Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2025 A Sneaky Smile

Chapter 2025 A Sneaky Smile

Tang Yaoyu opened his hands and smiled, but looked at Tang Yan seriously: "The world is going to be chaotic, and all heroes will rise together. It is the men who will fight in all directions, and the heroes who will go forward bravely. You should be excited and excited. You should find someone Laugh three times in a place where no one is around, drink three cups with brothers and relatives and friends, look at the world, troubled times, here I come!
I'm a little blunt, please forgive me.

If we lose, we will not waste our lives; if we win, we will look down on all living beings and preside over the three clans.

Why do you worry about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?You have the Zhanmeng, you have the Demon Spirit Clan, you have tens of millions of strong soldiers behind you, hundreds of fierce generals, and countless brothers and relatives, you can spend as much as you want, throw your arms and fight the world madly, stepping on corpses Shanxuehai despises the heroes. "


"With all due respect, you have the courage and talent of the late emperor, but you don't have the posture of the late emperor. You are dozens of years old, but you have tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes. The late emperor is 10 years old, but The pride of a young man in his prime will never fade.

I admit that you have been very tired these years, but there is no need for you to worry about many things, and there is no need for you to carry many burdens on your body all the time.You can open your heart and face the world with a different attitude.

The world is going to be chaotic, but it’s not for you alone, this quagmire will drown everyone.The chaos in this world is not your fault, but the suffering of all living beings. Where do you blame others?

you want to winWhere is the win?Strength, luck, and mentality.If you are tired, those who follow you will be even more tired, and the group behind you will also be tired and lose their spirit.I'm sure I'm not the only one who told you these words? "

Tang Yaoyu couldn't hold back, and said a series of words in one breath.

He admits that Tang Yan is excellent, but he always feels...too vicissitudes, and shouldn't appear in the vicissitudes of his age.

It's like being covered in chains all over your body, your heart is tired, and your body is also tired.Tired of living and tired of walking.

Tang Chen glanced at Tang Yan for a while, but didn't speak.He had wanted to say these words a long time ago, but he planned to pick a suitable time to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with the two brothers, but he didn't expect Tang Yaoyu to come out straight and straight at such a moment.

But it's okay, although it's a bit blunt and sharp, but fortunately it's very to the point.

Tang Yan was speechless. He remembered that Qi Lufu had said the same thing, reminded him repeatedly, and tried to adjust his mentality, but a tragic battle in Zhanmeng left him full of scars, and he never raised his spirits.

cough cough!Tang Chen winked at Tang Yan, and he had to express his opinion to General Tang Yaoyu no matter what.These legion commander-level characters are the pillars of the demon spirit clan. One attitude and one concept of the other party can determine the direction of the millions of legions. Their status is noble and their influence is huge.Since Tang Yaoyu is willing to say such a thing today, it means that he intends to accept Tang Yan and is willing to get along peacefully.

Tang Yan smiled bitterly: "Give me some time, I will try my best to recuperate."

"It's a big deal. If you can let go of something like a knot, you can let it go. The more you want to solve it yourself, the tighter you will be. Come on, do as I said, and take a deep breath."


"You are only a few dozen years old. I am ten thousand years old. It is not an exaggeration for me to be your elder. I can also be called your child. Come, do it, and take a deep breath."

"Try?" Tang Chen smiled, and gestured to Tang Yan again.

General Tang Yaoyu has an evil personality, but he is strictly forbidden and harsh, so it is rare for him to guide him so directly.

"Okay!" Tang Yan adjusted his mentality and took a deep breath.

"Hold it! Count to ten, then let go."

"Take another deep breath, count to ten, and let go."

"Do it ten times."

Tang Yan followed suit one by one, took a deep breath, let it go deeply, inhaled again, and let it go again, and so on, a total of ten times.

"Three roars to the sky, do it!!"

"Ah!!" Tang Yan roared loudly, shaking the ruins.

But the sudden roar shocked the others.They looked back one after another, with unkind faces, are you crazy?
"Roar again! Three more times!!" Tang Yaoyu raised his voice.


"It's much better." Tang Yan smiled happily, and stretched out his fist to fight Tang Yaoyu hard.

It's been a long time since Fan Er has been like this, and he's really relaxed a lot, from the inside out.

Tang Yaoyu smiled and said: "This is decent, I have nothing to do a few times, and I always laugh."

Mo Yansheng and Granny Ma smiled wryly and shook their heads. They are old and really can't accept this kind of indulgence.

They prefer to see Tang Yan's serious look, that's the demeanor that an overlord should have.

Tang Yaoyu nodded his chest and reminded again and again: "Pay attention to maintaining your mentality."

Tang Yan took another deep breath and stretched his limbs vigorously. It was indeed a lot easier.

"It should be serious. There are still many serious people in the Zhanmeng." Granny Ma simply mentioned it without being too forceful.

"Tang Yan, the construction period of the space transfer station may be delayed by about a month."

Mo Yansheng was a little helpless. The project went smoothly, and all the experiments were also very successful. If there were no accidents, he was even sure to finish the project ahead of schedule. However, the incident of the Pangu tribe first, and then the incident of the Samsara tribe interrupted their progress one after another. .

But now, after a rigorous investigation, the reincarnation incident has aroused Mo Yansheng's greater vigilance.

He suspects... Xihai... He suspects the real purpose of the hanging incident of 400 million people of the Pangu tribe.

Is it the Cursed Alliance?Or should we condense resentment and open the seal of the eternal death pit?

He wanted to spend half a month to personally go deep into the Demon Realm and investigate the West Sea.

He wanted to determine whether the seal of the West Sea Eternal Death Pit was loose.

Without a 100% certainty, he still can't feel at ease.

"The construction of the space transfer station can be put aside for a while, and the most important thing now is to determine whether the reincarnation incident is true or not." Tang Yan didn't want to put pressure on Mo Yan, and believed that he also had a sense of proportion in his heart.

Granny Ma said: "Keep working harder and continue to investigate. There will be loopholes in any incident, and it is impossible to be perfect. Let's investigate again separately to see if we can find any clues."

"Where are the other plates that fell?" Tang Yan asked.

Guidance by Tang Yaoyu: "About a hundred miles away from here, there are two smaller plates scattered. The spirit clan goes back and forth, plus the negotiation and definition, it will take about eight days at the fastest. We have plenty of time, we can go to Check there."

"Shall we go over and have a look?" Tang Yan and Tang Chen exchanged glances.

Mo Yansheng nodded: "You guys go there, let Chocolate accompany you. Let's check this palace again, this is a key area."

Tang Yan, Tang Chen, and Chocolate retreated to the void again, and went to explore other ruined areas.

The two ruins were located hundreds of miles away, and the distance between them was not far, only about a few kilometers. Tang Yan and Tang Chen separated halfway, put on their masks and acted separately, and each chose a ruin to investigate alone.

Tang Yan soon arrived at the destination. The area of ​​the ruins was really small, more like a barren forest.

The rocks on it are jagged, the forests are broken in pieces, a large number of mountains have collapsed, and many valleys have cracked, which is shocking.

It can be seen that its original appearance was a forest area. After the fall, it was damaged in a mess, with fractures, gravel, and broken wood everywhere.

But the strange thing is that there is no one here, and there is no movement.

"Where is the person? Where did he go?" Tang Yan was more careful, clenched his fists a little, landed in the middle of the ruins, looked around, explored the deserted forest, surprisingly quiet, flustered.

It's like walking into a cemetery of woods and mountains, full of depression and loneliness.

Strange, no one here to investigate?

Tang Yan walked among the undulating ruins, silently investigating with vigilance, occasionally smashing boulders, or flying the woodland, but he didn't find any corpses, and he didn't smell any blood.

The rainforest in the distance is dense and deep, dark and damp, while the ruins here are full of scars and the mist is thin.

The two form two extreme contrasts, which are more contrasting to the desolation here.

"It's weird." Tang Yan was vigilant again.Slowly clenched both hands, the green fire flowed through the fists like water, and the meridians of the whole body circulated at an accelerated rate. He was on high alert and tense, ready to fight at any time.

As I walked, I felt lost in a trance.

But just as Tang Yan was about to go up into the sky and look down from a high altitude, suddenly at the corner of the messy ruins in front of him, he found a... cherry blossom tree... an old tree with vicissitudes, thick as a dragon, and a hundred feet in size. High in the sky, the huge canopy props up a huge gloom, and the thick cherry blossoms are in full bloom. It is like an old fairy in the tree, ancient and mysterious, quiet and gorgeous.

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, beautiful and magnificent, it is really eye-catching and eye-catching.

There is only one cherry blossom tree in the depths of the ruins, which is weird. What's even weirder is that there is a young man sitting under the tree.

He sat under the blooming cherry tree, his black jade-like hair was casually scattered behind him, smooth as a waterfall, with a faint luster, and the skin on his neck was delicate and smooth, like a girl.

He was dressed in white, which made him even more beautiful.

His skin was as beautiful as the cherry blossoms in the yard, his eyes were like jet-black agate, his black hair had a luster like silk, and although the white clothes were ordinary, he still wore him with a prince-like dignity.

This person can simply be described as charming and glamorous.

It is rare in the world that a man can grow up like this.

Even the former Jiang Qiming was in front of him, there was a world of difference between a mortal and a fairy.

The young man sat quietly under the cherry tree, his dark eyes were bright and clear, staring at Tang Yan, as if waiting for his arrival.

"Who are you?" Tang Yan asked strangely, but he couldn't detect the breath of the other party, or...the other party had no spiritual power flow at all.

It seems real and unreal, like a dream.

As if it does not exist, but also like face to face.

The man looked at Tang Yan quietly for a long, long time, and smiled, but it was a very weird smile, creepy and vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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