Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2084

Chapter 2084
In the hell world, the territory of the Rakshasa clan.

The mountains are vertical and horizontal, the black forest is thorny, and the light mist is shrouded in the sky above the mountains, floating between the black forests, forming a natural protective barrier, which can invade the consciousness of all intruders.

For any solitary ghost, this is a "death" Jedi, and it becomes food when it enters. For other ghost masters, this is also a special place that cannot be easily touched.

Among the ghost masters of all parties, apart from the lineage of the ghost master of Fengdu, the Raksha clan was the first ghost master who developed a sense of territorial stability and devoted all his efforts to cultivating newborn ghosts and disciples.

In terms of wisdom, the Rakshasa clan is definitely the leader of all ghosts, so it's no wonder Tang Yan values ​​her the most now.

After a sea of ​​fog battle, Tang Yan searched for more than five hundred strong men.

At this moment, it is being suppressed in the depths of the Rakshasa territory 'Thousand Needles Mountain Cluster', suppressed by the power of the evil ancestor's dark fire.

"Most of them are asleep." The ghost lord Luo Sha greeted Tang Yan, took his arms affectionately, and cuddled tightly.

The evil master is half asleep and half awake, idle and bored. "Who are you arresting? Just came in, one after another fell asleep, there are such guests? This is too impolite."

"Did you sleep when you came in?" Tang Yan walked over. The mountains in front of him were undulating and criss-crossed. Black forests were like steel thorns, all over the mountains and valleys. Hundreds of powerful lives were sleeping there, including rare monsters and sea beasts, and some A warrior with strange strength.

There is also a giant octopus similar to the deep-sea troll. Although it is not as terrifying as the abyss troll, its huge body of thousands of meters is still like a hill. Together.

"A lot of them are asleep. I checked carefully and found no problems. Maybe... maybe I'm really too tired. I'm not sure." Luo Sha really tried his best, but he couldn't find any problems. .She was confident that she could control the souls, but she didn't find anything wrong with these captive souls.

"Aren't they awake?" Tang Yan stepped down to the group of prisoners.

"A few just woke up." Luo Sha accompanied Tang Yan to the deepest part of the mountain. In a narrow valley, there were more than 300 coquettish and snow-white women sleeping. They were the more than 300 singers captured before.

More than a dozen women have already woken up, sitting cross-legged around the sisters, silently recuperating, and guarding them with heart.

When Tang Yan, Xie Zu, and Luo Sha fell from the dark sky.

More than a dozen women got up one after another and turned to Tang Yan, who was the leader.Their clothes are gorgeous, thin and transparent, their makeup is alluring, and they are charming but enchanting, but when they observe face to face at close range, they can't feel the slightest frivolity. Instead, they all have a unique temperament, which is very unique and very sexy.

From a distance, it is alluring; up close, it has a charming temperament.

Perhaps this is also a unique taste of a top-notch woman.

Tang Yan stared at her carefully for a while, and the other party was always smiling, sincere and charming. The other dozen women also had similar expressions, but it was the smile at this moment that made Tang Yan feel their guard and hostility.

not simple.

Hiding a knife in a smile and a needle in a cotton may perhaps be used to describe them.

The more you smile, the more dangerous you are.

A dozen or so women smiled sweetly and bowed lightly: "My family has seen the young master."

"Singer of the wild sea, nice to meet you." Tang Yan didn't understand what a wild sea was, and what a demon lord was, but he could feel the fear and fear of the demon team towards them. If such a team could subdue them, maybe it would really help .

"I don't know why my lord invited our sisters over here?" The leading woman has the most temperament and the most beautiful appearance. She is wrapped in a gorgeous robe, and the collar is opened on both sides, revealing patches of snow-white, with plumpness and gullies looming. Any man can't help it. Look hard, although she is not comparable to the world's masterpieces such as Rakshasa and Niya, but she is also a rare beauty, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is alluring.The key is that temperament and attire, very provocative.

"What did you say?" Tang Yan asked back.

"I don't know, my lord, why did you invite us over here?" the leading woman repeated with a smile.

"You don't remember your own experience?" Tang Yan secretly wondered, why is the meaning of these words so strange?Is my understanding wrong?Or... "Our sisters have lived in the barren sea for a long time and rarely go out. I don't know what aspect the young master asked."

"Don't you remember that you were floating on the sea? Don't you remember that you attacked the demon army? Don't you remember that you attacked me?"

The leading woman smiled sweetly: "My lord, you are joking. Our sisters never take the initiative to cause trouble. How could we attack the demon army, and how could we attack you, lord?"

"Why are you here, remember?"

"My lord, are you... joking?" The leading woman was also observing Tang Yan.

"answer my question."

"Our sisters retreated in the wild sea, and woke up here, didn't you do it?"

The three of Tang Yan exchanged glances, and then looked at these women together.The three of them didn't say a word. After a while, Tang Yan reached out and grabbed a transparent glazed sea turtle. It had just woken up. After some inquiries, the other party was also at a loss. It just came here after waking up. .

Luo Sha quickly left, rummaged through the group of captives one by one, and found three or five captives who had just woken up. As a result...without exception, none of them had the memory of being captured or participating in the battle.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Tang Yan, from the southeastern part of the Southern Continent, Zhanmeng." Tang Yan realized something in his heart, but he still couldn't accept it.

"Oh?" The leading woman raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at Tang Yan again.

"You know me?"

"Although the barren sea is far away, it is often connected with the outside world, and it also understands the changes in the West Sea and the land. The Zhanmeng has risen in the southern continent, and tens of millions of troops are famous for their offensive and defensive battles. No matter how ignorant our sisters are, we must have heard of Zhanmeng and Tang Yan’s name.” The dozen or so women stepped back a bit, and resumed their ceremony: “I’ve met Mr. Tang.”

"You really don't remember your own experience?"

"We really don't understand Mr. Tang's meaning." The leading woman smiled, her eyes were clear and unchanged, but she had faint doubts.The first thing she doubted was not Tang Yan's identity, but how Tang Yan was here.How did he cross the sea, go deep into the barren sea, and even capture his sister silently?Why do you want to arrest your own sister?Sea and land are two completely different worlds.Huanghai and Zhanmeng are even more out of reach.Could it be that Tang Yan was short of singers and traveled all the way to the barren sea to catch singers?absurd.

"You can look around." Tang Yan led them into the air and looked around. Besides their sisters, there were more than 200 captives scattered in different mountains. "I caught them all, but not where you slept, but on the battlefield, when you were fighting."

"We still don't understand Mr. Tang's meaning." More than a dozen women shook their heads slowly, without revealing their expressions.But the suspicion in their hearts was getting heavier and heavier. Some of these captives they had seen before, and some of them had only heard about them. But because they were distributed in different sea areas, they only heard legends and introductions, and rarely met.

"A few months ago, the West Sea was covered in mist, which expanded the entire West Sea and extended to the western coastal sea. The demons organized troops to investigate repeatedly, but all of them went without return. More than a month ago, the demons issued another convening order. Based on the Supreme Demon Clan, we gathered casual repair troops to explore the West Sea together. I disguised myself as a Demon Clan and joined the team. Apart from me, other Golden Ancient Clans should have also sent teams.

Ten days ago, more than 5000 teams formed by the demons went deep into the West Sea and encountered three attacks.The most serious one was the one five days ago.We have been attacked by millions of troops, all of which are brave and warlike, including humans, sea beasts, and demons. In short, they all come from the West Sea.

After participating in the battle, the Mozu team was defeated and fled, and I took the opportunity to capture some teams, you and them.Where you are now is a special space that I carry with me. "

Tang Yan made a general introduction, and shook his head secretly in his heart. It seems that these people don't know what happened, but... how is it possible? !How could such a violent experience not leave any memory?

sleeping?Sleepwalking? !

A dozen women exchanged glances, doubtful.But... when they lifted their limbs, they could feel the remnants of blood on the transparent silk thread, and the very faint breath of blood stayed on it.You only need to feel carefully to identify the source of the blood on it.Whether it is a human, a demon or a demon, when and how much.

That is to say, a few days ago really experienced a fierce battle.

"You recall carefully, you really don't remember what happened?" Tang Yan asked.

"We really don't remember anything." The leading woman re-felt the changes in her body. Before, she wondered why she had consumed a lot of spiritual power and why she was so tired. She thought she was being insulted just now, but now it seems... There may have been other unimaginable things that happened.

"Are you willing to accept our inspection?" Tang Yan tried to ask.

"We can check by ourselves." They will not trust anyone easily. This is the philosophy passed on to them by their father, the Demon Lord of the Wild Sea, and it is also the basis for their survival in the Wild Sea.

"It's up to you." Tang Yan didn't insist, and it seemed that he couldn't check anything. "But I will not let you leave easily. I will live here safely. After the matter is over, I will make arrangements for you. Please rest assured that I, Tang Yan, have no malicious intentions."

More than a dozen women nodded in unison, showing quite obedience.

"What's your name?"

"From one to 330 six, the number is our name."

Tang Yan took a deep look at them, and left with Luo Sha and Xie Zu without staying too long.

(End of this chapter)

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