Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1999 Deployment

Chapter 1999 Deployment
Tang Yan and the others walked out of the bedroom and came to the main hall of Cangsheng Hall.

After Tang Chen's introduction and a short period of digestion, Ke Zunshan and others basically accepted the reality, and they are also trying to recognize the Yaoling clan and get rid of the ugly impression they have always had.

After Tang Yan came out, he brought good news about the space altar to both parties, and introduced it carefully, which was equivalent to injecting a smile and lightness into the 'stiff' atmosphere of the main hall, and both parties were slightly relieved.

The existence of the space altar solves the biggest 'flaw' of the alliance.

After a brief chat, they motioned to each other to sit down.

Now the happiest ones are Xu Pojun and the others. According to Tang Yan, the Bone Race will also be included in this alliance. In this way, the Bone Race in the Blood Bone Forbidden Zone will develop better and receive more protection. This side can also grow with peace of mind. Even if the news is revealed in the future, with the power of the alliance, there is no need to worry about anything.

Well, well, the rain is over and the sky is clear.

Xu Pojun and Xu Lengcheng looked at each other and smiled, it was not in vain that they had contributed so much to Zhanmeng.

Ke Zunshan said: "Thanks to the support of the Yaoling Clan for this offensive and defensive battle of the Zhanmeng, we will never forget this kindness. Now that the two sides have become an alliance, there will be many things to help each other in the future. If we are hypocritical, we will Not much to say.

Although the battle was won and the most dangerous [-] to [-] days after the war was safely passed, the problems before us are still serious, and we have to face them squarely.

The first is how to deal with the relationship between our Zhanmeng, the Asura Clan and the Sea God Clan, so as to ensure our stable position in the Southern Continent; the second is how to use the momentum after the victory to seize the opportunity to integrate and control the southeast, turning this territory into a war zone. The real control area of ​​the Zhanmeng is for our use; the third is to supplement and expand the power of our Zhanmeng, and absorb new forces in an orderly manner, so that our Zhanmeng can go from high-level to middle-level to stratum, and then to counselor groups, etc., Carry out a comprehensive supplement; the fourth, and the top priority, is to deal with the Pangu clan and completely obliterate this danger. "

Zhanmeng seems to be safe now, but it is actually walking on thin ice. They are still facing vigilance from all sides. Their top priority is not to lament the victory, remember the dead, and have no time to thank anyone, but how to seize the time to stabilize the current status of Zhanmeng and Safety.

Only when you have passed this stage can you really breathe a sigh of relief.Otherwise, any mistakes may bring disaster to Zhanmeng, and any slack may cause more effort and sweat in the later stage.

Tang Yuanque introduced in a timely manner: "The Pangu tribe's fighting power is very strong. It is said that the fighting power of the same level is one against two, but their number of people is not very large, and the number of troops is naturally not large. Their fighting power is very strong. It is decided to With the limitation of quantity, this belongs to the balance of heaven.

The Pangu tribe has experienced the fierce battle in the Yaoyu and the offensive and defensive battles of the Zhanmeng, with a total loss of 400 million, reaching 200% or even [-]% of their overall military strength.I estimate that the current military strength of the Pangu clan, including various frontier and internal guards, is at most [-] million, which will only be less than this number, and will never be more. "

Tang Shou of the Ye Sirius Group Army took the initiative: "The people of the Pangu tribe can be ignored, and we can easily swallow these more than one million troops, and completely remove the Pangu tribe from the Forgotten War Realm.

At this time, we must not be soft-handed, weeds must be cut by the roots.

Otherwise, if you are soft-hearted now, they won't think about love, but instead hold back their energy to revenge.

The million-odd Pangu army is not a joke, everyone is watching, no matter who is most used, it will definitely become a heavy hammer against our alliance, and it will be very lethal.If there is a chance to destroy our alliance in the future, they may even attack collectively by exposing themselves. "

Tang Shou's words were ruthless, but he was affirmed by Tang Zhibai: "The Pangu tribe is a great threat, we can't try to influence them, and they will not give up revenge, they can only be wiped out. Now that Emperor Pangu has been captured, The Pangu clan has no leader and cannot form a unified command, but the revenge sentiment is very high, which will cause a very strong internal chaos. I think this is an opportunity, and they must not be given a buffer time.

My suggestion is that the Zhanmeng use two or three months to stabilize and restore its vitality, and then concentrate its forces to launch an attack on the Pangu tribe, be precise, fast and ruthless, and strike comprehensively. Even if it cannot be eliminated at one time in the end, it must be ensured Weak to the extreme, it cannot threaten us in a short time, let alone become a sharp knife in the hands of outsiders. "

Everyone present had just survived the battlefield, and there was still bloody wildness from the inside out, especially the high-level officials of the Temple of Heaven and the Hall of Beasts who survived the eastern battlefield. The proposal was acquiesced or endorsed by all.

What's more, Zhanmeng is full of combat fanatics, and Tang Shou's slightly extreme remarks are more suitable for them.

Led by Tang Shou, the general of the demon spirit clan, the atmosphere in the main hall gradually became active. The two sides no longer reserved, and began to express their views one after another, discussing the four issues raised by Ke Zunshan.

This is also the first joint discussion between the top leaders of the Demon Spirit Clan and the Zhanmeng, and it is also an opportunity for the two sides to get to know each other.

Everyone speaks a few words and expresses a few opinions so that they can get to know each other more easily.

From early morning until noon, after a series of discussions, the two sides jointly discussed the next move of Zhanmeng.

"Comprehensively improve the defense of the Zhanmeng. All the troops outside will be withdrawn, some will be repaired, and some will be involved in repairs and work together. They will be carried out in rotation, and we will try to help Zhanmeng recover in two months."

"The troops of the Demon Spirit Clan will continue to stay in Zhanmeng and participate in the attack against the Pangu Clan, and then wait for the preparation of the space altar to be completed before returning."

"For the time being, don't pay attention to the eyes of the surrounding forces. You don't need to take the initiative to contact the Asura and Sea Gods. Keep a detached posture and wait for the surrounding forces to come and visit."

"The Zhanmeng will not be open to the outside world within half a year, and will not accept any friendly visits without special circumstances, but it is necessary to issue a new 'government order' to the southeast after January to fully support the ten goodwill forces such as Hanjuegu, which are defined as affiliated The forces are governed by the Zhanmeng, protected by the Zhanmeng, and serve the Zhanmeng."

"Order the ten major affiliated forces to prepare for the establishment of a reserve force, to form an army that can reinforce the Zhanmeng and resist the demons. The number should be more than one million, and it will be secretly supported by the Zhanmeng."

"Also a month later, the Eight Great Temples of the Zhanmeng openly recruited new recruits from all over the world. Each branch hall will conduct their own recruitment, formulate their own requirements, and arrange their own recruitment methods. But except for the Thunder Wolf Hall and the Giant Wolf Hall, The number of troops in the remaining six temples is controlled within one million.

In addition, each temple needs to add an additional item to the recruitment conditions, and finally needs to accept the unique loyalty assessment of Zhanmeng, that is, the 'black water leech' assessment, to ensure that it is not the eyeliner of other forces. "

"Using the Thousand Years Hall as the main gathering point, we recruit those unwelcome 'evil barriers' from all over the world. If the response is strong and the number of calls is large, the number of recruits can be expanded to more than one million depending on the situation, but not more than 20."

"Qianlihu and Hou She set off immediately to the Pangu Mountains to monitor the Pangu Clan and prepare for the later attack on the Pangu Clan."

"Some elites were transferred from the intelligence system of the demon spirit clan and transferred to Guangmu Temple to assist in the preparation of a complete intelligence system. At this stage, the intelligence department has three main goals, one is to prepare for the establishment of an intelligence system against the Demon Realm, and the other is to prepare for the establishment of an intelligence system against the Demon Realm. System, one is to observe the southern sea area and the Asura tribe.

The goal of Guangmu Temple in the future is to build an intelligence system all over the southern continent, complementing the northern intelligence system of the Yaoling clan, one south and one north, to monitor the leftover war world. "

After a series of arrangements were formulated in detail, everyone immediately divided up their work and became busy one after another.

Tang Anhua and the others volunteered to help Zhanmeng with various tasks. This is also an opportunity to deepen their understanding.

Everyone in Zhanmeng also wanted to accept the demon spirit clan, so naturally they would not refuse anyone who came, and accepted the request.

In fact, the overall atmosphere is a bit embarrassing for the time being, but at least both parties have the heart to accept each other, and they both began to actively try to show their goodwill to each other.I believe that it won't take long, feelings and friendship will slowly settle down in the relationship.Especially for Ma Yanwang and the others, this atmosphere is very important, and I believe it is a matter of time before they recognize each other.

(End of this chapter)

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