Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2079 Blood Stained Fog Sea

Chapter 2079 Blood Stained Fog Sea (2)

"Do you want to live?" Tang Yan sank to the bottom of the sea and landed on a peak on the bottom of the sea, with a dragon's tail tightly wrapped around Mu Yanyun.

"You can speak human language?" Mu Yanyun was dying, the pressure and despair were suddenly eliminated, and the willpower that kept her struggling was gradually dissipating. Without willpower, the whole person almost collapsed.

She is extremely tired now, and her whole body is in severe pain from the inside out.

"The focus of your attention is very strange." Tang Yan rolled Mu Yanyun close to his ugly and hideous face, and deliberately breathed on her pale face: "I can keep you alive and give you a chance to return to the Star Clan. But you have to cooperate with me, and cooperate with me honestly."

"Who are you? Why should I trust you." Mu Yanyun wanted to resist, but she really had no strength.Once the willpower is gone, it's hard to get it up again.

"Do you have a choice?"

"Who are you, tell me."

"I'm not a demon, I will take you out of the demon realm, this is my promise to you."

"Can you take me back?" Mu Yanyun's consciousness began to dim, but she forced her to be cold, her eyes were red, and she stared at Tang Yan coldly.No resistance, but always on the alert.

"Can't you understand human language?"

"What do you need me to do?"

"Relax your guard, I will put you in a space container and seal it inside."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple for the time being. You have no choice, right, or... you don't want to live anymore, then I can't help it." Tang Yan is now not sure if the other party has a final life-saving move, or whether he will There will be some special weapon, so... let her relax and trick her into hell space.

As long as she gets in, everything will be fine.

"I am the eldest princess of the Star Clan, the only daughter of the Human Emperor. As long as you bring me back to the Star Clan, I can give you everything you want. I can also guarantee it." Mu Yanyun slightly ignited the hope of survival, after all No one really wants to die. If there is a chance, she is willing to go all out and seize it.

"Relax, don't resist. My space container is not as advanced as your star race, if you resist, it will be difficult for it to pull you in." Tang Yan followed the temptation.

Mu Yanyun glanced at Niya for a while, hesitated again and again, and finally relaxed her guard.

Tang Yan's left eye was condensed, black light flickered, and a dark force enveloped Mu Yanyun.

"Ask you again, your identities? At least give me a name. I choose to trust you, you at least give me respect."

"I, Tang Yan, she, my wife. Is this name familiar?"

"Tang Yan? You're really familiar..." Mu Yanyun's complexion changed drastically, was too late...the dark power had completely enveloped her, and she was dragged into hell in an instant, and fell directly into the quiet mountain forest of Sansheng Stone .

Mu Yanyun was still in shock, and was vigilant.However, the sudden change of the scenery and the ups and downs of emotions caused her already weak consciousness to spin around. After struggling for a long time, she finally knelt down on the ground, panting heavily, her clothes were wet with sweat, The arm trembled slightly uncontrollably, and the heart was beating violently, thumping, as if it was about to jump out.

The exhaustion and fainting that had never been experienced before flooded his consciousness like a flood, and the waves were stronger than the waves.

She really wanted to just fall down and sleep for nothing.

Tang Yan?Tang Yan of Zhanmeng?

How could he be Tang Yan from Zhanmeng?

It can't be him, it must be an illusion.Mu Yanyun mobilized his martial arts silently, struggled for a while, barely got up from the grass, supported the tree trunk next to him, carefully stood up straight, and looked at the surrounding environment.Her consciousness is still very heavy and confused, but the surrounding environment is really unacceptable to her.Changed from the seabed to the mountains in a blink of an eye?Didn't it enter the space container?

where is this place?Could it be my hallucination?

Mu Yanyun maintained his vigilance, surveying the surrounding valleys and forests, and silently inspecting the nearby life forms.She is very weak, if any dangerous species rushes out, she may die aggrievedly.

In the depths of the mountains, on the top of the Sansheng Stone Mountain, Moon Shadow is immersed in the Pisces Pool, undergoing a transformation like a new one, but the sudden intrusion of alien life obviously startled her, causing her to open her eyes from a lethargy, a pair of shiny green eyes The cat eyes with vertical pupils shone with a strange and evil light in the mist, and the elegant temperament became cold because of this.

"Don't worry about it. She won't threaten you." Tang Yan's Ming Tu avatar comforted softly. He has been here these days, accompanying her and guarding her.

The familiar and warm voice made Yueying feel at peace, she closed her eyes unconsciously, and immersed herself in the depths of the Pisces Pool again, absorbing a lot of strength, accepting the most comprehensive baptism and transformation, and welcoming the opportunity to break through the barrier. that moment.

"The eldest princess of the Star Clan, the only daughter of the Human Emperor, is she the Child of Destiny?" Tang Yan Mingtu's avatar slowly got up, stood on the top of the mountain, and stared at the forest tens of miles away, where Mu Yanyun had changed from vigilant to vigilant. The work is confused, and it is gradually becoming sluggish. It is obvious that it has absorbed the fog here, accepted the influence here, and is gradually falling into a dream.

In the underwater world, after Tang Yan made sure that the hell space was safe and sound, he looked up at the raging tide above, and could faintly see a violent tide of light, as if the sky was evolving and blooming, gorgeous and colorful.

The sudden arrival of nearly a million beasts can completely block all the escape routes of the demons, and it is so vast that it is tightly packed inside and out.With the current lineup of the demons, it is absolutely no problem to kill them. There is no doubt about this, and it is no problem to slaughter tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of enemy groups.

One wins in quantity, and the other wins in strength. In a sense, the two sides should be evenly matched.

But the demon team has their fatal flaws - suspicion and hatred.

Will the five major clans join forces?Arabian Nights.

Not only will they not join forces, they may also harm each other.

What's more, a million army is not a million civilians, nor is it a million army. It is a super army composed of countless powerful creatures.Therefore, there are probably only a few who are really killed. There are more than 3000 demons, and it should be a miracle that a hundred of them can survive.

"Wonderful, such a prosperous scene is rare and rare. Let the two sides fight, fight to the death. Let the demon team be killed and injured, let the prince and princess of the demon be completely polished commanders, and let the demon team be reduced to the weakest. Let The million-dollar army lost 50 million, and let those saintly powerhouses die on this battlefield."

Tang Yan clenched his fists and cursed, he was full of smiles, nothing could be more comfortable than now.

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, his purpose is to make the two sides fight to the death.

This wave of millions of troops is too threatening and must be eliminated. This is also Tang Yan's fierce counterattack to that demon girl, making her understand that there is a price to pay for making a deal with him.Let the [-] troops formed by the demons be buried here, and die as many as they can.Let those monsters at the level of big demons and strong men like princesses and princes fight each other in this battle, which is seriously exhausted.

"Shall we make a move?" The Lord of Fiends appeared next to Tang Yan's voice and asked proactively.One initiative and one inquiry, invisibly showing the change of her attitude towards Tang Yan, is a kind of recognition, but also a kind of obedience.

It shows that she is gradually getting rid of the arrogant queen plot, this trend is worthy of recognition.

Of course, this kind of relief, this kind of recognition, and this kind of obedience are only for Tang Yan.

"Don't worry, let the two sides fight first, let the battlefield be completely chaotic, and then we will find a chance to make a move, create as much chaos as possible, and let both sides lose more." Tang Yan will never show mercy to the demons, and kill one more today. In the future, the battlefield between humans and demons will benefit the human race, and he may sacrifice one less disciple.

The only thing that made him hesitate was the army of the Succubus, after all, it was the tribe that his mother had been with.When you shoot later, you can give priority to protecting them from leaving.

Niya silently prepared the spell, a spell of mass destruction, and asked by the way: "You said on the way that the witch appeared again? Is this a cooperation? Do you trust her?"

"It's not that I believe it, but there is no way. Do you think we can carry a million troops? Even if all hell is opened, I can't bear this kind of crazy bombing. Take a step back and find another opportunity to cheat her again .

The witches are very strange, but they don't know that their strangeness comes from mystery and strangeness.The more contacts we have and the longer we get, the more we can see through and understand more, and the success rate of counterattacks in the future will be higher. "

Tang Yan has already regarded this man and woman as long-term enemies, so he fights slowly, not in a hurry.

Niya didn't say a word, but murderous intentions secretly appeared, and she didn't say a word, but she also sprouted murderous intentions.This man and woman must be eradicated.

(End of this chapter)

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