Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2002 Wedding

Chapter 2002 Wedding
Since the release of the convening order in mid-August, most of the southern continent has been sensationalized.

The Corpse Emperor Clan was destroyed, the Pangu Clan fell, and the two Golden Ancient Clans successively lost their ability to protect the human race, equal to the south-central, southeastern, Pangu Clan-controlled area, and the Corpse Emperor Clan-controlled area. The human races in the four territories all lost their protective umbrellas. The results were exposed under the fangs of the demons and demons.

Hundreds of millions of people in the four territories are trembling, longing for a new guardian force.

Only the brand-new faction war alliance has risen with pride, stands tall in the Southern Continent, and shoulders the important task of guarding the Southern Continent. The future prospects are limitless, and it has a strong force to protect the human race.

Moreover, this recruitment may be the last and largest in the history of Zhanmeng. After that, Zhanmeng will probably not recruit ordinary disciples on a large scale. Meet again.

All of a sudden, the southern continent boiled, and even spread to the area controlled by the Asura tribe, the southern coastal area.From ordinary casual cultivators to large and small towns, and even some ten-thousand-level organizations, they are all marching towards the Zhanmeng. To join this prosperous alliance, they must personally participate in the important task of Zhanmeng's rise.

Many people with lofty ideals have dreams and enthusiasm to become the people of the supreme overlord and jump to the top of the world's pyramid, and there are many hidden powerhouses at the semi-holy level among them.

With the intensification of the conscription boom, the eight major battle halls of the Zhanmeng were pushed back to the world, interpreted and dismantled in the crowds of people gathered from all directions.The nature, significance of existence, and future prospects of each temple are explained in great detail.

The only thing that is not clear is about the true identities of the hall masters of each temple, and the identities of some deputy hall masters, because the predecessor of Zhanmeng was Beast Mountain, and it has only been here for a few years, and has not had frequent contact with the outside world.

Like Ke Zunshan, Ma Yanwang, Lei Langwang, etc., they don't have direct knowledge.

In this crowd, the most mainstream analysis is as follows.

The Temple of Heaven, the most promising temple, is also the temple that urgently needs middle-level troops.

The Cangsheng Hall and the Martial Saint Hall both have pinnacle martial saints sitting in their towns, and the masters of the two halls personally killed Qilin during the offensive and defensive battles of the Zhanmeng. Their strength is so strong that they deter the world.

It is said that the owner of Yanhuang Hall is Tang Yan's adoptive mother, and only recruits monsters, especially raptors, with the intention of forming the fastest raptor army in Zhanmeng.

The Thousand-year-old Temple, formerly known as the Thousand-year-old Mountain, is the most well-known temple among the major temples. It is intended to accept hybrid groups and certain vicious and vicious forces, and will also take special care of the refugees from the original central and southern regions.

The situation of the Beast Spirit Hall is basically similar to that of the Yanhuang Hall. The owner of the hall, Zhu Jian, is said to be the foster father of Xu Yan, the acting head of the Hall of Heavenly Sons. Birds of Prey form a radiance.

The Thunder Wolf Hall and the Giant Wolf Hall only accept purebred wolves, and the number is strictly controlled. They are intended to enrich their ethnic groups who have suffered serious losses. Other than that, they will not expand.

In addition, because Zhanmeng recruits new disciples not uniformly, but individually by the eight temples, each person and each monster can only register for one temple, and if they pass the assessment, they will enter the final stage, where life and death are decided. If you fail, you will be excluded from the Zhanmeng group forever.

Therefore, every organization and every casual cultivator must think about which temple they want to choose and which temple master they want to be a member of before they actually enter the Gonggu Mountain Range.

At the same time, with the release of the Zhanmeng Summoning Order, the top ten organizations in the southeast, including Hanjue Valley, Ziluo City, Thousand Faces Assassination Group, Baiyan Town, and Ruthless Tribe, simultaneously hung up the 'gold medals' issued by the Zhanmeng. , announced to become a subsidiary organization hand-picked by Zhanmeng.

The ten affiliated forces will jointly guard the southeast in the name of the Zhanmeng, and each will replace the Zhanmeng to govern one area.

They also summoned new gang members from all over the world.

If you don't have the confidence to join the Zhanmeng, it is also a good choice to join their top ten affiliated forces.

However, Hanjuegu and the others responded to the requirements of the Zhanmeng, and added the special requirement of "examination to determine life and death" after the convening conditions, because they secretly accepted the blackwater leech sent by the Zhanmeng.

Zhanmeng!Palace of the Son of Heaven!

After the sorrow of the war disaster, here ushered in the first "warm" time in several months-Tang Chen and the others met in the Temple of Heaven to pay a visit to Tang Yan, and even to see Tang Yan's daughter.

These days, the members of the Demon Spirit Clan are busy in different areas coordinating defenses, especially taking defensive measures for the upcoming 'conscription boom', and striving to show the aura that the Zhanmeng should have.

It just so happens that today is almost busy, all the work is basically completed, and the first batch of 'joining' people will arrive in two days. They are free for the first time and have a simple discussion. They all think of Tang Yan's wife and daughter.

Everyone hit it off, put down their work, and came to have a look.

Tang Chen and the others are all older than Tang Yan, and they can all be called Nian'er's uncle and aunt according to their seniority.This sudden "emotional bond" made them, the boys and girls who thought they were very young, feel very novel and kind.

More or less prepared presents.

After meeting, Nian'er looked cute and sweet, with big eyes flickering and very spiritual, chubby, sweet and greasy, and immediately won the love of everyone.

The little guy was not stage fright either, he sweetly called his uncle and aunt, and let them hug each other.

The old eighth Tang Qiu is usually evil and belligerent, very rebellious and unkind, but today he gets along with Nian'er.An older child and a younger child played happily, bringing endless joy to the room.

Tang Yan introduced Nian'er to them, and then introduced Niya, Zhaoyi, Ling Ruoxi, and Xiao Murou in turn.

With Nian'er's coquettish laughter, everyone's feelings became closer. There was no barrier. With the topic of Nian'er, the atmosphere was very cheerful. Even Tang Yan and Zhaoyi showed smiles on their faces. .

Naturally, Tang Chen and the others could not help but observe Tang Yan's wives secretly, without exception, full of emotion.

Niya is glamorous and beautiful, overwhelming the country; Zhaoyi is gentle and majestic, with peerless elegance; Ling Ruoxi is like an ice sculpture, with a cold temperament but almost perfect appearance; Mu Rou is holy and pure, as beautiful as an elf.

All of them are rare and rare women in the world, and they are also peerless beauties who are all beautiful.

They even secretly suspected that Tang Yan had been practicing all over the world?Or hunting around?

They already had high expectations for Tang Yan's wife. After all, Tang Yan will be the nominal patriarch of the Monster Spirit Clan in the future. No one shook their heads, all nodded secretly, much better than expected, with almost no flaws.

Even Tang Fu, a combat fanatic, wondered if it was time for him to start a family?

The lively atmosphere lasted until noon. Everyone met in the depths of the backyard flower sea, sat on the ground, had dinner and wine tasting, and had a simple but warm family dinner.

"Is there any news from the holy mountain?" Tang Chen spun the wine glass, drinking this wine today is comfortable and full of relaxation.

Tang Yan raised his glass to signal for another round: "Qilufu and the three clones are all inside, and they haven't come out. I went there a few days ago, but I couldn't break through the barrier there. We don't have to worry about Jiuying, he can Persisting from ancient times to the present, it will not be abolished by Emperor Pangu."

"Where's General Nian Wuxin?" Tang Bing asked.

Of the five ghost dragon generals back then, there were only three left in the blink of an eye. First Nian Wuyi, and then Nian Wuxin, the loss was too heavy. The only luck was that Nian Wuxin had his soul protected and had the chance to be reborn.

"Uncle Ma intends to use Bailian Heipeng to reshape Uncle Wuxin's body. They both belong to the Tianpeng bloodline and have some things in common. But Uncle Wuxin is a human race after all, and Bailian Jinpeng is a monster through and through. They don't match each other. Black Peng's physical strength also exceeded the limit that Uncle Wuxin could control.

The only matching point that can be found lies in the unique bloodline characteristics of the demon spirit clan, which can accommodate monsters.

According to Elder Zhibai, in the history of the Yaoling Clan, there have been several cases in the history of the Yaoling clan where the generals were killed in battle and the monsters were reborn. There were seven times in the single holy level, but they failed three times. After that, they had to return to a newborn Inside, everything starts from scratch. "

Tang Chen nodded: "I've heard of those incidents, the probability of success is very low."

"Uncle Ma and the others are making preparations, and are also discussing with Elder Zhibai and Marshal Anhua, trying to come up with a measure as soon as possible, and then ask Jiuying to protect them. In short, let's look forward to it together."

Tang Fu winked quietly: "Where is Nian'er's awakening?"

"First determine the bloodline level. If you can reach the seventh rank, choose the fire unicorn. Nian'er has the body of sky fire, and has a natural ability to control the fire attribute."

"The fire unicorn itself has great potential, and it is the most suitable for Nian'er." Tang Chen nodded. The demon spirit clan has benefited a lot this time. Some special demon kings have pure soul power and blood energy. For the demon spirit clan, this is the real treasure.

Tang Chen took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "It is said that the space altar will be completed in a month or so. When that time comes, we will return to Yixiantian together, and bring a few sisters-in-law with us to recognize our ancestors and visit our elders. If it's suitable, pick a date to get married?"

As soon as these words came out, the garden fell silent.

Niya, Zhaoyi, Ling Ruoxi, and Mu Rou all showed some astonishment.

married? !It seems that they...haven't really thought about this...

(End of this chapter)

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