Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1990 Rise of Zhanmeng

Chapter 1990 Rise of Zhanmeng
The victory of the Zhanmeng's offensive and defensive battle did not arouse cheers within the Zhanmeng. They all did what they should do, and they came to the end in the fight and perseverance. Now they don't care about victory anymore, and their tired spirit is gone. The power of celebration.

But unlike Zhanmeng's silence and low-key, the shock and sensation caused by external forces have intensified.

Zhanmeng's victory in this battle can be said to have exceeded the expectations of the whole world.

The meaning of victory is too great and too heavy.

The sudden participation of the demon spirit clan in the battle at a special moment is even more significant.

During this war, the most concerned ones were the "annihilation of the corpse royal family" and "the end of the hatred of the Pangu clan".

This strong rise of the Zhanmeng is tantamount to stepping on the destruction of the two ancient golden clans and moving towards the pinnacle of the world.

So far, no one dares to refuse to accept, no one dares to question.

Zhanmeng, a special group of mixed human race, demon race, demon race, and hybrid types, just walked into the sight of the world's heroes in the endless war and destruction, and brutally determined its unbreakable position.

With continuous wars and victories, the name of the supreme overlord has been confirmed.

Different from the war demons and war clans that were once short-lived in the pan, this new type of force broke the shackles of the world with its own efforts and brilliant fighting power, truly destroyed one of the ancient golden clans, and confirmed its peak status.

Moreover, without the threats of the Corpse Emperor Clan, the Pangu Clan, and the Monster Realm, Zhanmeng will not be threatened by natural enemies for a long time in the future, so it will naturally thrive with a crazy attitude.Relying on its extremely strong lineup, it will rule most of the southern continent.

The future prospects are unlimited!
A victory caused so many sighs and emotions.

And this sensation is destined to last for a long time, affecting a new round of change and chaos in the entire Forgotten War world.

It is undeniable that Zhanmeng will continue to rise, become stronger and bigger.In the present and in the future, it is conceivable that it will bring oppression to all forces, and it will certainly attract hateful eyes.However, unless the powerful clans of all parties form a strategic alliance again and join forces for a surprise attack, or the demons decide to destroy the alliance, no one can easily threaten it or hinder it.

Will the Eastern Demon Realm go south immediately?Will the Western Devils attack with all their strength?Will they seize the temporarily weak state of the Zhanmeng and deal it a devastating blow?
History quickly gave the answer!
On May [-], the eighth year of the Era, the evil ghosts withdrew from the invasion of the demons, announcing the beginning of the 'end'.

The evil ghost clan, who had not moved for ten thousand years, attacked now, but without any fierce fighting, they retreated to their territory in despair.Should we laugh at them for being cowardly, or should we say that they understand current events?

The decisive evacuation of the Evil Ghost Clan caused a strong commotion in the Demon Realm. The Li Demon Clan and the Stone Demon Clan on the front line immediately eased their offensive, and then announced their retreat on the same day. They quickly left the Asura Clan's control area and retreated to the western Demon Realm.

They originally thought that the Zhanmeng would be destroyed, so they took the opportunity of the melee in the south to invade in an all-round way, not only to destroy the Asura tribe, but also to occupy the vast territory of the southern continent.

But who would have thought Zhanmeng persisted? !
The most unbelievable thing happened in the most real way.

Looking at the current Gonggu Mountain Range, not only the morale is like a rainbow, but also the elite troops from the Yaoling clan have been hoarded, as well as the continuous increase of troops in the southeast.Although Zhanmeng won the victory with a miserable victory, it still has a strong force so far.

Therefore, even if the Li Demon Clan and the Stone Demon Clan took down the Asura Clan in the end, they still had no energy left to take down the Zhanmeng.

What's more, Zhanmeng has already spared its strength, and will not sit back and watch the Ashura clan be destroyed.Once he fights hard on his side, the Zhanmeng will definitely send troops to help, and in the end he will be nothing in the end.

Li Mohuang and Stone Demon Emperor looked towards the east one after another before retreating, staring at the direction of the Zhanmeng across the endless mountains and rivers and the dim sky.They saw a new threat, stronger and more depressing, like a ferocious ancient beast raised its ferocious head, and stared coldly at them across endless mountains and rivers.

They have a hunch that there will be new impacts on the human race, the demon realm, and the demon race.

That day may come in the not-too-distant future.

The two demon emperors were enveloped by the demon energy, and they couldn't see their faces clearly, only their blood-colored eyes flashed brightly.

It shows that they are facing Zhanmeng squarely for the first time, this emerging force that is rising rapidly.

After the demons stopped their offensive, the Asuras and Sea Gods also looked back in the direction of Zhanmeng in silence.

Before the war, they had expected the Zhanmeng to win, but they were just looking forward to it. The most realistic result would be a loss for both sides. At that time, they would not only be able to guard the southern gate of the human race, but would not pose a threat to the Asura race.

But now, the Zhanmeng persisted tenaciously, and survived millions of troops.

It is difficult to understand the intention of the sudden reinforcement of the demon spirit clan, but it is this 'unclear intention' that makes them have an ominous premonition.

What kind of attitude should they use to deal with the rise of Zhanmeng?
On the evening of the seventeenth.

After the full retreat of the demons, the Asura Emperor in the Southern Desolation and the Sea God Emperor who was lurking on the seashore all marched towards the Zhanmeng, and on the way, they destroyed the void with the supreme emperor's power and marched towards the void battlefield.

The intention is unclear.

On May [-]th in the eighth year of the Era.

The battle in the Demon Realm officially came to an end, and the Star Emperor and the Holy Spirit Emperor simultaneously gave orders to retreat.

Millions of troops successively withdrew from the Yaoyu territory and retreated to their respective control areas.

Neither Tianpengling nor Donghuangyue chased after them, even if it was a symbolic intimidation, they all recovered their strength and hoarded it in their own territory.

The two Human Sovereigns and the two Great Demon Sovereigns all looked towards the south with responsible eyes.

They repeatedly chewed on the latest intelligence news, but none of them could accept this result.

The destruction of the corpse royal clan, the heavy damage of the Pangu clan, and the death of millions of beasts in the demon realm all touched their nerves. The number of surviving Zhanmeng and their "victories" endowed them with infinite threats, like a terrifying behemoth in the southeast The mainland raised its head proudly, looking at the world from a majestic perspective, and the tiger controlled all directions.

The Yaoyu, the Shihuang clan, and the Pangu clan joined forces, had endless fantasies, and endowed them with infinite expectations, but the result turned out to be so bleak and desolate.

This battle not only supported the might of Zhanmeng, but also seriously weakened the power of Yaoyu.

The demon domain that once dominated the Eastern Continent is now on the verge of decline.

'Where's the ink unicorn?Where are you?You must come back alive! "Golden Winged Tianpeng and Eastern Emperor Chaos prayed for Mo Qilin for the first time, and hoped that Mo Qilin would continue to live for the first time, otherwise... the monster realm will not only face decline, but destruction.

Zhanmeng Battlefield!

Under the operation of Mo Yansheng, the emperor-level battlefield kept shifting in the depths of the void and was forcibly integrated into one place.

Jiuying and Qitian Renhuang joined forces, with the full cooperation of the four Kongwu, to face Mo Qilin, Pangu Renhuang, and Shihuang head-on.

The five emperors fought in a melee, detonating the void.The turmoil in the void caused torrential rain and thunder torrential the entire southern continent of Qitian Continent, causing endless darkness and endless natural disasters.

During the fierce battle, Mo Yansheng informed of the destruction of the corpse royal family, the destruction of the Pangu clan army, and the collective death of the five unicorns in the Tianmang domain. His fierce words successfully angered the three emperors.

The three emperors went berserk, causing the melee offensive to become more violent and terrifying.But the resulting void cracks also skyrocketed, both in terms of number and power, which doubled, giving Mo Yansheng and Suni Beast the power to threaten the emperor-level battlefield in a disguised form.

Mo Yansheng, Suni Beast, Granny Ma, and the old man Bai, the two Kongwu masters and the two Kongwu pinnacles, the strength of the joint force is already terrifying, and then borrowing the void cracks created by the five emperors' rampage, it seems to control countless destructions The black whip whipped the three emperors fiercely and intensively, showing the terrifying power of empty arms.

They may not be able to threaten Pangu Human Emperor and the like, but they can definitely suppress the Corpse Emperor.

The 'fatigue' and 'injury' that the Corpse Emperor had accumulated so far finally revealed uncontrollably at this moment.

He was tired and in pain, and his cold mood was disturbed.

The cracks in the void controlled by the Four Great Kongwu were like a gust of wind and rain, and they bombarded him densely, causing severe pain. They forcibly contained all the offensives, and they were firmly suppressed on the edge of the battle circle, almost becoming a foil , infinitely sad.

The corpse emperor can foresee the death of Hanba and others, and can feel the "going away" of all the members of the corpse emperor family.

That is to say, Mo Yansheng did not exaggerate or deceive, everything is true.

The corpse royal family is over, and all the people are dead.

The once glorious and powerful Ancient Golden Clan has come to perish in his own hands.

The corpse emperor should have been crazy, should have taken revenge, should have been hysterical in grief and indignation, revenge in madness, or escaped in struggle, saving his life to find another way of life.

But...the corpse emperor didn't... "The corpse emperor family is dead, and the name of the corpse emperor should also end. Let's fight, you don't stay behind, I won't show mercy."

In the endless sentimentality and exhaustion, the corpse emperor discarded all the burdens, hoped to get rid of all the pain, and inspired the emperor to fight with all his might.

The heart is dead, the body is at war.

The corpse emperor completely released himself, just to use his own feet to step on a bloody avenue, and walk towards destruction in pride.

(End of this chapter)

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