Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1998 Space Base Station

Chapter 1998 Space Base Station
Tang Zhibai moved his stiff body carefully: "Principal Maple Leaf went to the Bone Clan in person. If there is no accident, we should be able to reach a consensus with Clan Head Xu Ye. In this way, the Zhanmeng, the Monster Spirit Clan, and the Bone Clan will stand together. Form an alliance system.

Although it is a hidden alliance, it is not convenient to announce it to the public, but since it is an alliance, it must be able to truly reinforce and support each other.Next, the key we have to solve first is space spanning.It is necessary to use air force groups to realize that any party is in danger, and other parties can provide timely reinforcements. "

Tang Yan said: "When we were in the Qitian Continent, all the countries in the Central Plains built space transmission stations, which can realize large-scale space leaps for the army and the strong. Our Zhanmeng itself also has four space stations, but it's just that when the legacy came The foundation was destroyed when it was dropped into the war world. Isn’t there such a thing as lost in the war world?”

Tang Zhibai said: "It didn't exist before, but now it does. In order to limit the scale of wars between various ethnic groups and districts, Lin Zhongcun sealed up all space weapons in the world, restricting the use of air and space weapons by all supreme groups. usage of.

In fact, there are other Kongwu in this world. They don't belong to Lin Zhongcun, but because they grew up alone, they don't achieve much, and they don't dare to offend Lin Zhongcun, and they don't dare to violate the rules set by Lin Zhongcun.Therefore, things like space teleportation only appear in legends, and the world of lost battles has long since disappeared.

But now there is no need to worry. Lin Zhongcun was liberated and voluntarily joined the Zhanmeng. One strength of our alliance.

This is the main reason why Prince Cang personally came to persuade Mo Yansheng.Only when Kongwu voluntarily helps, can the three parties truly integrate and maximize the interests of the alliance. "

It is not without reason that "time is respected and space is king" in martial arts all over the world.

The power of Kongwu lies in the spanning of space and the control of space mysteries.In terms of combat effectiveness, Mo Yansheng can directly interfere with the emperor-level battlefield, and the seemingly common space leap can become a 'taboo' in military warfare.

Tang Yan stood up: "You guys talk first, I will go to Senior Mo Yansheng to see if I can repair the four space altars of the Zhanmeng first, so as to realize the space leap between the three parties as soon as possible."

But at this moment, Mo Yansheng walked slowly outside the room: "I have already checked that the foundations of the four altars of the Zhanmeng have been damaged, but the basic structure is complete and the principle is very clear. Just use our Forest Village The sealed space spar can be repaired, and it won’t be long before it can be restored to use.”

Granny Ma and several Kong Wu also followed in: "We have studied the space altars of the Zhanmeng. Their construction principles are very ancient, and they are quite different from the records in Lin Zhongcun, but they are more subtle and detailed. The distance of transmission should be will be wider.

After careful research over the past few days, we have basically mastered its structure. We believe... well... as long as the raw materials are sufficient, we should be able to replicate the same altar. "

"How far is the teleportation distance?"

He vaguely remembered that Beast Mountain was once separated from the Lost Battle Realm, but the structure of the space altar was actually more detailed than what was recorded in Lin Zhongcun, which was beyond Tang Yan's expectations.

However, the spatial transmission of Beast Mountain is really against the sky. Beast Mountain exists in the void all year round, but it can be controlled by the altar and easily landed anywhere in Qitian Continent to replenish resources and 'rations'.

Moreover, the Nine-tailed Lynx and the Immortal Phoenix gave themselves a space brocade box back then. No matter where you are, you only need to open the space brocade box to connect to the Beast Mountain deep in the void in a very short time, and in a short time Reinforcements were sent here.

The feeling back then was miraculous, but now that I think about it carefully, it is against the sky.

Mo Yansheng said: "After repeated research, we have made some preliminary plans. Without accidents, we can basically realize the transmission frequency of 'four hours from Zhanmeng to Yaolingzu'. That is to say, it only takes four and a half hours. From here, we can go back to Yixiantian. It only takes four hours from Yixiantian to come to our Zhanmeng easily."

"So fast?" Tang Yan was surprised, Tang Zhibai and the others were even more surprised.

Four hours?Most of the day? ?From one part of the mainland, across hundreds of millions of territories, to the other end?
This is a bit exaggerated, right?
Even for Prince Cang's energy avatar, it took three days to go from Yixiantian to Zhanmeng.

Granny Ma said: "It sounds unbelievable, but it can really be realized. This is also the magic of the Zhanmeng altar."

The old man Bai said: "It's not like you imagined, let me give you an explanation. We have studied the four altars of the 'Beast Mountain' these days, and by the way, analyzed the ability of the 'Beast Mountain' to reach the lost battle from the void. reason of the border.

The most important aspect is that there is a huge amount of space spar dust in the rock formations and formations of the 'Beast Mountain', which can be said to fill the entire underground.After tens of thousands of years of precipitation, they have merged with the foundation of the 'Beast Mountain', endowing the 'Beast Mountain' plate with special power, and the 'Beast Mountain' has a foundation that can exist in the void for a long time. "

"Oh?" Tang Yan didn't hear Undead Phoenix and the others mentioned these aspects, but they probably didn't know about Undead Phoenix.

"We plan to decompose the Beast Mountain into different plates and return to the void. To put it simply, eight small lands are separated from the Beast Mountain. Each land only needs to be [-] kilometers wide and deep, about the size of a village. , sent into the void, and fixed in the void.

They are named 'space base stations'.

The significance of the existence of space base stations is to use their stability and particularity to build space altars on them, and the space altars can react on space base stations to protect the stability of the base stations in space.

The eight space base stations are distributed in the void above the Lost Battle Realm, evenly distributed with each other, extending from the Zhanmeng to Yixiantian.

After we step into the space altar of the Zhanmeng, we need to transfer to the "space base station" in the void, successively pass through the buffer of eight "space base stations", and cross successively, and step into the real world from the void for the last time, reaching the first line of sky The altar of the Bone Race, or the altar of the Bone Race. "

Everyone listened carefully for a while, and suddenly came to a sudden.It is very clear and understandable.

Tang Zhibai said: "This is the best way. The transfer altar in the middle is built in the void to prevent other forces from destroying it. It is safe and concealed. It can realize mutual reinforcement and support unconsciously."

The old man Bai said: "Four altars are set up on each space base station, which means that four batches of personnel can be transferred each time. According to the strength of the strength, each altar at the holy level can transfer six for each batch. Each time 24. Half-sages can transmit more than ten in each batch, and each batch is forty or fifty. Normal troops can transmit more than one hundred thousand in each batch, which is 50 each time."

"Okay, solved our big trouble."

Tang Yan couldn't help being excited, the role of Kongwu is really too great.

In this way, the transmission frequency of 50 troops in four hours can be realized.Four hours is not short, nor is it long. With the strength of Zhanmeng and Yixiantian, no matter what scale of battle they encounter, let alone four hours, they can last for four days.

Therefore, unless the foreign races attack the Zhanmeng, the Demon Spirit Race, and the Bone Race at the same time, the three parties can easily realize the overall deployment of personnel and high-level personnel, reinforce each other, and solve each other's difficulties.

Mo Yansheng said: "Build eight space base stations in the void, and each base station has four space altars. These numbers are the best number configuration we have made after repeated discussions, and they are also what our forest village can build with various space resources. limit."

Tang Yan said: "Are there enough materials?"

"I still lack some special materials, but I think there should be some from the Demon Spirit Clan." Mo Yansheng had limited treasures, and all the power stones were used in this offensive and defensive battle. However, with the financial resources and treasures of the Demon Spirit Clan Reserves, I believe it will definitely be enough to squander by yourself.

"It's not too late, start now?"

"We still have some plans that haven't been done well. It is estimated that it will start in ten days at the latest. At that time, we will need to send some strong people from Zhanmeng and Yixiantian to assist. The construction process is very complicated, but there are many people and great strength. Trust us In two or three months, this space channel can try to operate."

"Thanks for your hard work. The sooner this channel is established, the sooner the three parties will be able to stabilize and form a solid alliance."

(End of this chapter)

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