Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1988 Demon Domain Retreat

Chapter 1988 Demon Domain Retreat
On the evening of May [-]th.

The first batch of southeastern reinforcements arrived in Zhanmeng, totaling more than [-] people.

Although their combat power is limited, and their numbers are a drop in the bucket, their arrival is at least a new hope, and it can better represent the attitudes and tendencies of the southeastern ministries towards this war.

Besides, the vanguard has come, can the other troops be far behind?
At this moment, even the forces watching the battle had to accept the reality, and this peerless war might really be reversed.

At nightfall, the fourth batch of 50 troops of the Yaoling clan, led by Marshal Tang Xindian, and accompanied by two military elders, Tang Zhibai and Tang Yuanque, arrived in the northern area of ​​Zhanmeng.

As soon as they stepped out of the void, they endured the invasion of strong winds and rainstorms, and felt the natural disasters of thunder, lightning and earthquakes.

Here the sky is dim and the earth is dark, the mountains and rivers are mourning, and the endless sound waves fill the sky and the earth, echoing in the ears, deafening.

Where is the battlefield, more like hell!
The 50 troops stared at the bloody battlefield at the end of the line of sight through the heavy rain and flickering thunder. They couldn't see anything clearly, only the outline washed by the heavy rain and strong wind, but the grandeur and tragedy of the tens of millions of battlefields, And the fierce and bloody war, anyone can feel it clearly.

"Ma Long... Wuxin... Heartless... Wuyi... Wude..." Tang Zhibai silently chanted the names of his old brothers, excited, apprehensive, emotional, and looking forward to it.

Longing to see each other, but also worried about the sour moment when the eyes intertwine.

"Leave the two air soldiers, and the rest will go back with me." Mo Yansheng left an exclusive semi-holy-level air force for Tang Zhibai and Tang Yuanque, two military elders, so that they can redeploy and control the troops of the Zhanmeng , to better display the current strength of Zhanmeng.

A top military powerhouse with the ability to control the battlefield, as well as grasp the current situation and fighter opportunities, can double the strength of an army.And the tens of millions of battlefields are so difficult to control, even with Tang Zhibai's ability, he is unable to control it alone, so Tang Zhibai and Tang Yuanque need to work together, with the help of empty weapons.

Ke Zunshan was originally capable of defending, but since the start of the war, the top management of the Zhanmeng is too weak. He has to fight against the Martial Saint himself, so that he is unable to take care of the defense. This has caused the current Zhanmeng to be very chaotic in terms of military deployment and control.

On May [-]th, after nightfall, Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive battle officially entered a reversal moment.

The fourth batch of reinforcements from the Demon Spirit Clan arrived, and Tang Zhibai and Tang Yuanque accepted the important task of regulation, bringing a new sorting out and regulation to the chaotic troops of the Zhanmeng.

And with the basic stability of the battle situation and the filling of high-level forces, the scarred General Ke Zunshan also retreated to the defense, taking charge of the military deployment of the entire field, and formed a tacit cooperation with Tang Zhibai and Tang Yuanque, two military leaders.

The reinforcements spontaneously organized in the southeast also arrived one after another tonight, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands. They did not cooperate, but they were full of enthusiasm. They had no rules, but they fought fiercely and crazily.

At nightfall, Qi Lufu showed his iron sword again and captured the peak demon saint of Tianpeng Ridge——Hailian Heipeng!
First was Huo Qilin, and then Bailian Heipeng, both were peak demon saints and the sons of the demon emperor, but they were killed and captured by Qi Lufu one after another, so ferocious.

No one has ever seen Qi Lufu make a move before. Today, all forces are fortunate to witness it with their own eyes, and even appreciate the peerless ferocity of this mountain and river iron sword.

Sure enough, Daquan Martial Saint is the real closest level to the imperial realm.

The arrest of Bailian Heipeng angered the troops of Tianpeng Ridge, and because of this, the tide of more than a million beasts in Tianpeng Ridge quickly had a strong disagreement—many monsters wanted to save Heipeng, otherwise they would not be able to follow According to the Demon Emperor, some monsters advocated a complete evacuation, thinking that Tianpeng Ridge no longer had the strength to continue the war.

Their differences are so stark that there are vague signs of infighting.

On the magnificent battlefield, this kind of scene is really conspicuous, and it naturally attracted attention.

Tang Zhibai, who was in the west, and Ke Zunshan, who was in the middle, discovered the situation at the same time, and immediately mobilized their forces to encircle and suppress them. They gathered more than one million troops from Ye Sirius and Thunder Wolf, and went through many battlefields. They cooperated with Xiang Tianpeng, who had been attacking here. The Ling side collectively attacked.

The strong attack of the Zhanmeng exacerbated the chaos in Tianpeng Ridge, and their chaos gradually affected the overall situation, so that in the middle of the night and early morning, the Tianpeng Ridge troops completely lost control and were defeated by the elites of Ye Sirius and Thunder Wolf. Made a pair of skewers and cut them into four parts.

Tang Zhibai made a decisive decision, eased the offensive of two of them, and concentrated more forces to wipe out the other two.

All the nine brothers and sisters of the Tang family joined the battle circle, and cooperated with Tang Shou's Ye Sirius army to launch a frenzied onslaught.

The Tianpengling troops were in civil strife due to differences, and the chaos was even worse at this moment, let alone mutual reinforcements.

The nine brothers and sisters of the Tang family shined brilliantly and became the most dazzling 'butchers' in this chaotic area.

On May [-]th, the upheaval officially entered the third day, and it was also the third day when the disaster started.

Mu Qilin and Xingfan Dragon Spider had to give the order to retreat.

However, the fifth batch of demon spirit clan's troops also arrived in full force today, and the more than one million troops formed in the southeastern region basically rushed to the battlefield tonight.

With the investment of two vital forces, a tenacious defensive lineup was formed in the rear, and they firmly guarded the way back from the demon realm.

The most important aspect is that the continuous decline of high-level powerhouses in the demon domain such as Huo Qilin has caused more and more holy and semi-holy powers to be vacated in the Zhanmeng. Has absolute control over high-level power.

As long as the higher-ups can control the field, they can better influence ordinary troops, and the entire battlefield will be played more clearly.

At the same time, the successful transfer of the demon spirit clan's team freed Mo Yansheng and other air forces, and they also went into battle after the early morning.

The strong joining of the major military forces gave all the troops from the top to the bottom of the Zhanmeng the power of 'instant transfer', and a vast and huge encirclement circle quickly formed, trapping the more than four million surviving troops of the Yaoyu in all directions.

So far, Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive war has entered the later stage amidst ups and downs.

The surviving troops of the Zhanmeng carried their exhausted and injured bodies and launched the last round of onslaught. They persisted for eight or nine days, and finally came to the end of their hardships. They must taste the joy of victory at this moment, even if they die on the battlefield. No hesitation.

During the continuation of the upheaval of the Zhanmeng, the war in the demon domain was in full swing, and the invasion of the demons was also brutal.

The Spirit Clan and the Star Clan did not form an alliance, but millions of troops marched together, and violently crushed the troops of Tianpeng Ridge and Donghuangyue. The arrogance of revenge was very high, forcing the troops of the two demon mountains to continue to retreat.

The Monster Territory is not good at defense, but given the temporary scarcity of the overall strength, they really can't mobilize more forces to carry out a fierce attack, not to mention the two ancient clans are coming menacingly, and there are millions of troops from the Monster Spirit Race that are 'hoarding' in the south-central , eyeing.

The coalition forces of the Li Demon Clan and the Stone Demon Clan broke through the seven defensive lines of the Asura Clan in succession, forming a faint encirclement situation.

Both the Asura Clan and the Sea God Clan underestimated the Demon Clan's determination to invade this time, and its intensity was no less than last year's Battle of the Cangwu Abyss, and it was likely to destroy the Asura Clan.

But it was at the time when the demon realm and the Demon Race battlefield continued to escalate, the news of the drastic changes in the offensive and defensive battles from the Zhanmeng finally reached their hands, from the rebellion of the thirteen demon saints, to the intervention of the demon spirit clan, and the transfer of demon spirits from the air force Troops, to the eerie 'resurrected from the dead' event.

A series of astonishing news came one after another, triggering waves of sensation.

People really can't accept the fact that the demon spirit clan intervenes, but they understand the real reason why the demon spirit clan's more than 200 million troops continue to go south. From the beginning to the end, they want to intervene in the Zhanmeng event. The poor star clan and the spirit clan have been tricked.

But what people can't figure out is that the demon spirit clan is using the Zhanmeng campaign to attack the Tianmang domain and completely destroy the power of the Tianmang domain?Or did they secretly form an alliance with Zhanmeng?
If it is the former, it is reasonable and acceptable, but if it is the latter, things will be complicated.

The impact on the two battlefields of Yaoyu and Mozu has become more and more serious.

First, Tianpengling and Donghuangyue launched a counterattack. They don't have to worry about the sneak attack of the 200 million troops of the Yaoling clan, and they can fight with confidence. The abnormal behavior of the Yaoling clan also caused psychological pressure on the Xingchen clan and the Lingzu. Gradually slow down.

The offensives of the Li Demon and Stone Demon tribes have slowed down, but they only allocated part of their forces as a backup force to guard against accidents, and the main force concentrated on attacking the Ashura tribe.

Only the high-spirited evil ghosts chose to suspend and camped near the Cangwu Abyss, wary of the unexpected and intensified offensive and defensive battles of the Zhanmeng.

(End of this chapter)

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