Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 197 9 Babies

Chapter 197 Nine Babies
Before "I" Tang Yan could speak, he suddenly felt torn by some kind of huge force, and shot towards the boy. This kind of force was so strong that it almost tore his body apart.

Before he could get close to the young man, the force suddenly turned, and Tang Yan was thrown towards the ruins next to him. He was smashed to pieces, as if his bones were about to fall apart. He lay there for a long time without recovering. .

The ancient war knife fell firmly into the young man's hands.

The young man flicked his fingers, and the hard body of the ancient war knife unexpectedly rippled like water, without any obvious sound, the ripples swayed across the canyon like ripples in space.

The moment he passed through Tang Yan, his blood boiled suddenly, full of fighting spirit, the images in his mind were full of brutal killing scenes, his eyes were bloodshot and red, and he almost lost his sanity.

Is this the true power of the ancient sword?
It's just the escaping breath, which makes the third-rank Wu Zong, who is still the master, almost bewitched
Tang Yan was secretly surprised, looking at the young man in shock, and even more at the ancient black sword covered with bloodstains, as if he knew it for the first time!

The young man lost his mind slightly, touched the ancient sword lightly, and murmured to himself: "It really is a war demon! It seems that during the millions of years I have been sleeping, a lot of changes have taken place there, even you are sealed? Or fallen? Who is it?"

Tang Yan regained his composure, whistled quietly, and signaled the 'abandoned' black girl to come over quickly, but the little guy was obviously terrified, tremblingly curled up beside the boy, his paws tightly hugging his head, he didn't know what to do. movement.

"Answer my question just now, what is your relationship with War Demon?" The young man glanced at Tang Yan, and a strange feeling penetrated his heart.

Tang Yan didn't dare to lie, and said truthfully: "I bought it in a shopping mall. It is said that it was found in a certain cave. At the beginning, there were thick rocks on the surface. Later, the rocks shattered and the current shape appeared. appearance."

"Stone seals the knife, the soul falls into the dust, sure enough." The young man's expression flashed a little lonely, and he asked again: "Where is the cave?"

"I really do not know this one."

"What did you learn from it?"

"Third level of ancient warfare, I have comprehended the first level of soul-slaying!"

"Oh?" A strange color flashed in the young man's eyes. When he looked at Tang Yan seriously for the first time, he still had that strange feeling, as if he wanted to see Tang Yan clearly.

"come here."

The young man's attitude changed slightly, instead of being rude, he let Tang Yan walk over by himself.

Tang Yan didn't dare to show any disrespect, and walked over quickly.He now somewhat understands that the sudden disappearance of the blood dolls is probably because he sensed some kind of danger. The source of the danger is this young man, and the black girl who rushed over earlier may have sensed something, but she is still young , did not distinguish whether it was dangerous, it was purely a provocation out of curiosity.

Also, in all likelihood, the transformed Deinocrocodile was eaten by this boy!

Who is it, how can even blood dolls be afraid of it!
The young man squeezed Tang Yan's arm with neither light nor heavy strength, but the jade-like delicate hand seemed to have some kind of strange power. Every time he kneaded, there would be a special warm feeling left behind. Touching it, golden stripes appeared on Tang Yan's body surface, and the Golden Elephant Art was automatically activated, and after that, the ghost green fire appeared automatically, and even the faint golden lines appeared on his forehead.

The more the boy squeezed, the more curious he became, and finally he forcibly extracted a few drops of Tang Yan's blood.

The blood essence seemed to be given life, sliding gently on the fingertips, sometimes transpiring into blood, and sometimes condensing into a special outline, with purple lines looming.

Tang Yan took the opportunity to take a closer look at the young man. There are such people in Leiyun Mountain?Or is it a hermit powerhouse attracted by the chaotic situation here?
"Demon Spirit Vein"

The boy's eyes suddenly flashed bright, and he stared at Tang Yan with burning eyes: "Are you from the demon spirit clan?"

"Ah? What demon spirit clan? Do you know the origin of this bloodline?" Tang Yan became interested, and looked at the young man even more intensely.I have been struggling with this bloodline problem for a long time, I want to stimulate it urgently, but I am also concerned about its level, I want to find out its secrets, but I am also slightly worried.

"You don't know?" The young man smiled, showing two delicate fangs, his already handsome face was even more charming, even Tang Yan was a little ashamed of himself, this kind of handsomeness always makes people strange Weird feeling.

"I really don't know, what grade is this spirit vein? What is the demon spirit clan?"

"Eight products!"

"Eight Grades" Tang Yan exclaimed in surprise, staring at the young man with fiery eyes.

Bapin?Doesn't it mean that it can devour eighth-level monsters?The existence of the demon emperor level?The potential to grow to that level again
But in the next second, the smile froze, devouring the demon emperor?This level is the top existence in the entire Qitian, but how many people are there to devour them by themselves?One look can wipe out your whole soul!

Not to mention the eighth-level monsters, the seventh-level is enough to dominate the world and dominate hundreds of millions of creatures, and it is not used to devour at all.

The young man smiled again, as if smiling happily, and looked at Tang Yan carefully: "Little guy, I'll ask you a question, and answer it truthfully."

"Say, you must tell what you know."

"You really don't know the Demon Spirit Race?"

"Really, it's more real than gold coins."

"Where were you born?"

"The Great Zhou Empire, the Tang Family of the Giant Elephant City."

"What's your father's name?"

"Tang Mingjing."

"Tang Mingjing" the young man silently read it a few times, and then said: "Your spirit veins should be different from this so-called Tang family, right? Did they tell you anything?"

"It is indeed different, but nothing has been said. I always feel that I am not my own. It seems to be true."

The teenager was amused: "It's kind of interesting."

"Can you introduce the demon spirit veins? And what other demon spirit clan?"

"I don't know what happened while I was sleeping, so I don't want to comment on it, but if you want to know your own life experience, you can go to the Forgotten Battle Realm."

"Lost in the Battle Realm? Where?"

"When you are strong enough, you will naturally know."

Tang Yan curled her lips and knew it would be like this, every time it was because she was not strong enough.

"I'll return this sword to you. If you can comprehend the third level of ancient warfare, it means that you have a relationship with War Demon, and you can be regarded as his half-disciple. War Demon and I are life-and-death friends. We once fought together in the Lost War Realm and left an immortal list , I hope you will revive its power in the future journey." The young man handed the ancient sword to Tang Yan himself.

"Then you are my uncle? Uncle?"

The young man smiled and said: "The little guy is good at friendship, but don't worry now. I will recognize you as a nephew when you really make a name for yourself in the Lost World."

"Then can you let my friend go?" Tang Yan smiled and hugged the trembling black girl into his arms.

"you sure?"

"Ah? Of course sure."

"Do you know what race it is?"

"do not know."

"Want to know?"

Tang Yan was about to say yes, but when the words came to his lips, it turned into: "I don't want to know, I just treat it as my good partner, and that's enough."

The young man said with a half-smile: "I remind you, it is only a juvenile now and has not passed on its memory. Once fully awakened, it will definitely return to its own group, and its group will never allow your existence. After awakening, it will Do your best to fight for everything that belongs to you, and you will not allow you to exist in your growth history, understand what I mean?"

"Let's talk about the future. There are no absolute things in the world." Tang Yan was a little puzzled. He remembered that the blood baby had said the same thing, but the black girl was raised by herself. ?

"Do as you please, but don't forget my reminder, it's best to maintain a suppressed attitude, otherwise the moment it wakes up, the first thing it will do is swallow you up."

"Don't worry, my girl doesn't eat raw meat." Tang Yan smiled and comforted the trembling black girl.

The young man got up and said: "Grow up as soon as possible, I will wait for you in the Lost Battle Realm, and your people will also be waiting for you in the Lost Battle Realm. When you go over, first look for me, then your people, remember this Order, otherwise if something happens, I can't keep you."

"Should I know your name?"

"My name is Jiuying!"

"Hello, Uncle Master." Tang Yan saluted respectfully. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing. It was thanks to Hei Niu that he even offered such a big man.

The boy picked up the spine of the deinosaur in front of him and was about to leave, but he found Tang Yan looking at him with a funny look.Slightly raising his eyebrows, his eyes were strange and he said: "You are not waiting for me to give you a gift, are you?"

Tang Yan scratched his head and said with a sneer: "A little embarrassing?"

The boy couldn't help laughing out loud: "It's interesting, little guy. The bones on the ground are for you. I activated the blood of this deinosaur. It's half an ancient alien species. The bones and scales are rare treasures."

"Thank you uncle, that's in your hand"

The young man looked at it for a while, took off three of the pale bones and put them away, that is, the three ancient animal bones that were forcibly fused into the deinosaurs earlier, and threw the other whole string of vertebrae at Tang Yan: "Put it away, remember What I told you, let’s see you in the world of war. It’s best to pass it within a hundred years, I have a poor memory, and it’s easy to forget you if it’s too long.”

(End of this chapter)

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