Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 207 The Power of Nine Babies

Chapter 207 The Power of the Nine Infants
How could there be someone inside this tyrannical halberd?
Not only them, but the venerables who are vigilantly observing have the same discovery, people?There were people there!Who got it first?
"Seven Killing Swords? You actually found them all, why is the purple scorpion missing?" A frivolous voice came from the dazzling golden light, and as the sound drifted, the blazing golden light around the halberd gradually converged , showing its original appearance, and the young man standing beside it with his hands behind his back!
That's right, he was a fair-skinned and handsome boy!

The white-robed man in the front showed fear, and he was completely sure that the trembling feeling that originated from the soul came from this young man.I have already advanced to the second rank Martial Venerable, and I can be regarded as one of the most powerful people in the frontier. Who can give me such a terrifying sense of shock?
"Little guy, I want to ask you something." The young man reached out for the golden halberd, and the fierce and tyrannical halberd did not resist at all. Instead, the golden brilliance surged toward his arms. Is it intimacy?Actually showing the idea of ​​attachment?

Everyone's eyes were shocked!There were people who wanted to rush forward anxiously, but forcibly controlled their desires, and shocked the audience with their aura alone. Such characters were definitely not something they could compete with.

"We obtained the Seven Killing Sword by chance, but Zi Yu was snatched by someone else. If you dare to ask senior's honorable name, do you know the origin of this golden halberd?" The leader of the white-robed man did not dare to resist too much.

"Are you trying to say that I don't deserve to have this halberd?" The young man smiled, slowly raised his head, opened his mouth, held the golden halberd, and inserted it slowly!

"Senior! We are bound to get this thing!" The leader of the white-robed man yelled sharply and waved his hand violently, while the other five came with swords in their hands, raising their swords as if to attack.

However, an incredible thing happened, the Seven Killing Sword did not respond, and just lay across the sky quietly, trembling slightly, as if afraid of the young man in front of him.

This discovery shocked the whole audience again, the holy aunt and the others looked extremely ugly, retreating back without a trace.Such a character is really terrifying, even the ancestors in the sect may not have such power.

"Little guy, I'm very interested in your aura." The young man swallowed the golden halberd, and focused his attention on the man in white robe in front of him. The sound exploded, turning into blood all over the sky.

ah!The white-robed man let out a shrill scream, and the five people around him retreated in horror, looking at the scene in front of them inexplicably in horror, a dignified second-tier martial artist, just like that, was easily crushed and exploded in the air?
What a terrifying power this is!

Tang Yan, who was hiding in the mountains, widened his eyes in surprise, it was Jiuying

My uncle is so terrifying!
Niya and the others stopped chasing and stared at the sky with serious expressions. How could there be such a powerful superpower in Biannan?Why never heard of it!
The young man flicked his fingertips gently, and the shattered blood quickly condensed and suppressed into a drop, exuding a special aura of vicissitudes and simplicity.

"Ho? It really is you!" The young man flicked his fingers, and the compressed blood shattered directly, turning into a speck of blood mist in the sky, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth: "If you don't just stay in the Lost Battle Realm, What are you doing here?"

What?Lost in the battle world!He actually knew about Lost in the Battle Realm!

The faces of the six men in white robes suddenly became extremely ugly, this time their eyes were truly incredible!

"Could it be that great changes have taken place there? That's right, after sleeping for millions of years, there should be some changes, and I should go back. I don't know if those brats have embarrassed me." The young man said to himself He murmured twice, looked at the blood cow lying not far away, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and grabbed it with his hand, this evil thing that made all the monsters in the Leiyun Mountains surrendered easily landed on him hands.

"Senior! We don't know Taishan with our eyes. Please forgive me for offending you just now!" The leader of the white-robed man saluted respectfully. manner.

Knowing the existence of the Lost Battle Realm, and sleeping for millions of years, could it be that the old monster who was sealed a long time ago is a super terrifying existence even in that battlefield, and now descended on this remote southern wasteland, Its power and influence can definitely be called the pinnacle, one thought can obliterate everyone, and even the Thunder Cloud Mountain Range may be turned into nothingness in an instant.

I really made a mistake this time. The original intention of creating the world of bones was to attract all the evil things so that they could take the opportunity to regain them. I didn’t expect to attract such monsters. The blood-soul energy all over the sky must have played a great role in his recovery. Great effect!

The boy just looked at them quietly, as if he was silently thinking about something.

The Leiyun Mountains were silent, and everyone looked at the distant sky in surprise and uncertainty. The arrogant and infinite venerables just now did not dare to be presumptuous, and stayed quietly. They just wondered what the young man said. do not understand at all.

"The war halberd and the wooden ox belong to me. For the sake of your patriarch, the scalps belong to you." The murderous intent in the young man's heart did not surge up after all, his strength had not fully recovered, and he didn't know what the world over there had become. Look, it's better not to provoke the other party.

"Senior, since you know our family, please return."

"Huh? Don't want to? Hmph! It's already enough to save face if the scalp drums belong to you. Do you really think I'm afraid of your dirty race?"

"You" six people were angry.

"You belong to me too. I have some things I want to know." The young man reached out again, and the body of the white-robed man in front of him exploded, leaving only a bloody head.

Wow!The entire sky panicked, all the venerables retreated to the farthest distance as quickly as possible, and looked at the young man in horror. These methods were too bloody, but what they felt was more shocking. , In front of him, he punished at will like a doll.

"Senior, do you know who I am? You are bringing trouble on yourself!" The bloody head hissed and cursed, and the other five men in white robes wanted to rescue them, but they were afraid that they would end up in the same end.

"Calling trouble? I really didn't take you to heart." The young man ignored it at all, and disappeared without a trace with a swipe of the sky, with his bloody head, and the murderous sword belonging to the white-robed man disappeared with him. .

"Senior!" The five white-robed venerables shouted anxiously, but they didn't get any response.

The holy aunt and the others continued to be vigilant, and the blood-smeared sky continued to be silent and tense, but after just ten seconds, all the venerables of all factions attacked indiscriminately, aiming directly at the scalp drum staying on the top of the mountain!
"Whoever dares to touch the scalp drum will be buried with the elders!" The anger of the five white-robed venerables finally found an outlet, and fierce bloody battle broke out again.

The scalp drum seemed to have consciousness, and the silent drum beats became dense again due to the appearance of Jiuying, awakening millions of corpses, rushing towards the top of the mountain, as if building their own corpse dynasty to defend their own safety.

"Go!" Tang Yan hugged Mu Rou again and was about to retreat, but suddenly found that he couldn't cast the eight-phase thunder seal at all, and the surrounding space seemed to freeze!

Mu Rou's face turned pale, and she felt unspeakable palpitations!
"You have a good mood, and you ran around the mountains and plains with the girl in your arms." A frivolous laugh appeared from behind, and it turned out to be Jiuying who had disappeared!

Mu Rou immediately froze in place, her big eyes were full of shock, why did this devil come here?But the next scene directly petrified her.

"Uncle Master? Wonderful! It was so wonderful just now!" Tang Yan stretched out his thumb and smiled.

"Stop flattering, it's just a few miscellaneous fish." Jiuying smiled silently, and took out a delicate and small wooden cow: "I thought about it, the previous meeting ceremony was too shabby, if Zhan Mo knew, he would definitely scold me, or change it Do this."

"Give it to me? You should keep it for yourself. I can't subdue it." Tang Yan didn't dare to reach out to pick it up. This thing is so evil that even the monsters in the Thundercloud Mountains felt the horror from it. How could this little Wuzong control it.

"Really? Don't you regret it?" Jiuying looked at Tang Yan with a smile, with a little teasing in his eyes.

Tang Yan looked at him, then at the delicate and small wooden cow, and tentatively took it over.Although the wooden ox is small, it is heavy in the hand and exudes a little warmth. At the moment of touching it, an extremely large but vague golden-red phantom suddenly appeared in the depths of my mind, and a strange roar echoed through the sky and the earth.

The scene was actually somewhat similar to the skeletons and ancient trees encountered in the underground world. "Is this the remains of a monster?"

"This is a sacred object to suppress the ancient city. It contains the blood of monsters and some remnant souls. For you, its function is to help you stimulate your spiritual veins."

"Really?" Tang Yan burst into ecstasy.

"It's true."

"What level of monster? Can I control it?"

"The specific level is not clearly defined. It is actually a mixture of the Azure Bull Python and the Candle Dragon. The Sky Blue Bull Python is one of the ancient ten sages. The outside master is the town, seal, and trap, and it is independent. The candle dragon is One of the ten evils in the ancient times, the external master is to kill, destroy, and destroy, and he does evil on his own. This piece of mahogany is the heart of the ancient tree that reaches the sky. Millions of years of conceiving and nurturing countless strong men have formed an independent whole, which is equivalent to a newly born monster.

What kind of transformation it will have, what kind of power it will have, and how far it will grow in the future, I can't be sure, but now it is equivalent to a half-mature baby soul, which needs a special medium to obtain life. It is most suitable for stimulating demon spirit veins, but it is also dangerous. "

(End of this chapter)

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