Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2003 The Secret

Chapter 2003 The Secret
Tang Yan was also taken aback, looked at Tang Chen for a while, and then at Niya and the others.

Getting married?

He has never seriously considered this aspect.

Do you subconsciously think you are too young?
Still think you're too busy?
Or do you always think it's not the right time yet?
None of the four girls looked at Tang Yan, and they seemed to have returned to normal in an instant. Niya was calm, Zhaoyi was gentle, Ruoxi was calm, and Mu Rou was holy. None of them showed any special touch, but it was This normal calm is not so normal.

Marriage, for men, is far less precious than women, far less important than women think.

Niya and the others never took the initiative to mention it, it doesn't mean they never cared, it's just...from Qitian Continent to Lost Battle Realm, no one has ever had real peace and tranquility, never had a feeling of safety and ease, they have been in Running around, fighting all the time.

It can also be said that the previous timing was really inappropriate, so they naturally wouldn't mention such unreasonable and unreasonable things.

But now, the Zhanmeng has finally established its status and has a safe environment. Tang Yan has found out the history again, and has a real home, so he really needs to rest.

The fourth daughter had never thought about this before, but after Tang Chen mentioned it, everything seemed to be logical?

Tang Yan noticed the anticipation of the four daughters in peace, marriage?I didn't think about it before, I didn't read it before, but at this moment, the word "married" touched each other's hearts silently.As strong as Niya, she is not exempt from vulgarity; as holy as Mu Rou, she is shy.

Tang Bing whispered at the right time: "This war has caused heavy casualties, and the atmosphere in Zhanmeng is very dull. Most people are sinking in grief, and they can't get out of it for a while. We can just use this wedding to let everyone Let's get active together, cheer up, and adjust the atmosphere, it might not be a good thing."

Tang Yan showed a slight smile and nodded deeply: "Okay! Married! I have always owed them a wedding, this time... held in Yixiantian..."

A hint of shyness suddenly appeared on the delicate faces of Niya's daughters, and the light in their eyes could not be concealed.

There used to be some estrangement between the women, and they were all strange women in the world, but after going through so much together, their feelings for each other have long since settled, no one would contradict the other, and they all acquiesced in silence.

"Wait for five or six months, give Zhanmeng a buffer time, give Yixiantian time to prepare, and hold the wedding at that time." Tang Yan accepted the wedding in his heart, but set a time - half a year later.

After all, the battle of the Zhanmeng has just ended, and we can't be overly happy.

From the bottom of his heart, he wanted to give respect to the undead and give them peace.

After everything waited for them to rest in peace, it would not be too late to talk about the wedding.

Niya's four daughters have no objection. After all, things like marriage... Joy is joy, satisfaction is satisfaction, but after all, it was brought up "suddenly" today, and they need time to accept it slowly.

Tang Fu suddenly said: "I see that your good brothers also have someone they like, why don't you... do it together?"

The nine brothers and sisters of the Tang family cherish the brotherly relationship, and Du Yang, Zhao Zimo, Long Li and others around Tang Yan are just people who value love and righteousness, and they are all life-and-death friends who accompanied Tang Yan to come here. , so Tang Fu and the others admired Du Yang and the others, and respected such a true temperament.

People who are not biological brothers, but depend on each other for life and death... are worth making friends with.

So these days, they have actively communicated and are more willing to make this kind of friends.

"Alright, I'll talk to them sometime. It's up to them to decide whether to participate or not."

Of course Tang Yan is willing to facilitate this beautiful event, but he doesn't know what Du Yang and the others are thinking. After all, feelings are not something outsiders can decide, they need to consider and decide by themselves.But he is willing to take the initiative to facilitate it, because Du Yang, Zhao Zimo and the others are not active men, so wait for them to speak up?That's ages old.

Zhaoyi said: "Du Yang and the others are all crazy cultivators. At such a special moment, will they agree to get married? For them, promotion to the Holy Spirit is the top priority. These days, they often come to ask how to deal with the Five Elements Essence , are all holding back their energy and preparing to become a saint."

Tang Yan took a sip of the wine, savoring the spiciness in it: "Marriage does not conflict with cultivation, maybe it can improve your mood, get married, settle down, become mature, and it will also be helpful for the psychological test when you become a saint in the future As for the Five Elements Essence, I have already reminded them, first understand the gains from this battle, and then heal your injuries, and then talk about the Five Elements Essence when you really touch the barrier of breakthrough."

Tang Chen smiled: "That's true. A battle of this level is rare in ten thousand years. For any survivor, it is enough to gain a lot of experience and refine their own insights. They have a strong understanding of martial arts and martial arts." The improvement effect. Breakthrough is not urgent, the most urgent thing is to seize this opportunity of enlightenment, and not give up in vain.”

Zhaoyi also smiled gently: "Since this is the case, I will find a chance to talk to Tiansi. I think she is really attracted to Zhao Zimo. Recently, the two live together and are much closer than before. Zhao Zimo often smiles. The two of them are quite interesting. You talk to Zhao Zimo, I talk to Tiansi, if possible, help them match up."

Tang Yan also showed a somewhat relaxed smile: "Zhao Zimo and Tian Si are interesting, Lan is interested in Du Yang, and Long Li is interested in Nalan Yanran. That's quite a lot."

"It's a good story to be able to hold it together. But don't force it, it's all up to them to decide." Tang Chen gestured for everyone to raise their glasses to drink together, but then suddenly asked: "By the way, speaking of Zhao Zimo, the fighter next to him Is Chong an acquired disability, or a birth defect?"

"Three-legged toad? Seems like a natural?"

Tang Chen frowned slightly: "Where did you get it?"

"Qi Tian Continent. What, is there a problem?"

"That's's nothing. I like to look back at history. In my spare time, I always look up the interesting historical events recorded in the volumes of the Monster Spirit Race. If I remember correctly, this kind of alien species once appeared in the East China Sea. With four It can be summed up in one word—green toad, three-legged, pregnant thunder, swallowing the sea."

"Oh? What's so special about the green toad in the records?" Tang Yan admitted that the three-legged toad is powerful and can perfectly complement Zhao Zimo.

When I confronted Zhao Zimo head-on back then, I almost fell into the hands of the three-legged toad.

When both Zhao Zimo and Three-legged Toad become saints in the future, the combined strength will definitely be strong.

However, there are many monsters in the lost battle world, and there are countless perverts. The three-legged toad has strength and talent, but it will not be included in the records of the demon spirit clan. What's more, it is not easy for Tang Chen to remember the history after just a few glances. things.

"The East China Sea belongs to the territory of Xuanwu, the Holy Emperor, and it is a real forbidden area. Xuanwu's reputation in the sea area is almost like a god, just like the demon spirit emperor in the human race. This Xuanwu is the only purebred blood of wild beasts left over from the ancient times. Pure blood.

The ancestors were once as famous as Zulong, Phoenix, and Baihu.

It is said that Xuanwu was the main participant when the Forgotten War Realm spied on the Qitian Continent, and later when the human race invaded the Forgotten War Realm. However, since entering the Forgotten War Realm these years, Xuanwu has basically been entrenched in the East China Sea and rarely participated in the land. war.

Since the separatist rule of the heroes of the lost war world was finalized, Xuanwu disappeared even more, and only appeared twice before and after landing.

The most recent one was about the Emperor Bone.He circled back and forth in the central penalty area a few times, and then went back quickly without staying too long.

The other time, which happened 8000 years ago, was a sudden landfall without any reason, and it appeared directly in the east of the area controlled by the Pangu tribe, that is, the southeastern coast.At that time, all parties were alarmed, and Emperor Pan Gu and Bai Hao were awakened.

But Holy Emperor Xuanwu did not actually land, but just entrenched in the coastal area for a few days, as if searching for something, causing most of the southern continent to fall into high tension. A few days later, Xuanwu quickly retreated, leaving only one message, It is about the three-legged green toad, and the three-legged green toad is wanted in exchange for the emperor's blood. "

"Oh?" Tang Yan and the others were slightly surprised.Such a big background?Let Holy Emperor Xuanwu personally land on the wanted list?

"Just one message? No description?" Niya also became interested.

"The description is the four words I mentioned above - green toad, three-legged, pregnant thunder, swallowing the sea."

Tang Yan frowned slightly: "Do you suspect that it's the three-legged toad next to Zhao Zimo? No way, the three-legged toad should be around a hundred years old, not to mention that he is a monster from the Qitian Continent. Beast blood."

This is not a joke, if there is any shocking identity, it will provoke Xuanwu to land in person.

At that time... the entire Southern Continent will detonate in an instant, the Demon Territory will attack again, and the Demon Emperor Bai Yu may also participate.

The current situation of Zhanmeng seems to be stable, but it is actually very fragile.

Either no one will strike, and once someone takes the lead, it will definitely be a new round of destruction storm.

"Don't be nervous, I just mentioned it casually. It has been 8000 years, and the arrest warrant has long been forgotten by the world. I have observed the three-legged toad a few times these days. It is very similar to the legend, but there are some places that are different. Simple It can also confirm that it does not know what happened back then.”

"What is Zhao Zimo's identity?" Tang Fu asked suddenly.

Tang Chen gave him a sharp look, this kid is always out of tune.I simply mentioned it to let Tang Yan and the others prepare, that's all.If you hold on to it, Tang Yan may have some doubts. If it causes panic, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Zhao Zimo is very low-key, but his background is deep." Tang Yan didn't talk too much, but he was more careful.

(End of this chapter)

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