Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2024 Concerns of the Last Words

Chapter 2024 Concerns of the Last Words
Pei Feng finally chose to compromise in the humiliation, did not make unnecessary resistance, and was banned by Tang Yan from the hell world.

But he didn't know that the dark world he entered was not a special space container at all, but...hell.

Since Tang Yan chose to 'trick' him into the special environment of hell, he didn't intend to let him stay in peace, and decide his life and death according to the situation. Even if he was finally released, he would not be whole.

Once in hell, the fate is completely in Tang Yan's hands,'s really 'hell'...Pei Feng is entrenched in the dark hell, his resentment is soaring, he almost fainted from anger.He has always been aloof, commanding nearly a million troops, and he is majestic. He has never suffered such humiliation, or been teased in front of the powerful people in the world.

It's just that when he was "secretly hurt" by the humiliation, an invisible crisis was looming over him.

On the edge of the distant dark wilderness, a figure so enchanting that all living beings are intoxicated is looming, staring at him maliciously, a man carrying a paper figurine crosses the Black Mountain and Heihe River, staring at him, a dragon skeleton braving hellfire Approaching lightly, the green eyes of the underworld fire shone with evil light.

In other directions, different ghost masters were also attracted, and they were stepping out of their territory and gathering in the direction of Pei Feng.

Even the evil ancestor who was in closed meditation was awakened.

Pei Feng's soul power is too vast. If he endures the suppression of hell and turns into a ghost, he will definitely be the most powerful existence, so...his arrival seems to have opened a feast of dinner. What should come...all came...and Tang Yan gave The secret order issued by the major ghost masters is——Eat him!

Inside and outside the ruins of the imperial palace, without Pei Feng, the leader of the instigation, the Star Clan, Tianpengling, and Donghuangyue all died down, and no one continued to provoke. I glanced here, but no one came over.

With the number of strong people around Tang Yan, if they suddenly thought of anything, they would all suffer.

"Will the Spirit Race send someone to change it?" Tang Yan was in a better mood, and simply captured a Spirit Race Martial Saint, who was also a big figure at the level of a legion leader.

After entering hell, life and death are in my hands, and it will definitely bring good opportunities to the ghost masters.

Tang Chen said: "Not only will it, but it will be very fast. Pei Feng may be a little lacking in resourcefulness and is prone to impulsiveness. All along, his lieutenants and think tanks are more responsible for commanding the battlefield in times of war, and he himself is only in charge of attacking. But his strength is very strong, and it is not a problem to rank among the top ten within the Spirit Race. There is no doubt about this. He is very protective of his weaknesses and treats his generals as subjects, so he has a high prestige in his legion.

In recent years, the strength of the Spirit Race has been damaged one after another, and it is impossible to easily give up a powerful martial saint, especially the head of the army. "

Tang Yaoyu also said: "Once you give up, it means that the strength of the ethnic group will be damaged again, and it will also mean the resistance of the Nightmare Army. The Spirit Race cannot afford the consequences of losing Pei Feng."

Tang Lin said: "However, with the temperament of the Spirit Race, they will not compromise easily. We have empty weapons here, so it is impossible for them to adopt head-on tactics. I guess they will adopt some other insidious tactics. We have prepared in advance."

"Let's not mention them for now. Soldiers come to cover up water and earth. As long as Pei Feng is in our hands, we will have the initiative. With Kongwu, we will have a way out. The Spirit Race dare not be too presumptuous. Senior, those in the void How's the investigation going?" Tang Yan asked Xiang Mo Yansheng.

"We found seven land ruins before and after. Judging from the fracture surface at the edge, they were all blasted away by some kind of powerful blasting force. Those seven pieces of land have been floating in the void for a long time, bearing the blow of void cracks, and the area has been depleted one after another. It's not big, and there aren't many complete corpses on it, but it can be seen that the casualties were caused by a terrible war.

We also found a small number of corpses in the void, and a large number of stumps.

In short, from the surface, the reincarnation clan was indeed invaded and slaughtered to the point of extinction.But the void is too terrifying, a large number of corpses were annihilated or drifted into the abyss of the void, and we can no longer find them, and we cannot calculate the real number of casualties, nor can we determine whether there are still strong survivors. "

Granny Ma pondered: "From the current point of view, there are three major doubts about the massacre of the reincarnation clan.

First, the barrier of the space fortress is enough to protect them for thousands of years, and it cannot be damaged by the destructive power of the void itself, unless it is damaged by the air force, or... disarmed by itself.

Second, no bodies of the invaders were found in the void and the ruins.According to normal reasoning, no matter how the enemy cleans up after the event and how meticulously they deploy, it is impossible to leave no scum. This is an important doubt.

Both of the above two points point to the self-destruction of the reincarnation clan, but the third doubt is that no reincarnation clan and reincarnation emperor have escaped from the void. Unless the reincarnation clan can survive in the void, they must leave the void as soon as possible. will be noticed.But so far, has it appeared?No. "

Mo Yansheng and Granny Ma investigated continuously for many days, but they were unable to give a direct response.

The overall incident and the details of each department are full of doubts, and within the doubts there are doubts, which is unimaginable.Not being able to believe that the reincarnations self-destructed, yet having to believe it, made them uncomfortable.

Tang Yan asked: "What about your opinions?"

Mo Yansheng was silent for a while, and frowned slightly: "My opinion is to be prepared."

"what do you mean……"

"The Reincarnation Clan cannot be easily destroyed. No matter what cover-ups you make, and how many disguises you create, you can deceive the eyes of the world, but you can't fool me, because I know Space Fortress too well. The Reincarnation Clan can pay so many casualties to create this This crisis only shows that they have bigger plans.

No matter where they are now, their ultimate goal is to dominate the world.

Back then, the Yaoling Emperor once said to me that the Samsara Emperor's ambition was no less than his. The two of them have many things in common, but they are also very different. One is bullying and the other is hidden.If you are overbearing to the extreme, you can be called a hero; if you are hidden to the extreme, you can be called a ghost hero. "

Tang Yan frowned when he heard this. What he said meant that the Demon Spirit Emperor regarded the reincarnation clan as his greatest enemy.

Really underestimated the reincarnation clan.

But the Demon Spirit Emperor is dead, who will restrain the Samsara Emperor?

The reincarnation clan has been hiding for thousands of years. Even in the decades after the death of the Demon Spirit Emperor, there has been no movement.Only after the rise of Zhanmeng, did he act suddenly, doesn't it mean...he is ready to do something?
Mo Yansheng said: "Regardless of whether the reincarnation incident is true or not, we must pay enough attention to it. If it is false, then the reincarnation tribe will reappear in the world at a certain time in the future, and it will also be deployed in layers. Shocking. With the current situation in the Lost War Realm, if the reincarnation clan wants to make a name for itself, there is only one, destroying the Zhanmeng.

If the incident is true, it means that a terrifying life form or ethnic group appeared in the void. Since they can swallow the reincarnation clan, they have the power to destroy other golden ancient clans. . "

Granny Ma said: "The suggestion we can give is that since the Yaoling Clan and the Zhanmeng are a family, we might as well cooperate better and in-depth. The Yaoling Clan will assign a group of intelligence elites to the Zhanmeng, and the two parties will realize intelligence as soon as possible. The development and alliance of the system jointly monitor the north and south continents.

In addition, seize the time to set up a special incident branch to record all the strange incidents that have occurred from now on, and organize and report regularly.

I have a hunch that no matter whether the reincarnation incident is true or not, this time the Space Fortress incident is just the beginning, and even greater unexpected upheavals are yet to come. "

"We understand." Tang Yan and Tang Chen exchanged glances.

"Hey, let's get ready, the moment your Zhanmeng rises, the entire Lost Zhanjie has already begun to be chaotic, now it is the reincarnation clan, soon it will be the demon clan, and the demon and sea regions will also take action .This world is going backwards, going back to the historical period when the three races were fighting each other. It is very difficult for the human race to return to the Qitian Continent."

Mo Yansheng felt helpless, even though he was well prepared, he never expected that the first scene he saw would be the beginning of civil strife in the human race.

Tang Yan frowned, feeling the heavy oppression, like boulders pressing on his chest one after another.

Tang Yaoyu noticed the worry in Tang Yan's eyebrows, squinted his eyes strangely, smiled silently, and patted Tang Yan's shoulder: "Your Highness?"


"Where did you get sad?"

"Huh?" Tang Yan was stopped by Tang Yaoyu's abrupt words.

"Since we met until now, you seem to... have been making a sad face... I don't understand, where did you have such a burden, how did you have such a heavy pressure?"

(End of this chapter)

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