Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2078 Blood Stained Fog Sea

Chapter 2078 Blood Stained Fog Sea (1)

"Hmph, tell me, if I create a black hole again, will my head be crippled?" Mu Yanyun sneered while spitting blood, and she was completely desperate. Surrounded by the demon clan, the two clans fought to the death, and she had no survivors. I hope, but... the previous scene made her hot.

The black hole borrows the power of blasting. If you sacrifice yourself to show the strongest power of the black hole, the four supreme demons may take the opportunity to intervene and inject more than ten terrorist forces again. At that time... the power of the black hole will inevitably increase several times , If you can't kill Oss, you can also cripple his torso.

"You can try." Already ignited by anger, Oss let out a loud roar, shaking Wang Yang, and rushed towards Mu Yanyun.

"Hey, father, my daughter is gone, you don't have to worry about it, just train Mu Tianyu well. Tianyu, I'm gone, you don't have to think about killing me anymore, I can lead the Star a new life... ..."

Mu Yanyun whispered, closed his eyes, and slowly spread his hands, the power of the stars was unreservedly released, and the dazzling star brilliance suddenly bloomed, illuminating the sky and sea, and dispelling the endless fog.

At the time of death, her heart was unprecedentedly peaceful. There was no sorrow, no resentment, no persistence. She... died in battle in the Demon Realm. She died heroically, and she would have no regrets for the rest of her life.

When the Star Clan remembers their eldest princess, they may give a compliment. She died in battle against the Demon Clan, in the West Sea, in...the Killing Field...she was a warrior!Glorious to die!

However... when the whole audience was paying attention to this collision, a rumbling sound from the unknown sea was spreading abruptly and rapidly. From erratic to roaring, in just a few breaths, it broke into all the demons so brutally ears.And it is getting more and more intense, more and more deafening, as if a terrifying storm is forming in the distance, expanding here at an extremely fast speed.

It came suddenly, but violently.

The demons on the huge ships all discovered the situation, and had a vague premonition that something was wrong.

But the fog ahead is thick, and the thoughts can't extend very far.Even the princes and princesses of all races cannot see through the fog.

Oss looked at it for a while, then quickly returned to his senses, and looked at Mu Yanyun ferociously: "Defend me from the four major clans, I will deal with this girl first."

"Enclose." The guards on the left and right ordered, and the stone demon team immediately dispersed, forming a guard like a copper wall and an iron wall.

The attention of other supreme demons also fell back here. A few trolls could block the line of sight, but they couldn't stop their exploration. Many princes and princesses sneered, and their fingertips twitched energy again, ready to trick Oss again. Such a good opportunity, if you don't cheat him to death, you will be sorry for yourself.

"Should die!" Oss surged up with a surge of magic power, stepping forward and attacking wildly, but in an instant, click, a golden thunder smashed down the air, thick and fast, almost smashed at Oss's head, and then threw two people in embarrassment. Dao figure, flustered, covered in blood, very desolate.

Oss stopped again, and the anger that was already resentful suddenly increased a bit, but... Frowning, he shouted angrily, "Why are you again?"

"Run! Hurry up!" Tang Yan pretended to be flustered, and shouted in the magic words of life and death: "Run away."

"What happened?" Os was full of anger, and it was enough to give him face without punching him.

"Behind... Huh? What's wrong with you?" Tang Yan was also startled, staring at Oss's right side in a daze, really startled, isn't this guy in the realm of a peak demon?How... so?Which hero did it?
Niya gently touched Tang Yan, signaling to the back.

Tang Yan looked back, ho, it turned out to be a heroine.This Mu Yanyun is worthy of being the eldest princess of the Star Clan, who actually injured Oss like this, seems that this girl is dying.

"Say! What happened?" Oss frowned, and the roar in the depths of the sea was soaring violently, like thousands of troops galloping, and thunderstorms roaring in the clouds, faintly like some dark shadows Appearing in the deepest part of the fog.

Tang Yan rolled his eyes again and again. At first he was very scrupulous about Oss and planned to join the demon team, but now... should he change his strategy?
"I'm asking you something!" Oss yelled.

"I encountered a herd of sea beasts, and there were a lot of them."

"How many?"

"About... um... tens of thousands." Tang Yan thought about it, turned around suddenly, and grabbed Mu Yanyun. Before everyone recovered, he dragged her into the deep sea, leaving only one sentence: "I will help you Take care."

Oss didn't have time to pay attention to him. He frowned and looked at the sea in front of him, or maybe all the demon teams were focused on the front. The deafening roar echoed in the sky and the ocean, and the vast darkness became clearer in the mist, like an invisible skynet. loom over them.

The strong oppression invaded the entire fleet, and also invaded the minds of all monsters.

"Be on guard, be on guard with all your strength." All the supreme demons signaled their troops, and they had a premonition of a serious crisis.

More than [-] large ships moved slightly and approached each other under the control of magic power.

Whoosh!There was a sound of breaking wind, and a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky, blasting into the depths of the ship group.Pfft, a [-]-meter wave exploded on the ocean surface, stirring up a turbulent wave.Under the gaze of the group of demons, an ugly ten-meter monster broke through the waves and rushed towards the huge ship next to it.

"Things that don't know how to live or die." A fierce demon made a move, and the magic knife smashed into the air, killing him instantly, and blood splattered everywhere.

Puff puff puff, three black shadows fell, landed in different directions, and they all hit a violent wave. In a blink of an eye, three ferocious monsters rushed to the giant ship next to them, but they didn't even touch the hull. Corroded by the magic energy around the hull.

But... this is just the beginning... More than ten miles away, the branches under the feet of all the monsters are all blooming with light, carrying them, big and small, into the air, rushing to an altitude of thousands of meters. The dark clouds advanced rapidly, and soon enveloped the entire fleet, stretching for dozens of miles or even hundreds of miles.

Then... the branch instantly changed direction, blasting towards the hull team at an astonishing speed.

Aww, more than [-] troops collectively roared, roaring like a tide, tearing the fog, shaking the clouds, and making the sky and the sea clear.

More than three thousand demons all looked up at the sky, but their faces paled in an instant.

Many monsters were stunned on the spot, and their minds went blank.

Booming, overwhelming, filling the space, more than [-] troops broke through the space, as if the sky had collapsed, flooding the giant ship ruthlessly, densely packed, bombarding the ocean, bombarding the giant ship, and the impact force alone detonated the entire field and blocked the entire field. piece of space and sea.

"Tens of thousands? Is this tens of thousands?" Oss yelled, this is tens of millions!
"Kill! Kill!" All the supreme demon clans were the first to come back to their senses, and erupted with all their strength. The terrifying tide of demons soared into the sky, and hundreds of thousands of demons blasted and killed, clearing the space above.But... More than [-] troops, big and small, including humans, monsters, and demons, bombarded at extreme speeds, completely boiling the entire sea area, and the endless waves turned into countless whirlpools between collisions.

The great war...boiled...the cholera spread across the ocean, and the chaos raged between the sea and the sky.

The strong wind rises, and the thunder and lightning fall.

The ocean overturned, and the huge waves sprinted.

Dark clouds roll in, and the ocean eddies into tides.

The tide of nearly one million beasts boiled over hundreds of miles of ocean, without exception, more than [-] giant ships were all violently destroyed. Hundreds of monsters were blasted into the bottom of the sea on the spot, and were brutally devoured.

Rumbling, the sky trembled, the ocean capsized, nearly a million beasts ran away collectively, all of them rushed out of the wave, and rushed towards the surrounding demon teams. They were like hungry wolves, frantically looking for their prey, the horror was extremely cruel , the cruelty is despair.

A sense of desperation under cholera filled the ocean.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Where did the beast tide come from?"

"Ah, ah, save me, save me."

"Don't panic, join hands, join hands, join hands."

"My people, come to me, come to me... ah... no... no..."

More than [-] demon teams became a mess, and the disaster scene was staged again, which was more terrifying than before.Even monster-level monsters were destroyed in the first round of chaos and fell into the whirlpool of the ocean.Even the Supreme Demon Race's team was shattered by the sudden impact, and the princes and princesses separated from their respective teams in an instant.

"Don't panic, kill out, kill out." Oss and others let out a roar, advancing wildly, massacring the enemy group, and striding forward, as if entering the land of no one, showing the strongest killing power.

(End of this chapter)

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