Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1989

Chapter 1989
May [-]th, Year [-]!
On the tenth day of Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive battle, under the intense attention of all parties, Yaoyu still failed to persist to the end, and did not bring hope to those who had illusions. Millions of beasts encountered a full-fledged Waterloo in the northern part of Zhanmeng. It was a mess from top to bottom.

After Bailian Heipeng was captured alive, Donghuangyue's golden war beast 'Xingfan Dragon Spider' was killed by Tigris, and Mu Qilin was trapped by Tang Shou, Tang Zang, Tang Juan, the secret skills of the three martial sages, and Ren The sky burial sucks the soul.

The three supreme commanders of the three great monster mountains were either killed or captured, causing the already fragile ruling system of the monster domain to collapse. More than 400 million beasts were either angry or panicked, so that they completely lost control.The huge group of monsters fought on their own, just to escape and no longer attack.Especially the teams between different Yaolings completely lost their cooperation and reinforcements.

Ke Zunshan, Tang Zhibai, and Tang Yuanque each took on the command responsibility of a region, firmly controlled their own theater, and made use of the powerful assault capabilities of the Thunder Wolf Troops to divide the beast hordes in their respective theaters into battle circles of different sizes , Carry out key strikes and encircle and suppress divisions.

Unprecedented blood and passion erupted from all over the Zhanmeng, and the offensive wave after wave was stronger than the wave.

The chaos of the beast horde was higher than the other, and it was no longer possible to form an effective unified command, and it became a mess from top to bottom.

This last riot lasted for a full five hours until night fell on the [-]th, and the offensive and defensive battle of the Zhanmeng officially ended in desolation and blood!

Zhanmeng's onslaught of encirclement and suppression, regardless of losses, caused heavy casualties on its own side, but the record it received was equally brilliant.

Except for the tens of millions of beasts fleeing into the Gonggu Mountains, the remaining three million beasts were all trapped, some died in battle, and some died in battle, drawing a sad end to the bloody melee on the northern battlefield.

However, considering that there are another 200 million beast hordes wandering deep in the rainforest, plus this million beast horde, the number is still very large. The Zhanmeng has no time to rest, let alone taste the sweetness of victory. Direct decision.

After a brief rest, the 200 million troops of the Demon Spirit Clan went out again to encircle and suppress the remaining forces in the Demon Realm.The Zhanmeng also mobilized 100 million active forces to sweep the Gonggu Mountains.

More than a million reinforcements from the southeast naturally took up this glorious mission, and cooperated with the Zhanmeng to encircle and suppress deserters from the Demon Realm.

Mo Yansheng, Suni Beast, Granny Ma, and Old Man Bai, the four kongwu masters moved to the battlefield of the corpse emperor, joined forces with Qitian Renhuang to forcefully attack, and moved the battlefield to the depths of the void.

The Four Great Kong Wu must cooperate with Qitian Renhuang, and use the power of the void to destroy the Corpse Emperor.

The corpse emperor's family is already extinct, and they will never allow the corpse emperor to continue to survive outside, otherwise the corpse emperor who has lost his own clan will have no scruples, will be blinded by hatred, and will become a threat to the entire world, and can do anything Come out, even at the expense of disobeying the agreement of 'the emperor does not kill the saint'.

A battle lasted for ten days. This was a ten-day event that was remembered by the world, and it was also a ten-day event that caused a sensation in all directions. Natural disasters and human disasters destroyed hundreds of miles of Jinxiu Mountains and Rivers inside and outside the Zhanmeng into ruins. The northern area of ​​Beast Mountain and The eastern region is even more fragmented.The "sorrowful pen and ink" of these wars completely smeared the Zhanmeng inside and out.

At the end of the war, the demon spirit clan shouldered the heavy responsibility of pursuing, and the remaining Zhanmeng fell down in pieces.

Whether it was monsters or humans, many of them got down on the spot.

They fell in the ruins, in the pile of corpses, and in the arms of their companions. They were tired, injured, and reached their limits. After the last surge of pride, their consciousness was spinning and their bodies were numb.

Even many high-ranking Martial Venerables, Semi-Saints, and Saint Realms fell helplessly at the moment of victory.

Some fell asleep exhausted, some fell into a coma in pain, and some wept with joy, kneeling in the bloody mud, laughing hoarsely in the face of the heavy rain, and weeping in the face of the strong wind.

ten days!Ten days of hell!
How many people died, and how many people died.

All the dead are worthy of respect.

Those who survived did not have a scroll, and it was not a fluke.

Tang Yan sat paralyzed on the top of a mountain in the north, his face was pale, weak, and even his black hair was graying.His hands have lost consciousness due to the constant beating of the scalp drum, skinny and yellowed, skinny, drained of blood and essence.

Although borrowing the power of hell, it is not its own power.

If you want to control the entire northern part of the field, it is rare and huge, and you can imagine the potential and blood you can squeeze, not to mention the sleepless three days before and after, and the continuous swipe.

Tang Yan stood up tremblingly, and walked to the edge of the cliff, but his feet were rooted and stood firmly.

He stared at the mountains, rivers and sky, at the endless devastation.

The world is still dark, the wind is still roaring, the rainstorm is still pouring, the thunder and dark clouds are still rolling, but the echoing shouts of killing are no longer there.

The battlefield that had been boiling for ten days fell into silence at this moment.

They were exhausted, tired, and had no energy to speak, and just wanted to sleep soundly with the joy of victory.

"Thank you." Tang Yan propped up his weak body and slowly bent towards the north, paying tribute to the ruins, potholes and corpses in the bloody water, as well as the comatose and sleeping survivors.The victory of Zhanmeng cannot be separated from anyone's efforts, bravery and tenacity.

He mourns the dead and is proud of the dead.

He rejoiced for the living, but also felt sad for the living.

The victory finally came at this moment, but no one, including Tang Yan, was as happy as expected, let alone look forward to the glory of the future.

Tang Yan bent down in sentimentality, knelt down while kneeling, and knelt down again... and fell down feebly... Niya appeared on the top of the mountain, weakly tilted, and hugged the unconscious Tang Yan softly.With the remaining strength, he moistened his tired and dry body, and wiped the dirt on his face with a bright handkerchief.

Speechless, hurting in the silence; drooping eyelids, tired in the embrace.

The dead are miserable, and the living are lucky.

A fierce battle, is it not the tempering of life and death.

Anyone can die. In any battle circle, at any time, once they fall down, Yin and Yang will be separated, all prosperity and feelings will come to an abrupt end, and they will not even be able to say goodbye to their loved ones, and have no chance to say goodbye to their own life. A review, a nostalgia.

Those who survived might as well be a new life.

All kinds of feelings, who can understand.

Niya held Tang Yan in her arms, softly and silently.His thoughts were depressed, his eyes seemed hazy.Consciousness is hazy, but occasionally flashes of pictures from the past, all kinds of past, seem to be blurred, but seem to be so clear.

It's been a long time since I talked to each other, and I haven't cared about warmth for a long time.He who was once a child has not clinged to his arms and begged for a hug for a long time.Everything is changing, this is the price and burden of growth.

The world is dark, the wind is howling, the rain is pouring, washing the mountains and rivers, washing them, but the world seems to be so quiet, it has never been so quiet in three or five years, the sky is cold, but the embrace of each other is so warm.

Chocolate picked up Zhaoyi and the others in silence, and returned to the devastated eastern battlefield, to the ruins of the torrential rain.

Holding Yin Xiyue's tattered corpse in her arms, Zhaoyi sat slumped, dazed in a sluggish way, letting the rain pour down, washing herself, splashing mud, letting the strong wind shake her wet hair, and letting the strong blood flow on her face. Floating in a hazy world.

The three sisters have the most sincere and sincere feelings. From the ancient land of Canglan to the Dayan Mountains, from the Central Plains to the Mountain of Eternal Beasts, and finally from the Qitian Continent to the World of Lost Battles, the companionship along the way, the true love of thousands of years, never imagined. After losing each other, but at this moment yin and yang are separated.

Luo Hu was rarely quiet, covered in scars, sitting cross-legged on the top of Jianfeng, facing the lightning and thunder, looking at the ruins hundreds of miles away.The difficulty and tragedy of this battle has far surpassed the invasion of the corpse royal family back then. The six-day passive defense has caused too much tragedy and desolation.

That desolation, that solemnity, made people crazy during the war, and made people sad after the war.

Thousands of words, only a sigh: "A lot of people died."

Tian Si was scarred, weak and painful. She lay in Zhao Zimo's arms, her tender body trembling slightly in response to the coldness and pain, her tired eyes were hazy in the rain, and she looked absently at the battlefield full of corpses and blood. .

What can't be extinguished in my mind is the bloody and ferocious faces during the war, the butcher knives wielded and the cruel martial arts. The most unforgettable thing is probably Xue Tianchen's self-destruct.

Before and after the self-explosion, Xue Tianchen's battlefield was not far from her. The hysteria in the last quarter of an hour, the endless laughter and pride in the last self-exposure deeply touched her soul.

Tiansi and Xue Tianchen have looked at each other for many years, but this is the first time they have looked at him head-on.

The indescribable feeling is only a bleak blockage in my heart.

"It's all over, it's over." Zhao Zimo gently stroked her wet long hair, hugging her trembling delicate body, but he didn't have that sadness and sentimentality.

Several times, I was snatched alive by Kongwu from the enemy's butcher's knife. Without their rescue, I would have been a cold corpse, lying desolately in the mud and blood, accepting the wash of the heavy rain, and accepting the death of my brothers. The sentimentality of relatives and friends.

There are many life and death experiences, but this time has never been unforgettable.

Not only because of my own life-and-death struggle, but also the self-destruction and tragedy of thousands of acquaintances, time and time again engraved in my heart, in my eyes, and in my soul.

(End of this chapter)

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