Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1972 Three Mutations

Chapter 1972 Three-Party Mutation
Too much pathos, too much tragedy, too much desolation.

With the howling of the rainstorm and the violent wind, as well as the shouts of death and glory, this killing feast was paved together.

With the successive deaths and serious injuries of high-level officials, and the fall of millions of troops, the defense line of the northern battlefield is crumbling.

Especially in the raptor defense battle that took place during the period, after the Tianpengling Falcon Troops suffered 18 suicide casualties, more than [-] raptors successfully broke through the [-] defensive barrier of the Third Fire Organization, and rushed towards In the depths of Beast Mountain.

The wind and thunder blast fort that stretched for a hundred miles to the north suffered a devastating blow.

All the [-] garrison disciples were killed in battle, slaughtered by the brutal and bloodthirsty raptor troops, and thousands of them were destroyed by wind and thunder.

The destruction of Fengleibao has greatly weakened the pressure on the demon domain, and they no longer have to panic, and no longer have to pay attention to the threats that may come at any time. This is the main reason why they will take down the Fengleibao fortress at the expense of more than [-] casualties.

The destruction of the wind and thunder explosion increased the pressure on the Zhanmeng in the northern battlefield, and severely damaged their confidence in continuing to hold the line of defense.Without backup, how can they counter the demon domain's offensive?
Really want to use the last 'ultimate move'?
Now is not the time!
Eastern battlefield!

Following Tang Yan's instructions, Xu Pojun weakened some defensive measures and concentrated his efforts to ensure casualties.Except for the old man Bai, the rest of the Air Force Unicom Overwatch troops have all arranged 'rescue missions'.

This minimizes high-level casualties.

As long as the high-level can suppress it, the eastern defense line can be firmly garrisoned.

It is precisely because of Xu Pojun's remote command that the eastern battlefield can barely resist the wild onslaught of millions of giants.Although it paid 80 million casualties, it at least withstood the seven-day storm wave, and there were only three times when the defense line was breached.

But war is war after all, casualties are inevitable, and tragedies will also be staged one after another.

Yin Xiyue, the former Princess of Yuhua Palace, was killed by the Pangu Sword.

Originally, she didn't need to participate in the war and could stay in the Palace of Heaven to take care of Nian'er, but she couldn't bear to be 'idle' again and again, and she didn't want to watch her sisters fight bloody battles outside while she stayed in the palace to enjoy herself, so...she was thinking of Nian'er After entrusting her to Xu Lengcheng, she rushed to the battlefield in the middle of the war.

However, the battlefield was too chaotic, the killing scenes filled hundreds of miles of mountains and fields, and the impact of countless giants frequently caused storms of destruction. Her efforts did not bring much success. Instead, after two days and one night of fighting, she was beheaded by a Pangu clan general. Killed by the knife.

The blood stained the gorgeous brocade robe, and the beautiful face was covered with gray.

All the voices and smiles, all the good memories... come to an abrupt end at this moment.

Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi felt something, and noticed Yin Xiyue's fall one after another.The two sisters fought back in grief and wanted revenge, so that they fell into the enemy's tide and were hunted and killed by the general. His intuition told him that the identities of these women were uninterrupted.

In the end, the watchman troops went all out to rescue and forcibly rescued the two palace masters.

However, Ling Ruoxi was seriously injured and grieved, and fell into a coma, life and death were unpredictable.

The first half of the Beast Spirit Hall, the Holy Nine-tailed Lynx, died in battle!

Carrying longing for Yueying, it risked its life to save Yueying's friend Mu Rou when it was in danger. It blew up its body and triggered a storm of destruction, saving Mu Rou who was on the verge of death.

Xue Tianchen fell!
He was a crazy man, he was crazy all his life, and he ended himself in madness.

Such a chaotic and completely out-of-control battlefield is a disaster for anyone, but for him it is no different from the temptation of drugs.

He went mad and gradually lost control during the five-day battle.

Xue Tianchen lost himself in the endless killing and excitement, and turned into a pure war monster.

He fought bloody non-stop for five days and five nights. With his own power, he slaughtered the three great half-sages, the seven great warriors, and more than [-] Pangu troops. Finally, he detonated himself under wild laughter and excitement, and died together with the fourth half-sage... !
Single-handedly created the most shocking 'achievements' in the two major battlefields in the Northeast, and he is also the only member of the Zhanmeng who dared to rush into the depths of the Pangu clan to kill the enemy in the two major battlefields.

Kong Wu wanted to save, and had a chance to save, but Xue Tianchen chose to stop because of self-destruct.

He was out of control, crazy, unable to control his behavior.

This may not be the result he wanted, but it is worthy of his madness all his life. The arrogant and passionate laughter before he blew up has become the most poignant picture in his life.

The Tang family, the Rao family, and the Wagang village also suffered huge casualties.

Lots of relatives, lots of friends.

Including the little golden monkey who had been with Tang Yan for many years, the three leaders of the Sandfall Mercenary Corps who went all the way from Canglan to the ruins, and so on, all died in the attack wave of the Pangu tribe.Matthews, Zhao Zimo, Tiansi, Tang Ba, etc. were all seriously injured and comatose, life and death were unpredictable, and they were all taken back from the enemy's sword by the watchmen and Kongwu. For this reason, the watchman troops suffered heavy casualties.

The continuous chaos in the two Northeast War Zones shook the world, the thunder clouds made up, and the thunder group went berserk. The deafening thunder was accompanied by the thunder clouds like huge waves, rushing endlessly at an altitude of [-] meters.

Heavy rains, howling winds, and earthquakes spread all over the place, and natural disasters swept across a small part of the Gonggu Mountains.

Jiuying fought against the Pangu Human Emperor and Mo Qilin alone, and through the joint efforts of Mo Yansheng and Suni Beast, they tore open the space, turned the emperor-level battlefield to the void, and isolated it from the Zhanmeng battlefield.

The battlefield between the Human Emperor and the Corpse Emperor moved to the depths of the Gonggu Mountains, and was also far away from the Zhanmeng area. They didn't care about the battle of the Zhanmeng, and the two concentrated their efforts to deal with their own battles.

During this period of heightened chaos in the Gongu Mountains, several other special events have drawn attention.

Morning of May [-]th!

The gate of the southeast fortress of the Demon Spirit Clan opened suddenly, and the violent roar reverberated in the Demon Territory, alarming all the demon clans.

The Tianwu Group Army, the Jinhui Group Army, and the current Ye Tianlang Group Army of the Royal Guards, and more than two million demon spirit clan troops made a high-profile attack. They were mighty and mighty, like a tide like the sea, and drove straight into the hinterland of the Demon Realm.

The flags are flying, and the dust and fog are flying.

The sudden action of the demon spirit clan was not only massive, but also murderous.

Western Xinjiang, Northern Xinjiang, and Eastern Xinjiang, the major military camps in the three major territories were fully assembled, and all the fortresses were closed one after another.

A series of actions were like a huge wave, hitting the northern continent that was 'watching the battle', stirring up countless 'sprays'.

What do the demon spirits want to do?
The three major armies?
There is also the Qing Yao Group Army entrenched in the southeast fortress, eyeing it like a tiger!

The lineup and intentions are not generally large! !

This is also the first time in thousands of years that the Yaoling tribe has invested more than 200 million troops in a battlefield outside the western border, especially the current Imperial Guard Ye Sirius Army.

Donghuangyue and Tianpengling, the two big monster clans are highly tense. They immediately dispatch elite beast clans to move to the west. They must closely monitor the movement direction of the three major armies of the monster spirit clan. attitude.

The demon spirit clan is coming fiercely, they must be coming to the demon domain, otherwise, what else can they do? ?

The Star Clan, the Spirit Clan, and the two ancient Golden Clans were the most shaken.

Could it be that the Demon Spirit Race wants to take this opportunity to defeat the Demon Realm? ?

Looks like now is not the time, right?
The two clans did not give up the situation of confrontation, but the clan quickly blew an assembly order, and each assembled a group of troops to push to their respective southern borders, and joined forces with the southern border guards to join forces.

Evening on May [-]th!

The Star Clan and the Spirit Clan announced their attack on the Demon Realm at the same time, and each clan sent two army groups to move south quickly.

Now that the Demon Spirit Clan made a move, how could they let go of the opportunity.

It happened to be a joint operation to avenge Mo Qilin's attack years ago.

In this way, from the 11th to the No. 600, in just two days, the entire Northern Continent was completely insane, and an army of more than [-] million people formed a dense attack storm, crushing towards the demon domain.

That momentum, that battle power, made the weak Yaoyu tremble, and made countless ordinary monsters flee in panic.

The Emperor of Stars and the Emperor of Holy Spirit all took command of the expedition in person, assuming a gesture of completely destroying the demon realm.

Donghuangyue and Tianpengling unite again to deal with this human invasion.

They expected that the human race would attack, but not now, at least until the situation of the Zhanmeng became clear.However, the powerful advance of the Yaoling clan and the fierce momentum made them feel the determination of the Yaoling clan, and the follow-up attack of the star clan and the spirit clan even led to the conclusion of more than six million troops.

However, in order to deal with the Battle of Zhanmeng, both Tianpengling and Donghuangyue invested a huge amount of power in the battlefield of Zhanmeng, so that their own strength was very lacking. How to deal with such a large number of "United South Invasion of Humans"?
The two demon kings, Eastern Emperor Chaos and Golden Winged Tianpeng, both felt the heavy pressure, but they had no choice but to fight forcefully.

In the eighth year of the era, at noon on May [-]th, under the premise that the situation of the Zhanmeng continued to "fester", all parties clearly saw the signs of the "fallen" of the Zhanmeng, and saw the future of the Zhanmeng ending in destruction.

So...the Li Demon Clan, the Stone Demon Clan, the two major demon clans allied forces, and concluded that 500 million demon troops marched eastward in an all-round way.

The primary targets of the two major demon clans are all the Asuras. We must remove this threat first, completely destroy the Asuras, and then we can safely invade the East.

The Evil Ghost Clan, which has been silent in the western border, is eager to try, gathering 150 million demon troops, bypassing the northern border of the Stone Demon Clan, and marching towards the Abyss of Cangwu.This is also the first time that the Evil Ghost Clan actively participated in the Southern Continent War in ten thousand years.

The coalition forces of the Asura and Sea God clan fought with all their strength, showing the trend of a bloody battle to the end.

In the eighth year of the Era, from May [-]th to the early morning of the [-]th.

The Li Demons were the first to collide with the Asura troops, and the Stone Demons detoured from the north and rushed to the battlefield quickly.

However... just under the two major changes of "monster melee" and "demon invasion", all parties have noticed the abnormal situation from the demon domain.

During this period, the troops of the Star Clan, the Spirit Clan, and the two clans confronted Tianpeng Ridge and Donghuangyue respectively. The war broke out in an all-out way, and the human race was tyrannical, threatening to destroy the demon realm.The momentum of the Monster Spirit Clan's army was increasing instead of decreasing, but the direction was getting more and more wrong. It didn't seem like they were going to detour to attack Donghuang Mountain and Tianpeng Mountain in the central area, but like... heading south? !

What do the demon spirits want to do? ?Do you want to interfere in the battlefield of Zhanmeng?
Impossible, what does Zhanmeng have to do with them?Save Zhanmeng?Unreasonable.Fight against the coalition forces in the demon domain?But more than 200 million troops seem unable to affect the overall situation.

Just when all parties were amazed at the strange behavior of the Monster Spirit Clan, the offensive and defensive battle of the Zhanmeng once again experienced a terrible upheaval, almost declaring the "official collapse" of the Zhanmeng.

(End of this chapter)

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