Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 206 Flame Burning

Chapter 206 Flame Burning
"Where is Ye's friend?" Chocolate fought fiercely in the crowd of enemies, beheaded and killed with knives, leaving bloodstains in the sea of ​​corpses, but it was supposed to be a heroic image, but because of the plump The round white striped pig is nondescript.

"It's true! Let's go!" Tang Yan took the lead. As he roared, the golden brilliance burst out between his lips and teeth, turning into a majestic and violent golden lion phantom, raging against the rioting corpses in front of him, and the ancient sword was even more powerful. Unparalleled in stamina, he danced out surging green flames, blasting and killing all the fish that slipped through the net.

Mu Rou's injury has not yet healed, so she can only follow between the two, spreading the phantom of the snow lotus to protect their safety.Although Xuelian phantom can't kill the enemy, it is an extremely powerful defensive martial skill. Once a special powerful warrior approaches, Xuelian can instantly turn into a powerful shield to resist the sudden attack.

The three of them rampaged on the chaotic battlefield, forcibly killing a bloody passage, and they also had to avoid the aftermath of the battlefield of the King of the Skyrim.

After going through all sorts of difficulties and crossing a distance of a thousand meters, they finally approached the area where the flames were burning.

"Tang..." Before Tang Yan could utter a word, he stuck in his throat, grabbed Mu Rou and ran back: "I saw the wrong person, let's go!"

"I'm wrong?"

"I'm wrong!"

"Aren't you sure?" Looking at the corpses all over the mountains and plains, Chocolate almost went crazy.

"If you want you to go, go, yell, hurry up!" Tang Yan bit the bullet and ran wildly, as if he suddenly saw a ghost.

hell?He met Niya!

I thought it was just Tang Ba and the others, but I didn't expect that there were Niya, Du Yang and others.If he sees himself rushing over with a girl, he might run away on the spot, and the image he finally created in Mu Rou's heart will be broken.

"Huh? That's why I really want to see Tang Yan." Du Yang felt something in his heart and looked around strangely.

"Where is it?" Tang Qing swept out with a knife, and all the corpses with a radius of [-] meters fell to the ground like the wind blowing rice and wheat, and the big feet followed closely, and the cracks in the ground were vertical and horizontal, and the surging magma immediately wiped out the corpses Burn to ashes.

The powerful combination of martial arts made Liu Qing nod secretly. As expected of the famous butcher in the Northern Desolate Territory, the combination of these martial arts is really domineering, and their execution is even more fierce and capable, without the slightest sloppiness.

"That's right, it's that bastard!" Niya's beautiful face sank slightly, her pen shadows fluttered, her spiritual power condensed, and a huge black eagle took shape in an instant, making a sharp hissing sound, and carrying her soaring into the sky. rise.

"It's really him? What is he running for?" Tang Ba and the others set off one after another, their speed soaring to the extreme.

"Hiss! Have you been discovered? Old pig, cut off the queen!" Tang Yan hugged Mu Rou, and the eight-phase thunder mark burst out, turning into dazzling golden lightning, and quickly disappeared in the dense forest.

"Huh? Broken Queen!" Chocolate almost ran away, looking at the vast crowd of thousands of corpses around him, he let out a mournful growl: "I regret it! I met people who were not nice! I hate it! I want to pay back the money, and I want to refund the order! "

"Damn bastard!" Niya's delicate face was covered with frost. How dare this bastard run away with a woman in front of his eyes?

"Is that really the young master? So fast!" Tang Hao and the three looked at each other, the speed was incredible!

"Young master seems to be holding a girl, isn't it Yanfu?" Liu Qing stared into the distance, clicked his lips strangely, but suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him was a bit cold, coughing dryly, and shut up wisely.

Du Yang and Xu Yan shook their heads and sighed, buddy, please be blessed.

"Chasing!" Niya said coldly, and the black eagle under her body shot away like a sharp arrow. Liu Qing and the others dared not say anything, and urged the golden-collared black eagle under her body to chase Tang Yan with all her strength.

"It seems that someone is chasing us." Mu Rou was surprised by Tang Yan's speed, and even more surprised by the sudden pursuit.As a king-level warrior, she could clearly feel four or five auras of the same level approaching rapidly, and one of them contained a bit of murderous aura.

Tang Yan kept silent, just rushed forward sullenly, and now he was in the mood to cry.

"Do you want me to stop you for a while?" Mu Rou straightened her face slightly, ready to fight back. The pursuers were gradually approaching. Although Tang Yan was very fast, he was not as fast as a martial king-level powerhouse.

"Don't, don't! Hold me tight, I have a way to get rid of them." Tang Yan secretly gritted his teeth, constantly changing directions in the forest, looking for places with strong blood, and using them to cover up the golden color of the eight-phase thunder seal. thunder and lightning.

"Tang Yan! Stop!"

Niya's angry scolding came from behind, Tang Yan ignored it even more, and rushed forward with sullen scalp.

Tang Hao pursed his lips and smiled coquettishly, leaned forward and said, "Miss Niya, don't be annoyed, men shouldn't be too tight, the tighter they are, the more they want to escape. But don't worry, my young master is only naughty occasionally, and the trouble will pass, I dare you I promise that he will obediently come back to you and admit his mistake."

Niya snorted lightly, and the speed increased again: "Liu Qing, stop him for me!"

"Yes, my lord!" Liu Qing signaled to his subordinates, and all the golden-collared black eagles flew out, chasing and intercepting them radially.

Tang Ba coughed lightly, and motioned to Tang Qing and Tang Hao not to hold back any longer, and chased after them with all his strength.They really hope that Tang Yan will become the son-in-law of the Rao family. It is definitely the dream of any man to marry such a beautiful wife. What's more, the Rao family Megatron Delos is a veritable super family that can compete with the Lingwang Palace.If the Tang family is in trouble one day in the future, Tang Yan, as a son-in-law, still has the ability to help, or provide refuge for the Tang family.

The most important point is that they can see that the old man of the Rao family likes Tang Yan very much. Although this Miss Niya is cold and silent, she still shows a little care in her words and deeds.

"Hurry up, they're all chasing you!" Mu Rou anxiously urged, the group of villains had already started to surround, once the area was sealed off, Tang Yan couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Tang Yan kept silent, and while running with his head sullen, he was thinking hard about how to explain to Niya.Or, just make things clear?Saying that he likes Mu Rou is afraid that Mu Rou will completely indifference him after knowing that he has a fiancée.

At this moment, the group of them completely disregarded the chaotic Leiyun Mountains and played hide-and-seek in the deep mountains and old forests.Tang Yan tried every means to scurry in the ravines and narrow passages. With the assistance of the spiritual source liquid, he could unscrupulously display the eight-phase thunder seal.Niya's face was livid in anger, and he kept yelling in anger. Tang Ba was secretly surprised that this kid was sneaky, but he had to go after him with all his strength.

All of a sudden, three dazzling fire eagles descended from the sky, bombarded fiercely in front of Tang Yan who wanted to escape, and blocked the direction in three directions.

"Damn it, I've been caught!" Tang Yan grinned secretly, turned his head and ran back, but Niya, who was chasing after him, waved his hand, and dozens of birds of prey with spiritual power that had been condensed and formed flew down to the sky, completely sealing the place. area.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qing and the others all landed, looking at the figure who was rushing sullenly, dumbfounded: "Master? Where are you singing?"

"Ahem, master, long time no see?"

"We look so scary?"

"Master, you don't know us, do you?"

Tang Ba, Tang Hao, and Tang Qing stepped forward one after another, looking at the figure hiding in the miscellaneous with a smile, and want to hold on even now?
"Come out!" Niya's voice was cold, and she really didn't want to show excitement in her heart, but this bastard was really irritating. A group of people worked so hard to find him for half a month, but he spent a lot of time with another woman.

Seeing that the truth had been revealed, Tang Yan casually grabbed a handful of mud, wiped it on his face, poked his head out to look at Niya in mid-air with feigned surprise: "Miss, who are you looking for?"

Everyone's faces were full of black hearts, and they groaned in pain.

Niya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said bitterly, "Looking for you!"

"Uh, do we know each other?" Tang Yan hugged Mu Rou tightly, signaling her not to get excited.


"Bye bye!" Tang Yan cast the eight-phase thunder seal again, and appeared a hundred meters away in a whoosh, without stopping, and rushed out again.

This move stunned Tang Ba and the others for a moment. They never expected that they would face each other. This kid is still playing tricks and rushing out sullenly?

But before they pursued again, something happened in the chaotic sky. The six fierce swords showed their power and repelled all the besieged venerables. The holy aunt and the others were all wounded, staring in horror. As expected of the fierce sword that caused the disaster in the cemetery of the deserted city, it was so powerful!

"Leave four people to stop them!" The leader of the white-robed man ordered, and led another person to rush towards the golden halberd, one of the three evil things.This is the weapon that the leader must obtain by name, and it is also a peerless overlord who was once powerful in the ancient times. They are determined to obtain it today.

"Don't let them succeed!" The venerables who had just retreated roared in unison, and all rushed over, even some venerables who had been hiding in the dark and had never made a move could not hold back.Anyone can see that the golden halberd is the most precious among the three evils.

"Blade storm, sweeping the sky!" The four men in white yelled in unison, and the four killing swords surged for nearly a hundred battles in an instant, turning into a terrifying blade storm that trapped the four directions, under the control of the four , the four strands accumulated and swelled, almost filling the entire world.

"Let's attack together!" The venerable masters performed their most powerful stunts one after another, and the terrifying impact caused energy chaos in the world, shocking all the warriors nearby.

Rumble!Dense collisions erupted in mid-air, almost smashing the universe. The four blade storms resisted tenaciously for a few seconds, but finally collapsed. Facing such a powerful combination of camps, they can only last so long.

The faces of the four senior white-clothed men who appeared were pale. Their abilities were limited, and they could not exert the strongest power of the sword, but it was enough to intercept it for a few seconds. The lock is enough to trap the golden halberd.

When they looked back and stared, the expressions of the four of them changed at the same time, and the more than 20 venerables who were rushing towards them all stopped in unison, because at this moment, they felt the power coming from the soul. Tremors, an unspeakable terrifying coercion!
This shock came from the golden halberd, and this coercion also came from the golden halberd!
The two white-clothed men who had already rushed over had pale faces, and their trembling eyes fixed on the Zhanji. To be precise, what they locked on was the figure in the golden light of the Zhanji!
(End of this chapter)

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