

At the same time, with its tyrannical howling, the strength mixed with the ancient atmosphere swept across the entire canyon, thousands of cliffs were cracked, and pieces of rubble fell, almost burying this place. With a large amount of black splashing and spreading, With the biting cold, all the falling stones were frozen again.

Tang Yan and Hei Niu dodged in embarrassment, but were submerged by the rubble. Before they could rush out, the messy rubble was frozen by the black water, and it seemed to be a whole, which was equivalent to being sealed below.

The ground shook outside, and huge boulders continued to fall, continuing to pile up on their bodies.

"Yeah!" Tang Yan's face was ferocious, and he let out a sharp hiss. The spiritual power in his body surged like boiling, and he struggled to hold up the Golden Elephant Art so that he would not be smashed into a pulp by the crushed stones.

The violent formula turned into dense green fire balls, constantly bombarding the surrounding gravel and burning the ice cones between the rock cracks.

With the roaring sound, the lion's roar mark and the tiger's mark continued to strike violently, smashing the surrounding stone layers into pieces.

Tang Yan almost ran away, and had to struggle desperately, otherwise the whole cliff would collapse, and if he was not sucked into meat, he would be reduced to the "Monkey King" under the rocky mountain, and he would be sealed here forever.

In the cliffs and canyons, the black crocodile's rampage not only did not end, but became even more tragic. The transformation process was already painful, let alone being forcibly transformed, and his body was forcibly taken away by some foreign thing.

It is transforming, advancing, struggling and resisting.

The outside of the cliff is calm and quiet, but the inside is avalanche.

"Girl, now is not the time for you to be dazed, resist!" Tang Yan was desperately trying to find Hei Niu stunned beside her, feeling something in a daze.

Hei Niu woke up with a start, her heroic body tensed immediately, her eyes were red like water, she raised her head and let out a roar like a dragon's chant, the dense black lightning turned into hundreds of black vortexes, instantly shattering a large area of ​​space around her.

These black vortexes were so terrifying that they almost crushed Tang Yan's body.

hiss!Isn't it worse than the Annihilating Eye?My black girl still has this big trick?

Tang Yan was slightly stunned, staring blankly at the suddenly manic and heroic black girl.

The black girl obviously didn't know there would be such an effect, she moved her body curiously, and then looked at the messy space around her, her eyes were a little dazed.

"You don't really want to transform, do you?" Tang Yan came back to his senses, but before dragging Hei Niu to study, the space that had just been excavated collapsed rumblingly, burying them again, and the ground outside shook. , a large number of huge stones burst out of the cliffs.

The once silent canyon has almost become a messy battlefield. Except for the vicinity of the black pool, the rest of the place is covered by messy and frozen stone layers, as if to completely ruin this place.

Tang Yan and Hei Niu continued to swallow the spiritual source liquid, and tenaciously bombarded the thick gravel.

Collapsing over and over again, digging over and over again.

Tired again and again, gritted teeth again and again.

"Girl, wait first." Tang Yan suddenly comforted the black girl, and listened attentively to the movement outside, as if it had stopped!There was no roaring, no shaking, no rumbling of broken stones, it was calm, and there was no strange movement.

The black girl remained silent for a while, and became agitated again, moaning towards the outside of the pile of rubble, but this time there was a hint of fear in her eyes.

Did Deinosaurs really advance?

Tang Yan once again focused his attention on feeling, and found no strong coercion, but even the ferocious and tyrannical breath of the crocodile disappeared.

Suddenly, there was a strange feeling!

Tried to summon the blood dolls, but found that there was no trace of their existence at all, as if self-sealed in the abyss.

What's the matter?
A deinosaur scared you like this?Even if the promotion is only a sixth-level monster, which is comparable to Wu Zun among warriors, such a strong man has not been seen, and I have never seen them like this.

Not so much, right?

"Get ready, I'll blow away the gravel, let's rush out, and run as far as we can." Tang Yan motioned to Hei Niu, gripped the ancient saber tightly, took a deep breath, and prepared to unleash the four flame blows, Blast the large-looking stone in front of you.

But before it was Tang Yan's turn to strike, the black girl suddenly screamed, her whoosh was minimized, and she jumped into Tang Yan's clothes.

"Damn! Scared me! You're almost an adult, don't be surprised all the time." Tang Yan couldn't help swearing violently, and with a muffled roar, the four heavy blows of Lie Yan exploded.

An extremely wild explosion suddenly appeared, and Tang Yan was caught off guard. He was blasted out head-on, and stuck heavily on the excavated stone wall. The impact was not light, and he almost lost his breath.

what happened?My knife hasn't touched the stone wall yet, why did it get violent?

Before Tang Yan coughed, he was suddenly sucked out by a huge force, and was firmly fixed in midair as if controlled by something.

The current canyon is dilapidated. The flat and tough cliff walls are full of pits and cracks. Falling stones have raised the canyon by 30 meters. The deep pool is also in a mess. Black water splashes all over the canyon, forming Layers of ice.

However, the crocodile has disappeared, and some are just wreckage all over the ground, tattered and bloody. The huge corpse seems to have been dismembered by something. The fear of death remains, and there is a little begging that seems to be nothing.

Tang Yan inhaled quietly, looking at the broken corpse in disbelief, he couldn't understand for a while, what's wrong?What happened?

All of a sudden, the black girl in her arms wailed, opened her clothes and shot directly at the ruins below.

A thin boy leaned lazily among the ruins. There was a twisted Deinosaur spine and several broken ribs in front of him. The boy's hair was disheveled, and his face could not be seen clearly. He could only see something slowly chewing in his mouth.

The black girl was controlled by him, playing with it carefully, as if very curious.

The black girl trembled violently, her eyes were full of panic, and there was a bit of despair!

The young man suddenly let out a strange laugh, and his scarlet tongue licked the corner of his mouth, raising a satisfied arc, revealing two crystal fangs.

"Senior!" Tang Yan shouted anxiously, trying to break free, but unable to move.

Um?The young man slowly raised his head, revealing a delicate and handsome white face, very handsome, handsome with evil intentions, and when Tang Yan saw those eyes, he suddenly felt his heart was tightly grasped by something, and his body was covered with blood. Against the current, the whole body is as cold as falling into the abyss.

Shocked, he hastily lowered his head, not daring to look directly at it: "Senior, we didn't intend to offend, we just passed by here by accident, it is my good friend, I hope you can show mercy."

"Friend? Ho? Is this a good word? Are you friends with it?" The boy seemed to be interested, playing with the trembling black girl in his hands, with a weird smile on his lips. "Aren't you afraid of being eaten by it?"

"Senior was joking, the two of us have been dependent on each other since we were young, and we have a deep relationship."

"You have been raising him all this time? Are you its beast slave?"

"What? I don't quite understand what Senior means."

"Beasts are masters, and humans are slaves. Aren't many warriors willing to surrender to some powerful monsters and serve them as slaves and servants? Aren't you?"

"Uh..." Tang Yan heard such a weird statement for the first time.

The young man raised his brows and looked at Tang Yan again, but he didn't leave after this look, his slender brows were slightly frowned, and he stared straight at Tang Yan, or the ancient sword in his hand: "Xiaowa , how do you have the battle sword of the war demon? Who are you to him?"

(End of this chapter)

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