Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1973 Eastern War Disaster

Chapter 1973 Eastern War Disaster
Tens of thousands of beasts spread across the battlefield for hundreds of miles. Under the strong wind and rain, lightning and earthquakes, the chaotic scene is completely impossible to observe with the naked eye. The lives in it are like small boats in the ocean, small and weak. The master of fate is being teased by God and may be overthrown at any time.

In this endless war and natural disasters, the "Six Eyes Sky Fox" belonging to the Tianmang Domain broke through the rain curtain, enslaved the strong wind, like a petrel in a heavy rain, stubbornly and tenaciously crossed the battlefield, came from the east, and went straight to 200 meters High in the sky, rays of light and holy prestige erupted, screaming loudly: "On the eastern battlefield, there are only more than one million Zhanmeng forces left, and the Pangu clan has [-] million troops, which is twice the difference! With a large number of killers controlling the field, it is difficult for the Pangu tribe to make a breakthrough in a short period of time, so I ask His Royal Highness Huo Qilin for permission to make a proposal! Go east!"

"Okay! Everyone in the Demon Realm! Listen to my orders!" The fire unicorn blasted away the clouds, and an endless sea of ​​flames bloomed. In the battlefield, it impacted the eardrums of all monsters and Zhanmeng troops.

Ow! !
The tide of 800 million beasts roared high and loudly, responding to the thunder tide, roaring and shaking the battlefield, even the ground trembled.

The bloody and wild nature is undoubtedly revealed in the blood and fire.

"Back up 200 million beast hordes, with the raptors as the vanguard, all move to the east, push the east gate of the war alliance before dark, and the remaining 600 million beast hordes...accelerate the onslaught!!"

Huo Qilin issued a new war order, stirring up the vast battlefield, and even terrifying the north gate of the Zhanmeng.

"Let me invite you to fight!!" The twelve great demon saints, including Shiying Huan Diao and Huanhai Kingdie, shouted collectively. Fox also rushed towards Yaoyu's reserve team.

"Come back!! You don't need so many!!" Fire Qilin roared angrily.

"Every department listens to the order, follow kill!!" The thirteen demon saints ignored them, and each ordered the teams in their own territories to forcibly set off and advance to the east.

"Damn it, who told them to go??" Huo Qilin was a little annoyed, and the commanders in charge of Donghuangyue and Tianpengling also roared, but in the face of the continuous onslaught of the Zhanmeng powerhouses, apart from roaring, they really couldn't tell where they were from to block.

Huo Qilin listened to the suggestion from Liumu Tianhu's secret voice this morning - to suspend the offensive in the north and take the east first.

So Tianhu was sent to the east to investigate the situation, and if it was appropriate, he would act immediately.

But the battlefield was really chaotic, Huo Qilin accepted the suggestion and issued an order, but he didn't have time to make a plan, so he could only shout loudly after getting the report.

I thought it would be enough to have five or six demon saints to act, but thirteen of them were withdrawn in a hurry!

It turned out to be so straightforward! !
It seems that they have been perfunctorily attacking all this time, and there is no real bloody battle!
Otherwise, how could it be possible to withdraw immediately? !
No matter what, I can't control it anymore.The people in charge of the Three Great Demon Ridges didn't scold them too much, and chose to accept it tacitly after venting.

It doesn't matter if there are 200 demon saints, and the [-] demon saints combined with the [-] million beast tide are enough to break through the eastern gate in a short time, drive straight in from the east, and then rush to the northern battlefield.

At that time, with two sides attacking, Zhanmeng is not far from being destroyed! !
"Stop them!!" Tiangang Spirit Ape roared bloody, almost ignited by blood and anger.

Who said that Yaoyu can't use tactics?
Once a wave of 200 million beasts rushes towards the eastern battlefield, it is equivalent to 400 million powerful enemies joining forces to encircle and suppress a million Zhanmeng troops!
Four times the number is enough to form absolute suppression, and any defensive work will be paperless by then!
"Don't act rashly, the overall situation is stable, no troops are allowed to leave the defense area without authorization, and give me all the strength to defend the line! Those who disobey the order, beheaded!"

Ke Zunshan roared with all his strength, his voice trembling with the storm and wind, and he tried his best to stabilize the battlefield.

The northern battlefield is on the verge of collapse, and it is impossible to defend against it. There must be no chaos, otherwise the violent beast horde will completely smash the northern defense line and drive straight in. At that time, let alone saving the eastern battlefield, even the northern battlefield will collapse.

"Think of a way!" Nian Wuqing anxiously ordered, but who will respond in the boiling battlefield?Who can answer!
"All Kongwu, all go east!! It's all!!" Ma Yanwang and Ke Zunshan roared in unison.

"Air Forces, all advance eastward!!" The Immortal Phoenix also announced loudly.

They were all trapped in their respective battle circles, unable to struggle at all, any distraction would be devastated, and the result of any struggle would be either death or injury, and they were really powerless to withdraw and move eastward.

We can only pin our hopes on Grandma Ma and the other Holy Realm Kongwu, as well as the three and half holy Kongwu!

Now that the northern battlefield has suddenly withdrawn thirteen demon saints, the pressure on the upper echelon of the Zhanmeng has weakened a little. With the absence of the 200 million beasts preparing for the horde, the pressure on the northern battlefield has also weakened appropriately.Although it would be tantamount to a great adventure to let Kongwu all leave, but they really can't spare the strength to reinforce the east, and they are more concerned about the Temple of Heaven, so they can only make this bad plan.

"Niya still has a [-]% chance of winning! Trust her!" Amidst the confusion, Nian Wuxin issued an order.

This cry is very vague, and it is not expected to ignite the confidence of the audience, at least it can give all the troops something to look forward to and hope for.

Otherwise, chaos and anxiety would ruin the northern battlefield of Zhanmeng in the continuous fermentation.

Ke Zunshan yelled again: "Grandma Ma! Once the situation in the east is out of control, immediately start the final killing game!! Give priority to the eastern battlefield, and come to the north finally!!"

"Take care!!" Granny Ma, Lin Zhongcun Shengjing Kongwu, and the other three semi-sacred Kongwu bowed down towards the entire northern battlefield, and they all stepped into the void.

In the eighth year of the Era, at noon on May [-].

The roar of 200 million beast tides trampling mountains and rivers, and the fierce might of the thirteen great demon saints once again alarmed all the spectator forces in the Gonggu Mountains. The overwhelming beast tide covered the sky and flooded the mountains. Movement and ruins, moving forward wildly in the darkness.

It's like a terrifying monster crawling out of the ancient times, carrying the might of the sky, destroying the earth, and walking out of the darkness.

The spectator forces in the eastern and northeastern regions, as well as the native beast hordes in the Gonggu Mountains, fell into complete silence. They stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of them, lost their thoughts.Only the shaking eyes are full of all kinds of terrifying monsters; only the beating heart and the roar of the earth are in harmony; only the ears are deafening.

Is the war alliance coming to an end? !

The united front is really 'tight', and the lonely Yaoyu will send out forces to help the Pangu tribe? !A large-scale tactical use unexpectedly came to the savage Yaoyu.

Is this someone's opinion to the senior management of Yaoyu?Which demon master can make the decision?

I have to give a big thumbs up!
The thirteen great demon saints and 200 million beast hordes, once they really enter the eastern battlefield, the eastern gate of the Zhanmeng will definitely not be able to withstand it.I believe that after dark, it must be completely destroyed.

Apart from destruction, there is no second end to the Eastern Battlefield of Zhanmeng.

They seem to have seen the scene of the "tide of giants and beasts" submerging the eastern mountains of the Zhanmeng, and the scene of millions of troops of the Zhanmeng mourning under the trampling of the tide of beasts and giants.

The tragic picture and the catastrophic scene made everyone watching the battle shudder.

"Report! Something big happened! Two million beasts have been transferred from the northern battlefield, led by the thirteen great demon saints, and they are rushing towards our eastern battlefield!!" A golden light crossed the sky, and the golden eagle in charge of monitoring descended on the main hall of the Temple of Heaven. anxious.

"What?!" Xu Pojun's tense face turned pale in an instant, and he didn't come back to his senses after standing there for a long time.

"What should we do? 200 million beast hordes, the thirteen demon saints! There is still more than an hour before they all arrive at the eastern battlefield. Do we have any other emergency preparations?" Jin Ying was anxious, regardless of his status.

"Two million beast tides...the thirteen great demon saints...the eastern part is about to end." Xu Pojun slowly got up, walked to the main entrance of the main hall weakly, and murmured to himself: "I have nothing to do here."

He didn't know the deployment of Zhanmeng, he was only temporarily assigned to command the eastern battlefield.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, the 200 million beast tide combined with the sudden participation of the thirteen holy realms will definitely ruin the eastern theater from beginning to end, crushing it into a mess, how many people will survive?How many people can survive?Under absolute suppression, all defenses are so ridiculous.

Nalan Yanran, who was staying behind at the Temple of Heaven, said: "There is a last resort! It is also the last round of Zhanmeng's battle!"

"Oh? What is it? Tell me quickly." Watchman No. [-] also stayed in the Temple of Heaven, responsible for guarding the temple, and passing orders to outsiders at any time to control the battlefield according to Xu Pojun's requirements.

"All retreat to the central holy mountain, and detonate the entire hundreds of miles of beast mountains outside the holy mountain with the chaotic sky seizing array. Borrowing the power of 'Seven Turtles Chaoyang' is equivalent to borrowing the power of the entire Gonggu Mountain Range, which is enough to destroy Yaoyu and most of the Pangu clan's troops, this is the last killer move in our plan."

Nalan Yanran is very confident in this killing situation. They have managed the 'Beast Mountain' for several years, and borrowed the power of Qigui Chaoyang to integrate the entire mountain group into a whole. Once it is detonated, the power will be immeasurable.

When all the surviving forces of the Zhanmeng retreat to the central area, the coalition forces of the Yaoyu and Pangu tribes will inevitably surround it and spread out a wide area. Once it is detonated... it will definitely be destroyed in pieces.

Xu Pojun frowned: "Detonated Zhanmeng?! Who can make up his mind? I don't have that authority!"

"Since this decision has been made, the hall masters have come to this realization. But is not the time of last resort." Nalan Yanran knew that the Zhanmeng was the hope of all of them, and it was their survival in the Lost Zhanjie. Root, unless it is different, it is absolutely impossible to destroy it.

Watchman No. [-] suddenly said: "When I just came back, you said that Miss Niya has a secret treasure?"

(End of this chapter)

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