Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2023 Absurd

Chapter 2023 Absurd
Tang Chen had no expression on his face, and looked coldly at Mu Tianxie and the two demon saints: "Are you really going to start a war? Think it through, don't be used by others. When dealing with people other than friends, I can only fight to the death, not to learn from each other. If you really accidentally kill someone, it may implicate the stability of the Northern Continent, and affect your own ethnic group. Is it worth it to cause a series of troubles for an unknown spring water?"

"You can't say that, for the sake of a pool of spring water, you don't hesitate to fight against us, and you want to kill us?" Pei Feng snorted coldly, always controlling the emotions of the audience, so that everyone would not retreat without a fight. He really hated Tang Tang. Yan, this kid is really as hateful as the rumors in the clan.

But...he intends to start a war, Mu Tianxie is smarter than him, and he really doesn't intend to fight against the demon spirit clan.

After all, the Star Clan directly borders the Demon Spirit Clan, and the Spirit Clan does not. If there is a disturbance, the Star Clan will be the first to suffer, and if there is a serious fight, the Star Clan will suffer, but the Spirit Clan will benefit in disguise.Across the Yaoyu and Star Clan, the Yaoling Clan can't do anything to the Spirit Clan.

Especially now that the Zhanmeng and the Yaoling Clan are united, with the assistance of Kongwu, the Star Clan is even more unwilling to blindly turn against each other.

The two demon saints don't mind fighting, but Pei Feng must take the lead again and take the initiative to challenge, and they choose to accompany them.If there is an accident, it is better to leave a way out.

Tang Yan became a little impatient: "Are you all talkative, do you want to fight or not? Isn't it just a pool of water, grab it if you want it, and leave if you don't want it. They are all men, without any courage? How about , I allow you to go to the side first to discuss and discuss? Come back after discussing, everyone is very busy, don't waste time?"

"I hate your tone of voice." Azure Viper was annoyed. He always found this kid distasteful, and it was even more distasteful today.

"Then let's make gestures?" Tang Yan raised his hand to challenge.

"Everyone, can you express your opinion?" Pei Feng let go of his voice and aura, made a decision, and sent out an invitation on his own initiative. As long as they nodded in agreement, they would do it to Tang Yan and Tang Chen today. One game, if you don't die, you have to be maimed.

The light-feathered hornbill and the azure viper were eager to try, but Mu Tianxie remained silent and continued to observe.

The various clans and factions in the distance are secretly making efforts, ready to intervene at any time, even if they don't directly attack Tang Yan and the others, it is okay to pretend to cause chaos unintentionally, and it is not bad to find an opportunity to grab some spring water.

"Okay!" The Azure Viper suddenly roared, with a rush: "Tang Yan doesn't know what to do, we..."

But just as the roar rushed into his throat, the space in front of him suddenly distorted. Mo Yansheng and Granny Ma stepped out of the void, frowning slightly, staring at the Azure Viper with its teeth and claws in front of it: "What's the matter with you?"

"I..." The Azure Viper's jaw was almost dislocated, and he raised it for a long time, but he didn't make a sound.

All the surrounding groups of strong players withdrew, one by one more quickly.

"What are you doing? Is this a fight?" Mo Yansheng walked down from the sky and came to Tang Yan and the others.

Pei Feng's soul mist fluctuated again. If he had a physical body, his face would be livid and he would be gnashing his teeth angrily.

What happened today?So bad luck?Choked twice in a row.

Mu Tianxie narrowed his eyes slightly, retreated from the mist of the high-altitude nebula, and retreated decisively.

A big perfection, a peak, or empty martial arts, how to fight?
Just these two old monsters can sweep the audience, crushing inside and outside the palace.

The light-feathered hornbill secretly hated and annoyed, and was also glad that he was not in a hurry to make a move. No wonder Tang Yan was fearless, and he had nothing to fear.

"The pool water is all yours, lucky boy." The Azure Viper left a resentful sentence and retreated to its own territory.

"Hmph, you're lucky." Pei Feng was about to leave.

"Wait, I didn't tell you to go, where are you going?" Tang Chen stopped Pei Feng.

Pei Feng was annoyed: "Prince Tang wants to bully the few with more?"

"Try to teach me the elders of the clan to learn from the seniors. Didn't you just want four people to fight three? Let's learn too, five gangs fight one." Tang Chen could see that Tang Yan and the Lingzu really had a relationship Contradictions, if there is a chance to keep Pei Feng, it is natural to seize it.

"General Pei Feng, if you don't mind, why don't you come to my Yaoling clan? It's rare for me to invite foreigners as guests, how can I save face?" Tang Yaoyu showed a smile on his face, not bad, not bad, and even got a chance to catch a legion commander ? !It is estimated that the Spirit Race will go crazy!
There is a Star Clan between the Yaoling Clan and the Spirit Clan, it is expected that the Spirit Clan will not be able to fight back.

"You..." Pei Feng suddenly had the absurd feeling of shooting himself in the foot with a rock.

The Xingchen clan, Tianpengling, Donghuangyue, and other strong clans and powerful factions all remained silent in their own territory, preparing to watch a show.

Previously, they intended to form an alliance, but now they are waiting to be destroyed. The entanglement between human nature and interests is vividly displayed at this moment.

"Keep him alive, and see if the Pangu clan incident has anything to do with his spirit clan. You play first, and I'll follow along casually." Tang Yan withdrew from the Pisces Pond, his spiritual power hit his feet, and blasted to the ground, Melt all the formations within a radius of 500 meters, and completely peel off the outline of the Pisces Pool, so that they can all be withdrawn into the Sansheng Mountains of Hell.

Mo Yansheng and Granny Ma didn't know the situation, but they still helped seal the space.

Tang Yaoyu and Tang Chen were separated, and they confronted Pei Feng: "Are you compromising, or are you being compromised?"

Pei Feng was secretly annoyed, and called out to Mu Tianxie and the others again: "We join forces, maybe we can't take Tang Yan down."

But... the roar went out, but no one responded, and everyone treated it coldly, as if it had nothing to do with them.

"My friends, can I make a condition? This is the Demon Realm, and the beast hordes are everywhere. This opportunity is rare. If you don't kill Tang Yan now, you will have no chance in the future." Pei Feng shouted again.

But there were no fools in the audience, and no one responded.It's a joke, it's uncomfortable to express your position now, the two Kongwu are standing there, they can leave whenever they want, and they can leave whenever they want, can the reinforcements be faster than Kongwu?

More than a thousand troops of the Spirit Race are entrenched in their own area, neither advancing nor retreating.They wanted to help the head of the legion, but they were really powerless to intervene in the holy battlefield.

"Call it, and no one will come to save you if your throat is broken." Tang Yan remembered an evil word, and by the way, all the Pisces Ponds were withdrawn into the hell space. Painstaking research.

"Tang Yan, I'm really not afraid of you." Pei Feng was annoyed, but he was never afraid.

"Oh? Where did you get the confidence?" Tang Yan soared into the air, confronting Tang Yaoyu and Tang Chen in a triangle.

"You may be able to kill me, but the dead... I'm afraid I'm not the only one."

"Are you still planning to pull a back? Hehe, is it really okay for you to overestimate yourself so much?"

"You five, it's easy to kill one of me. But I'm sorry, I still hold a life in my hand. If I die, he won't live long."

"Forgive me for being blind, where?"

"In my Eldar."

Tang Yan squinted at him for a while: "Who?"

"Qin! Ming! Huang! Do you still have any memories?"

"Say it again?" The faint smile on Tang Yan's face gradually faded.

By the way, I remembered that when Matthews was rescued back then, the other party mentioned that they saw Qin Minghuang, the prince of the Xingluo Empire, Xia Minglang of the Holy Empire, and the Huanxi Dao of Kuipinglou, all of which were sealed away in the Spirit Race. In an ice coffin, hung in chains in a wicked pit.If Pei Feng didn't shout out today, he would really have forgotten.

"Qin Minghuang! Your old friend!"

"He's in your spirit clan?" Tang Yan deliberately turned gloomy, pretending to be surprised.

Pei Feng noticed the change in Tang Yan's face, and secretly sneered in his heart, knowing that you would fall for it. "Qin Minghuang has been in my Spirit Clan for more than a year."

"What did you do to him?"

"You want to know? Follow me back to the Spirit Race? I'll let you see it with your own eyes." Pei Feng sneered coldly.

"Who else?"

"I'll give you two more names, Xia Minglang and Huan Xidao, do you still have an impression?"

"Three have been caught, are there others?" Tang Yan asked tentatively.Because Matthews only noticed three, the others were not.

"Is three not enough?"

"You Eldar move fast enough."

"Thank you for the compliment. If you don't want them to die, just make way for me. Or, you go back with me? I rarely invite foreigners back as guests, so you won't lose face?" Pei Feng sneered again, deliberately imitating Tang Demonic tone.He began to believe the family's evaluation of Tang Yan. This person is very strong, but he has a weakness, which lies in his soft heart.

But he sneered for a long time. Instead of getting the fear he deserved, he saw strange expressions on the faces of Tang Yaoyu, Tang Chen and others. He couldn't tell what he felt, but it was definitely not compromise and fear.

Tang Yan licked his dry lips, narrowed his eyes and looked at him again: "When you gave up your body, you also threw away your brain? Can't you see the form clearly? You idiot!"

"The form is very clear. If you don't want them to die, make way for me immediately."

Tang Yan snorted coldly, but instead pointed to the Spirit Race team gathered not far away: "You can go back, I won't kill you. Go back and tell your patriarch that the commander of your Nightmare Army has been detained by me. People, yes, you can exchange it with Qin Minghuang, Xia Minglang, and Huanxi Dao."

"Ah?" A kind of Eldar army was dumbfounded.

Pei Feng was stunned for a while, and also a little dumbfounded, hey, I... this... Tang Yaoyu, Tang Chen, and Tang Yan all said in unison: "Now, are you compromising? Or are you being compromised? You idiot."

(End of this chapter)

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